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Steve J. Rogers

Worse no sell of all time

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Guest Staravenger

No selling is...just that. NOT SELLING. If you pop right up like one of those punching bags that weeble wobble, thats no selling. Kicking out at 2 is not. It's kicking out at 2.

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I heard Mil didn't want anyone to throw him over so he had to make it so he'd eliminate himself. Kinda makes him look like a retard if you ask me.


You're correct on all accounts, including the retard quip.


Oh, and Ultimate Warrior no selling not 1, not 2, not 3, not 4...but 5 Savage elbow drops at WrestleMania VII


Savage no-sold all of Warrior's finishers for the false-finish at the end, too.


On a side note, Hogan didn't kick out of Lesnar's F-5, nor was in a position to do so. Angle became the first guy to kick out of Lesnar's finisher at Wrestlemania XIX.

How so? He sold the mvoes but kicked up before three. I don't recall him not acting hurt or jumping to his feet or any similar nonsense. Someone kicking up from someone's finisher is hardly "no selling".

Actually in some corners of smarkdom it is.


Thats why Savage's "Reviving Elbow" got the moniker, thats why Hogan and Sid lost a ton of respect from fans when Sid had to kick out of the leg drop at WM because Papa Shango came down late


Kicking out at 2 can be a career/move killing moment

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Guest Salacious Crumb

I'm surprised no one's mentioned David Flair forgetting to fall down after El Dandy tried to drop kick him on an episode of Nitro.

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Anybody that kicked out of Vader's moonsault


Jeff Hardy no selling TWO guitar shots at Victory Road

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The Wall completely no selling Hogan's Leg Drop on the last Nitro before the Bischoff/Russo reset in 2000.


And Vince Russo, of all people, no selling a Sting baseball bat shot on some NWA:TNA show, i'm thinking the 1 year anniversary but i'm not certain.

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Two Undertaker incidents:


1) Angle and Benoit both had their submissions on him for a good amount of time in a three way dance. Anywho, they both release it realizing they can't both win. They fight, and no more than 10 seconds later, Taker is back up, chokeslams one or both of them, and wins the match. Just brutal selljob.


2) No selling Lita's shot to the balls.

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Who could forget Goldberg/Luger from Nitro, late 2000/early 2001? Goldberg is doing his usual spit and snarl against the ring ropes, so Luger runs out of the crowd with a chair. He whacks Goldberg across the back with it, and about 4 seconds later, Goldberg decides to sell it.

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Any match between Shane Douglas and Pitbull 2. Pitbull no-sells a million weapon shots but falls victim to the Belly To Belly of Illogical Doom...


Jerry Lynn rolling up RVD immidiately after being hit with the Five Star, at Hardcore Heaven '99.

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I don't agree with a lot that is in this thread. The bad kind of no-selling, the kind I thought this thread would be about, is a moment where a wrestler is obviously booked to sell something that is done to him, but instead either doesn't do it on purpose, forgets to do it because he's lost in the ring, or something along those lines. I don't consider Hogan or Ultimate Warrior's "pumping/Hulking Up" no-selling, because that's part of their character. Something like Jeff Hardy taking two guitar shots and not falling down, that isn't because he was being an ass or fucking up no-selling on purpose, it was booked that way so Jeff Jarrett could get the thrid and final shot on him while he was still on the ladder.


Those Tough Enough guys taking the bodyslams from TBS, most of them were a perfect case of no-selling.


I think it's pretty easy to tell when something is booked on purpose, and then when someone is just being fucking stupid or a bastard on their own. Anyway, that's just my view on no-selling, heh.


If we're talking about funny sells, there are too many to even start mentioning by me. I did love Rocky's reaction as Mankind was pinning him with a forklift on Half Time Heat. That was so retarded, but I'll always remember it.

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I hardly think Mankind no-sold the Rock chairshots at RR. He sold them like he was having his brains beaten in, which he pretty much was, but his character is too tough to quit. Was Austin no selling when he passed out screaming in the sharpshooter? Ich don't think so.


AJPW has way different psychology than American wrestling, so Misawa/Kawada/Kobashi is hard to judge.


I think Hogan and Taker 'go into to business for themselves' a lot, and intentionally try to make the opposition look bad. They have enough pull backstage and 'it's part of their gimmick' so they never get called for it.

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I'll give you the Rock / Mankind one.


But back in '93, the backdrop driver was the most feared move in AJPW. But if you watch any Kobashi - Misawa match, they use it as a highspot and usually pop right back up.

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Well, yes and no. Kawada's backdrop driver, for example, was a big move, but not considered nearly as powerful as Dr Death's. (EDIT: similar to Hansen's lariat being so much more deadly than say, Kobashi's.) I would consider the time Kobashi took 3 Dangerous backdrops really weird/bad selling, but I'm sure it was the intended finish of the match.


