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The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

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Part of me is disappointed that they wasted yet another gold-mine of a plot (Dutch going apeshit and attacking Vic)


I doubt they will ever go there because most viewers would think every dropling of respect and credibility towards Vic is gone. I missed tonight's episode but I caught the very ending... hopefully I can catch a rerun before the finale.

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Guest Brian
What was the deal again that Acaveda made with Antwan?


As I understand things:


Acaveda basically lied and got the guy who raped him in jail, and now this guy is threatening to come clean. Acevada brokered a deal with the DEA and Antwan for the Salvadorian cartel, and in return this guy is going to be silenced. Antwan gives out everyone's name, he gets the charges drastically downgraded to what basically sound like house arrest.


I found it interesting that in the previews they brought up Dutch busting the racist, and they usually don't do something unless they're heading somewhere. I was thinking for a minute he was going to force himself on Correine.

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Seemed a little odd to bring back the cuddler rapists wife and the "you sucka my dick" guy in the same episode.


Not the best episode, but not bad. Knowing that Close won't be back takes a little suprise out of the final, now it's just a matter of if she dies or gets fired.

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...I didn't know she wasn't coming back :(


I have a feeling that Aceveda is going to end up with the whole oral rape thing biting him in the ass in the end and being exposed and disgraced.


It'll be nuts if Vic ever has to haul him in for something, maybe the hooker or solicitation or something...



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I doubt they will ever go there because most viewers would think every dropling of respect and credibility towards Vic is gone.


That's only if they have Vic and Dutch finally beat the crap out of each other and have Vic make Dutch his bitch. If they have them finally beat the shit out of each other and have Dutch be the one who who makes Vic his bitch, you could get some decent milage out of the fall-out in terms of Vic having to deal with the fact that precinct's proverbial runt beat the shit out of him in a fair fight and how that causes him to end up being the subject of mockery from his fellow cops, who normally wouldn't dare make fun of Vic out of fear that Vic would beat the crap out of them.


I found it interesting that in the previews they brought up Dutch busting the rapist, and they usually don't do something unless they're heading somewhere. I was thinking for a minute he was going to force himself on Corrine.


For me I was thinking they were going to have Dutch, still reeling from being dumped by Corrine end up sleep with the rapist's emotionally disturbed wife only to have her turn psycho on him the morning after they have sex.


What was the deal again that Acaveda made with Antwan?


The man who raped Acaveda resurfaced and threatened to reveal he raped Acaveda/release the photo of him raping Acaveda (as apparently his girlfriend DID know how to download the photo and has been sitting on it for the last eight months) if Acaveda didn't help him get his jail sentence overturned by recanting his earlier statement about his involvement in a robbery (I don't remember the exact details if Acaveda did lie or not). Acaveda responded by going to Antwon and making a deal with the devil: in exchange for Antwon giving up the entire leadership of the Salvadorian drug cartel, Acaveda will negotiate a deal that would give Antwon full immunity from all charges he's currently facing and a place in the witness protection program. Oh and to show Acaveda that Antwon is willing to do business, he has to "silence" a fellow criminal in the same jail that Antwon is as a sign of faith, with the criminal in question being Acaveda's rapist.

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The finale was ok. I was disappointed that we only HEARD about the death of Aceveda's rapist, and didnt get to see it. Also, I thought the conclusion of Antoine was a bit of a let down. Aside from that, not a bad episode.

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Well I missed majority of the finale and I saw the very ending (the celebration), Lem kicking all kinds of ass, so what happened to Antwon?

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Good ending. A much quieter ending than we used to, but still very good. You know Rawlings SOOOO wanted to tell Vic that they were on to him, but just couldn't.


Nice to see Julian and Dani get back in each other's good graces, you knew it was coming.

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Guest Brian

I thought she was going to shoot herself at the end over that. Good episode.

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Guest Brian

I thought the guilt was going to send her over the edge. I wonder if they'll guest her next season, maybe in some way to make amends.

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I liked the ending. It had a bit of cliffhanger with them going after Lem and possibly the whole Strike Team, but it also had closure of the main storyline this season. I see this season being a regrouping and transition period for Vic in that it feels like for him that things are finally settling down a bit, but he doesn't know the oncoming storm of the investigation of the Strike Team.


Poor Lem, the one that tried to do the right thing is looking like the first one to go down if they come after the Strike Team.

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Ya i really thought she was gonna shoot herself too.


Losing her job, being alone etc.


Yeah though part of me was thinking, "You brought this on yourself" given how, at least as a viewer, it's pretty much given that working with Vic will lead to him fucking you over one way or another (see Ronnie, Dani, Tavon, Shane, Lem, Claudette, Acaveda). Still, I have to wonder if they ended the character's arc on such a blatantly depressing note as a means to entice Glenn Close back for a guest appearance under the notion to her coming back and giving her character a "Growing Pains" esque "I'm doing fine/back on my feet like nothing bad ever happened" type deal or if Monica is going to end up like Tavon, tossed to the side as after his arc comes to a horrible ending....


