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Steve J. Rogers

If Luke knew who Anikan really was

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Do you think he would have been so quick to try and save Darth Vader?


Sure at some point the good man that Luke is would have kicked in and said "Yeah he's worth saving" but the whole point of Luke reaching out was because Ben (and probably Owen) told him that his father was a good man


But in fact, Anikan is NOT a "good man" by any stretch (and not just because of the bad acting from Jake and Hayden) and a man who was easily suduced into turning over to the darkside. The man was Darth Vader long before whatever happens in III that ultimatley turns him into the Sith machine


So, if Luke had known what a "whiney, petulant, selfish" bastard that Anikan was, would he be so quick to try and find the good man that he thought was still in Vader?



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Well, Luke was whiny and petulant though much of the first 2 movies, so I'd say he at least would know where he's coming from...

Somehow I don't see Ani rushing off to save some princess he's only seen in a hologram just to tag along on some noble quest because the Empire has interest in two droids that he owns



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You mean, if Luke knew that Anakin was really a whiny bitch who somehow managed to score with a hot chick way out of his league, and a bad actor to boot?


I would like to think he'd wash his hands of him, yeah.

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I wouldn't exactly say he was easily manipulated...he was really too old to begin the training, as Obi-Wan and Mace Windu tried to point out to Qui-Gon from the get go...he lived the life of a slave and had to deal with leaving his mother, the only other true person in his life and had that burden weighing on him at the onset of his training...as you could tell in Episode 2, Palpatine knew the potential Anakin had and began to manipulate him, most likely prior to the events we saw in 2...think back when you were a teenager, it's hard to stay on the right path and I can imagine it's especially harder for Anakin when the ultimate Sith Lord is working him...throw in the death of his mother, something he felt he coulda stopped had he been there all along, more manipulation from Palpatine and what looks to be a "jealousy angle" over Obi-Wan and Padme's friendship and there ya go...Luke never had to deal with any of that crap...

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Luke said to Vader he was able to sense the conflict within him, the good vs. evil he was experiencing, so it's not a matter of anybody telling him his father was good or not.

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Besides, I am willing to go out on the limb and say that Anakin was a good man, if a very flawed one, through the events of Episode II. Otherwise, he would not have felt the crushing guilt and sorrow after he slaughtered the sandpeople.


He was a good, generous, loving child who became a basically good teenager who made some wrong choices. Some very, very, very wrong choices, but who doesn't?

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Guest ken adams

In Ep 4, Obi did tell Luke about a "young" pupil of his, so it would seem Anakin turning at this age is correct.

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dude, Obi-Wan was like 60...late 20s is young to him...I guess I took it that the context of "pupil" was "he was once my pupil", not "he turned while he was still my pupil"...he made it sound like Anakin was already established as a Jedi Knight when he turned...

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Hopefully we can get some creative re-dubbing in the 'super-special edition' of the original trilogy to deal with these pesky things. And they can superimpose Lance Bass's face over Chewbacca's.

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Hopefully we can get some creative re-dubbing in the 'super-special edition' of the original trilogy to deal with these pesky things. And they can superimpose Lance Bass's face over Chewbacca's.

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Guest PlatinumBoy

Question... if Anakin was too old to start Jedi training, how did Luke do it so well at a much more advanced age?

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good question...Yoda DOES mention that Luke is too old to begin the training, but perhaps his abilities to control his destiny were much greater than his father's all along...

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Question... if Anakin was too old to start Jedi training, how did Luke do it so well at a much more advanced age?

I think getting his hand lopped off helped. Not that it helped Anakin, but Luke, it seemed, learned to take his training a bit more serious after that...

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Guest PlatinumBoy
Question... if Anakin was too old to start Jedi training, how did Luke do it so well at a much more advanced age?

I think getting his hand lopped off helped. Not that it helped Anakin, but Luke, it seemed, learned to take his training a bit more serious after that...

True, at the end of Empire he was still a big time novice, but then Jedi came around and Luke was a true Jedi, much more confident and badass.

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buuuuuuuuuut...wouldn't you think that his confrontation with Vader and the lopping off of the hand would fuel a push to the darkside? his hatred and confusion sent him dangerously close...

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Originally, the story was that Luke had the potential to become stronger than his father had ever hoped to be, but Lucas seems to have changed things starting with the prequels (he now mentions about how Anakin was weakened because of his injuries), so whether it still applies or not is up to debate.


Personally, I go with what was originally intended back in the original trilogy and the EU, in that Luke had the potential to become the most powerful Jedi of all time, something they thought was true about Anakin, but ended up being wrong about.


