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RE: Aaron


It may well be that Claire ends up dying, but did anyone else get the feeling that Claire might still be on the island in the future and that Kate took Aaron of her own volition?


More importantly, in "Raised By Another", the psychic told Claire that the baby needed her good influence in its life. He said that if her child was raised by anyone else, terrible things would happen.


Remember the Pshycic guy admitted to being a fraud a while ago.

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RE: Aaron


It may well be that Claire ends up dying, but did anyone else get the feeling that Claire might still be on the island in the future and that Kate took Aaron of her own volition?


More importantly, in "Raised By Another", the psychic told Claire that the baby needed her good influence in its life. He said that if her child was raised by anyone else, terrible things would happen.


Remember the Pshycic guy admitted to being a fraud a while ago.


During one of Eko's flashbacks, I think. Right?


But there was something different about his reading with Claire. Also, he made certain that she would get on Flight 815. There's something going on there.

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The psychic never admitted to being a fraud, he said that his WIFE doesn't believe in what he does and was just pursuing their daughters miracle case to defraud him and prove that he isn't psychic.

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NY Post article about Lost


Article outlines 10 reasons why they think Lost is "back" this season.


There's some spoiler-ish stuff in there - #2 outlines what seasons 5 & 6 will be about, #3 might reveal the final 2 members of the O6 (although I had seen 2 different people listed for the final 2 than what this article contains).


The article also gives a hint as to who will be in the coffin.

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"Season 4 is about who gets off the island and the fact that they need to get back. Season 5 is about why they need to get back, and season 6 is about what happens when they get back."


This is what I hoped would happen. My god, I'm so glad to see Lindelof say that.

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Um... holy shit.


I don't even know how to digest all that, I'm trying to think about the paradox of time travel then I get kicked in the man-pouch with the first thing to get me teary-eyed since Simba watched his dad get trampled by Wilderbeast in Lion King.

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That was a bit of a confusing episode that I'm probably going to watch again before I make my mind up about it. But I'm a sucker for the ending. It reminds me of "...And Found" which was kind of boring but ended with Jin/Sun on the beach after the flashback to how they first met. I also loved that episode mostly just for the ending. This one wasn't boring, at all, but more like the sappy ending made me enjoy it.


Faraday is a cool character.


It looks like next week is when the heavy shit starts to go down.

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Damn, that was my favorite episode of LOST. As much as I love the stories, the characters drive the show. Which Desmond did right there.


And who was that doctor? I thought I've seen him before.

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What's the opposite of jumping the shark?


That was probably the best episode of Lost yet.


is it possible that Jacob is stuck between different points in time?


the time Desmond runs into Jack on the bleachers early in the series...is that 2004 Desmond flashing back?

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I'm fucking pissed. My DVR for some reason cut off the last 4 minutes of the episode. I'm not out of room, it just recorded 56 minutes. The last thing I saw (or at least remember) was

Desmond talking to Penny in the past or Minkowski dying. Whichever came last.

I've got nothing after that.

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What's the opposite of jumping the shark?

The shark eating the Fonz?


I agree, this had to be the Lost episode that had the best story telling so far. It was a very well put together episode that kept me only wondering about Dezmon the entire episode.


Still a great season.

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I was worried at the end that they were going to do something stupid like having Sayid say "I'm sorry" then shoot Desmond. The Desmond character is just fantastic.



My only problem is that the whole Desmond story was kind of a rip off of Slaughterhouse Five.


But I do agree it was an amazing episode.

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my brain fucking hurts that was one of the best episodes of LOST ever.

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awesome read!



I am your Density!


It’s hard to notice stuff when your jaw’s lying on the floor, but this episode was really that good. Watching Desmond’s consciousness catapult back and forth across eight years of his life should’ve been confusing… it should’ve been way too crazy to follow, way too far out to make much sense to people. Yet when you think about it, the writers of LOST have been gently herding (Shepharding?) us along, building us up, preparing us for this exact moment for over three years now. All of the answers weren’t just thrust upon us simultaneously in one season (cough… Heroes!… cough…) as if we, the audience, were a bunch of eager simpletons impatiently banging the table for immediate answers before switching over to 24. No – the writers and producers of LOST really took their time telling this story. They told it with great sets, beautiful scenery, incredible writing, and deep characterization. And this is why it so totally rocks the balls off any other television show.


That said, I’m not going to go into the metaphysics of inter-dimensional time travel, wormholes, or any of the technical crap we might’ve seen on Danny’s blackboard. Everyone else can do that. I’d get the science part wrong anyway, and discussing the theory itself is much more interesting. I’m also not gonna point out the ultra-cool painting and origins of the Black Rock (which I loved by the way), how Penny’s dad needs to buy the ledger in order to track it to the island, or the really great scene between Desmond and Penny that was a much-welcomed relief from all the Sawyer/Kate/Jack stuff. You all saw the episode, you all noticed it too.



