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What will Orton do at WM?

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Now that Batista and HHH is set for the Main Event(and they better fucking not add Orton in this match)... what the heck is there for him to do? The only logical thing I can think of is to face Flair, but they've already had their big "Legend vs. Legend Killer" match/

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Orton vs. Taker, what possible reason would they have to wrestle? That makes no sense.


Unless Orton goes back to heel to face the WWE's "true legend". Which I doubt.

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Forget about Orton facing UT. UT and Kane will face Heidenreich and Snitsky at Wrestlemania. The angle was set up at the Rumble, for those of you who didn't watch.

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Guest Ransome
Forget about Orton facing UT. UT and Kane will face Heidenreich and Snitsky at Wrestlemania. The angle was set up at the Rumble, for those of you who didn't watch.

Yup, Undertaker/Kane vs Snitsky/Heidenreich and Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels seem to be set in stone after tonight.


If they go with Triple H vs Batista, then both Orton and Edge have lost their most likely opponents. I certainly hope they don't try and make another triple threat after how forced it seemed last year; besides, the boos Orton got (and the cheers that Triple H got) tonight should hopefully make them realise that Orton simply isn't connecting with the crowd enough to justify his position.

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Yeah send him to Smackdown, he will have a chance there. If he stays on Raw then hes just going to be a one hit wonder.

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I wanna see Orton / Undertaker also. It'd be a better match than that shit tag team match they're wanting to do.

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After seeing the ass kicking that HHH gave to Orton, and seeing how Orton was acting in the match (out of his mind), I think they should have Orton with amnesia, where he still believes he is in Evolution, and that he has totally blocked out the past five or six months. Each RAW he comes up to HHH, Flair, and Batista, and tries to act like nothing was ever wrong with the whole bunch of them. Evolution could even try to use it to their advantage by getting Orton to do their dirty work for em, because Orton wants so badly to fit in with them and be accepted.









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Or have him disappear, and then each week they have a "Search for Orton" segment. Foley could even be the guy on the mic who is out searching for him.


Or have him start to believe that he is the second coming of his father, gimmick and everything.

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Orton could be in Batista's position had storylines not fucked him up and turned him to early.

I would be better, but I think the biggest problem is that he just doesn't connect as a face. Had he turned on HHH and not the other way around, with Trip going face, I really think Orton would have been better off.

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After seeing the ass kicking that HHH gave to Orton, and seeing how Orton was acting in the match (out of his mind), I think they should have Orton with amnesia, where he still believes he is in Evolution, and that he has totally blocked out the past five or six months. Each RAW he comes up to HHH, Flair, and Batista, and tries to act like nothing was ever wrong with the whole bunch of them. Evolution could even try to use it to their advantage by getting Orton to do their dirty work for em, because Orton wants so badly to fit in with them and be accepted.









That's actually really cool. I think it's too complex for the RAW writers though. :ph34r:

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Orton being in the title match at WrestleMania 21 would make zero sense. He's not deserving of a title match anymore after HHH beat him clean at the Royal Rumble. At least Shawn Michaels had the excuse that he was never truly beaten by HHH that let him squeeze into the title match.


It would be just as stupid as Kevin Nash being named #1 contender to the NWA Title, despite being the first person eliminated from the triple threat match at Final Resolution.

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I was just fooling around with my idea above, but in all seriousness, I do believe that he should do something "different" right now. Having Orton just moving on to wrestle someone new in a new feud will not do anything for his career.


The Orton that we've seen for the past six months should end right here and now, it's the perfect time for it.

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Orton could be in Batista's position had storylines not fucked him up and turned him to early.

I would be better, but I think the biggest problem is that he just doesn't connect as a face. Had he turned on HHH and not the other way around, with Trip going face, I really think Orton would have been better off.

Hmmmm, good point.


I don't know how well Hunter would be as a face though.

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Orton could be in Batista's position had storylines not fucked him up and turned him to early.

I would be better, but I think the biggest problem is that he just doesn't connect as a face. Had he turned on HHH and not the other way around, with Trip going face, I really think Orton would have been better off.

Hmmmm, good point.


I don't know how well Hunter would be as a face though.

He couldn't do worse than Orton.

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Orton's only shot at doing anything worthwhile at Mania is The Rock. Aside from him, there's really nobody left that Randy hasn't feuded with already (or who isn't already obviously booked into another match, like Taker/Kane vs. Heidenreich/Snitzky)

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Having Orton face Rock could really backfire, as we already saw before when Rock faced off against Goldberg, and as a heel no less.


If the point is to turn Orton back heel, then I'd do a Rock program. otherwise I'd stay clear of it.

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I feel so bad for Randy. Everything was all good for him to go, they had him planned to win the title ever since Lesnar bounced, then they pushed him too fast, turned him face right off the bat, didn't even give him a decent reign as world champion, then they did the Batista tease and everybody ate that up instead and fucked up booking so WWE had to go with what the fans wanted.


So now instead of sharing the spotlight with John Cena at WM 21 to signify them as the leaders of the new WWE Generation, Randy is probably gonna lose some meaningless match and leave Los Angeles a broken and bitter man with a potential career cut so short.





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