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The Shield Season 4 Offical Thread

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damn, been watching some CSI eps from this current season and two episodes in a row with Shield people, first an episode with Danny and now I'm waching one with Army in it, heh

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I gotta figure, by the end of next week's ep, either Shane or Antwon are dead.


One of them's gotta be.

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I gotta figure, by the end of next week's ep, either Shane or Antwon are dead.


One of them's gotta be.

I'm thinking Shane will wussy out at the very end and not kill Vic but that Vic will beat the crap out of Shane but not kill him when he realizes that Shane has no weapon on him.


Either that or Shane will have Army be the one who shoots Vic via sniper rifle only to fuck up, which allows Vic to get away, leading to Shane going AWOL for the rest of the season.


As for Antwon, I'm hoping they can find a way to keep him around. As far as villains go, he's probably the best one they've came up with in this series. Hopefully they'll bring him back next season since it's good to see them have a villain who's able to stay at least one step ahead of Vic and company.

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Dutch's a pimp.


I'm thinking nobody is going to die next episode, they're going to draw it out. But at the same time this meeting with Shane could be a chance to knock off Army or him. Seeing Lem push that informant was pretty good. Guy's got an attitude.

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Guest Brian

Fuck, I loved this. Ronnie was awesome. He's definately gotten a chance to shine.


I love Lem as well. I love the tension with him and Vice against Shane.


And might I say that Vic is starting to look like a changed man. It almost look like that for a half a season, he was going to clean up. Now he's cutting deals with drug dealers, trading a CI in a power play, and that scene at the end with the light and Vic's rection. Kick-ass. And him kicking down Antoine's door in the preview. SWANK~!


Did anyone else get a Terry vibe when Vic and Shane were walking out there alone, like shane could turn the tables on the scene from the pilot and shoot Vic point blank right there? There was some realt tension going on with all the close-ups of Shane.


Julian should be interesting. I wonder if Acevada's going to intervene in the transfer.

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How long till one of Vic's kids slips up and mentioneds "Uncle Dutch?" That'll be great.


I was thinking this week was going to have some kind of payoff with Vic and Shane, but it keeps building, this is going to end violently.

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awesome episode.


- we see the mens room from the inside for the first time (mark out)

- Capt. Rowley gets more fleshed out as a character

- Dutch's zing about the soapbox to Claudette

- the whole scene with Shane and Vic in the dark was so intense

- Dutch is so getting some from Mrs. Mackey, and I'll mark out

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I so want to see Dutch banging Vic's wife and having Vic walk in on them. And Dutch can't be that hard up for women that he has to take one with as much baggage as her...

I think the better thing (and one that would involve the writers forshadowing things) would be if Vic catches his ex and Dutch doing it in Dutch's car via the hidden camera he installed several episodes earlier. The notion of Vic having to watch the two in the act while surrounded by his friends would make for a much better pay-off, especially with regards to seeing Ronnie and Lem's reaction to Vic watching his wife having sex with someone he can't stand.

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Wow, what an episode. I especially liked the end with Vic walking the streets alone. The scene where Vic sees Shane serve him up was awesome. What's going to be equally as good is when Vic finally finds out about Dutch and Corrine. This season just gets better and better.

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How long till one of Vic's kids slips up and mentioneds "Uncle Dutch?" That'll be great.

Or, even better Corrine brings the kids to the station, Vic stands there waiting for them to run up to him and they run past and hug Dutch, heh

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Guest El Satanico

I already know how that private meeting between Shane and Vic will go.


I'm not sure if Shane plans on killing Vic or not, but I predict Shane will tell Vic what's going on. Vic will either choose to help Shane deal with Antwan or Shane will blackmail Vic into helping him deal with Antwan.

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Guest Brian

Are we headed toward Vic against the world?


Shouldn't he have caught Dutch and Corrine together by now? Or is he too engrossed with Shane?

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Or, even better Corrine brings the kids to the station, Vic stands there waiting for them to run up to him and they run past and hug Dutch, heh

nice. I could see Vic's younger daughter inadvertently dropping some hints to Vic about Dutch. She's autistic, so who knows what she'll do...

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Guest Brian

What if Dutch rapes the little girl? He's around that kinda stuff all the time, man must wonder.

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Guest El Satanico

We know Dutch has a darkside, but I see him as a sexually frustrated psycho killer and not molester/rapist.


I wouldn't be surprised if he had a bit of a rape fetish, but that doesn't make someone a real rapist. However, Acevada already has the rape fetish quota filled.

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Guest Cerebus

Poor Vic. He really is the Dr. Green of the Shield, all the bad shit lands on him whether its his fault or not. I always liked that in every season there is one introspective scene with Vic staring at himself in the mirror of the bathroom after a very very harrowing incident. It's a wonderful scene on many levels that could have been cheesy if Michael Chilkis wasn't as great of an actor as he is. The closeups in this episode were awesome too, especially when him and Shane are sneaking up on the convoy. The ending scene was just incredible. When he turns to those two thugs he bumps into and they back down and gives that poor cop a piece of his mind and then walks around pissed as all hell was just magnificent.


Like I said, this may be my favorite Shield episode ever.

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Bumpage for tonight. I won't be around at 9 (the first episode) but hopefully I can be back in time for the next showing at 10.

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I so want to see Dutch banging Vic's wife and having Vic walk in on them. And Dutch can't be that hard up for women that he has to take one with as much baggage as her...

That would be great. I would also love to see Vic get on Dutch's case some much that Dutch snaps and knocks the crap outta Vic right in front of everyone at the Barn.


Julian should be interesting. I wonder if Acevada's going to intervene in the transfer.


I have a feeling Acevada will. He'll say something to the chief about how the capt. won't stand for anyone that doesn't see things her way and since Julian dared not to see things her way she tried to get rid of him. Or he may even pull out the racist card on her.

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Julian should be interesting. I wonder if Acevada's going to intervene in the transfer.


I have a feeling Acevada will. He'll say something to the chief about how the capt. won't stand for anyone that doesn't see things her way and since Julian dared not to see things her way she tried to get rid of him. Or he may even pull out the racist card on her.

I'm thinking, given that this season the big theme has been "When partnerships go bad" that it will be Dani who keeps Julien from being transfered by either agreeing to keep Julien from creating problems ala Dutch's backroom deal with the DA's office regarding Claudette or by convincing Monica to put Julien in some sort of position where Julien won't have to be directly involved in the AF program.

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As for the money Vic gave his wife. I have a feeling most, if not all of it is from the money train. What little of it wasn't burned up.


And the way Corrine was acting about it. The next time Dutch is over she'll tell and show Dutch the money. Then he's going to probe into it and start getting close to the money train robbery and Vic.

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