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Matt Hardy speaks on he and Lita splitting

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Guest jumpingbombangel
On another note, although we'll probably find out soon, how did Edge's wife find out before the boys did (or is the timeline screwed up)?

One of the boys probably told on him. And good on whoever it was, too...today Edge is lower than dirt to me. I hope they keep him around WWE just to bury him solid. He risked his NEW marriage for this...he risked his respectability in the company...and he risked a good friendship all for nasty-ass Lita.


Edge is very, very stupid.

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Ya know, I kind of feel bad for Matt, but at the same time, he probably should have

expected this from her, given Lita's reputation. Then again, he probably did, but still...

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Damn, I wish raw was coming to cincy. Awhile back (Feb 14) I could have had free front row seats to a raw tv taping but I chose not to go because WWE sucks. I now have a reason to attend a tv taping. I would bring 4-5 guys who do not even like wrestling and we would chant (non-stop) at the tops of our lungs that edge fucked lita as soon as edge or lita came out. I do not give a fuck about getting kicked out because fucking with edge would be more fun than watching the wrestlers shitting in the ring and then forcing the fans to eat it...ie WWE entertainment.

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Ya know, I kind of feel bad for Matt, but at the same time, he probably should have

expected this from her, given Lita's reputation. Then again, he probably did, but still...

I guess its probally as the old sayign goes "You cant help who you fall in love with."

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You know, I cannot believe that everyone is so quick to believe the Internet over Matt Hardy, himself. I mean, Matt hasn't even confirmed who it was that really slept with Lita.








I say, until Matt Hardy says so, Edge is innocent until proven guilty. Again, Matt has not even told the world exactly who it was. I think we should hear the truth straight from the mouth of Mattitude, first, before we start bringing the hammer down on Edge, or anyone else for that matter. Edge isn't the only friend of Matt Hardy that's married.

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Damn, I wish raw was coming to cincy. Awhile back (Feb 14) I could have had free front row seats to a raw tv taping but I chose not to go because WWE sucks. I now have a reason to attend a tv taping. I would bring 4-5 guys who do not even like wrestling and we would chant (non-stop) at the tops of our lungs that edge fucked lita as soon as edge or lita came out. I do not give a fuck about getting kicked out because fucking with edge would be more fun than watching the wrestlers shitting in the ring and then forcing the fans to eat it...ie WWE entertainment.

People should do this next Monday anyway. If there's no reaction from the crowd about this, I won't watch Raw anymore. I'm that sick of it.

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Guest Mike Haseloff
I guess its probally as the old sayign goes "You cant help who you fall in love with."

I would just like to publicly confirm for certain uncertain persons, that this is indeed a saying.


Thank you.


: (|)-|-<=


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Does this remind people of the Chris Beniot, Kevin Sullivan, and the Woman thing? Its almost on the same grounds.

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On another note, although we'll probably find out soon, how did Edge's wife find out before the boys did (or is the timeline screwed up)?

One of the boys probably told on him. And good on whoever it was, too...today Edge is lower than dirt to me. I hope they keep him around WWE just to bury him solid. He risked his NEW marriage for this...he risked his respectability in the company...and he risked a good friendship all for nasty-ass Lita.


Edge is very, very stupid.

...I don't get it? Why is everyone so 'pissed' (what reason do you have anyways) about this?


If it even went that far, Edge fucked a chick, wow. It's not exactly something uncommon. And I even say, it happened with reason more then likely. Like was said in HTQ's post I think, I'm sure the road takes a toll on you. Just like people in the military sometimes, eventually cheat, this wouldn't be any different. It's something 90% of males do, ,and I can't understand the hate.


If anything...kudos to either Edge or Lita, as they were able to 'coo' the other into cheating on the bf/cheating with their friends gf. >_>

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It's one thing to cheat on your wife.


It's another thing to cheat on your wife with the girlfriend of someone supposed to be a very good friend.


If Edge really did do something like this, how are people supposed to trust him anymore? It's clear the guy has no loyalty.

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It's one thing to cheat on your wife.


It's another thing to cheat on your wife with the girlfriend of someone supposed to be a very good friend.


If Edge really did do something like this, how are people supposed to trust him anymore? It's clear the guy has no loyalty.

Well, even so, is that really grounds for a depush as people are saying?


I honestly don't believe it is.

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Do you guys remember back in 2000, when HHH cheated on Chyna for Stephanie McMahon? Does anyone honestly remember HHH getting punished for cheating on his loved one?

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Edge has now put the company in a difficult position. They clearly can't have Matt Hardy and Lita on the same show anymore -- but then again, they can't really have Edge or Matt on the same show either. And the last thing they want is for Edge and Lita to keep shacking up too. How exactly are they supposed to find the solution to this?


Couple that with the chemistry in the back right now. I doubt anyone would have really cared if it turned out Edge cheated on his wife. Yes, it would be regarded as a shady thing to do, but it would cross more into the field of being solely Edge's business. But now you have to consider the fact that he was banging a coworker's girlfriend -- while the coworker was injured -- and this coworker is supposed to be one of Edge's best friends in the back. Now everyone has to deal with a trust issue. How do they know, if Edge wound up falling for their girlfriend/fiancee/wife, that he wouldn't try doing the same thing to them? How do they know they can truly trust the guy anymore?


