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Hilarious Wrestling Moments

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Heres a one, if anyone else can remember it. For some reason its burned into my memory. It was the Judgement Day when Vince fired Austin for not counting a winner in the Kane/Taker title match (98?)


After Vince does his "YOOOOUUURRRREEE FIRRRRREEEDDD" from the saftey of his skybox, Austin goes on the hunt from him backstage. He barges into several rooms and then in one, seems to unexpectedly interupt Owen (who IIR was wearing some of the Blazer costume).


Both seem startled at seeing the other and after a few seconds pause, Austin goes all low-key and mumbles "Hey, seen Vince" with Owen sheepishly replying "no".

Guess Austin had picked the wrong room but made for a funny few seconds of TV.

I have GOT to find this. Oh man, that sounds hilarious.

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Guest traveshamockery
Heres a one, if anyone else can remember it. For some reason its burned into my memory. It was the Judgement Day when Vince fired Austin for not counting a winner in the Kane/Taker title match (98?)


After Vince does his "YOOOOUUURRRREEE FIRRRRREEEDDD" from the saftey of his skybox, Austin goes on the hunt from him backstage. He barges into several rooms and then in one, seems to unexpectedly interupt Owen (who IIR was wearing some of the Blazer costume).


Both seem startled at seeing the other and after a few seconds pause, Austin goes all low-key and mumbles "Hey, seen Vince" with Owen sheepishly replying "no".

Guess Austin had picked the wrong room but made for a funny few seconds of TV.

I've never posted here before, but I had to take this opportunity since one of my favorite wrestling moments has been mentioned.


When Austin opened the door, Owen was actually talking on the phone. I don't remember him wearing a Blue Blazer costume, but I know that this was at the beginning of the Blazer Returns angle with Owen and Jarrett. The Blazer had appeared at least a couple of times, and Owen stated that he was retiring from wrestling.


So at Judgment Day, Owen did not appear on the card and was supposedly retired from wrestling. When Austin (who almost seemed to burst into laughter upon seeing Owen) opened the door and asked "Where's McMahon?," Owen responded with a simple "I'm retired."


It was honestly one of the funniest things that I've seen on a wrestling show.

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Another Owen moment:


I watched the '93 Rumble match tonight (yeah, don't ask), and it gets to the part where Earthquake and Yokozuna are having their big showdown. They're in the middle of the ring, and everyone else is over in a corner. The buzzer goes off, and the camera doesn't even go to the aisleway so we can see who the next entrant is. It stays focused on Earthquake and Yokozuna (though it IS pulled back, so you can see everyone else), and all of a sudden, Owen slides into the ring and runs right past those two as if they're not even there.

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I think it's Survivor Series 95, in the Wild Card match. HBK superkicks Sid and Razor covers. Bulldog breaks up the pin, walks back to the apron, and then Razor covers Sid again and pins him. It was just so random since Bulldog wasn't supposed to run in and break up the pin.

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Another Owen moment:


I watched the '93 Rumble match tonight (yeah, don't ask), and it gets to the part where Earthquake and Yokozuna are having their big showdown. They're in the middle of the ring, and everyone else is over in a corner. The buzzer goes off, and the camera doesn't even go to the aisleway so we can see who the next entrant is. It stays focused on Earthquake and Yokozuna (though it IS pulled back, so you can see everyone else), and all of a sudden, Owen slides into the ring and runs right past those two as if they're not even there.

I actually kinda like the 1993 Rumble show...don't be ashamed! :)

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Guest Staravenger

That was crazy. Was that was the night of the Lumberjack Match with RVD where Kane comes out and cleans house of everyone walking?

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The Bushwacker Rumble elimination. The guy marches along the aisle doing the Bushwacker walk, climbs in the ring, gets grabbed and thrown out the opposite side he came in on, and marches right back up the aisle back to the back and never breaks stride.

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More 99 Rumble goodness. The British Bulldog is in the ring. He sees somebody in the far corner and takes off running after him. When he gets close, he goes for a running knee lift type manuever. Next thing you know he's doing some sort of jumping punch on the man.


Eddie tripping out of the ring at Wrestlemania


The Rumble Dropkick (2000 I believe) that one of the Hardys did on the other. He missed by a good 3 feet and the ohter sold it.

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I can't remember the PPV but it was during the Hart Foundation/Steve Austin feud...the cameraman walks in the bathroom and shows Austin laid out in a toilet stall and it pans up to see Bulldog and Owen walking casually, they spot the camera, do a funny ass double take at the camera, realize they've been made and run like hell out of there...

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Guest Staravenger
More 99 Rumble goodness.  The British Bulldog is in the ring.  He sees somebody in the far corner and takes off running after him.  When he gets close, he goes for a running knee lift type manuever.  Next thing you know he's doing some sort of jumping punch on the man. 


