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Best and Worst Entrances and Music ever

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Hey everyone, I am new on here so i figured I would start a topic of my own to really break in with you guys. I am sure that there has been a lot of entrances over time but here are my picks... (Other than Shawn Michaels, cuz he is the best regardless to be lol)


Best Entrance: HHH

Best Entrance Music: Stone Cold's w/ Lyrics (By Disturbed, 2000) and The Doctor of Style, Slick


Worst Entrance: Maven

Worst Entrance Music: Men on a Mission

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Not much for entrances either way, but as for music...


Best: I LOVE Benoit's current theme. Gangrel's was cool too.


Worst: Test's last before he was canned. IT SUCKED. What was wrong with his volume 4 theme?

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Guest Duncan Eternia

I always loved Goldust's theme and entrance.


Worst Entrance would have to be Victoria's dancing thing that she did for like all of one show....damn that thing sucked.

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Best: Mankinds old exit music, Hakushi's entrence theme.

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American Males wins as worst song EVAR.


A close second is X-Factor. God that sucked...


The best entrance... has to be Gangrel. It was so cool to see him pop out of the entrance surrounded by fire.

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I actually kinda dig Rey's WWE entrance....i liked Ahmed Johnson's music...Warrior's entrance was always cool...Harlem Heat music is my all time favorite though, I think...

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For entrance...I always liked Sting's Crow era drop from the rafters with the ominous music playing.




Best: I always for some reason feel so energized when I hear "Real American"...so I pick that. ...as well as when Sandman used "Enter Sandman" in ECW, and everyone in the arena was singing it.


Worst:...does the RTC entrance theme count?

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Best Music: Abyss's theme (really). Notable Mentions: Raven's WCW music, Crow Sting, and the Filthy Animals' theme.

Best Entrance: The Filthy Animals' sillouette thing. Notable Mention: The nWo's Black and White entrance.


Worst Music: Ken Shamrock

Worst Entrance: Maven


And if someone could find the Mean Street Posse's theme, I'd be very thankful.

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Quite a few bad ones. American Males sucked.


My friends and I always got a kick out of High Voltage's entrance music. Very dramatically DANGER DANGER HIGH VOLTAGE. BZZZZZTT. And then two talentless roid freaks with ridiculous names.


DDP's was pathetic because of the big 'self high-five!' and then the most blatent Nirvana ripoff EVER.


PG-13's NoD rap was so laughable I haven't been able to de-memorize it.


"We are the nation, rhyming in color.

Don't dis the man, cause I bum rush your mother.

This is what I'm sayin,

Fo real, and not playin,

Farooq/Savio/Crush is the man so hit your knees and start prayin'


HHH's entrance to My Time, ranks up there. The Motorhead is pretty good too. My Time may be my favorite original entrance music, though. THe Brood and the original nWo theme are both awesome, however.


Jericho's original over-the-top entrance into the WWF was pretty much the bar.

Christian had the best pyro ever.


However, Sandman's entrance is the best in the history of the bysiness. 'Enter Sandman', smoking, drinking beers with the fans. Hoisting the cane into the air. Definitely magic. Too bad he was a pretty crappy wrestler.

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PG-13's NoD rap was so laughable I haven't been able to de-memorize it.


"We are the nation, rhyming in color.

Don't dis the man, cause I bum rush your mother.

This is what I'm sayin,

Fo real, and not playin,

Farooq/Savio/Crush is the man so hit your knees and start prayin'

Got power like the bear but quick like the cat,

2 and 2 together got yo face on the mat.


You count the stars while the ref counts 3,

Hope you like to look at ceilings cause that's all you gonna see!


Clerence Mason is the man crossin t' and dottin i's,

He tells the truth the whole truth and never tells a lie.

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Guest Evolution

Best Music: Benoit, HHH (Motorhead), Hogan, Gangrel/The Brood, Goldberg

Best Entrance: Gangrel/The Brood, Rey's current entrance, Goldberg (guilty pleasure)


Worst Music: Victoria, X-Factor

Worst Entrance: Hmm...I don't know. Something boring. I'll go with Maven.

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Worst Entrance Music: Stone Cold's theme when he was in the Alliance. Terrible.


If you're talking about his second Alliance theme then I completely agree. His first one rocked though, it was like evil version on his regular theme.

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Guest Rrrsh

Best Song: Honky, Ted Dibease and Bret Hart

Best Entrance: HBK, Orton and Jericho


Worst Song: American Males, EASY

Worst Entrance: HHH, purely for length.

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Guest LooneyTune
Why do people hate X-Factor's music so much ?

I blacked it out of my memory, but it was REALLY horrible sounding and had no business being a wrestling theme.


Best (Themes): Hulk Hogan's Real American, the nWo theme (as well as Hogans Voodoo Child/nWo mix), Gangrels, Triple H's them from fall 99-winter 00/01 (My Time?), Triple H's "The Game", Bret Harts, and probably others I can't recall now.


Best (Entrances): Hogans in WWF, The Brood/Gangrel with the entrance of fire, Triple H's, Goldusts, all of Undertakers "Special" ones, and PIMP Batista.



Worst (Themes): RTC (thank God that wasn't on a CD), Nations ©Rap, American Males, Dave Sullivans "I Want to be a Hulkamaniac", Undertaker "American Badass"


Worst (Entrances): These don't stand out much, but I have to say Steve Blackmans glow-stick exhibitions were lame-ass.

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Best Entrance Music: Ted DiBiase's

Best Entrance: Gangrel, Christian, Evolution or Goldberg all had/have great entrances. I especailly like Evolutions when they walked out through the wall of fire.


Word Entrance Music: RTC

Worst Entrance: Seven. (Dustin Rhodes, for one night, in WCW)

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Best Entrance Music: Raven, "Gotta Keep 'em Seperated"

Best Entrance: I really liked the Sting/Blue Blazer enterance. It's a shame that carelessness led to not just the entrance being scrapped, but a good man's death.


Worst Entrance Music: Booker T/RVD Remix

Worst Entrance: Bushwackers

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Best Themes: Great Muta 89,Juventud Guerrera,Ultimo Dragon(the one he used as a heel),Sting's 1st and 3rd,nWo(even though it got used about 6 times a show in 98),Luger in 89,the Midnight Express remake that the NWA did and Vader's themes in WCW and WWF.

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Best Entrance: Gangrel by far.


Unless The Shockmaster losing his helmet falling through the wall counts, then I can't think of a worst entrance off the top of my head.


Best Theme Song: Badstreet USA.

Worst Theme Song: The Lil Kim theme Trish Stratus was using for a while. Horrible fucking song.

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Best song: Evolution, Benoit, Jushin Liger(Ikari No Liger or something like that), C.M Punk (AFI's Miseria Cantare)


Best Entrance: Triple H(especially at the Royal Rumble with all the green lasers)


C.M Punk-This has to be the most epic fucking thing I've ever seen. The lights are flashing and the fans are banging on metal cans to the beat of his theme song. Just awesome stuff.



Worst song:Victoria, X-Pac, and Jeff Jarrett's current TNA theme. Just absolutely abysmal.



Worst Entrance: Jeff Jarrett's entrance in TNA with that stupid damn Jacket and the cheesy pyro.

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best entrance - Kane and X-Pac when they were a tag team the few occasions they came out together. in ring, the duelling pyro looked fucking cool.


best entrance music - Ric Flair, Honky Tonk Man, Tazz, Diesel (guilty pleasure), Big Show.

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