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I could be wrong, but I think if that magnetic disturbance was enough to bring down a plane, it should have fried the computer. </nerd> yanerd.gif


Rob Lowe: "Thank god we invented non-magnetic metal... stuff!"

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Eko is out on his own - roaming. He was clearly ahead of Charlie and closer to the exit when he pushed Charlie down. Charlie made it. Eko probably did too.


Maybe I need to rewatch my tape, but Eko went back to Locke after being helped up by Charlie and shoving him away.

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Eko is out on his own - roaming. He was clearly ahead of Charlie and closer to the exit when he pushed Charlie down. Charlie made it. Eko probably did too.


Maybe I need to rewatch my tape, but Eko went back to Locke after being helped up by Charlie and shoving him away.


Yup. Charlie was helping Eko towards the exit when Eko shoves him forward then goes back to confront John.


Beautiful moment, by the by... "I was wrong."

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Sorry, guys. I remembered the confrontation w/ John, but for some reason I thought that was before the part with Charlie. In retrospect - that makes no sense and I was just really wrong.

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That ending was pretty weak.


Ohhhh Desmond's GF has been looking for him? Lame.


the only answer we really got was that the Island and the pushing of the button is important.




Good episode...but I was just a little disappointed.


Now, the only thing I look forward to is what Jack and Kate and Sawyer will do to escape (they all gave each other a "look" at the end) and if Ecko and Locke are still alive.

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A few other things:


Desmond can't be dead. He didn't read his book yet.


Why was Charlie so calm? There is definitely gonna be a flashback or shot of Charlie seeing them all afterwards. Either he's lost his mind or something happened that we haven't seen yet.


Libby's husband = Dave. Hurley's imaginary friend = Dave.

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The only thing I've been able to come up with for Desmond's lady to be involved and having "her people" know what to look for is that in the three years that Desmond has been on the island, her father died and something in his possesions involves an emp or something to that effect to make them search for one.


Kelvin is lucky Desmond killed him by accident before Syaid showed up and found him.


The one problem I found with this episode is that there is noway Desmond should have an alcohol left on his boat. I'm sorry, but if I'm him and was told all that stuff and then was there alone, any alcohol is going to be gone very quickly.

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So what exactly happens when Desmond turns the key? Does it just release the discharge of electromagnetic energy? Would that have any harmful effect on those around (Eko, Des, Locke)?


(Just wondering 'out loud' here and hoping that they haven't killed off a few of my favourite characters in one fell swoop :lol: )


If the discharge didn't kill them (Charlie seemed to be okay despite being relatively close to it), then the Hatch collapsing and coming down all around them probably did.


I'm hoping they're alive, since they're my three favorite characters on the island, but I would be surprised if all made it. I think Locke is most likely to survive with Desmond and Eko being crapshoots.


Then again, we don't know if he actually died from that blow (or do we, I can't remember if Desmond mentioned anything about it before).


Desmond said Kelvin died back when he was first introduced, but that's as far as he knows. There's a slim possibility he could have survived, but I doubt it.


That's how you do a finale. I'm unsure of the outside influence this early on, maybe after next season would have been preferable, but it should at least shut people up about the last people on Earth theory.


Outsiders probably won't be able to reach much less find the island until the season after next anyway. Yeah, Whit/Widmore or whatever his name is, is probably connected to Dharma, if only indirectly as a benefactor or something like that.


The nods to other theories. Locke comparing the island being in a snowglobe (which they might as well be, given the island's properties). Sawyer theorizing about aliens. Cool.


Glad they finished off Libby's story. Now we can be pretty sure of the reason she went insane (loses her husband, Desmond disappears). Maybe she thought she was bad luck ala Hurley. Satisfactory.


And the goddamn four-toed statue. Another new question. Thankfully there are no shortage of questions like the still unrevealed monster (officially, anyway), Dharma's true face, Alvar Hanso himself. With the latest development there are still plenty of reveals left.


I also doubt this'll be the last we see of Michael and Walt. I figure Henry wasn't telling them the whole truth about finding rescue and that they'll simply find their way back to the island. It just seems like Walt is too important to write off now.

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Does anyone else think that Michael's somehow taking the boat to hell? Desmond's comment about how there's no way off the island is enough to make you think that they're at least in a somewhat different dimension.

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Well, they're coming out with Lost action figures & Locke is the set. Not that it 100% means he won't be killed off, but I doubt he will yet.

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Guest Brian
A few other things:


Desmond can't be dead. He didn't read his book yet.


See, the whole point of that was for him to open the book and read the letter (even though he didn't know it, his girl did), so I figure he already fulfilled tha end of the deal and was ready to go (at peace). He knew what he needed to do.

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Locke isn't dead, his story isn't done yet. We still don't know how he got in the wheelchair.


Did anyone notice how this season finale was just like last seasons?


Someone gets captured by the Others.

Someone goes out on a boat.

Someone blows up something in the Hatch.