Good night, future-boy!


The Lawnmower man is one hell of a pilot. I barely hold my heading over the Long Island sound on a clear day but Frank’s laser-locked onto 305 through towering thunderclouds culminating in a nasty time storm. But it’s not the storm; it’s the dusk-to-day landing wigs Sayid out. Looks like 31 minutes is out the window here. When Sayid finally does get the chance to speak with Jack, they’re speaking live but about a day apart (island time). It seems the definitive answer is that time does move slower on the island than in the real world. But is there a day-to-day (relative) difference? My gut instinct is no. I tend to think that no matter how long they spent on the island, they would’ve arrived back to the freighter at about the same time they left. Watch the crewmember’s reaction after Frank exits the chopper: “What are you doing back?” – almost as if the chopper team had just departed. Which makes sense, because looking for a black island against a black ocean (which was when the Naomi’s team showed up) would be a lot less sensible than launching such a mission in the light of day.


In either event, Desmond goes Marty McFly, and that’s the real story. This time we get to see a reverse trip as a very confused past Desmond is launched into his future situation. The “only the consciousness goes” part was extremely clever, but even more revealing. If examined closely and open-mindedly, this one phenomenon can decode almost every inexplicable part of the show. More on that in a minute.


The biggest shock to me was how innocuous the freighter turned out to be. The crewmembers weren’t bristling with guns, nor were they even overly hostile. In fact, there seemed to be a complete lack of discipline or direction on the ship. My opinion of Minkowski turned from evil overlord to strapped-down radio operator in the blink of an introduction. I saw no chain of command. You’d think if someone from (drumroll…) The Island had made their way back to the ship, there would be some kind of serious interrogation. Instead there was a perfunctory examination of Desmond’s pupils and a general dismissive feeling overall. Even Lapidus seemed to get into it, tossing an obligatory Baghdad reference along with the satellite phone to Sayid.



One point twenty-one gigawatts!!!


Desmond and Elouise aren’t the only ones trapped in a time fart. Daniel himself is skipping around, as foreshadowed by doc Ray’s exclamation that “Faraday can’t even help himself!” Later on we learn that excessive radiation (or electromagnetism, how convenient) lends to the problem, of which zap-happy Daniel has no shortage. Eventually we see that he’s even got an entry in his own log referring to Desmond as his constant, which means that up until he came to the island he was still searching for that one thing or person (wonder where he got that idea from?) to ground him. He found that thing upon meeting Desmond the morning the chopper took off, and was pretty sure that would be the end of his ‘problem’… but upon playing cards with Charlotte that night he still hadn’t made any progress. Perhaps the act of helping Desmond reach his own constant, Penny, will finally ‘unstick’ Danny once and for all.


Also skipping through his lifetime is Mikowski, who’s virtually an expert by the time they find him. I found his “I was just on a Ferris wheel” line interesting, because like everything else in LOST a Ferris wheel goes round and round and always comes full circle. Mikowski threatens the same thing will happen to his crewmates when they “go back to that island”.


And you know who else got a nasty case of the jump-through-life crazies? Rousseau’s entire crew. This could very well be the ‘sickness’ she referred to so early on in season one. Look at how bat-shit nuts Desmond went in the chopper – now imagine Danielle’s entire crew acting like that while she’s trying to “shhh!” them as the smoke monster stalks the jungle and the Others pick off whomever they feel are on Santa’s list. Kinda puts a new spin on that whole scenario.


While we’re at it, let’s think back to Juliet’s arrival by sub. Was it coincidence they knocked her out for the trip through the time barrier? Or by relieving her of her consciousness as she passed through did they save her from any of Daniel’s so called ‘side effects’? As Ethan said, it’s a hell of a ride. Totally Jauntish, if that’s the case, but then again I’m a firm believer you can draw a Stephen King reference to your morning stool if you looked hard enough.


But hey, let’s lock a really misshapen piece of the puzzle into place: Hurley’s friend Leonard. Could it be that he time-skipped his way into the mental institution after being stationed a little too close to the island? Imagine him living pieces of his life over and over again, in loops that get geometrically (Daniel’s wording, not mine) smaller. Now picture those loops getting smaller and smaller… until all that’s left is a tiny 10 or 15-second flash of time he has to relive over and over again: the radio transmission. The numbers. 4,8,15,16,23,42… hiccup!... 4,8,15,16,23,42. Wow, shoot me now.


And finally, let’s consider what a genius intellect with a rational approach would do with the near-infinite knowledge gained by such looping trips through time. Is Ben the ultimate product of the island’s abilities? Instead of being stuck like Dan’s mouse or quantum-leaping around at random, is it possible Ben was taught how to harness, control, and utilize these gifts? If so, are all his well-laid plans merely nothing but him molding and shaping future events the way Desmond did to prevent Charlie’s death a few times?



