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Guest wrestling365

Chris Candido Back With WWE?

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Guest wrestling365

Former WWF, WCW, and ECW star Chris Candido is currently working with Ohio Valley Wrestling. He arrived in Louisville, Ky earlier this week and worked at the OVW TV tapings on Wednesday night tagging with Nova (Simon Dean) in a match against Danny Inferno and The Idol.


The word going around at the show was that Candido is with the promotion at his own cost and doesn't have a contract at this point. He's told other wrestlers that he views a stint with OVW as his last opportunity to make it back to the big time. He is said to be in great shape and was very humble and gracious in the locker room. I could definitely see Candido rehashing the 'Body Donnas' gimmick on Raw along with Simon Dean. . .



UPDATED 10/30:


As an update to this story I've heard from a promoter friend of mine that Candido is also working in OVW as a trainer alongside Lance Storm.


At least that is what Candido told him...

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Well if Chris Candido is in great shape, there is hope for tammy to possibly get back to her wwf figure.


Does anyone think Vince would pay money for tammy to have lypo if Candido got a wwe contract?. I know Vince paid for show to have lypo when he debuted. IMO you can not have Candido in the WWE w/o tammy.


I agree that Simon Dean & Chris Candido as the new bodydonnas would be great.

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I say take a good hard look at whether or not he can stay off that shit, and if he succeeds, give him all the chances in the world ala Regal and Guerrero. Don't treat him like Scott Hall was treated.

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Since Shawn Michaels is a born again christian do you think he will make amends with chris candido over the shit he and the cliq pulled on him?. That is if Candido makes it and wrestles on the raw roster.

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Guest wrestling365
Since Shawn Michaels is a born again christian do you think he will make amends with chris candido over the shit he and the cliq pulled on him?. That is if Candido makes it and wrestles on the raw roster.


I don't think Michaels (The Clique) pulled that much.


Chris is good at what he does, and guys were obviously worried about being pushed down the card back then.


Tammy said in her RF Shoot Video that Chris burried himself:


Vince proposed that Tammy leave the Body Donnas and "Skip and Zip" be paired with "Cloudy" - a jobber in drag.


Chris told Vince "that f--cking sucks" or words to those effect. He was ousted a short time later and went back to ECW.

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If Candido can bring something to the WWE, then I'm all for it. But if he can't, he Candido welcome to Heat/Velocity.

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Guest INXS

I think one of the sheets reported that Candido was going to be doing some work for OVW a couple of months back.


Earlier this year Paul Heyman was pushing really hard for Candido to come in and Johnny Ace was considering it (Candido is on very good terms with Paul E and Johnny Ace) I guess Candido working in OVW is his way of getting himself noticed by others in WWE and a way to prove that he's talented and back on track.


I wish him all the best as he's a nice guy, talented and has the mind and dedication to suceed.

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Well if Chris Candido is in great shape, there is hope for tammy to possibly get back to her wwf figure.

The chances of that modern miracle are slim to none (pun intended). I mean, have you seen that heifer lately? Nothing short of a time machine will ever make her look good again.


As for Candido… feh. WW_ has enough small guys that they don't use without throwing another one to dilute the pool.

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Guest Loss

There are guys that Shawn probably did pull shit on that didn't deserve it, but he actually talked Candido up to management.


We'll see how much he can make of this chance. He could be 2005's Big Comeback Story if he plays his cards right.

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Well if Chris Candido is in great shape, there is hope for tammy to possibly get back to her wwf figure.

The chances of that modern miracle are slim to none (pun intended). I mean, have you seen that heifer lately? Nothing short of a time machine will ever make her look good again.

Yeah, because no one has ever gotten themselves back in shape after gaining a bunch of weight. Good thinking.

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Well if Chris Candido is in great shape, there is hope for tammy to possibly get back to her wwf figure.

The chances of that modern miracle are slim to none (pun intended). I mean, have you seen that heifer lately? Nothing short of a time machine will ever make her look good again.


As for Candido… feh. WW_ has enough small guys that they don't use without throwing another one to dilute the pool.

I'm sure Sunny could get back in decent shape...its not like its impossible. Shit, Id give the ol' in/out right now if such opportunity presented herself.


And, I think Candido deserves at least a chance. The guy can work better than at least half the current roster.

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It's easier to get back into shape without a monkey on your back to worry about. Tammy could get back into shape, but she'll need to get clean first.

Clearly, shes been clean for awhile. Thats why her weight ballooned...had she still been on the yay-train, shed be rail thin.