Eddie tripping out of the ring at Wrestlemania


The Rumble Dropkick (2000 I believe) that one of the Hardys did on the other.  He missed by a good 3 feet and the ohter sold it.

I'm assuming the Bulldog one was 2000, since he wasn't around from December 97 through September 99.


The Hardyz one was in 2001, and that was funny as shit. I forgot who did it, but whoever sold it waited for like 4 seconds before doing so.

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The Hardyz one was in 2001, and that was funny as shit. I forgot who did it, but whoever sold it waited for like 4 seconds before doing so.

I think Jeff dropkicked Matt, who didn't notice for TWO seconds before selling it.

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I can't remember when or what this was about, but Vince, Taker and maybe Kane were in the ring. Taker turns around and Vince flips him off. Taker does his head turn thing and the facial expression Vince gave when he was busted was priceless.

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(Warrior/Slaughter at RR91)


Savage smashes his sceptor over UW's head knocking him out cold. What does Slaughter do? Quickly cover him for the 1-2-3? Nah. He figures he's just stunned, let me drop this devastating elbow on him to REALLY finish him off. And I contend that w/o that elbow, we would have had a UW/Hogan rematch at WMVII instead.

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I can't remember when or what this was about, but Vince, Taker and maybe Kane were in the ring. Taker turns around and Vince flips him off. Taker does his head turn thing and the facial expression Vince gave when he was busted was priceless.

It was the segment after the Stone Cold Zamboni thing.


From CRZ's recap:


"Before we were so rudely interrupted, I was about to present the WWF Championship; however, if you recall, the deal was, Undertaker and Kane, you would get the title shot as long as you kept Stone Cold Steve Austin away from me." McMahon is shaking. "But three times - three times in less than a week - Austin has brutally attacked me! So let me say this: You didn't live up to your end of the deal - I'm not gonna LIVE UP TO MIIINE. [undertaker has "whachoo talkin'bout Willis" look] You're gonna have to fight for it! On our next pay-per-view, October 18, you two are

gonna battle it out for the WWF Championship! Whether you like it or not! And by the way, since you can't seem to keep Stone Cold out of your business and mine, good, I'm gonna put him in it! Austin is gonna be the guest referee! And Stone Cold, Austin I just hope that somewhere your cellmate is telling you all this right about now, because I'm gonna be there to watch him suffer the indignity of having to count one of you two monsters to the WWF Championship. However, so that everyone here in this arena is not cheated, so that everyone at home watching RAW gets their money's worth, then in this ring tonight, you will see Undertaker and Kane in a handicap tag team match against three individuals: Ken Shamrock, Mankind, and the Rock. [How long's Undertaker had a pierced eyebrow?] And maybe, just maybe, you can get it right. I'd like to wish you the best of luck, you know why? Because I think the two of you are gonna need it, becuase as far as I'm concerned, it's like dealing with the handicapped, one's physical (looking at Kane) and one's mental (looking at Undertaker). Good luck to you both." Undertaker grabs McMahon. "You need to watch your ass, because the next time you get out of line with either one of us,*you're* gonna be the one handicapped, and that I will promise."Undertaker turns his back, and Vince flips a double bird, but Undertaker turns and sees it. The punches in bunches follows, as the crowd roars. Then Kane joins in with kicks. Double stomps! Undertaker drops an elbow on the knee. Now there's a legbar, while Kane runs outside the ring to fend off the Musketeers, who are trying to come to their boss' aid. Ross is screaming that Vince's knee might be destroyed, his leg broken. But it's NOT OVER. They drag McMahon to the STEEL steps, hold the knee across the steps, Undertaker takes the top of the steps and SLAMS it down on the bottom of the steps. McMahon sells this like a 16 ton weight has hit his shin. Damn, that's some good stuff. Patterson does some loud overacting as we go to an ad break.

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During the Free For All, before the 1998 No Way Out PPV, Sunny is backstage interviewing Vader, when Road Warrior Hawk opens a door behind them, looks right at the camera and has an "Oh Shit" look on his face, before slamming the door shut.

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Guest Staravenger
The Hardyz one was in 2001, and that was funny as shit. I forgot who did it, but whoever sold it waited for like 4 seconds before doing so.

I think Jeff dropkicked Matt, who didn't notice for TWO seconds before selling it.

OK, you had to have the EXACT Time, but it's still hilarious. (Jeff throws dropkick) (Pause) (Matt stumbles to the ropes, trying to sell it)

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I think it's Survivor Series 95, in the Wild Card match. HBK superkicks Sid and Razor covers. Bulldog breaks up the pin, walks back to the apron, and then Razor covers Sid again and pins him. It was just so random since Bulldog wasn't supposed to run in and break up the pin.


my favorite part is that HBK and Sid were on the same team, and when Shawn Superkicked him by mistake he made this "ummm...whatever" thing with his hands and face and just walked out

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That was crazy. Was that was the night of the Lumberjack Match with RVD where Kane comes out and cleans house of everyone walking?

