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Guest jm29195

3 MORE WWE Wrestlers released...

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Something's up people imo. Vince has some kind of "masterplan". I would not be surprised if we get "Real American" Hulk Hogan again. Seriously! Vince might think his main ticket back to the mainstream is to use the divided America angle with Hassan.


Remember Vince cleaning out Bret Hart for Mike Tyson? It was around Survivor Series too. Maybe the brand split is coming to an end as well. Hopefully, they got something big in store or the jokes about Vince and Steph going back to Manhattan Centre could be true :lol:

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My only problem with the cuts is that they are being replaced by 3 diva search finalists, tough enough winner and i'd say a few of the tough enough guys who get cut will be signed.


I guess 3 diva search finalists > Nidia, Gail Kim and Jazz.


Yeah we don't want a women's divison, just give us fake tittied girls who do nothing.

But, but--Carmella's a great heel who is going to draw tons and tons of $$$ through her thrilling feuds and shoots of her...in bikinis, and maybe another couple of Playboy shoots. She's a brilliant investment!



When did they sign Carmella?


Her last paid appearance was at Taboo Tuesday.

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Vince getting rid of Bret had nothing to do with Tyson coming in.

May be true, but I think Vince wanting to break the contract and the monetary commitment to get other things done had to play a part. He had a "masterplan" about "attitude" and wanted HBK and Austin to be his main players since Hart did not want to go that route. It's just the same way he got Ric Flair to play apart in his plan for the brand extension and I wonder if HHH wasn't such a Flair fanatic if he would still be around or be gone like the other legends he brought back. Flair at least gave some credibility with the new horse...I mean Evolution group. You know speaking about the horsemen I wonder if Evo would have more heat calling themselves that with HHH having Flair being the lapdog in the group he created?

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Good. More people should be out of jobs.


They should just scrap Heat as well, since it does jack-all ratings and now they have nobody to wrestle on it. That would also lead to cutting Velocity, which would be smart.

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Guest LooneyTune

When Rodney Mack FINALLY shows signs of improvement and charisma they fire him?! AND STAMBOLI!?


Who's Next is all I have to say.

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When Rodney Mack FINALLY shows signs of improvement and charisma they fire him?! AND STAMBOLI!?


Who's Next is all I have to say.

All of the people who were on the Taboo Tuesday list of contenders for the IC title that got less than 10%

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Who's Next is all I have to say.


I wouldn't be too surprised if Molly Holly gets released some time soon. I found it quite odd that she wasn't on Raw, and even odder that they fired Gail, who was. If they were getting rid of Gail anyway, why not just stick Molly in her place on Raw?

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Molly should not get released since she is one of the few women who can actually wrestle. Somebody has to stay employed to teach the divas how to take bumps.

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Guest LooneyTune

When does Rosey get the axe since his voting was really low for Taboo Tuesday?


I'm amazed that Shannon Moore, Ultimo Dragon, Akio, and Funaki are still employed on Smackdown.

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It has nothing to do with actual wrestling. Both Jazz and Gail Kim were good wrestlers. It's all about Diva dodgeball. Geez I wonder why the WWE's numbers suck so badly as of late.

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I'm amazed that Shannon Moore, Ultimo Dragon, Akio, and Funaki are still employed on Smackdown.


Well, Funaki has been with the WWE since like 1997 or 98? If I remember correctly, the WWE likes guy who have "tenure." Maybe that's working for him.

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Jesus Christ, why Rico!? He and Haas were an awesome tag team that had a real chemistry. Their matches with the Dudleys just a few weeks back were really excited, well-structured matches.


He was also just getting over for the first time in his career. How disappointing.

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Guest LooneyTune

Not Rico! Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with this company?! (jumps out of 1st floor window)

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Well, on this other board that I check out, someone mentioned that the releases are because "The WWE is preparing for the likelihood that they will have to renew their RAW contract with Spike TV for a lot less than the $28M annually that they are currently getting." Don't know if there is some truth to it or not, but it certainly seems plausible.

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