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When Did You Stop Watching On A Regular Basis?

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Guest DeathBecomesYou

I still watch Raw every week, but as far as SD goes, if sort of watch it, but I don't really pay attention for most of the show. The final straw was their making the two divawhores the focus of the world title feud.

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I still watch Raw & SD every week, and Velocity if it looks good. I can't be bothered to watch Heat. Last time I watched Heat was when Benoit faced Palumbo (right before Chuck was released).


Never order PPV's (would've considered last year's WM if Benoit/Lesnar had occurred). If a particular PPV looked good, I'll pick up the DVD.

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After Trips won his belt back from Orton. I just lost interest. It also didn't help that I work till 9 on Monday's and Thrusday', so I only get an hour of Raw and no Smackdown.

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Guest Skironox

Like everyone else, I stopped watching when the Bradshaw God push began. I've been fed up with all the crap on Raw for the last few months, and 24 beginning gave me the excuse to not watch anymore.

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Guest Fook

Does anyone here actually watch all the shows (including the weekend ones) and still order ppvs on a regular basis?

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Guest bigm350
Does anyone here actually watch all the shows (including the weekend ones) and still order ppvs on a regular basis?

I didn't watch all the shows but I ordered every PPV up to Summerslam of 2004. Now, money is tight and there are WAY too many PPV's. Come to think of it, My wife and I have the money and I could order the Rumble but I'm not, there's nothing eye-catching about the current product, and I can find everything out either the next night on Raw or on boards like this. I'm going now by the philosophy that if there is a good PPV or a PPV with certain matches I want to see I'll just wait for the DVD to come out.

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Guest Duncan Eternia

Since I started college classes a few years back it has been difficult to watch RAW live on a steady basis...it's funny....I used to try and re-work a schedule around RAW! Since spring last year I just don't care about much WWE does.


I would tune in, see something promising, then they would fuck it up. I have totally stopped watching (I still read results) since ROH Final Battle 2004... The Austin Aries line "If you have talent on loan from God, then I'm your personal Jesus" is greater than just about anything WWE can do. That wrestling show taught me not to care about the "big time" as much as I used to.

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I haven't watched Smackdown regularly in a long-ass time. We're talking early-2001. Spoilers combined with never getting to see it live and never watching my tape, plus the dive the show took after the split killed my interest. I still record it weekly, but don't bust my ass to make time for it anymore. S'far as I'm concerned, it might as well be a different company I don't watch. How I watch only Raw and not Smackdown is a big reason I like the split. Much more manageable.

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I regularly watched (and by watched I mean had them on in the background and glanced over at something that interested) until very recently. Now... it's "Bah why waste my time"

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

the last thing I can remember is an incoming Austin comeback right around Wrestlemania (this was either 2002 or 2003). Since then I don't think I've watched at all.


of course judging from this thread I've missed a Bradshaw push and a "Suckbag" Orton title win, so I'm confident I made the right decision.

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Well, I watch Raw and SmackDown! everyweek sence 2001.(with SD! being the better show lately). but I really don't care to watch Heat or Velocity though. nonthing but boring matches and recaps to shows I've already seen. Blah!


As for PPVs. well, I buy them on DVD. I have no way in watching it live.

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Early 2003. I stopped watching completely after Wrestlemania XX. I've loved wrestling since I was a kid, but it got to the point where I had seen just about everything that WWE was capable (or willing, I should say) to do. Thus, there was no need to continue watching the same matches rehashed, the same guys on top, and the same basic storylines being used. It's been surprisingly easy to "go on" without wrestling every week.

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Guest Astro
Does anyone here actually watch all the shows (including the weekend ones) and still order ppvs on a regular basis?

I now watch Raw, SD!, Heat , Velocity, and afterburn...... some less intently than others

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A title that starts out life as being handed to someone from a briefcase doesn't start out with a lot of credibility.

Which is perfectly true, but we're talking the Big Gold Belt here, not a cardboard circle duct taped to a backpack strap.

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I've lost interest steadily over the years, so it's hard to pinpoint when exactly I stopped. I think it may have been sometime in 2002 or 2003. I remember making a point to watch the Angle/Lesnar Iron Man Match on SD, but I was like, why do I have to subject myself to watching the same angles & matches & boring commentary over and over?

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I watch Smackdown if it sounds like anything good will be on. I pay attention to Raw every once in a while, but I usually have it on as background noise while it is on.

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I used to watch and tape (still have the tapes) every piece of WWF programming. I had previously taped Raw/SD in the fall of '98, then when the Invasion hit, I was all pumped and taped everything thinking it would be groundbreaking stuff years later. I stopped cold in May '03 (long after watching Smackdown, Velocity, etc. became a chore) when it appeared that nothing was going to get better. Now, I don't watch shit except Raw, and most of the time I don't even watch the whole thing. But I still get excited about it every Monday and probably always will.

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The last time I really enjoyed wrestling was the final Nitro. The excitement, and party feeling I used to have just was not the same after the Monday Night War was over. It would not have mattered if WWE wrote the greatest angle of all time, I would know the war was done. What made "The Monday Night War" so great was the same thing that made Bret vs. HBK/Austin/USA so great in 97. In both cases things were real, and it was exciting to see what would happen next. Since that time I have continually watched less and less wrestling, now I never watch WWE, just old tapes.


Also, to be fair to WWE, there is nothing they could have done to replace the Monday Night Wars, because ultimatly it would be a flawed storyline. Everyone knew the WWF bought WCW, and the feeling could never be duplicated.


