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Vern Gagne

Your favorite Wrestlemania moment

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I agree with C-Bacon. Watching Benoit make HHH tap out as MSG went CRAZY was almost too much for me emotionally. Still the greatest match I've ever seen live. Me and my friend were jumping up and down like crazy celebrating.


Linda rising, Edge spearing Jeff Hardy to hell and Taker kicking out of the sledge to the head were my favourite moments from X-7.


My friends still re-enact and joke about how crazy I went when Arn Anderson ran in and spinebustered Undertaker. I ran around the room screaming "FOUR HORSEMEN! FOUR HORSEMENTAHHHHHHHHH!"- I totally missed Taker kicking both their asses.

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HHH tapping to the crossface, greatest moment in WM history, and greatest match in WM history. The whole time he was in the crossface I was jumping up and down screaming at the scream "tap, tap" I knew it was coming but wasn't sure, and then when he tapped it was like such an amazing emotional release.


Honorable mentions to Rock vs. Hogan, the whole damn match was nuts with the crowd reactions and to Steve Austin beating the Rock at WM17 after going nuts with the chair and the crowd going apeshit.


Oh, and while it's not a "favorite" moment, Brock landing on his head on the shooting star was "memorable". I thought he was dead as soon as he hit.


All recent Manias, because first live Mania I saw was 15, so while I've seen most of the older ones, you don't get that same memorable feeling as watching something live...

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I'd put Arn spinebustering Undertaker in only if they had let Flair win the match.


That would have been the perfect way to do it, if you ask me.


For me...well, all of Mania XX...since I was there.


Other than that, Linda rising from her chair, Brock going for the Shooting Star Press, and the Liz Reunion

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of the live ones i've seen:


- when it happened i thought the Ladder match at WM 10 was the greastest thing EVER. I was so amazed with that at the time.


- The ending of 20 with Eddie and Benoit celebrating.


- WM 14 was great too, i don't know, the whole show felt great.


- the crowd for Hogan vs. Rock was simple amazing. I also enjoyed seeing Jericho in the Main event.


- I loved the HBK-Jericho match from WM 19, including when they hugged and the ouuuch.

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Of the ones I've seen 'live' (you know, not 10 years or so later, since I'm only 18), for sure the Benoit/Eddie hug. What a way to end WM XX. Oh, and I loved WM 16 when Edge and Christian were holding their titles up while standing of the table balanced by two ladders. That was cool.

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I hate to be repetitive, I'd say HHH tapping out to Benoit last year, followed by Eddie coming out to celebrate the win, was my favorite moment. It's stuff like this that's kept me watching wrestling nearly all my life.


Others favorites...


- Austin not tapping to Bret at WM 13

- Austin taking three Rock Bottoms at WM XIX before being pinned by Rock

- Besides the entire match, Owen pinning Bret at WM X

- Bret winning the title at WM X

- Jericho hugging HBK post-match at WM XIX, only to lowblow him

- Savage & Liz reunite at WM VII

- Hogan slamming Andree at III

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Guest Ransome

Both my favourite WM moment and favourite moment from these all years of watching wrestling is, what else, the Benoit/Guerrero hug, moreso than Benoit actually winning the title.


Who could have ever predicted the biggest WM of all would end with those two? Hell, just two years earlier Benoit had been on the sidelines due to injury and Guerrero had been fired (!) for substance abuse. After 10 years of wrestling all over the planet together and overcoming all the obstacles put before them, they'd made it to the top, together.


The rest of their title reigns weren't booked to perfection, but as far as I'm concerned, they had their moment that justified all their hard work which nobody can take away from them, and everything else is just a bonus.

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I thought the Eddie/Benoit hug was such a hollow, phony, moment.


A year later and look where they are. Didn't mean a thing, and I knew it at the time it wouldn't. Didn't feel a thing. Totally overrated moment.


- Hogan beating Savage at Mania V and the post-match celebration. I rented WM V all the time growing up and it was mainly for this. Great atmosphere.

- The pre and post match stuff between Hogan/Andre.

- WM 7. Period. I got the tape of the event a day after it happened, as a kid I was so fucking happy.



It's kinda sad that Hogan/Rock WM 18 was ruined for me by the retarded people at Skydome.

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I thought the Eddie/Benoit hug was such a hollow, phony, moment.


A year later and look where they are. Didn't mean a thing, and I knew it at the time it wouldn't. Didn't feel a thing. Totally overrated moment.

Yeah, I'm sure Eddie and Chris were faking it.

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Guest BobbyWhioux

Savage beating Flair at WM8.