That said, I have a shitload to say about the episode that will be in my upcoming review of the episode for The Smart Marks which will be up this weekend.

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Just saw the last ep, it was good not season two or three level but good. This is the main problem this season, it was a good season but the first three were so great that it is hard to follow ( and they miss the boat with the feud between Shane & Vic... It's like they press the reset button in the middle of the season :huh: )


So anyway it was cool particulary the fight with Lem & the three Salvadorans & the last scene


Poor Lem, the one that tried to do the right thing is looking like the first one to go down if they come after the Strike Team.


Yeah it's bad ... Is next season the last one ? Cause i think this serie will end badly for the Strike Team & Vic


Sorry for my english, i'm from Swiss & ... i don't write english often

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Yes and no; what is known is that FX is sellign the show into syndication after the end of season five and Shawn Ryan has stated that he has a definative ending planned for the show (though he's also said that his plans are subject to change if he fancies it, as season three underwent NUMEROUS changes from what Ryan originally planned).


That said, I would not be suprised if the show lasts at least six seasons since unlike Nip/Tuck (which fast becoming the Sopranos of FX in regards to the lateness of new seasons) and Rescue Me (a horrifically bad show that needs drastic retooling/Dennis Leary being physically seperated from whatever crackpipe he's been smoking while writing for the show), "The Shield" is a consistant critical/viewer favorite.


Anyone watching 30 days on FX?


I know not many people know about this show besides people who watch shows on FX so I thought I would bring it up here.


Watched it; and is it just me or does Morgan Spurlock's wife looks just like the chick who plays Kitty, the evil slutty secretary from hell from Arrested Development?

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Rescue Me is a great show! I don't like it as much as The Shield, but I like it just as much as Nip/Tuck.


30 Days was alright, I'll give it a couple more tries before I know what to do with it.

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I'm wondering which way they go with the new captain. It was a nice momentary swerve with Dutch getting offered and turning down the gig, I thought he was going to take it to fuck with Vic. I'm guessing it could be Wyms despite what she said or else someone new brought in ala Close, or else Dutch backtracks and takes the job after some promises of autonomy and being let in on the investigation of the Strike Team.

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Yes and no; what is known is that FX is sellign the show into syndication after the end of season five and Shawn Ryan has stated that he has a definative ending planned for the show (though he's also said that his plans are subject to change if he fancies it, as season three underwent NUMEROUS changes from what Ryan originally planned).


I have a feeling that the show will end with the death of Vic.




And 30 days, It was a good start, we'll see if it continues to be as good. Some storylines might not work well as some.


This weeks was good, His finance must REALLY like him to do this kind of stuff, but it does lighten you up as you get to literally walk in the shoes of someone who works on MIN wage for their whole lifes.


http://www.ohiotraveler.com/things_to_do.htm lol

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good season, but I felt the last few episodes were kinda weak.


The stuff with Antwaun in the interrogation room, facing off against Rawlings with Vic in the middle... THAT felt like a season finale, and was the peak of the season. It cried out for an end of season climax. Nothing after it reached that high.

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I've only seen the first three eps of this season but I've been following along pretty well.


Dutch.......Dutch was offered Captainship?




What the fuck is Shawn Ryan on? . Captain Wagenbach is the hotness.

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I've only seen the first three eps of this season but I've been following along pretty well.


Dutch.......Dutch was offered Captainship?




What the fuck is Shawn Ryan on? . Captain Wagenbach is the hotness.


Yeah, it's a plot idea that has a ton of potential but at least they aborted it in a logical manner, IE Dutch realizes that TPTB want a hand-puppet they can control and Dutch, having regained his self-esteem after his confrontation with Vic and the other detective, telling Monica's boss that he'd rather stay a detective where he can do some good on the street and that by the way, he's not some sort of spineless wimp that they can manipulate.


I'm wondering which way they go with the new captain. It was a nice momentary swerve with Dutch getting offered and turning down the gig, I thought he was going to take it to fuck with Vic. I'm guessing it could be Wyms despite what she said or else someone new brought in ala Close, or else Dutch backtracks and takes the job after some promises of autonomy and being let in on the investigation of the Strike Team.


I'm thinking they'll simply do some more stunt-casting since they received a rather large ratings boost with Glenn Close and bring in a new big name actor/actress to play a new character brought in to run the Barn.


Either that or they'll pull some contrived plot point out of their butts regarding Acaveda getting the job of interim Captain after no one else takes the job and use that to justify his pressence on the show, not to mention continue the Vic/Acaveda feud with regards to the current IAD storyline.

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