A group takes a walk into the Jungle looking for something.


I really enjoyed the episode, but I think they are starting to get themselves to far deep in mystery. I just hope they wrap it up in 5 seasons because I can't see them going longer than that.

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Guest Evolution
it was a fantastic episode, but the episode really ended on an incomprehensible wtf note. how and why would her woman know to search for an electromagnetic thingie?


Alvar Hanso being a board member of the Widmore Corporation may have something to do with this.

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They haven't explained Russo though and what happened with her group exactly and her child(who is obviously the girl with the others).


He kept calling them hostiles. But they don't appear to be hostile. Is there someone else on the island?


What's with the disease and infection? It's been mentioned numerous times but nothing else is figured out beyond that.


Why did they want Claire? Walt? Why?


There are still a TON of questions.

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They haven't explained Russo though and what happened with her group exactly and her child(who is obviously the girl with the others).






He kept calling them hostiles. But they don't appear to be hostile. Is there someone else on the island?


Hostile simply means an enemy or antagonist. Someone in opposition. Once the Others' needs and desires clash with those of the survivors and they enact aggressive measures to see them through, that's what they become.


What's with the disease and infection? It's been mentioned numerous times but nothing else is figured out beyond that.


I have a feeling that since the quarantine door has been exposed it'll start raise questions among the survivors, which is where Rousseau and Alex come in. I want some focus on Sullivan the Hypochondriac in this case. He's awesome.


Why did they want Claire? Walt? Why?


I don't buy that Others want good people. Yes, that's what they call themselves and that's who they say they want, but above all those people are USEFUL. Walt as a bargaining chip was successful in the end, turning Michael, in turn freeing Henry and helping to bring Sawyer, Jack and Kate to their camp.


They'll hopefully get to answering them now that a number of the big questions have been dealt with. Until then stop being impatient.

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Reading some stuff over on the IMDB forums, seems like Kelvin was in one of Sayid's flashback. Looking for a screen cap, will post when and if I find one.


He was the American soldier (though his name was Joe in the flashback) who got Sayid to torture another Iraqi soldier. Clancy Brown. Voice of Lex Luthor in the Superman and Justice League animated series'. I was really hoping that his name in the spoilers meant that he was going to be a regular cast member. Then again, we don't know if he actually died from that blow (or do we, I can't remember if Desmond mentioned anything about it before).

I think he's dead. Why? Because he's fucking Kurgan, and Desmond's a Scot, like Connor Macleod.

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Guest guerillagenius
then the Hatch collapsing and coming down all around them probably did.


They didnt show that the Hatch collapsed, Desmond turned the key, and that was the last shot from the hatch. I have a feeling they are fine, not much else was messed up besides scattered metal objects.

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Well, they're coming out with Lost action figures & Locke is the set. Not that it 100% means he won't be killed off, but I doubt he will yet.


Shannon is also in the set.

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Does anyone else think that Michael's somehow taking the boat to hell? Desmond's comment about how there's no way off the island is enough to make you think that they're at least in a somewhat different dimension.


Henry gave Michael some direction to stay on, and said once he returned to his world, he would never be able to find the island again

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I'm guessing with nothing to regulate the EMP anymore, that Michael ain't getting anywhere in that rickety old metal boat.

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Guest Vitamin X
Whoa, are you guys watching Jimmy Kimmel?


Apparently they gave up on Dhrama in 1987...


1987, eh?


That would be 17 years in 2004. Rousseau had been stuck there for 16 years.


So now I wonder what happened in 1987...

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So.........I missed the last 5 minutes or so because the VCR cut out. Michael left, Charlie got a smooch.......then nothing.


Recap plz.


*Cough*Anytime now*Cough*

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The scene with people in the outside world saying they "found it" is news to me. My screen went straight to our local news, and the credits were scrolling along the bottom. I have it DVR'ed, so if it happens after that, hopefully it will be on my recording.

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In the Lost Webmaze, there's apparently a few groups who have been trying to find the island.

They are:





Penny Widmore



the 4 toed statue is freaky...it was also HUGE!, like Colossus Huge.

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So.........I missed the last 5 minutes or so because the VCR cut out. Michael left, Charlie got a smooch.......then nothing.


Recap plz.


*Cough*Anytime now*Cough*


Charlie gets kissed. they pull back, go to black. Then suddenly we see raging snow through a window (antarctica? iceland?). Inside a bunker or station or something, two dudes speaking a foreign language (russian? portugese? unclear what) are playing chess. after a bit of chatter they realize that a light next to their computer is blinking, and it reads "electromagnetic anomoly" or somesuch warning like that. they start freaking out b/c they missed it, and call someone, saying "we found it", and we see the woman at the other end is desmond's lova, the Whidmore woman. Lost logo.



by the way, I think everybody survived. there was no "fire explosion", it was an electromagnetic one. maybe desmond bit it being right next to failsafe but locke and eko should be just fine, and thats why charlie survived.

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