And the post-match promo from Camp Flair. (It's Heenan and Hennig going apeshit about Savage cheating, and Flair starts out the calm eye at the center of the storm. And then he goes even more apeshit than the other two.)


Double Doink at WM9.


Bret Hart's title win celebration at WM10, where all the faces come out in the ring to mob him and hold him up... and then there's Owen, who pinned him earlier in the night, glaring at him from the aisle.


The double turn of Hart and Austin at the end of their WM13 match.


Motorhead playing Hunter out to the ring at WM17.


Shane hits the Van Terminator on Vince, WM17.


Benoit vs Angle at WM17, the first couple minutes, where they're just wrestling, mat wrestling, and the crowd is eating it up.

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Why wasn't Malenko out there?

I actually read somewhere that Malenko did in fact go out there after the show went off the air.


You still feel it was phony? Is ANYTHING ever good enough for Benoit to you, to the degree that the first real emotion shown on WWE television since Foley's match at NWO 2000 has to be a fake show?

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Guest Ray

Austin vs Bret, no question. The defining moment of Austin's career and one of the most dramatic finishes ever.

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I actually read somewhere that Malenko did in fact go out there after the show went off the air.

You read wrong. After Eddy came out, Benoit's father, Nancy Sullivan and his two kids came out to celebrate.


No Dean.

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Guest krazykat72

Without a doubt, the WM X ladder match. I felt like I was "growing out" of the product at this time and that match blew me away. I was around 13 at the time and that match kept me a fan for life........Being there last year for the Triple Threat was the best *live* moment I've ever had at an event though.



-Paul Jacobi-

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Guest The Mandingo Warrior

Not to be repetitive, but I was there live at the Ultimate Challenge and Hogan-Rock. Both were amazing, but I also love watching Hogan slamming Andre.


So for me, its a 3-way tie.

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There is no way I can effectively pin-point one specific favorite moment, so I'll mention several, and only those that I've attended live:


- WM2000. My very first Mania and I was so happy I could cry. Just being there made my night. I was a total mark. Unforgettable.

- Witnessing what, at that time, was Mick Foley's last match ever. My section, and I think lots others, gave him a standing O when he left.

- Austin vs Rock at WMX-7, the whole building was shaking. Incredible match. Finally seeing Austin wrestle live.

- Watching E&C, the Hardys, and the Dudleys trying to kill themselves for the fans.

(Hell, I could just mention the WHOLE WMX-7 show and be done with it.)

- Another vote for the WMXX Main Event. Finally watching HBK wrestle live, and Benoit making HHH tap. I was screaming so hard I nearly fainted. I swear, I nearly had a heart-attack when HHH almost pedigreed Benoit at the end.

- And the Benoit/Eddie hug and celebration, I almost cried. If you don't like it YOU'RE A MORON.

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So I am a moron for not liking a clearly staged moment trying to pass for genuine? For Benoit winning an overrated match, winning a title that will be dead in a few years, with a horrible build-up and that had absolutely no significance or impact on the wrestling industry?

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Guest M. Harry Smilac
I thought the Eddie/Benoit hug was such a hollow, phony, moment.

Yea, anyone that thinks VKM did that because he's such a nice person and not just because it would "make great TV" are sheep.



Most memorable wm moments for me are Hogan/Andre and Warrior/Hogan.

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As an adult, nothing, and I mean NOTHING for a pop out of me and my friends better than Rock vs Hogan at WMX8. We were already cheering for Hogan, because he the childhood hero of all of us. Then when the crowd completely turned on the Rock and started cheering for Hogan, it made us all feel like kids again.


As a kid, the favorite moment of mine was Warrior vs Hogan at WM6. I was all for Hogan until they gave Warrior the title shot. I got completely pulled-into Warrior's superhero character, and I couldn't wait to see him become World Champion.


Its hard to believe that all that time ago, Hogan "passed the torch" to the Warrior, and look who stuck around longer.

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I thought the Eddie/Benoit hug was such a hollow, phony, moment.


A year later and look where they are. Didn't mean a thing, and I knew it at the time it wouldn't. Didn't feel a thing. Totally overrated moment.

a year after Owen beat Bret he was a tag team midcarder. does that mean their match meant nothing? hell no, its still one of the greatest WM moments ever.


a year after Razor Ramon won the IC title ladder match, he was still fighting for the IC title. does that mean that match meant nothing? hell no, it's one of the greatest WM moments ever.


Austin's heel turn ended up not drawing, and he was back as a babyface in less than a year. does that mean that moment meant nothing? hell no, it's one of the greatest WM moments ever.

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