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New Networks coming in 2005

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Im basically taking this list from DBSTalk Forums , so the credit goes to Adam Richey over there for the list/links.



America National Network (March 2005) - http://www.sentinel-america.com/ANN-Home-Page.htm

General patriotic entertainment channel


American David (September 2006) - http://www.americandavid.com (Not Up Yet)

Jewish entertainment and educational channel


Auto Channel (September 2005) - http://www.theautochannel.com


Black TV News Channel (July 2005)


Boating Channel (4th Qtr 2005) - http://www.boatingchannel.com

Nautical entertainment, informative and competitions


Boxing Channel (May 2005)


Career Entertainment TV (2nd Qtr 2005) - http://www.ce.tv

Entertainment to enrich "people's working lives"


Casino and Gaming TV (2nd Qtr 2005) - http://www.cgtv.com


Destiny Channel (4th Qtr 2005) - http://www.destinychannel.com

Ethics channel for 18-34 year olds


Edge TV (1st Qtr 2005) - http://www.theedgetv.com

All kinds of gaming from poker to crosswords to game shows and more


Fashion and Design TV (April 2005) - http://www.fadnetworks.com


Film Festival Channel (4th Qtr 2005) - http://www.filmfestivalchannel.com


God TV (February 2005) - http://www.god.tv


Jewish TV (July 2005) - http://www.jtelevision.com

News and reality-driven with a broad range of Jewish entertainment


Puppy Channel (March 2006) - http://www.thepuppychannel.com


Radio TV Network (March 2005) - http://www.rtvnet.com

All of the best radio shows, now on TV


Shalom TV - http://www.shalomtv.com

Covers everything in the Jewish culture


Wine Network (Middle 2005) - http://www.winenetworktv.com






The Puppy ChannelSM on TV is just "puppies, puppies, puppies," accompanied by little more than relaxing, instrumental music. Nobody talks at you. In fact, you rarely see people, other than an occasional visit by a little child, or a heartwarming visit to a senior citizen.


In three tests across the U.S., people have said they want

The Puppy ChannelSM on TV. Many say they would like it better than what's on TV now.


Is there really a need for these channels?

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Guest El Satanico

3 jew oriented channels? tis interesting


The patriotic American channel? I thought this is what Fox News considers themselves to be. I bet Major Dad and Tobey Keith will be on it alot.


The Puppy Channel? Let me just say...South Park DID IT!

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Destiny Channel? That just sounds horrible.


Another one I heard that is starting up soon is MTV India. Basically, it's going to cater to Indians living in the US, if I read the article correctly. That seems like a bit of a niche market, but I'd watch because I have found the Indian music videos I watched to be a total guilty pleasure. Assuming they show music videos, of course, this is MTV we're talking about...

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STILL no word on The Horror Channel?



And is there really a need for MORE God networks?

Apparently so.


Where I work, we have two guys who actually BRING BIBLES TO WORK WITH THEM.


One is a Limo driver who I rarely see.


The other is a bus driver who stops in from time to time, as he runs the employee shuttle bus.

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Guest El Satanico

They need an Alternative Religions channel, hell every Religion should get a channel if we must have multiple Religion channels


I'd watch the Jah, Athiest, Voodoo and Satanist channels...good fun for all

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They need an Alternative Religions channel, hell every Religion should get a channel if we must have multiple Religion channels



...I can't imagine the programming for that, for some reason.

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They need an Alternative Religions channel, hell every Religion should get a channel if we must have multiple Religion channels


Agreed. I don't see why each religion just doesn't get one damn station. Like what television needed was another station of overly white people talking about how much they love Jesus/God and how every religion is totally wrong set to burn in hell.


I tried watching TBN for an entire day once and that station nearly made me denounce humanity.

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Guest Failed Mascot

I got something on my digital cable package called "The Fox Movie Channel". It of course plays movies only produced by Fox and thus far its free. I've already seen them play Cheaper by the Dozen so they're playing pretty recent movies on it too.

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Isn't there suspossed to be a Fangoria TV channel soon? Because if so, it had better come to Direct TV.

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I got something on my digital cable package called "The Fox Movie Channel". It of course plays movies only produced by Fox and thus far its free. I've already seen them play Cheaper by the Dozen so they're playing pretty recent movies on it too.


Your lucky, it's a pay channel on my service.

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Guest Failed Mascot

I wouldn't be surprised to see it eventually become a pay channel. They gave us ESPN Classic for free for the first 3 months it switched over to digital cable. Then they tore it away and its now a pay channel.

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Isn't there suspossed to be a Fangoria TV channel soon? Because if so, it had better come to Direct TV.


Nope, it's only coming to college dorm tv (National Lampoon Network) and HDTV In Demand.

No basic cable and no basic dish packages at this time.


So at the moment, Fangoria is a no.

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Film festival channel?


The Film Festival Channel is devoted to covering the latest film festival buzz and broadcasting unique, quality films in on-air competition, giving promising filmmakers exposure and celebrating their most innovative work.



It just sounds like Sundance Channel Take two.

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The Puppy ChannelSM on TV is just "puppies, puppies, puppies," accompanied by little more than relaxing, instrumental music. Nobody talks at you. In fact, you rarely see people, other than an occasional visit by a little child, or a heartwarming visit to a senior citizen.


In three tests across the U.S., people have said they want

The Puppy ChannelSM on TV. Many say they would like it better than what's on TV now.

Do you need to be high on cough syrup to watch this channel?

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Many say they would like it better than what's on TV now.


Well, I think puppies would be better than a lot better than some of the crap I have seen while flipping through the channels. Then again, so would a static screen, but that's besides the point.

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So when does the "Punch somebody in the face" channel start up?

That sounds like something that chud.com would come up with...

That was one of the channel's Conan had during is "What's on the Satellite Dish" sketch.

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The Puppy Channel sounds like that show Craig had on that episode of South Park.


Personally, Im still waiting for the Scientology channel.

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The Puppy ChannelSM on TV is just "puppies, puppies, puppies," accompanied by little more than relaxing, instrumental music. Nobody talks at you. In fact, you rarely see people, other than an occasional visit by a little child, or a heartwarming visit to a senior citizen.


In three tests across the U.S., people have said they want

The Puppy ChannelSM on TV. Many say they would like it better than what's on TV now.

Do you need to be high on cough syrup to watch this channel?

I swear they did this idea in an episode of that show Dinosaurs.

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America National Network (March 2005) - http://www.sentinel-america.com/ANN-Home-Page.htm

General patriotic entertainment channel

"Objective news" that "portrays traditional American values," eh?


I'll deal with it as long as all their promotional ID spots (ala "This is CNN") play "America, Fuck Yeah" as the background music.


Casino and Gaming TV (2nd Qtr 2005) - http://www.cgtv.com

If it's any better than the blatant advertising that passes as "how to play" documentaries on our VOD service, then sign me up. If it's not, yuck!


When's that MTV gay channel launch?

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Black TV News Channel



HA. Anyone that has ever watched BET news knows that they can't even fill 30 minutes of television when they try to do a news program featuring predominately stories about people of color. How in the ever loving fuck are they going to make a whole channel? It just gets to a point when they start reporting the dumbest shit in the world, but because it has a black person in it, it fills the requirements.


"In breaking news, Allen Iverson is out of milk and has to go to the store to buy more...we will get you more information as it comes in"

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