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The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

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Guest El Satanico

Vic and Lem are now the least of Shane's problems. I'd be alot less worried about Vic and Lem, than I would be about Antwan and his crew.

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Vic and Lem are now the least of Shane's problems. I'd be alot less worried about Vic and Lem, than I would be about Antwan and his crew.

I disagree. Antwon can be stopped and killed if necessary ala the Armenian drug dealer from last season to basically keep him from killing Shane/exposing Shane's corruption.


But that doesn't fix the problem though with the rest of the Strike Team, especially given that Lem's only reluctantly working with Vic and Ronnie at the moment. Who's to say that Lem won't snap again and be the one who will bring up murder as a sure fire way to make sure Shane doesn't sell the ST out to save his own skin, especially after what happened to the girl Antwon murdered? It would make for an interesting situation for Vic, since not only would he have Shane out of his hair and not hanging over his head like a noose but also have a major league thing to hold over Lem's head to keep him from ever ratting Vic out.

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Maybe I'm a pussy but I think a little girl getting shot was a good start for a shocker. Shane sucks at this. "I think they just packed up and moved, coke houses move all the time."


Oh fuck it's good to see Lemmy step up and confront Shane.


Edit: Ho-ly shit that was the best preview for an episode I've seen. I'm pumped because all of this shit is finally coming to a head.

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Another great episode this week and one that definately moves the plots for this season into overdrive.


Lem's confrontation with Shane and Vic were well done and definately did a good job of selling the notion of how fucked up the situation is with the characters with regards to Shane. But I was disappointed that they didn't go all out with the church raid being made to be a huge debacle for Monica.


The interplay (or lack there of) between Dutch and Claudette was nice and gave the episode some good levity given how tense this episode was. Seems like the writers also have Dutch's main plots ready to go, between him confronting the newly arrived serial killer and his attempt to date Vic's soon-to-be-ex-wife. Given how the two were about to finally have it out over Dutch contacting Vic's estranged wife over their daughter.


And nice continuity throwback between Acaveda and Julian to season one in their meeting. Though given how they brought up how Vic blackmailed Julian last time combined with Julian being outed at the end of season two, I'm suprised that they didn't have Julian tell Acaveda that Vic couldn't blackmail him do to the fact that everyone knows about his sex life?


As for Army, he's definately dead man walking. If he doesn't get killed he'll end up being set up as Shane and Vic's Judas Goat who will end up taking the fall.


And as for the preview, looks like we are finally going to see Glenn Close breaking out a can of bitch and taking out her frustrations of whatever Acaveda does to her out on Vic.

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Dutch HAS to nail Carin before the season's over. I knew he was going to mak an attempt sometime this season.


I loved the moment with the 4 of them standing around the bag of money in the trunk. I kept thinking, "do it, Vic!"


I think Vic's going to have to kill the drug dealer, THEN off Shane right after.


The camera shot with Shane and Army at the end was great stuff.

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Someone's gotta die soon.


I mean.....right?


In the next couple episodes. Someone's GOTTA die.

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Dutch and Vic have to fight now. They just have to.

The ending of the "Dutch/Vic" thing is pretty obvious: They'll fight after Vic catches his estranged wife either blowing Dutch or outright having sex with him in his car via the hidden camera Vic installed in Dutch's car. This leads to them fighting and Dutch beating Vic black and blue. Unfortunately the fighting will cause Corrine to reject Dutch/go back to being Mrs. Vic Mackey full-time. Which despite being cliched, would give Dutch the double pleasure of kicking Vic's ass AND fucking Vic's wife.


Bonus points if Corrine ends up getting pregnant by Dutch if they do have sex and Vic deciding, so as to get revenge on Dutch, to convince Corrine to keep her and Dutch's lovechild and raise the kid as if he was Vic's...

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About who MAY die...not really a spoiler, just casting notes


From what I've heard Anthony Anderson is only signed for 10 episodes, so while it's not a true spoiler, he could get offed before the season's over

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Someone's gotta die soon.


I mean.....right? 


In the next couple episodes.  Someone's GOTTA die.

Army is the obvious red-shirt candidate but I'd love to see them take a chance and have Shane be the one who gets killed (preferably by Lem, so as to create a new sort of dynamic Vic, Ronnie, and Lem tied together by their killing of Shane).


As it stands though, it will probably be Antwon. Shane will kill him rather than kill Vic and it will create havok as doing so will cause Vic to take Shane back with open arms but make more problems with Lem and with Army (who will be sold down the river by Shane, possibly on Vic's orders as a sign of loyalty from him) taking the fall for Shane's action. Army goes to jail, Lem tells the gang to fuck off and disappears and everything is 75% status quo until the dead girl's body surfaces and suddenly Shane finds himself in deep deep shit once again.