Yeah, although I didn't remember Kane coming down. But yes, it was the night of the lumberjack match with RVD/HHH. The forklift was the prevent the faces from coming down. Poor Rob was getting whipped bad. Jericho was pretty funny during that match, just going histerical everytime RVD was thrown out and whipped.


Just to clarify, it was during the Booker/Big Show hardcore match. And during that match, there is a funny tibit that always gets ignored because of the forklift (and rightfully so).


Booker and Big Show end up fighting to the women's changeroom. Right when they enter, the camera, for some really odd reason, pans up quickly. Chris Jericho is right there, waiting for his cue to interfere, and just has a "what the fuck are you doing?" look on his face. It was brief, and not as funny as the forklift, but still pretty funny.

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I think it's Survivor Series 95, in the Wild Card match. HBK superkicks Sid and Razor covers. Bulldog breaks up the pin, walks back to the apron, and then Razor covers Sid again and pins him. It was just so random since Bulldog wasn't supposed to run in and break up the pin.


my favorite part is that HBK and Sid were on the same team, and when Shawn Superkicked him by mistake he made this "ummm...whatever" thing with his hands and face and just walked out

Yet another thing to look for in that match is when Ahmed and Razor go at it. Razor seems to be aware of the sloppiness of Ahmed as at one point Ahmed whips Razor off the ropes . . . and Ahmed lets out a HUGE "AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" and Razor just stumbles back to Ahmed w/ a look that says "Oh Fuck." Then, Ahmed lets out another bellow as he gives Razor a spinebuster that Ramon was obviously very hesitant to take.

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Also, Triple H driving the forklift

That's one of my favourite moments, without ever actually seeing it.

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Guest goatfish

I don't know if the HHHonk involved words, but it deserves mention on any sort of funny wrestling moment. I mean, it came during a promo, but it's not technically spoken, so in my mind it counts.


Also, Kevin Nash's failed attempt at walking that ended in his torn quad was hilarous. I don't wish anybody in the business injury, but watching him lumber over the top rope, and then rub his quad right before it happens is comedic gold.


And for a very recent addition, Kane's magic wall of fire that prevented Lita and Matt from escaping the wedding. And for another one, right before the match when Kane lost his mask, I faintly recall that he was staring into a mirror that somehow magically let us see his entire career up to that point.

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At WM XIV, The Rock had just gotten the shit kicked out of him by Shamrock and was being carried out on a stretcher, yet he still was able to hold up his IC belt in victory while being carried away. :D


I'm surprised no one's mentioned the Eddy/Test incident at 'Mania 17.

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Guest Staravenger

Randy Ortons seriously botched RKO to Chris Jericho a while back. He nearly jumped out of the ring missing.

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I cracked out the tape with the forklift incident (October 14, 2002, FYI). Good stuff. :D I think I was at an SD! house show that night.


Jericho & Christian celebrating their tag title win--dumping champagne on each other while Booker T is being held back by referees--is funny too. There's also the beginning of the whole "Get Well Randy (Orton)" campaign.

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I don't know if the HHHonk involved words, but it deserves mention on any sort of funny wrestling moment. I mean, it came during a promo, but it's not technically spoken, so in my mind it counts.


Also, Kevin Nash's failed attempt at walking that ended in his torn quad was hilarous. I don't wish anybody in the business injury, but watching him lumber over the top rope, and then rub his quad right before it happens is comedic gold.


And for a very recent addition, Kane's magic wall of fire that prevented Lita and Matt from escaping the wedding. And for another one, right before the match when Kane lost his mask, I faintly recall that he was staring into a mirror that somehow magically let us see his entire career up to that point.

even funnier about the wall of fire is that the camera panned to the entrance way for about a half-second then showed kane again, the problem was when they showed the entrance, you could see the pyro thing with tiny flames coming out of it. on heat and any other replays they edited it out



funny note as I was there live for the wedding, and all of a sudden pyro guys pulled out this big thing and tiny flames shot out so we knew what was going to happen




as for others, Pat Patterson getting the ball-claw from mankind during a match with foley vs shane (shanes first ever match) on raw late 98 foley mentioned it in "foley is good" his 2nd book


pats selling of it is the funniest thing you will see

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When Austin opened the door, Owen was actually talking on the phone. I don't remember him wearing a Blue Blazer costume, but I know that this was at the beginning of the Blazer Returns angle with Owen and Jarrett. The Blazer had appeared at least a couple of times, and Owen stated that he was retiring from wrestling.


So at Judgment Day, Owen did not appear on the card and was supposedly retired from wrestling. When Austin (who almost seemed to burst into laughter upon seeing Owen) opened the door and asked "Where's McMahon?," Owen responded with a simple "I'm retired."


It was honestly one of the funniest things that I've seen on a wrestling show.

I need video of that.

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