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I am actually foresaking Lost for a date tonight, so hopefully I will get some pussy and then come home to the miracle of Tivo to view it at a later timepoint. But I'm pumped. It's gonna be a killer episode and probably a great setup to the finale that Abrams has been practically masturbating to in the media for the past month.

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Guest wildpegasus
I am actually foresaking Lost for a date tonight, so hopefully I will get some pussy and then come home to the miracle of Tivo to view it at a later timepoint. But I'm pumped. It's gonna be a killer episode and probably a great setup to the finale that Abrams has been practically masturbating to in the media for the past month.



I skipped the season premiere last year to go to the strip club.



Lost new guys -- Apparantly they're going to show the show next year without any interuptions. They will show a bunch of episodes in a row followed by a signifigant break followed by another set of episodes. So no more waiting inbetween episodes besides the one big long wait!

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So, if theres 24 eps in a season, its going to be split into one group of 7 and then a second batch of like 17 episodes in a row then? Those first 7 eps are going to make it so hard to wait for the next 17 in 3 months.

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I'd rather they do 3 on, 1 off for a while. Three episodes a month is not bad. They could even do a clip show once a month for each main character.

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I wonder why Eko wants to stop building the church, maybe because he is focused on pushing the button all the time. Funny they never really did explore Charlie's true reason for helping Eko did they?

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Guest Vitamin X

I'm looking forward to next week for all the questions that are going to be answered, hopefully as advertised (why did flight 815 crash? what really happens when the numbers count to zero? and has salvation finally come?) but I'm not looking forward to a huge cliffhanger that will leave us salivating for months.


Fucking teases.

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So is this the episode where the gang finds out that 3MW and Eric Bishoff are behind it all?


nope, and no fat samoans came to injure the women and old people either

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I'm not sure which question I want answered more: what's up with BOOOAT! at the end, or why Sawyer's on "the list"?


EDIT: Sawyer, not Hurley.

Edited by chirs3

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I think its obvious. Henry got back to the Others, so they sent the boat for Michael. Half the deal.


Except Jack, Hurley, Kate, and Sawyer could all have piled into the boat and ran off. There's no way The Others would chance something like that. Makes a lot more sense to wait until Michael delivers them, and keep the boat at The Others' camp, so Michael and Walt can get straight onto it and out of there.


And they're probably lying about letting Michael and Walt go anyway, so why give them a boat at all?


I agree with the above - it's probably Desmond.

Edited by chirs3

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It is Desmond. This was spoiled a month ago. The person who first asked the questions we all want answers too returns...



Nice too see Sayid still is thinking like a champ. You know, not a bad portrayal of an Iraqi. Smartest guy on the island, bangs the hottie, and still eats his Wheaties.


The guy who plays Michael is only going to be a "guest star" next season...Hmm, I wonder what happens to him?


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I wonder what "they aren't who they say they are" thing is.


I figure he means the fact they the don't really live in the jungle, or something. There was the fake beard, and some of them looking clean and tidy in the medical hatch.

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No way.


It's Desmond. He got lost when he tried to leave the island, or something.


They'll probably explain it as "the current brought him back", similar to what happened when Sawyer and Michael drifed back on the raft wreckage.


Awesome ep, I hope to see more of Ms. Clue (sp?) in the future, Zeke's always awesome and Sawyer telling Jack that he's all about being BFF.........wild. Oh, and Walt.


The preview for next week left me feeling kinda disjointed, maybe because they're promising on something they can't deliver. It almost left me with the feeling of "The show is done" because of everything that might be answered. I certainly hope they can give enough but still leave us with a huge question to study for next season.

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Guest Brian

Didn't Michael ask if he could have the boat? What are they risking? Everybody's not taking off.


Good on Sayid. Good on Charlie.

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I missed the preview and am having a tough time finding it online. Anyone care to help me out?


And Micheal did ask for a boat, but I think he meant the Other's boat, and not that boat, because that looked more like a small sailboat, and not the boat the Others were on when they took Walt.


Besides, why would they send him the boat *before* he did what they wanted?

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Curry, the preview also said that everything we thought we knew would be changed or something like that. So, they probably WILL answer all of those questions, and then change gears just like they did for this season.


I agree w/ the awesomeness that was this episode. And next week is gonna be amazing.


Alex is gonna end up sabotaging the others one way or another.


I think it was Stephen Joseph who correctly predicted using Walt as a trap, so good job for that.

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Didn't Michael ask if he could have the boat? What are they risking? Everybody's not taking off.


The Others wouldn't risk sending the survivors a boat like that, before the people on the list had been delivered. How would they know that Sawyer wouldn't jump on and sail away? Or Kate, or Jack, or Hurley? It would be too big a gamble on The Others' part. They're not that stupid.

Edited by chirs3

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Also of note: that boat is different from the one that we've seen the Other's piloting before. So, unless they have a fleet of boats on the island, I'm guessing it doesn't belong to them.

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Metal Maniac check out lostlinks.net, they should have the preview up.


Sayid's line of "I don't know, but we have one more night to figure it out" gave me goosebumps.


Good stuff with Charlie, although I am concerned about his future as his character has come full circle, getting rid of the drugs. Might be time to die a noble death.


I agree those questions may be answered, but vaguely. For all we know we may just see the plane's malfunctions in the cockpit and not actually what made it crash.


Great scene with Michael & Walt, I'm sure he's still hated by most, but it let you sympathize with his character some.

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I'm wondering how the Others knew Sawyer's real name is James Ford.


Only Locke knew that.


It was on the flight manifest that Hurley shared with Locke. Considering The Others had a list of names when they raided the tail section's camp, mere hours after the flight crashed, you'd imagine they'd know plenty about who was on board.


As for next week's preview:


Looks like there is an explosion in the hatch, Locke destroys the computer, the Losties encounter the Monster on their way to Walt and that Desmond is the guy on the boat! That's hot.

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So could anyone fill me in on what happened the last few minutes. My DVR skills still suck, so it always cuts off the last 5 minutes of Lost. The last thing I saw was Sayid telling Jack that "Michael has been compromised." Then what happens? Thanks.

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