You definitely COULD consider some of the AJPW stuff as no-selling, but it was never intended to make the other guy look like crap. And I don't think they ever 'went into business for themselves'.

Also, the big 4 along with guys like Dr. Death and Hansen were just considered to be on a higher level than the undercard guys. They were assumed to be able to give and take more punishment.

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Guest Pariah

Big Bubba Rogers (Bossman) no selling Dusty Rhodes chair shot. Granted he was suppose to no sell it get him over as a bad ass, but its just funny to see a guy take a full on chair shot and stand there as if nothing happened. Especially against The Dream.

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Something like Jeff Hardy taking two guitar shots and not falling down, that isn't because he was being an ass or fucking up no-selling on purpose, it was booked that way so Jeff Jarrett could get the thrid and final shot on him while he was still on the ladder.

I understand how it was part of the story to need the third shot to finish him off, but this was a case of bad selling. Hardy takes the first shot and it's like a stiff breeze came through and hit him. The second shot was like a mosquito bite. Okay, I'm exagerating here but the point is that there's good "not being knocked out" no selling and bad "not being knocked out" no selling. This case was the latter. The guitar shot is an absolute death blow in TNA. It's part of the story that he needs three shots to be knocked down but he could have sold the first two a little more than having an ouchy; building himself up as a never quitting, tough SOB in the process.

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Guest Fook_Theta
Anybody that kicked out of Vader's moonsault


Jeff Hardy no selling TWO guitar shots at Victory Road

Seen this clip several times now, and you're correct on a technicality. Although it is two washed up wrestlers casually hitting Hardy after a "grueling" match with two horribly fake guitars. However, if you watch the shot by JJ, and look at where Hardy's fingers are almost about to pull the belt down, I have to say that little piece was a small mart out moment. He could have accidently or in kayfabe terms purposely pulled it down as a last ditch effort.


He no sold the two guitar shots, but the last one was "perfectly" executed.

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Guest Askewniverse

Paul Roma vs. Alex Wright at SuperBrawl '95. Roma no-sold nearly all of Wright's offense, including the finish.

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He could have accidently or in kayfabe terms purposely pulled it down as a last ditch effort.


That would have been great.

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He could have accidently or in kayfabe terms purposely pulled it down as a last ditch effort.

That would have been great.

Yes it would have been great. But it would also have gotten Hardy completely squashed the next night and then fired. Unless it's someone headed out the door, you'll never see that kind of thing in a ladder match.

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Anyone remember a Goldberg vs Hogan on Nitro in like 1999/2000 when they had the big WCW logo stage set. Before the Russo mini-tron days.


Nash is doing commentary and Hogan takes the jackhammer, nash is still talking when goldberg has him up in the air. After the slam he finally gets up from the table. By this time goldberg is already in his lift one leg penetration/pin.


Nash has to take is time stepping over the top rope before getting in the ring to interupt the count. well he takes way too long and hogan kicks out of the jackhammer, then about a second later, nash kicks goldberg like he's stopping the pin. Goldberg no sells and gives nash a death look.


Also anyone with NWO WWE DVD the war games match, lex luger comes in and gives like 4 clotheslines in a row then Nash gives him a powerbomb and luger right away gets on all fours and crawls away. Like he's no selling but nobody notices cuz he's sneaking away.

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When Randy Orton single-handedly beat the UnAmericans on Raw in 2002, Christian didn't know how to sell the O-Zone. The result was Randy spinning around to do that contrived move while Christian just stood there and did nothing. Hilarious.


Although this was 1. A spot I enjoyed, therefore not the worst and 2. Part of the match, therefore shouldn't be considered a no-sell (although that didn't seem to make any difference to 90% of the reponses in here), the spot from one of the Tazz/Lawler matches where Tazz keeps popping up from Lawler's piledriver, but collapses after no-selling the 3rd one was an enjoyable spot.


Again off topic, one of the worst OVER sells I remember seeing would be Henry Godwin giving Animal the worst belt shot to the back of the head I've ever seen (Henry just lifted the belt while Animal was running the ropes, and Animal pretty much missed the belt), which Animal sold like death and was pinned from.


In my memory, I recall some pretty bad selling from a psychological standpoint in a cage match in ECW, I believe between the Eliminators and the Gangstas. There were multiple leaps from the top or near the top of the cage, and I don't recall a single one where the leaper bothered to sell the fact he just took a big jump. Maybe tat's just me being raised on WWE and not being keen on the EXTRME attitude of cage jumping, though.

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Guest Wisdom
No selling is...just that. NOT SELLING. If you pop right up like one of those punching bags that weeble wobble, thats no selling. Kicking out at 2 is not. It's kicking out at 2.

Good Point.



I recall Tazz No selling one or Two Jerry Lawler Pildrivers which I would belive to be a no no.

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Worst no sell of all time?




The Undertaker & Kane vs. Kronik - Unforgiven 2001


Adams and Clarke sold so well that they found themselves in the unemployment line the next day.

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