He's really created a tough situation. Obviously, the company shouldn't fire him for it. But I'd say a depush is suitable, simply to punish such blatant stupidity and disregard. He can't be allowed to cause such personal trouble for others and still be rewarded with a Main Event push. It really sets a bad precedent for the locker room. To be quite honest, Edge should be happy right now that's he still getting prime TV time, even if he's being forced to job. If this kind of thing was happening in the real world, in an office or somewhere else, he might have been fired already.

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Do you guys remember back in 2000, when HHH cheated on Chyna for Stephanie McMahon? Does anyone honestly remember HHH getting punished for cheating on his loved one?

Yet again.


It is one thing to cheat on your wife/girlfriend.


It is an entirely DIFFERENT thing to cheat on your wife/girlfriend with a coworker that is currently dating one of your best friends.


Some of the comparisons people are making here don't even make sense.

Edited by NY Untouchable

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Meh, why are people almost having heart attacks over this? Big freakin' deal, a wrestler cheats on his wife with someone he works with, it's not like shit like that has NEVER happened before in the scummy world of pro wrestling, so why bother getting all upset and yelling for a depush?


Hell, if anything, I'd bet Vince doesn't particularly care either since he's probably done the exact same thing.


Of course, there's the whole "Matt putting his personal business out on the net for everyone to see/talk about", so whatever...

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I actually find it a little funny that everyone is blaming Edge for this whole thing. Lita is just as responsible as he is. Perhaps even more so for all we know.

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave
So I'm guessing Hurricane might be next on Lita's fuck list. He's good friends with Hardy too you know, he might just end up being next. I mean it wouldn't hurt he's already on heat as it is.

She's already fucked Hurricane.



And it's hard to find chicks who like to get pissed on. Maybe Edge likes that shit.

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Guest jumpingbombangel
...I don't get it? Why is everyone so 'pissed' (what reason do you have anyways) about this?


If it even went that far, Edge fucked a chick, wow. It's not exactly something uncommon. And I even say, it happened with reason more then likely. Like was said in HTQ's post I think, I'm sure the road takes a toll on you. Just like people in the military sometimes, eventually cheat, this wouldn't be any different. It's something 90% of males do, ,and I can't understand the hate.


If anything...kudos to either Edge or Lita, as they were able to 'coo' the other into cheating on the bf/cheating with their friends gf. >_>

Even though wrestling is a shady, scummy business that tests even the strongest-willed, Edge had no business fooling around with Matt Hardy's mentality like that. You know you'd be pissed off if Edge did it to your woman, anyway. And you gotta work with this guy still? Come the hell on. You'd want to rip his balls off.


So yeah, depush Edge. Not because he's a two-timing dumbass, but because he's a willing-to-sacrifice-good-business-because-of-bad-coochie dumbass.

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We really don't KNOW how the coochie is. Well, mayeb a few of us do. Lita's not exactly locking on the chastity belt.

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Just make sure Edge is the one to call her. She won't give poor Captain Charisma the time of day.

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Guest Failed Mascot
I just don't understand being with somebody if you can't stay faithful.

Ditto. They do get SOME time to go home during the week, so "loneliness" doesn't really work as a valid excuse.

While the wrestlers do get some time off, it's not always on a set schedule, so it's still not easy planning time with a spouse or significant other. And loneliness is a very valid excuse, because your not just away from home while on the road. There is also the stresses and troubles of everything else on the road, like getting up at 6 in the morning, so you can pay for a taxi or hire car to get to the airport so you can drag your shit through customs for the first flight out, so you can sit in a cramped seat and not catch up on any of the sleep you lost the night before so you can arrive at the next town, drag your shit through customs, pay for a taxi or hire a car to take you to the next hotel so you can then try and find a decent meal or something approaching a gym that you can work out in before you going to the arena, wait around for hours on end before wrestling a 15-20 minute match, before you get your shit together and make your way back to the hotel at midnight, so you can try and get to sleep before you have to wake up at 6 the next morning to start the whole routine over again. That takes a toll on a person, both mentally and physically, and with the best will in the world not a lot of people can go through that without reaching for some kind of comfort, whether it's through pills, drink or a woman. Add to that the strains of trying to keep a relationship together while spending 250+ days on the road, and even when you do get home you've still got all the stuff to do that you couldn't do while on the road which means even less time to spend with your significant other, and I can easily understand why someone, even a devoted married man, would eventually crumble and seek refuge in the arms of someone he spends more time with than his own family.


"The road will own you" is a phrase quite common among the old time wrestlers, and in this case it "owned" two people who have to go suffer a physical and emotional toll that few people here can ever understand because they've never gone through it. I don't condone what Edge or Lita have done, but I can absolutely understand why it happened, and if anyone here had the first clue about what those two put themselves through to entertain people, then I doubt they'd be so quick to judge and condemn them.

To summarise its ok to cheat when you have a rough schedule.

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Yeah, Vince is really going to punish Edge for having an affair with Lita(!)