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I bet Army will bite the bullet from Antwon when things go array and Vic comes to Shane's rescue. Something along those lines, Shane either high tails it or Vic keeps him on an insanely tight leash. I'd much rather see Shane getting killed but I doubt it'll happen.


I still think that preview for next week's was insanely good and it should be a great episode.

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Guest El Satanico

I don't think they are going to get rid of Shane, but I could see Vic setting it up for Antwan to kill Shane.

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Guest Brian

Man, I don't want to see Dutch beat up Vic. There's no appeal in Dutch if he beats up Vic. He's a bitch right now, but he's cool and likeable because of that flaw, not in spite of it.

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Guest El Satanico

Unless Dutch catches him by surprise, Vic would destroy him.


However, the wildcard is Dutch's darkside. If Vic triggers Dutch's darkside, who knows what he's capable of.

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Was talkiang about that with a friend before, could you imagine if Dutch snapped and became like a serial killer, with his knowledge he'd be a tough one to catch...especially if he was able to keep up appearences and stayed on the job, he'd end up working his own case, heh

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I toyed with the idea of Dutch turning into a serial killer and getting away with it, while on the job, but that's a little far, even for The Shield.


And if Vic does have to kill Shane, then Shane's gotta spill his guts about Terry to Lem and Ronnie before hand.

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1. The way that the whole "Vic/Dutch" feud has gone, the only proper pay-off would be for Dutch to beat Vic like a bitch on payday. Vic can save face by having Corrine reject Dutch after the fact over the beating he gives Vic.


2. Regarding who would win between Vic and Dutch in a fight, I would say that it all depends on whether or not Dutch loses his cool and goes apeshit on Vic's ass. Vic himself would be at a disadvantage if only because he would assume Dutch is weak and that would cost him in the end.


3. I'd perfer to see the writers have Antwon survive unscratched and return next season to fuck with Vic. There is plenty of potential in playing off Antwon as Vic's true counterpart in terms of the way that Antwon, like Vic, hides his evil side by wearing a mask of repsonsibility. In Antwon's case, being a community leader to hide his evil side as Big Bad drug lord.


4. As for Shane, if they won't kill him I'd settle for him taking a bullet to the skull and getting put into a coma at the hands of Lem. That way we have a new dirty secret to bind Lem, Vic, and Ronnie and for season five, they can have Shane wake up and set up the series's final reckonning between Vic and Shane.

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Did they completely write off Tavon or are they leaving it up in the air?


The rumor is that he MIGHT come back in the last couple of episodes of the season (supposedly for a one-off appearance to establish that he's doing ok and not horribly fucked up after what happened to him) but that it all depends on if the actor playing Tavon has the time in his schedule to commit to appearing on the show. But as it stands at the moment, they aren't expecting him back anytime soon.....

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After all of this time, I have finally caught up and can now watch new episodes of The Shield every week. I finished off my three DVD box sets, and just finished watching all of the season four episodes. Never before has a show been so addicting to me, not even Arrested Development. When one episode would end, I just had to watch the next one, and on and on. I'm actually pissed off that I've caught up, because I can't just watch the next episode whenever I want to anymore. The Shield is better than most films that deal with this subject, especially all of the ones that have opened up over the past few years. No other hour long drama type show can touch it either, this is as good as it gets.


Vic better be careful with Dutch. There is a serial killing mother fucker living deep down inside of that guy that's just itching to come out, and it wouldn't take much for that to happen. I've seen that character trait in him ever since the first season, and it looks like they are planning for something huge to happen with him. I doubt they'll go all the way with it, but he'll get as close to the edge as possible, which could cost him his job down the line.


Shane is just a moron, not a tough guy like Vic. That's already been established though, so nothing new there. I wouldn't be surprised if Army starts getting worried about everything, and starts saying shit to Shane about just flat out telling everyone about what they have done. Maybe to him jail, being fired, or whatever happens would be better than Antwon killing them both. From there, it wouldn't surprise me to see Shane be the guy that knocks off Army, not Antwon.


I can't believe how good a job Anthony Anderson is going on this show. I had no idea he could actually "act" like this, so call me very impressed. When he shot the girl, then was telling Shane off, I just couldn't believe it was who it was.


Aceveda is all kinds of screwed up and is going to cost him. His storylines have been some of the most shocking in the series so far.


Anyway, there are just a few thoughts of mine. I'm glad I found this show, but I wish I could watch more episodes like I have been doing. I watch very few things on TV, but I'm glad this is one of them now.


Now to just find a pair of sunglasses like Vic wears. :D

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It's just getting sadder every week watching Shane get worse and worse at this bad cop thing. If he's going to stick around he'll need a serious piece of redemption.

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I've about decided he's crossed the point of no return. The only way he's going to come out of this perfectly fine is if Vic gets soft and saves his "brother", because of their long past. Army and Antwon would then have to be killed off though, along with quite a few others.

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