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Meltzer on JBL's Wrestlemania opponent

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I think it would be intresting to have Rock as a surprise entrant and to clean house for a bit, then have JBL's cabinet come in and take him out with JBL standing over him or something. And didn't Jordan get trained by Rock's dad...so you've got a side angle you can use there too.


But then again, I have no desire to see JBL vs. Rock...at all.

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Well considering he got suspended from WWE folder- it's obvious more people agree with me. :-)


Rock putting over JBL would make me really sad and upset. It just would be so wrong on so many levels

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Why would Rock fight for the title? That makes about no sense.


Please, in WWE-land the setup for this match is ridiculously easy.


JBL comes out on Smackdown one night and brags about how he's the greatest WWE champion ever, etc., he's better than Hogan, Hart, Austin, Sammartino, even the Rock. Have him insert disparaging remark about the film "Be Cool".


Next week, Rock shows up, having taken offense to this. We get 20 minutes of the Rock goofing on JBL, before JBL's cabinet gets fed up and attacks. Rock fights back, eventually gets beat down, boom - instant Rock / JBL feud.


See? Easy as pie. Someone hire me to the WWE booking team.


Oh, and for those of you going, "Boo! The Rock shouldn't have to put over JBL!"


Get serious. I mean, C'MON. Get real.


I like the Rock, I do, but the Rock is not "a wrestler who occasionally acts", he's "an actor who occasionally wrestles." There is no reason - NO fucking reason - why the Rock should NOT be putting people over, because quite frankly he's got absolutely NOTHING left to prove or left to do in the business at this point. He's good for two things, really, now: boosting the image of the WWE by simple association with them, and putting people over.


And he's long ago reached that plateau where he's goddamn bulletproof. He can most definitely lay down for JBL at Mania, and it won't hurt him AT ALL, because he'll leave there with the fans / marks loving him as much as they did before.

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2. He could win the Rumble, and pick to go for JBL's title.

You know, Rock has never won the Rumble, as his victory was reversed and given to Big Show. They could *gasp* use continuity.

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If the WWE does the usual Rock comeback, they should NOT HAVE THE ROCK fighting for a title! It's worthless build up, and EVERYONE is gonna know who will win. With Rock doing a zillion movies, and most likely LEAVING again, JBL will retain.

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2. He could win the Rumble, and pick to go for JBL's title.

You know, Rock has never won the Rumble, as his victory was reversed and given to Big Show. They could *gasp* use continuity.

Actually, that's kind of a gray area with Rock's rumble win.


Last I checked on the old Rumble website, it said Rock was a winner, but there was some "controversy" about the win.

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How come we don't get the full WOL report anymore?

Because (according to Loss) Hunter's Torn Quad was tired of dealing w/ Jason (he of the Hitler thread).


Hopefully HTQ comes back, since he's 1 of the best "new" posters we've had.

What about me?


What about CBright?

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Bitch, moan whatever. I'd much rather see Rocky vs JBL than Cena enter the main event at Wrestlemania and take the belt.


Isn't Rocky a RAW guy though? Wait, why the hell am I trying to comprehend this?


I can live with this as the SD! main event though, at least Rock doesn't have to worry about Hunter coming in a month later and destroying all his hard work by making Bradshaw look like a chump.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

Rock's a floatover.


If you remember he did Smackdown and beat hogan and then showed up on raw to do the austin program and said "he can be on either damn show he wants"

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Guest Ray
(chants quietly) Hulk Ho-gan... Hulk Ho-gan... make it happen WWE.



So he can take a payoff from wrestlers who actually work a full schedule and don't quit the minute they might possibly be in the midcard?

They can complain when they've drawn as much money as Hogan.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

To quote Paul Orndorf or someone


"You never complained about hogan taking a spot. that meant you got paid that day".

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Guest 11and0baby

Rock shouldn't be coming in and working a Title Program. Getting the Title of JBL should be something to a Face who is gonna stay around and benefit from it no someone like Rock who is gonna come in Win, Defend at a Smackdwon, Lose and Go back to do his Movies.


I hated it when Rock came back and took the WCW Title from Booker and I'll hate if he comes in and takes JBL's Title.


At least Hunter around continuously to get his title Reign's instead of Rock's One Month Wonder Reigns.

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2. He could win the Rumble, and pick to go for JBL's title.




You know, Rock has never won the Rumble, as his victory was reversed and given to Big Show. They could *gasp* use continuity.