Vince: Edge, it was out of order to have an affair, so I'm gonna have to relegate you to Heat:


Edge: Rita Chatterton says hi


Vince: So is winning the World's Title in the main event at Wrestlemania 22 good for you ?



About the only thing that would get a wrestler punished in WWE is doing something that harms either their business or their reputation, and since this hasn't done either yet, nothing will happen.

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I just don't understand being with somebody if you can't stay faithful.

Ditto. They do get SOME time to go home during the week, so "loneliness" doesn't really work as a valid excuse.

While the wrestlers do get some time off, it's not always on a set schedule, so it's still not easy planning time with a spouse or significant other. And loneliness is a very valid excuse, because your not just away from home while on the road. There is also the stresses and troubles of everything else on the road, like getting up at 6 in the morning, so you can pay for a taxi or hire car to get to the airport so you can drag your shit through customs for the first flight out, so you can sit in a cramped seat and not catch up on any of the sleep you lost the night before so you can arrive at the next town, drag your shit through customs, pay for a taxi or hire a car to take you to the next hotel so you can then try and find a decent meal or something approaching a gym that you can work out in before you going to the arena, wait around for hours on end before wrestling a 15-20 minute match, before you get your shit together and make your way back to the hotel at midnight, so you can try and get to sleep before you have to wake up at 6 the next morning to start the whole routine over again. That takes a toll on a person, both mentally and physically, and with the best will in the world not a lot of people can go through that without reaching for some kind of comfort, whether it's through pills, drink or a woman. Add to that the strains of trying to keep a relationship together while spending 250+ days on the road, and even when you do get home you've still got all the stuff to do that you couldn't do while on the road which means even less time to spend with your significant other, and I can easily understand why someone, even a devoted married man, would eventually crumble and seek refuge in the arms of someone he spends more time with than his own family.


"The road will own you" is a phrase quite common among the old time wrestlers, and in this case it "owned" two people who have to go suffer a physical and emotional toll that few people here can ever understand because they've never gone through it. I don't condone what Edge or Lita have done, but I can absolutely understand why it happened, and if anyone here had the first clue about what those two put themselves through to entertain people, then I doubt they'd be so quick to judge and condemn them.

To summarise its ok to cheat when you have a rough schedule.

Congratulations on missing the point entirely. :cheers:

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Guest Failed Mascot

I believe I can safely speak for this time(and most likely only this time) when I say we both meant it was morally wrong. Forget about the bussiness aspect.


You wrote up a long and winded statement basically defending infidelity when a person has a job that keeps them away from home often. I don't have a problem with these people fucking 1,000s of girls from across the country. What I do have a problem with is when they marry a woman and do it. I bet 99% of the time these women stay faithful to their husbands even though they could go off and have sex with somebody else. If you're going to get married you're placing your days of promiscuity behind you.

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You wrote up a long and winded statement basically defending infidelity when a person has a job that keeps them away from home often. I don't have a problem with these people fucking 1,000s of girls from across the country. What I do have a problem with is when they marry a woman and do it. I bet 99% of the time these women stay faithful to their husbands even though they could go off and have sex with somebody else. If you're going to get married you're placing your days of promiscuity behind you.

You wrote up a long and winded statement basically defending infidelity when a person has a job that keeps them away from home often.


I'm not defending what Edge did and said so at the end of my post. If you saw my statement as defending what he did, when I clearly said that I didn't, then that's your problem. I just wanted to try and get across that point that infedility in the wrestling business is not as black and white an issue as people seem to think it is.


I bet 99% of the time these women stay faithful to their husbands even though they could go off and have sex with somebody else.


The wives are just as lonely at home without their husbands, and while they have more ways to distract from the loneliness that don't involve cheating, trying to claim that 99% are faithful is absurd.


If you're going to get married you're placing your days of promiscuity behind you.


Nice idea in theory, but it doesn't work like that in the real world. I don't doubt that most married men try and put their days of womanising, but a lot of them fall off the wagon. In an ideal world, once a man got married, he'd never have eyes for another woman again, but it doesn't work like that most of the time.

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Guest Failed Mascot

I've read the post 3 times now and I'm getting the same thing. Seems you don't condone what Edge and Lita did but for those who are far away from their families...well the stress and travel of work will get to you so why not break your wedding vows with some cheap sex to aid the toll all of this has taken on you! As I said before, once you get married you're going into an agreement that through the easy and tough times you're going to stay faithful and committed. You know what you're getting into when you make the vows so if you can't live up to them then don't make them. Simple as that. If this is all true then Lita comes off looking real bad but Edge looks even worse through my eyes.

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Guest Loss

I don't feel like I'm qualified to have an opinion on this, so I'll just speculate that Edge's planned push may to go to Christian.

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Guest Failed Mascot
If you're going to get married you're placing your days of promiscuity behind you.


Nice idea in theory, but it doesn't work like that in the real world. I don't doubt that most married men try and put their days of womanising, but a lot of them fall off the wagon. In an ideal world, once a man got married, he'd never have eyes for another woman again, but it doesn't work like that most of the time.

You can look but don't touch. When did society forget the definition of marriage?

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