Also, I am 21 now. So I began losing interest at 17, meaning I was no longer a child and things would not excite me as they used to.



The only way I will watch again is if a new Monday night war starts up again. But I do not think that will ever happen, at least not in a major way, again. Basically, for all intents and purposes I think I am no longer a wrestling fan, except old tapes. I do not blame WWE though, its just not the same anymore.

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I quit watching Smackdown regularly when Bradshaw got his main event push.


I only tune in occasionally to see if it sucks as bad as it sounds.


I almost quit watching Raw right before Benoit jumped.


I'm still watching Raw most weeks, mostly for Benoit and Batista.

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The big one was when Hogan won the Undisputed Title in 2002. I had no desire to see some old man parade around the company with the belt, and it was a complete farce to believe that he stood a chance against guys like HHH & Taker.


Then I was back watching Smackdown fulltime during the Smackdown Six era, all the way until the Mr. America shit, and a to certain degree all the way until Benoit jumped to RAW.


I watched RAW fulltime for Benoit's entire run, but turned it off when Orton won the belt. With first the Olympics, and then MNF starting, there was no reason to watch the Orton/HHH show.


I still tend to see both shows, but neither has been can't miss for awhile. I still miss weeks and I don't lose sleep over it at all.

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It was after Austin came back from surgery in late '00 and seeing the HHH/Angle/Steph triangle turn into a mess. That was when I officially stopped watching on a regular basis. I just couldn't believe how badly things had managed to get booked after Wrestlemania 16. The shitty triangle was the last straw.


King of the Ring '01 was the PPV where I finally lost all confidence in the WWF to book things well. From there out, they did nothing else that I could change my mind over. After Austin managed to beat both Benoit and Jericho in a triangle match was when I knew things were bad. Real bad.


The Undisputed title tournament ruined a long child hood dream of seeing the WWF champ facing the WCW champ on PPV. Jericho winning the shitty tournament was completely bittersweet. His feud with the Rock was one of the last well booked feuds in the WWF that I've seen. Too bad his entire title reign had no cushion except to deliver the title to HHH after being made to look like Steph's dog catcher. Chris Jericho vs. RAW consortium owner Ric Flair could have gave the WWE one of it's best feuds (at least from a speaking standpoint).


Basically, the "what coulda been..." game got too old for me and I grew tired of getting burned.

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For some reason the Benoit-Rock feud began I somewhat began losing intrest.


I don't know why.


That's when the downfall began in my opinion.


Then the "Unholy Alliance" or whatever you called the Austin/HHH stable certified WWE was going down hill.

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Guest wildpegasus

For the WWF, Probably about 1990 or 1991.


For WCW -- Never stopped watching until the Radicals left WCW. Than I only watched it once in awhile



I was tired of the circus atmosphere in the WWF. Cheating/some of the gimmicks/10 punches in the corner/heel always being the one to get armdragged/etc.. The one straw that really broke the camel's broke was when the Million Dollar Man or Brother Love (Can't remember now) was a reff for a Perfect/Kerry Von Erich title defence where Perfect wins by skullguggery. I wanted wrestling more as a sport. Not a comical sideshow. I was about 14 years old at the time. The funny thing is I'm more lenient on stuff like that now.


From there I just kept my eye on the WWF mostly for wrestlers like Bret/Perfect and to some degree the Warrior. When Bret won the title I know that brought me back into watching it a lot more. One of my greatest wresting moments ever was turning the TV on at the end of WWF superstars one day to hear Bret's music playing. I wasn't sure at the time but it sounded like BRET HART had won the WWF title!! I asked my brother about it but he didn't know anything. It was only until afterwards on an evening show that I saw it confirmed. Bret Hart out of nowhere wins the title. It doesn't get better than that. That brought me back in.


Now we fastforward to when Bret leaves the WWF after the Montreal incident. That was the turning point for me. I hated the way Bret was disrespected and the way the WWF handled the situation way afterwards. I could see the writing on the wall as far as wrestling for wrestling fans went so I left. And oh boy, was I ever right. Try to watch wrestling from the attitude era. It's a very hard thing to do. Luckily, I harldly watched any of the attitude era at all. Hated the whole attitude thing as well.


Now we hit the 2000 year mark. Benoit/Eddie/Malenko and Saturn all come over so I cringed on over as well to enemy territory. I started watching more around this time but it was mostly just these guys matches so I don't know if I can say I was watching it regulary at the time. Certainly more often though.


IN 2001, I watched it pretty continually because I got in the habit of watching it with friends so it made the process a lot easier.


Benoit leaves mid 2001 however and my viewership goes down some held up only by my watching with my friends. Benoit = the new Bret Hart as far as my viewership patterns go


In 2002, Benoit comes back and I come back. Raw once again is down to the level of attitude era for suckiness but Smackdown is a lot of fun and I continually watch that.


As of now, I don't watch too much at all. The entire WWE's direction depresses me to the max as a wrestling fan. Practically never miss a Benoit match though!

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The last PPV i watched was Wrestlemania XX, but even before that i wasn't watching regularly, at a vague guess sometime in 2002, and i've been tuning in less and less since.

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Guest scapegoat

Started losing interest early 2002 when the NWO came back and then basically stopped watching after Katie Vick.


I still keep up with all the latest news and flick thru the occasional Raw every 2 weeks or so.

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I quit watching Smackdown! Regularly when JBL became champ


Almost stopped watching Raw after they let Gail Kim Go. Also the whole Katie Vick thing made me stop watching for a while. Man, 2002 was a shitty year for them

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