Yeah, well history is going to change!


This brings me to my own personal conclusion: LOST history has got to be alterable. Because if it weren’t, Ben (and now Locke) wouldn’t be going through all this trouble to finally get the event scenario correct. If whatever happens is truly going to happen anyway, regardless of what is done to prevent it (course correction), then wouldn’t Ben just grab some a box of Dharma wine and go fishing? I mean why bother, right? If the future can’t be changed, just what the hell is Ben doing?


I’m going against Ms. Hawking here, and maintaining that things CAN change. The very nature of her meeting with Desmond seems to prove this. Why’s she trying to convince him so adamantly that he’s got to dump Penny and head on over to the Swan hatch? According to her own course correction theory, wouldn’t the button still get pushed by someone else? But her insistence and general pissy attitude make me think she’s worried. Look looked hella-worried, and to me that translates into one thing: Desmond can mess things up. In a way, he’s not a constant at all – Desmond is a wild card.


Why don’t you make like a tree… and get outta here!


Dan’s reference to his mouse being ‘stuck’ this episode was extremely important. Desmond and Mikowski might’ve been stuck too (well, maybe not anymore), but the one person who’s really, really stuck is Jacob. His creepy “help me…” was an otherworldly call from beyond (Time? Space? Does it matter?) with his cabin representing the epicenter of some sort of temporal disaster that stranded him where he is now. Remember his magically re-constructing lantern? “Time is broken here” – Lara Croft.


Tearing a single page out of Dan’s book we now see mention of three events: A, B, and C. I’m willing to bet that two of those events pertain to both times Desmond failed to push the button; once at the crash of 815, and once when he turned the failsafe key. The third event we don’t know about or it hasn’t happened yet (the end event?)


I believe each event triggered an alternate timeline, and is responsible for the ‘rebirth’ of everyone involved (physical and spiritual healing included). This is hinted at multiple times throughout the show with “See you in another life”. But now, when we begin to factor the time hiccups into the equation, we’re not only looking at concurrent timelines. We must now also consider timelines where someone’s consciousness (and only their consciousness – that part’s important) is derived from their past or even their future. From the beginning, the producers have hinted that where flight 815 crashed wasn’t nearly as important as when it crashed.


Taking this into consideration, what if the plane crashed before September 22nd 2004? We’ve seen time differentials of 31 seconds and even a whole day now – who’s to say it couldn’t span a week or more? As we saw with Desmond, the consciousness is transferred but the body stays the same. So what if (and get ready to be totally creeped out here…) what if the plane crashed during a period in time when Christian Shephard was still alive?


What if the only place his consciousness had to go was into his current body, tucked neatly away in the coffin that turned up empty on impact? Could this explain why Jack kept seeing him? Could this explain why Jacob looked like him for that brief instant, yet still looks like an embalmed corpse? Yikes.



I guess you guys weren’t ready for that, yet… but your kids are gonna love it.


Okay, listen - I’m 99.9% sure I don’t subscribe to the Christian-corpse-consciousness theory I just hammered out. It’s 4am and I’m getting pretty loopy. Looking at it again, it kinda sucks. It was just something that occurred to me that needed to get thrown out there, because I can’t see any other logical reason for Hurley seeing Jack’s dad in that chair – especially since Hurley has never seen Jack’s dad before (unless it was in a time loop, and I’m not taking that ride again just now).


But it sure would pave the way for the LOST zombie season.


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Who knows with this show, anything is possible.



I think that the ship will end up being Penny's father's boat. There was a reason why they had him purchase the book from the Black Rock, and I'm guessing that he sent the boat out there looking for the ship.

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I think so.


1) His memory is terrible despite the fact that he's a professor at Oxford. That's why Charlotte keeps testing him.

2) He cried when Oceanic Flight 815 and had no idea why. That was probably his future self crying or something along those lines.

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Furthermore, he said that problems can arise in people who've had exposure to mass amounts of electromagnetism or radiation.


When he zapped the mouse, he had to put on a lead apron due to the radiation the machine generated, not that it created high amounts of radiation, but because he said he was doing those experiments multiple times per day.


PLUS, there was that comment he made when he was telling Desmond to go see find him in the past: "Odd that I wouldn't remember you", or something along those lines. Perhaps he does remember it, and is lying? Or it's him from farther back in the past then that, so technically it's the first time he met Desmond?


This is getting confusing.

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What's the opposite of jumping the shark?

The shark eating the Fonz?


I agree, this had to be the Lost episode that had the best story telling so far. It was a very well put together episode that kept me only wondering about Dezmon the entire episode.


Still a great season.


And a new term is born. Lost has "ate the Fonz". (I know it's "eaten", but "ate" sounds better in the sentence)

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