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The Mountie

Lame finisher names

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I'm almost positive I heard the Hip Hop Drop called the 'Def Jam' when Too Cool redebuted. Now THAT would've been a quality name for it, lawsuits aside.

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Worse was the one where he swings his leg over the guy's chest. I was never clear on it, but it always sounded like they were calling it the Hog Log. That's so bad I must be hearing it wrong.

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Guest Andrew J.

Has Kurt Angle's ankle lock EVER actually been called the "Angle lock" by WWE? The only place I ever see it like that is on the internet.

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Guest LooneyTune

It's only been called the "Ankle Lock", unless closed captioning keeps screwing up and people who use it read "Angle Lock".

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The "Heart Punch" is a terrible name for a terrible finisher.

The heart punch is an accurate namr for a terrible finisher.


Goldust's Shattered Dreams was a good name for his kick to the nuts. They renamed it "The Golden Globes" in 2002 and that was lame.

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Has Kurt Angle's ankle lock EVER actually been called the "Angle lock" by WWE? The only place I ever see it like that is on the internet.

It tends to be called the Angle Lock in promotional material, video games and other WWE products. The announcers call it the Ankle Lock.

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One has to wonder if Ken Shamrock was still around if


1)Angle would even be using the Ankle Lock and


2)If so, he would call it the Angle Lock to differenciate from Shamrock's version.

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Shelley's submission move is called the Border City Stretch.

I'm assuming he came up through D'Amore's BCW, so that makes sense.


Getting back to Walls of Jericho, it makes some sense. The Walls of Jericho came tumbling down, and the same thing (in theory) would happen to an opponent's back.

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Back on the subject of the weird Japanese move names, I LOVE the Miracle Ecstasy Bomb (or just Miracle Ecstasy, I've seen it called both).



Wasn't Dirty White Boy's finisher called the Bucksnort Blaster or something? Hated that name.


Never liked The Dominator

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Guest BDC

In other words, yes.


One thing I've never understood is how Chris Jericho's falling sleeper neckbreaker can be called The Flashback. I don't get it at all. It could have been a credible finish had anyone laid down for it, but the name? Yuck.

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Back on the subject of the weird Japanese move names, I LOVE the Miracle Ecstasy Bomb (or just Miracle Ecstasy, I've seen it called both).

Help me out - was that the Torture Rack-to-neckbreaker?

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Back on the subject of the weird Japanese move names, I LOVE the Miracle Ecstasy Bomb (or just Miracle Ecstasy, I've seen it called both).

Help me out - was that the Torture Rack-to-neckbreaker?

IIRC it's a cross between a chokeslam and a powerbomb

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Back on the subject of the weird Japanese move names, I LOVE the Miracle Ecstasy Bomb (or just Miracle Ecstasy, I've seen it called both).

Help me out - was that the Torture Rack-to-neckbreaker?

IIRC it's a cross between a chokeslam and a powerbomb

So, Albertbomb/Baldobomb/Meshugganator then?


Just thought of another lame name - D'Amorelizer, which sounds much cooler when it's called the WhipLash for some reason.

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One has to wonder if Ken Shamrock was still around if


1)Angle would even be using the Ankle Lock and


2)If so, he would call it the Angle Lock to differenciate from Shamrock's version.

No, he wouldn't be using it if Shamrock were still around. They tend to protect people's gimmicks in WWE, alhtough Angle stealing the rolling Germans would contradict that statement, I suppose. I don't know why he uses it now, frankly. It doesn't really make sense. He's a wrestler, not an MMA guy. I also sort of wonder why he works Taz style matches. Suplex, suplex, submission on a body part not at all affected by said suplexes.

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Guest Askewniverse

The Clapper

The Blonde Bombshell

Breaker 1-9


Pittsburgh Plunge


Whammy Bar


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Guest AdamF
Here's one I thought was dumb for a name (and not a good finisher anyway)


The Shake, Rattle, and Roll.

Well...it matches the gimmick.

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I was all for Paul Heyman calling Albert's Baldo Bomb, the "Washooginator" for a few weeks during the summer of 2001. It just had a certain ring to it, and sounded a lot better than Baldo Bomb.


Didn't TNA call Jerry Lynn's Piledriver the "Cradle of Filth" for a short time, not too long ago?


I'll also go with Slopdrop. At the time, I hadn't seen too many reverse DDT's, so I marked for the move, but didn't care much for the name. At least WCW got it right (surprise!), calling it the Scorpion Deathdrop. Still to this day, Scorpion Deathdrop is my favorite name for a finisher.


So in short, I wil add Baldo Bomb, Cradle of Filth, and Slopdrop.

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Stan Lane when he was an announcer came up with some bad ones. Among them, I think there was Bob Holly's top rope splash being called the "Overhead Cam," and Jeff Jarrett's DDT being called the "Grand Ole Drop-re"

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