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It's easier to get back into shape without a monkey on your back to worry about. Tammy could get back into shape, but she'll need to get clean first.

Clearly, shes been clean for awhile. Thats why her weight ballooned...had she still been on the yay-train, shed be rail thin.

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Well, Candido coming back would be good if he were put on Smackdown. He has some name value...not much admitedly, but some. Plus he has a supporter in Heyman.


At the risk of sounding too optimistic, Candido could come in and get the Cruiserweight Title. He's likely to get a decent run and decent opponents, unlike Spike who's getting a half decent run and a new character. Then...if he impresses from there, push him into the upper midcard area. I'd be interested to see Candido vs. Eddie.

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I saw him twice last weekend, both at IWA Mid-South shows, and if that's the Chris Candido that's making the comeback, then I wish him nothing but the best.


On Friday, he was in one of the funniest comedy matches I've ever seen (him/Steve Stone/Claudio Castagnoli/Nigel McGuinness vs. Danny Daniels/Matt Sydal/Ace Steel/CM Punk), and it practically had his fingerprints all over it. He was also really great at getting the heel heat of 500 fans out of 79.


The next night, him and Steve Stone actually made a Dusty Rhodes match kind of fun. It was those two against Rhodes and Ian Rotten, who grew up idolizing Dusty. He basically pulled out every Flair spot in the book, and Dusty was up for everything he did. Plus, him and Stone bumped like pinballs for Dusty's offense.


I really hope something happens for Chris this time around, as he seems to be in it whole-heartedly. But, if he doesn't get a deal out of it, I hope he sticks around the indies for a long time, as he has a hell of a lot to teach younger guys who are willing to listen.

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I haven't seen the IWA-MS quad shot yet to judge Candido's performance, but most people I've heard say that while he's a little older and doesn't move quite like he used to, he's really smart in the ring, really good at bringing the crowd into his matches, and really wants to be given another chance, so if that's in the WWE, cool. If not, I wish him the best of luck in the indies.

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It's easier to get back into shape without a monkey on your back to worry about. Tammy could get back into shape, but she'll need to get clean first.

Clearly, shes been clean for awhile. Thats why her weight ballooned...had she still been on the yay-train, shed be rail thin.

I've seen the successes of that diet. Hot, skinny, coked out whores. They're a gift from God. Or Satan. Either way, everybody wins.

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I saw him twice last weekend, both at IWA Mid-South shows, and if that's the Chris Candido that's making the comeback, then I wish him nothing but the best.


On Friday, he was in one of the funniest comedy matches I've ever seen (him/Steve Stone/Claudio Castagnoli/Nigel McGuinness vs. Danny Daniels/Matt Sydal/Ace Steel/CM Punk), and it practically had his fingerprints all over it. He was also really great at getting the heel heat of 500 fans out of 79.


The next night, him and Steve Stone actually made a Dusty Rhodes match kind of fun. It was those two against Rhodes and Ian Rotten, who grew up idolizing Dusty. He basically pulled out every Flair spot in the book, and Dusty was up for everything he did. Plus, him and Stone bumped like pinballs for Dusty's offense.


I really hope something happens for Chris this time around, as he seems to be in it whole-heartedly. But, if he doesn't get a deal out of it, I hope he sticks around the indies for a long time, as he has a hell of a lot to teach younger guys who are willing to listen.

Steve Stone, nah it couldn't be, or could it?


--------------------------- This line was brought to you by the baseball thread.

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Yeah, this is a bald-headed, leather-wearing, metal fan who happens to be a pretty good wrestler, though (ironically) he too is from Chicago. Back when he was a face, he'd often make jokes about his own name on commentary, since he seems to be a huge baseball fan.

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Guest wrestling365

As an update to this story I've heard from a promoter friend of mine that Candido is also working in OVW as a trainer alongside Lance Storm.


At least that is what Candido told him...

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Guest Banders Kennany

I hope this news about Candido as a trainer isn't him puffing himself up to friends. Such a thing could reflect badly on him if he is considered for a contract.


As for Storm I don't know if he really helped Candido, I am pretty sure there ECW stints did not interlope much, but maybe they are familiar with each other from Smoky Mountain.


I've never beeen big on Candido before, but now that I hear such glowing reviews from all that have seen him as of recent I am thinking to maybe change my tune.

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Chris Candido can put on some pretty entertaining wrestling matches working the style WWE seems to be going with now. If they do decide to bring back the Bodydonnas, I would rather see them managed by Dawn Marie, Miss Jackie, or someone from OVW rather than wasting time trying to get Sunny into shape.

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