Actually, that's kind of a gray area with Rock's rumble win.


Last I checked on the old Rumble website, it said Rock was a winner, but there was some "controversy" about the win.


Its like Austin's 97 win. The Rock had been eliminated, but they didn't see it and declared him the winner.

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Guest Teckneek
Meltzer says the company wants JBL vs. Rock for the WWE title at Wrestlemania 21.


I don't really get that, but I guess they're just looking to draw.

Here is what's gonna happen IMO. JBL will cost the Cena the US title to Orlando Jorden, and then the next week Cena will challenge JBL for the WWE title at WM20.

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They mentioned this in the Observer like two weeks ago. Meltzer said the proposal for the match was going to be made, but that he couldn't see Rocky agreeing to it, since he has creative control over how he's used. Keep your fingers crossed.

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I, for one, kind of want to see Rock/JBL. Layfield has been given quite the lengthy title reign, and something has to be done with it.


As much as I look at who Rock would be putting over and don't really like it, it makes sense. JBL has beaten all the face challengers for his title on numerous occasions. Yes, he cheated, but he's beat them all, and then beaten them all in rematches.


Now, all he has left to do is gloat.


He doesn't even see Cena with his stronghold over the midcard, and he could care less. As he spouts on and on about his name being up there with greats such as The Rock, Rock comes back to make him prove it.


Here, he gets a clean win without hurting anyone else on the dwindling Smackdown card, and, in the best way possible, legitimizes his reign and his character.


This paves the way for Cena to get the rub he may not have gotten by just beating JBL without a win like this. JBL going over Rocky makes him look great, and Cena winning the title even better for Cena.


Rock, in turn, puts over two guys.

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I really like the way Dan has put things into perspective up there. Originally, I had thought that Vince may not have had enough faith in Cena's ability to be a champion to hot-shot the title to Cena at Wrestlemania. However, JBL working with the Rock in this situation can really do the SD! main event scene some good.


Then they can ship over some fresh contender/s from RAW to kick start Cena's defensive run.

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UYI, that is a big part of it. With the probable roster switches after Mania, JBL will have lots of fresh faces gunning for the title, allowing Cena to step front and center and collect that title shot he never recieved all the while JBL held the title. JBL beat all those and then some from the 2004 Smackdown era, and Cena kicks off the 2005 against those new people.

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(chants quietly) Hulk Ho-gan... Hulk Ho-gan... make it happen WWE.

:lol: This is the same guy that bitches about RVD "dogging it in the ring all the time", but he creams himself for a Hogan vs. JBL Wrestlemania main event.

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(chants quietly) Hulk Ho-gan... Hulk Ho-gan... make it happen WWE.



So he can take a payoff from wrestlers who actually work a full schedule and don't quit the minute they might possibly be in the midcard?

They can complain when they've drawn as much money as Hogan.

Hogan may have drawn money then, but he doesn't really draw money now

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This is utter bullshit. What exactly does this mean? If they don't think that Cena/JBL will draw or be a decent match then here's an idea: don't push the worthless fucks!


As far as UT/Angle goes, does anyone want to see that either? Their previous matches have been shit, either a UT squash or Angle sneaking his bro in to cheat for him.


Further, Rock has no business being in a main event slot at WM. Special appearance slot in a tag type match? Ok. But not fighting for a title. It's ludicrous and unfair to the guys on the roster, not to mention the horrible message it sends to the fans of "Our roster sucks so bad we have to bring back The Rock to fight for the title at WM." It makes everyone blatantly realize that SMDN itself is missable crap, when they need to fight that perception.


Last, given that Rocky has been a WM job bitch of late, don't they kinda have to have him WIN this match? I mean, him jobbing to Austin or HHH I can stomach, but fucking BRADSHAW? I suppose it could be a way of Bradshaw keeping his heat by saying "Teddy Long, no one on the roster could beat me so you had to bring in a ringer I wasn't expecting" and that sort of thing.

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If The Rock puts JBL over, when the hell's he ever going to lose the title?


By that point it'll have been 9 months since he won the thing.


As far as UT/Angle goes, does anyone want to see that either?  Their previous matches have been shit, either a UT squash or Angle sneaking his bro in to cheat for him.

Smackdown episodes from July 4, 2002 and September 4, 2003 say different.

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Guest SoZe

Lame. Now, if you told me that Rock was coming in to work a program with, and then out over Eddie, I'd be all for that.

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