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Steve J. Rogers

Least imposing wrestlers

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A few off hand


-Jeff Hardy

Especically late in his WWF run. The guy had NO tone or definition, looked more like a dope smoking slacking teen than someone with multiple tag titiles and a Euro title to his name



Hate to say it as he is a legend, but Scott Levy is in the same category, especially when you can't SEE his "ripped" features


-Zach Gowen

Never mind that he has one leg, but same category, just doesn't look like a guy who belongs in the ring



Got a good look, but is one of those that you'd be "ya gotta be kidding me" if you found him in a dark alley



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Most Cruiserweights, Tna's X-Division(Aj Styles, Sabin, Daniels, etc), Christopher Nowinski, Maven, Randy Orton

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Guest Staravenger

The "Amazing" Red. I could probably use him to floss my teeth afterwards. Zach Gowen could beat us up with his leg though, so he has a weapon.

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Guest curry_man2002

Ric flair, rey misterio, spike dudley, nunzio, shannon moore, hurricane, funaki, jamie noble, billy kidman, paul london, puppet and teo, mikey whipwreck,



Most imposing wrestlers: scott steiner,undertaker,batista and my personal wrestler of nightmares NEW JACK :(

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Spike Dudley, I can curl him.


Other than that, I doubt I could take very many wrestlers. I mean, I can curl over 200 pounds, and like 110 with one arm, but most wrestlers are faster, and stronger overall than most people.


Someone said Randy Orton. Fuck that shit. He'd stomp a mudhole in someone, same goes for Christopher Daniels / Nowinski and AJ Styles. I doubt any of us could take Flair in a fight, he is the dirtiest player in the game.

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Guest whitemilesdavis
Other than that, I doubt I could take very many wrestlers. I mean, I can curl over 200 pounds, and like 110 with one arm,


I smells bullcrap. If you can curl 200, you shouldn't be afraid of AJ Styles. What's he weigh, 180?

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
Other than that, I doubt I could take very many wrestlers. I mean, I can curl over 200 pounds, and like 110 with one arm,


I smells bullcrap. If you can curl 200, you shouldn't be afraid of AJ Styles. What's he weigh, 180?

He's about an even 200 i'd say, still I wouldn't pick a fight with him. Same with Raven, he mightn't have the best physique, but I wouldn't like to take my chances against him.

For least imposing, how can you go past Spike Dudley? Does he have any muscle on him at all?

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I didn't say I would be afraid of AJ, I'm just not going to say I would whoop his ass in a fight, since he's older, been in more fights probably, and faster. If I got my hands on him, I could toss him around, but I doubt I'd win the fight.

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Guest krazykat72
Most imposing wrestlers: scott steiner,undertaker,batista and my personal wrestler of nightmares NEW JACK :(

I'd be much more afraid of coming across Angle or Lesnar, especially Angle than any of those guys, except maybe New Jack ;)


-Paul Jacobi-

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Zach Gowen looks like breakfast.

You have to be careful with him since he might be like a Shaw Brothers kung fu movie.....fear the Venom of the Cripple Fist!

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Guest Prof_Plague

There's a few - but I'd say Shawn Michaels. ...Just kick him hard in the back.

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Guest Staravenger

Any fat guy. Just lure him with randomly dropped marshmallows and/or Jelly Beans, and sneak up on him with whatever weapon you want.

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I would be scared shitless d if I came across Scott Steiner in a dark alley. Not only is he a fucking roid monster but remember this guy is a former All-American wrestler and a legit badass

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Shannon Moore. The guy looked like a 12 year old girl for like a year.


Spike Dudley seems like the kind of guy who could "Homer Simpson" someone. Get his ass kicked and still win because his opponant collapsed from exhaustion.

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Mikey would rip you to shreads Curryman...although I think I could soundly beat up all of his students.


Jimmy Jacobs...I think I would be least afraid of him over anyone else.


And I'm pretty sure I could take Droz and Dynamite Kid.


And New Jack has 4 legit kills under his belt. So I'd keep away from him. I wouldn't want Scott Norton either.

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