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Remember, Jack was supposed to die in the pilot. I don't think anybody on this show is above dying, especially somebody who for all purposes is useless now. We know what Kate did, who she did it to, why she ran and how she was caught. Not too much else to tell, whereas people like Jack, Locke and others have blanks to fill in.

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I am going to lord it all over you bitches when Kate dies this year. I find her character to be amongst the more unlikeable ones on the show so I won't be shedding a tear.


We'll always have LiveLinks, Ms. Lilly.

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I am going to lord it all over you bitches when Kate dies this year. I find her character to be amongst the more unlikeable ones on the show so I won't be shedding a tear.

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You all see the "Plan Your Escape" commercials during the ND-Georgia Tech game last night? I was in a bar so I only saw the pics, no sound. Was it pretty cool?

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So we got Season Two in last week even though it comes out tommorow. I'm about halfway through right now. Some observations....


- The first episode is still awesome. I remember watching it with friends and when the opening with Desmond happened we were all speculating who it could be until the explosion happened and one of my buddies went "Holy fuck, that's INSIDE the hatch." Jacks speech to his future wife after the surgery was awesome and I was almost in tears when she dropped the "Then why can I wiggle my toes?" line.


- Shannon is completely useless and her death still evoked no reaction from me. Sayid's look of pain afterwards was fucking tits, though.


- The Other 48 Days is probably my favourite episode so far, only because of the complete bizzaro nature of the tail sectioners. Goodwin is fucking awesome, I hope he shows up in Others flashbacks in season three. "I'm gonna get a signal fire started so they know where to find us."


- Started to tear up when Michael returns and Vincent runs up the beach to him. Cried when Rose and Bernard reunited. Blubbered like a bitch when Sun and Jin see each other.


- It's really, really REALLY fucking annoying that they totally abandoned the whole "Sayid saw Walt in the jungle before Shannon died" thing. Reminds me of when Charlie said "All they wanted was Claire" in season one and nobody paid attention to it.


- EKO is far and away the MVP of season two. His episodes were among the best and his character was easily the most interesting and fresh, as were his interactions with Locke, Charlie and AL.

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Guest Evolution

Plan Your Escape was the best promo yet, despite being 15 seconds long. The sound wasn't much, just a voiceover saying "This fall, plan your escape." And Jack grunting as he broke open the door.

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What's with "Lost" actors & driving violations?


Police arrested actor Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje of the ABC television series "Lost" in Waikiki for a traffic violation.


Police arrested the actor, who plays Mr. Eko on "Lost," at 2:25 a.m. Saturday for disobeying a police officer and driving without a license.


The 39-year-old paid $500 bail and was released after spending a little more than six hours in jail.


He is the third "Lost" cast member to be arrested for traffic violations in Hawaii, where the series is filmed.


In November 2004, Michelle Rodriguez and Cynthia Watros were arrested for drunken driving.


Both pleaded guilty last year. Watros, who played Libby, had her license suspended for 90 days, paid a $312 fine, and was ordered to undergo alcohol assessment and counseling.


Rodriguez, who had a previous drunken-driving conviction in Los Angeles and two speeding tickets in Honolulu, was sentenced to five days in jail and $357 in fines. She also spent a day in jail in California after her probation was revoked.


Rodriguez' character, Ana Lucia, was written out of the series.


Akinnuoye-Agbaje is scheduled for a District Court appearance on Sept. 26.


His character on Lost is a former African drug lord who took on the identity of a Roman Catholic priest.


Akinnuoye-Agbaje played a lead role in the movie "Get Rich or Die Tryin'" with Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson. He has also appeared in "The Mummy Returns," "The Bourne Identity," "Ace Ventura: When Nature Calls" and "Congo."

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Just got the season 2 DVD, some observations.


There were IMO many stand alone episodes that were very good in season 2. Man of science, man of faith was a brilliant opener, The other 48 days was decent and my personal fav Maternity Leave. Infact for my money nearly everything after Maternity Leave was pretty damm good.


As some have said however there were some episodes that definatly dragged, and I could bearly watch some of them all the way through eg Fire+water, What Kate did. I thought the flashbacks were very hit and miss. I hated both Ana Lucia one, also the Charlie/Sun/Jin/Kate flashbacks have run out of steam. I dont really think there is a whole lot more to reveal on them. Both Eko flashbacks were excellent however as was the Desmond and Claire ones.


I know the general feeling on the net is that they totally ruined Locke as a charcter, however surly him losing faith in the island was the only way to take it after he grew more and more fustrated with the happenings on the island and the way he was being minipulated by Henry. Him losing faith with the island was really well written and for my money one of the best arcs of the season and made complete sense. Also with his "I was wrong" comment at the end of season 2 he can go back to being freekin awesome again in season 3.

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I think the destruction of The Swan is going to reveal something entirely new to fuck with Locke (and possibly Eko). One of the producers made a comment recently about how they've torn down the entire hatch set and rebuilt it as something completely different. Also, when Sayid and Jack are down in the pipes early in the season (God that sounded gay) Sayid mentions something about the blast doors protecting something.


I was watching the bonus disc and they talk to L. Scott Caldwell (Rose) about her episode with Bernard and how it stems from L. Scott meeting her husband during the filming of season one, only for him to be diagnosed with end-stage cancer shortly after. They married and he died a few months later. S.O.S is all the more of an awesome episode for it and, IMO, one of the most underrated ones in Lost history.

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Totally agree about S.O.S. It addressed a lot of the little questions people had about Lost (the survivors attitude to rescue), and I loved how it completely turned around what you expected from the Rose/Bernard relationship. The 'I'm dying' response to Bernard's proposal is one of the most brutal, emotional scenes I've ever seen.


I think the problem with S.O.S was its placement. It came too late in the season (and just before a break, I think?), at a time when the main stories really should have been ramping up.

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What the fuck is with these actors?


I hope this doesn't mean that Eko is going to written out of the show. Both Ana Lucia and Libby were gone not too long after Rodriguez and Watros being arrested last year.

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Michelle Rodriguez was written off because she was acting like a bitch on-set ... I think the arrest was just the straw that broke the camel's back.


And Cynthia Watros was killed off because she had the chance for a bigger role on a different show debuting this fall. I don't think it was punishment for her arrest at all.

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And Cynthia Watros was killed off because she had the chance for a bigger role on a different show debuting this fall. I don't think it was punishment for her arrest at all.


I will laugh - hard - if her new show gets cancelled.

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- Desmond is far and away the MVP of season two.




You could make that argument if Desmond was around for more then 3 eps. As it stands, season two is and will always be the Season of Eko.

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She's pretty clearly going to be a big part of the Desmond flashbacks and in the development of how he got to the island (and maybe part of the connection to why they are all there).

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Can anyone recap what has been revealed out of all the "Lost Experience" games/advertizments on the net? I have just come to find out it all exists, and would like to know what shas come from all of it. No S3 spoilers though, PLEASE.


I'd just like to know what each "game/weird website/code/whatever else" there was, and what came of it.

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I have to say the Lost Experience is some of the dumbest shit I've ever read/seen/heard about.


"Hugh McIntyre publicly dismissed the show Lost as a fictional representation of real-life institutions like Hanso and events like the crash of Flight 815. He claimed that the DHARMA Initiative was discontinued in 1987 and had nothing to do with an island."


Couldn't they just leave it as it's own universe? Did they really have to create this fake universe within a universe within our universe, complete with a real-but-still-fake Hanso Foundation and their "representatives" (read: actors) giving interviews on Jimmy Kimmel debunking the show as having nothing to do with the "real" Hanso Foundation.


Ugh. Lame.

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