I have long complained about the ending to Return of the Jedi as well. I always thought that the story needed more finality to it. Luke should have succeeded in turning his father and saving the galaxy, but died with him as the final Jedi. Have the entire saga be about the passing of an era, the end of the Jedi religion. Similar to the way LOTR is the last days of the elven race on Middle Earth.

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Luke is the actual chosen one then?  though Vader ultimately was the one that brought balance to the force, by hook or by crook...

Like I said, it appears to have changed. But the original intention was that Luke was the chosen one, not Anakin. The Empire dies with Vader, not with the Emperor being destroyed. And it was Luke that defeated Vader. Just listen to the score, the Empire's theme fades with Vader's death, not Palpatine's.


The climatic moment of the entire series is the final moments of the Luke/Vader duel (once the opera music starts) and Luke's decision not to go with the dark side. Everything afterwards is the aftermath.

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Guest PlatinumBoy
buuuuuuuuuut...wouldn't you think that his confrontation with Vader and the lopping off of the hand would fuel a push to the darkside? his hatred and confusion sent him dangerously close...

While it very well could, I always thought that Luke had this idea of his Dad as some great heroic Jedi, but once he learned he was Vader, the last thing he wanted was to be like his father. Also, as Kahran Ramsus said--Luke may be/is more powerful than Vader.

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I think the better question is, If Luke DIDN'T know who Anakin was, would he have destroyed him at the Emporer's command, and in turn, become the new Sith apprentice?

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I think the better question is, If Luke DIDN'T know who Anakin was, would he have destroyed him at the Emporer's command, and in turn, become the new Sith apprentice?

He never would have been there. He would have been down on Endor with Han & Leia. He only turns himself in because of his father.

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I think the better question is, If Luke DIDN'T know who Anakin was, would he have destroyed him at the Emporer's command, and in turn, become the new Sith apprentice?


I don't think he would have, assuming that he went to confront Vader anyway; Wasn't that the whole point of the crazy force tree in...Empire? I get my movies messed up sometimes.


Anyway, it seems to me that Luke learned very well not to lash out in anger or hate. Hell, the Emperor wasn't his dad, Luke didn't kill him, not even when he had the chance; that is, of course, assuming that he would have been allowed to kill the Emperor, IE, Vader didn't stop him. But the Emperor had a bunch of clones and stuff, so I don't see why they wouldn't have let Luke kill him to make him turn.


I think they should have made more of a big deal about the fact that Anakin was birthed by the Force itself, and so his children could potentially be insanely Force-powerful. I mean, they do talk about this somewhat (saying that Vader's children were a threat to him and whatnot), but it'd be neat to see one of the other Jedi explaining to Anakin that he should never father children because of the potential risks involved.


And to go a little off-topic: Do the Jedis consider Palpatine to be a Jedi? I mean, I know he's a sith or whatever and they don't know that, but do they know he's trained in the ways of the Force? It's just that, in the trailer, he asks Anakin to be his personal representitive on the Jedi Council; why would he be on the council if he wasn't a Jedi?

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Guest LooneyTune
Question... if Anakin was too old to start Jedi training, how did Luke do it so well at a much more advanced age?

Luke was their last hope, so it was really a "we're fucked, so go with it" scenario. Damn Lucas for then making Leia the sister, and thus rendering Luke as the only hope pointless. Plus the new trilogy screws all that over.


Damn Lucas

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And to go a little off-topic: Do the Jedis consider Palpatine to be a Jedi? I mean, I know he's a sith or whatever and they don't know that, but do they know he's trained in the ways of the Force? It's just that, in the trailer, he asks Anakin to be his personal representitive on the Jedi Council; why would he be on the council if he wasn't a Jedi?

I don't think so. Yoda nor Obi-Wan nor Mace nor any other Jedi mention/hint at the fact that they would know.


As for the personal assistant question, Palpatine could be using Anakin as the Republic's delegate to the Jedi council.

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Luke is the actual chosen one then? though Vader ultimately was the one that brought balance to the force, by hook or by crook...

Vader brings balance to the Force by completely wrecking everything about it. Jedi are slaughtered, the flawed old codes forgotten, the Sith Lord is killed, and only one Jedi is left to start from scratch, with the lessons of the upheaval to share with his students.


The Jedi of the Old Republic were too strict and more about protocol than the Force. Qui-Gon will be back in some form in Episode III to reveal his new knowledge of the "living Force" to Yoda. The other Jedi were looking at the Force as carved in stone, not something that could change, "always in motion."


As far as Palpatine putting Anakin on the Jedi Council, it was just so he'd have a mole. He knew they'd deny him the rank of Master, something that would naturally set someone with Anakin's sense of entitlement in a more vulnerable position to be swayed towards the dark side.

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