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The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

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I dunno about Shane, but his partner could be dead, and I get the idea Ronnie may be a casualty in this whole thing.


Regarding next week's episode, I would not be suprised if Shane's partner Army is the only big casualty. Having Ronnie die would complicate/excelerate the plot too much too soon since Vic would kill not only Antwon but Shane as well, provided Lem doesn't beat him to it.


That being said, the show's mislead viewers with the previews via trick editting of footage before, so I would not be suprised if next week's episode has either Shane THINKING of narcing to Antwon but not doing so at the last minute or Vic purposely giving Shane bad information to throw Antwon off, resulting in his beatdown and possibly his partner being killed so as to make an example to Shane of his fate if he should doublecross Antwon a second time.


So what im getting at, is that Vic and Ronnie set up Shane, and now their letting him inside the Barn again, so they can get to Antoine?


No, it's more complicated and messy than that. Vic (with Lem and Ronnie's reluctant blessing) brought Shane back to the Barn because they want to keep close watch over Shane and cover his ass so as to make sure he doesn't get put into a position to narc on them once he gets busted for corruption.


The fact that he's working for Antwon and they now have proof that he is and is narcing on his fellow cops, has Vic and company facing a mother of all nightmares that they have no solutions towards fixing at the moment, especially since killing Shane isn't an option the writers are having Vic, Lem, and Ronnie acknowledge as a viable option yet.

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Guest Brian
...provided Lem doesn't beat him to it.

Wouldn't that be fucking awesome? If Lem was the real casualty of the season, the one who was actually corrupted.

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All I know is that Aceveda's rape fantasies are the first thing to truly freak me out on the show. It's one of the creepiest things I've seen in a long while.

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Maybe I should watch this show. I have heard that it's good. A guy at work got hooked on it after an ep where the guy hit a thug in the face with a phonebook.


Does this show have an arc, like a serial, or is it more episodic with confined installments?

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Does this show have an arc, like a serial, or is it more episodic with confined installments?

It's both. The bulk of the time each episode has it's own episodic storylines involving the cast trying to catch the criminal of the week but with running subplots that carry the main storylines from week to week and usually dominate the last two-three episodes of the season.


That said, this season is being written as new viewer friendly so as to bring in new viewers who may or may not have seen the previous couple of seasons. However they are still using old unresolved storylines from previous seasons for a lot of the running subplots this season.

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...provided Lem doesn't beat him to it.

Wouldn't that be fucking awesome? If Lem was the real casualty of the season, the one who was actually corrupted.

They blew their chance with that storyline last season when they had Lem have his nervous breakdown and Vic forgiving him out of a sense of "I can't kill him and get away with it plus I kind of need him" pragmitism, so having it happen this season would be too contrived.

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Another good episode this week. I didn't think it was possible to be creeped out again by an Aceveda storyline but the writers did it somehow. The tension between Claudette and Dutch was good. I'm also starting to think that Danny and Julian are going nowhere fast this season.

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Yuh huh...either way, Acevada's gonna choke her out!


And yeah, not bad looking either

For some reason I kept waiting for her to show him that she's really a transexual. Don't know why. Oh well.

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How utterly disturbing would it be if she was a tranny and he raped shim in the oral sense?  :throwup:

I'm thinking that it's more likely that Mrs. Acaveda will find out about her husband seeing a hooker and Acaveda beating/sexually assaulting her into a coma/to death when she confronts him.


Either that or he'll break one of the hooker's "rough sex rules" and kills her/put her into a coma after chocking her till she passes out from oxygen deprivation.

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How utterly disturbing would it be if she was a tranny and he raped shim in the oral sense?  :throwup:

I'm thinking that it's more likely that Mrs. Acaveda will find out about her husband seeing a hooker and Acaveda beating/sexually assaulting her into a coma/to death when she confronts him.


Either that or he'll break one of the hooker's "rough sex rules" and kills her/put her into a coma after chocking her till she passes out from oxygen deprivation.

I'm better sure the former will happen. He'll get carried away and then. I was just trying to muster up one of the worst images. But I'm thinking Shane's partner will get the axe sometime soon. Then it could split two ways-


Shane grudingly joins back with the Strike Team and it reforms unofficially (the tension, Marla, etc)


Or Shane goes full-fledged on a rampage against Vic because he's afraid he'll foil him.

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My favorite part of the show -- when they let the dog out.


And I'm wondering if that hooker chick isn't setting David up. In a way I feel bad for him because his wife is a fucking bitch. "So what if you got raped? Get over it..."

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Anyone know what the song was that was playing at the end of THIS episode? (With Vic in the police station looking around at all the former STrike Team member)

It's Demon Called Deception by Grant Lee Buffalo

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Yeah his (Acaveda's) wife does seem like a raging bitch. "Do whatever you need to do to get over it because I'm sick of feeling like I'm the one who got raped."


Using an escort and somewhere down the road killing that hooker (well maybe not but I figure it'll happen" is doing whatever you need to do, right? Right.



I need my moral compass fixed. "Actually that's just a tactic we deploy to get criminals to admit things..."


This is my stupid way of bumping the thread for tonight.

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Not too bad of an episode and next week's one really has me hyped. Especially seeing Lemmy smacking Shane against that chain-link fence. "What did you do!"


Damn I can't wait 'til they bust on Mitchell.

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That was extremely disturbing with Antoine gunning down that little girl. I knew he was a sick fuck but I didn't know he would go as far as to kill a kid like that. This has been a very good season so far.

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I'm glad they stepped up Antoine's character. If you're going that route then go all out.


Glad to see they're going somewhere with Julian now.


This can't end well for David.


Dutch > Everyone else

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Fake rape scene + Dutch singing "Hungry Like the Wolf"= Most bizzare first fifteen minutes I've ever seen.


I love this show.

I thought the scene with Dutching singing should have been saved for the ending of the episode. Would have given a much better juxtaposition to see Dutch's singing after his blind date then cut to Shane getting the crap beaten out of him/forced to watch the little girl be shot (though I really wanted it to be Mara that Antwon brought out to kill instead, since that would make Antwon the best villain ever on the Shield).


That being said, I hope we get to see some sort of follow-up on the growing war between Vic and Dutch with Dutch finding out that Ronnie planted the camera in his car, with Dutch pointing out that while Ronnie may be part of the station's cool clique, he's still a big loser since all he does is plant survaillance devices and watch monitors while Vic does all of the actual detective work as opposed to Dutch, who may even more socially inept than Ronnie but who puts his BUTT on the line every day catching psycho killers and rapists. Extra points to be given if Dutch also brings up how Ronnie couldn't even beat up the drug dealer who burned his face as a means to further his case about being better than Ronnie and said verbal lashing leading to Ronnie a. Standing up for Dutch after seeing Dutch stand up for himself nad not be the big wussy he thought he was and B. becoming more active as a detective so as to prove Dutch wrong about him being an over-qualified tech geek with a badge. Which in turn will piss off Vic even more since now he has Ronnie giving him mouth and wanting to have a bigger role in how things go between him and Vic, which makes Vic do something else bad to Dutch to escelate the feuding.,...


As for the ending, Shane's even more fucked, as now if Vic doesn't kill Shane Lem will. And unless Vic can keep Lem pacified in the way that they deal with Shane, I wouldn't be suprised if Vic has TWO albatrosses around his neck. Though I can totally see Vic WANTING Lem to go after Shane and kill him since not only does it let him avoid having to do the deed himself but binds Lem to Vic's side by letting Vic hold Shane's death over his head.

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