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So Ive found a new favorite show in Roseanne and after watching it for a few weeks, Ive come to the conclusion that I just cannot STAND BECKY CONNER. She is spoiled, selfish, obnoxious, and whatever else you want to say. Im watching the Terms of Endearment episodes and she pissed me off when she yelled at Dan for losing his job and on part two shes like "Mother me and Mark are married and we arent going to stay in this house if we can't sleep together". UGH, Oliver from the OC never gave me so much hate.

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Joey Tanner.Why does the annoying guy who's as funny as a black cancerous disease eating away at you have to be named Joey (And yes, Joseph is my name, but I like to, or at least used to, be called Joey)

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Riley Finn from Buffy pretty much jumped the show's shark singlehandedly.


Sally Sitwell sucks the life out of every scene she's in in Arrested D, and Christine Taylor looks like Skeletor nowadays, so she doesn't even have that excuse.

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Joey Tanner.Why does the annoying guy who's as funny as a black cancerous disease eating away at you have to be named Joey (And yes, Joseph is my name, but I like to, or at least used to, be called Joey)

What, from Full House? It was Gladstone.

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There were far worse characters on Full House than Joey Tanner like DJ's boyfriend Steve.

Oh yea, the guy who shw broke up with, then for no real reason, got back together with in the last episode.


Sorry, not as dispicable as Uncle Joey

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I always HATED Wilson from Home Improvement.


The Jim character from Murphy Brown.


Murray from the Mary Tyler Moore Show, take him off the show, and it would have been THAT much better.


Phoebe from Friends, never, ever, thought she was funny


any character played by Christine Baranski or Allison La Placa, the most overrated comedic actresses of all time

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any character from Will & Grace.


Raymond's mom in Everybody Love Raymond


Any character by Jerry Stiller, except George's Dad in Seinfeld and only sometimes.

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Pete from Smallville, he just sucked.

I'll agree with that. It almost seemed like the WB's way of putting a black guy on one of their shows...which they don't do. I can't fault Sam Jones too much, it was a crap character.

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Becky #1 or Becky #2?

lol -- I was thinking the same thing. I'm guessing Becky #1.


Hmm, this is a toughy for me. When I used to watch ER I used to not care about ANYONE on that show -- docs, patients, employees -- except for Romano and that Frank cop/desk guy. I just enjoyed watching everyone else whine about how much their life sucked. Oops, except for Dr. Green. He didn't bother me.


Ah, here we go. How could I forget her? Diane Russell on NYPD Blue. Oh I hated her...

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Clayton Hughes from Oz. While his character had a great finish when he went compeltly batshit and got killed, he was just painfully annoying when he was an officer on the show. And it was only a season, he got annoying quick.

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All of the new characters from the Drew Carey Show during the shit season when Drew changed jobs from mid-manger to computer geek.


Bullethead from Steve Harvey Show is a complete idiot.

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Becky #1 or Becky #2?

lol -- I was thinking the same thing. I'm guessing Becky #1.

Absolutely, because Becky #2 (the chick on Scrubs) is doable. Whereas I wouldn't even fuck Becky #1 with raz's dick.


Lisa Simpson.


By Far.


I would have to agree, but only because I hate hippies.


For me, I personally loathe Vincent Donofrio's character on "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". I hate the character so much that I can't even watch that show because of him, and I am a HUGE L&O mark.

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Guest wildpegasus

Any charactor from "The 70's show".


Inuyasha guy from Inuyasha.

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Assistant Director/Deputy Director Kersh from the X-Files. Oh man I can't even count the number of times I would have liked to reach into the TV and strangle that idiot. Unlike CSM who was such a true villain you could respect him, Kersh was a bumbling idiot and his face turn in the series finale was totally unconvincing based on everything he had done up to then.

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Phoebe in Friends is, by far, my most hated character of all time. She's never funny, and she often ruins any other funny moments involving anyone else.


I'll also say Shawn in Boy Meets World. While I love the character of being good-looking and getting all the girls, which is mostly during the middle school days, I can't stand any time he has a hissy fit over something like living in a trailer or having the bad life. And in the later seasons, it's annoying whenever he's pissed at Jack for having the good life.

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His name wasn't Joey Tanner for chrissakes! And he wasn't anybody's uncle.

He still sucked, and that's all that matters, isn't it?

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Phoebe in Friends is, by far, my most hated character of all time. She's never funny, and she often ruins any other funny moments involving anyone else.


I'll also say Shawn in Boy Meets World. While I love the character of being good-looking and getting all the girls, which is mostly during the middle school days, I can't stand any time he has a hissy fit over something like living in a trailer or having the bad life. And in the later seasons, it's annoying whenever he's pissed at Jack for having the good life.

does anyone like Phoebe? She is AWFUL. As I said before, she is NEVER funny. A thing to remember too, is that Lisa Kudrow had extensive comedic training in Groundlings and was totally outclassed by 2 big chested hot chicks with no real comedic experience (well Cox was on Family Ties)

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His name wasn't Joey Tanner for chrissakes! And he wasn't anybody's uncle.

He still sucked, and that's all that matters, isn't it?

He was hundred times better than Michelle.

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