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GTA: San Andreas

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Guest fanofcoils

Going to Xbox would be a mistake since it is a joke system with a lot of top games missing that PS2 has. I think they should stick with Sony and have their next game be for PS3 which should be released in late 2006.

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Tone down the meaningless bullshit posts, fanofcoils.


I finally toppled 'Farewell, my love'. Thanks to the advice here, I took it much slower and focused on taking corners and accelerating on straights. It worked out great, and now I'm kickin' it in San Fierro doing a plethora of jobs. It just keeps getting better.

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A good tip for the lowrider mission. The perfect car for this race can be found in the driveway of the house ajacent to the mission start house. Look across the street and down about 2-3 houses. The car will be sitting there in the driveway ready to take. It is fast and controls very well. Basically to win the race all you need to to is get to the end of that long straightaway in first place, and you can basically cruise the rest of the way.

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Guest Shutterspeed

I just finished "Doberman", a takeover of Ballas territory complete. I'm going to have to come back constantly to protect it from gang attacks? That could be a royal pain in the ass, especially seeing as I have a girlfriend to keep happy aswell.


Oh well, at least the Grove is generating revenue now.

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That's what I thought too, SS. However, there is a mission a little bit later on called 'uniting the families' I think. Anyhow, it gives you the opportunity to put and end to constantly defending your territory etc. I won't give away too much, but you will not have to worry about dropping everything your doing at any point to go and save some part of your 'hood.

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Guest Shutterspeed

That's good. Even though I doubted the likelihood of having to drive from San Fierro back to Los Santos just for a small gangwar, what with the air travel at least, I remember having to travel from city to city through the slipway in GTA III, which got really, really tiring.


Just hitting the funeral now, trying to take out Kane.


You're in San Fierro now? You jumped ahead rather quickly. Been playing a fair bit?

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Just finished my first "block" in the Doberman gang-war mission. I've spent most of my time racking up cash at the track. I love how they give you these mini games. Totally an incentive to not even think about cheat codes! I've only used one so far, just to check out what the three levels of weapons were, without saving.. but other than that, nada. Good shit! :D

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Guest fanofcoils
A good tip for the lowrider mission. The perfect car for this race can be found in the driveway of the house ajacent to the mission start house.  Look across the street and down about 2-3 houses.  The car will be sitting there in the driveway ready to take. It is fast and controls very well.  Basically to win the race all you need to to is get to the end of that long straightaway in first place, and you can basically cruise the rest of the way.

That is exactly the worst car to take, it handles poorly compared to the Broadway car, which is slower but controls much much better, and is an easy win.

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I just got to the Badlands section of the game. Catalina is a fucking nutcase... but in a good way. The acting on this game is superb. Almost have my cycling meter filled. And I'm gonna see if I can make 5 million at the Inside Track.

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Guest fanofcoils

Interesting about the cell phone call you get after the courier mission, sometimes it comes like 20 minutes later instead of the usual right after you complete a mission.

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I too am stuck on "Farewell my love", but I'm improving each time. Shouldn't be too much longer before I beat it. Meanwhile, my driving skills are going up. Right now, I have weapon skill for the silenced pistol is totally filled, which is awesome to use.

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finally beat lifes a beach after taking some of you guys advice


I really enjoy the madd dogs lyrics mission (stealth kills with knife=awesome)


last mission I beat was just business was took me like 6 tries but it is a real fun mission (and its awesome when the bike goes over the truck and it explodes)



so I have finished oc locs and bsmokes missions got to bea t the lowrider race and tenpenny called me and asked me to come to the donut shop.



current look: blonde cornrows (yeahhhhh)

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I just beat the game. The climax is really awesome. It's one of the most cinematic missions in the series.

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Guest Shutterspeed

Despite how much I love this game and how addictive it is, I just can't sit there for hours and play. If I do a mission and then take a break for 15-20 minutes, I'll feel like playing again but I just can't game for hours on end here.


UYI, did you get your game from EB? If so, did they tell you to retain your receipt so as to get 20% off the strategy guide when it comes out? It's out already. I got the impression that it wouldn't be for a couple of months, but it is, thicker than any PS2 guide I've seen so far. I'll probably just complete the game and then buy it as an overview.

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You're an Aussie, SS? I had no clue. I did obtain mine from EB, however I didn't bother with the strategy guide, as I figure any help I need can be found here or on GameFAQs etc. I recieved ten bucks off a pair of memory cards instead and bought a new controller (as my last one was barely working thanks to the many meetings it has had with the wall in my room. I have a bad temper).

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Guest Shutterspeed

I'll probably never need a new memory card. Since I got this console over a year ago, there have probably been about six consistents games saved on it, but they always end up getting deleted when I decided to start over, so I'll have this one for a while.


I slammed the shit out of the controller for my old Playstation. Now the 'X' doesn't work. Never again.


I would probably have used strategy guides and the like, as I did for GTA III and Vice City, but I got a little way into the game and decided to see if I could beat it without any help whatsoever. No doubt they'll come into play when it comes time to hunt down all the tags though.


And yeah, I am an Aussie.

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Okay, I was contemplating picking this one up this weekend...did you beat the game in 25 hours including EVERY mission and EVERY side quest? Or was that just going straight through the storyline path?

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Okay, I was contemplating picking this one up this weekend...did you beat the game in 25 hours including EVERY mission and EVERY side quest? Or was that just going straight through the storyline path?

Most likely story. There's a lot of other stuff to get 100%.


Such as tags, horseshoes, oysters, etc.

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I'm guessing 25hrs playing time.


What are the pictures and horseshoes you have to get to 1000% the game? Is it explained in a later mission? And does it unlock stuff like before?

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Guest Evolution

The driving school is fucking unbelievably hard.


City Slicking makes Air Raid look like a walk in the park.

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I'm stuck on the flying school now, and have not been game enough to even attempt the driving one. It seems the flying school is pivotal to the storyline though, so I need to keep trying over and over.


Bastard plane is a BITCH to control.

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