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Celtic Guardian

School shooting in Minnesota

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Maybe I'm too much of a "bleeding heart", but I find the jokes about this absolutely fucking disgusting.


Kids were murdered you stupid fucks...


Did you assholes make joking comments in the waking minutes after the Columbine story broke?

Finally, someone in this topic with the same opinion as myself.


I can't believe that you people enjoy joking about this. What the fuck is wrong with you?


It would no doubt be a different story if someone's relative or, god-forbid, a wrestler was shot. No doubt the topic would be full of messages of condolence.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
Well if youre dumb enough to have a country where you have a right to carry arms, these things are going to happen

Would you rather it be a mass stabbing, or a car bomb?

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I can't believe that you people enjoy joking about this. What the fuck is wrong with you?

There are so many things that I don't have the time to list them all.


We know we are all going to hell -- we're just hoping that Satan puts us all on the same floor or something.


It would no doubt be a different story if someone's relative or, god-forbid, a wrestler was shot. No doubt the topic would be full of messages of condolence.


I wouldn't be so sure of that...

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I can't believe that you people enjoy joking about this. What the fuck is wrong with you?

There are so many things that I don't have the time to list them all.


We know we are all going to hell -- we're just hoping that Satan puts us all on the same floor or something.


It would no doubt be a different story if someone's relative or, god-forbid, a wrestler was shot. No doubt the topic would be full of messages of condolence.


I wouldn't be so sure of that...

Of course, the IWC was enraged after Craig Kilborn made a joke about the death of Owen Hart and SportsCenter made a joke about the death of Junkyard Dog. We really can't have it both ways, you know.

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Guest MikeSC

I read that the kid also dug up Curt Hennig and shot him.


There, is Si82 happy now?


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Guest MikeSC
Well if youre dumb enough to have a country where you have a right to carry arms, these things are going to happen

Curse us and our desire for individual rights!!!


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Guest BDC
Well if youre dumb enough to have a country where you have a right to carry arms, these things are going to happen

Look, it's the little America-bashing troll!

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Of course, the IWC was enraged after Craig Kilborn made a joke about the death of Owen...

I went into the WWE chatrooms with the user name "Owen Hart's Ghost," shortly after that incident, so you'll have to try again.


I will say though that I do get offended whenever a cop shoots someone brandishing a firearm and some namby pamby pseudo-hippie says "Couldn't the cop have just shot him in the arm or leg? They didn't have to KILL him..."

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Well if youre dumb enough to have a country where you have a right to carry arms, these things are going to happen

Curse us and our desire for individual rights!!!



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Guest BobBacklundRules

A few years ago I worked at that high school for a day or two painting the gym and working with some youth. My cousin works at a school on the reservation, and I have a friend who is from that reservation. Red Lake is actually one of the few reservations that are located on land that has never been owned by the government. But the school is actually owned by the government, and technically considered to be on land owned by the U.S. Red Lake is located on the southern end of Red Lake, which is the largest fresh water lake in the United States that is enclosed by one state. Just like most other reservations, Red Lake does have problems with alcohol and juvenile delinquency.


And I'm sure it was hard to get instant information on the situation due to the jurisdiction of the tribal counsel and the FBI, who's running the investigation.


And for you that don't like Fox News:

I flipped to fox news yesterday evening and found that they were reporting the wrong facts, and they actually had a map showing that Red Lake was in the actual location of Fargo, instead of the north-center part of the state where it really is.

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Guest Vitamin X
Red Lake is located on the southern end of Red Lake



Would you rather it be a mass stabbing, or a car bomb?

I don't know about you, but *I'D* personally would like to see a mass stabbing ratehr than a mass shooting. Have some balls, you fuckin dysfunctional juveniles.

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This kid identified with the Libertarian National Socialist Green party. Their web site is nazi.org.





LNSG condemns modern society in school shooting

LNSG condemns modern society in school shooting


by Steve Martinez

Tue, Mar. 22, 2005

Nationalist News Network


AUSTIN, TX (NNN) - The Libertarian National Socialist Green Party, on whose messageboard Jeff Weise posted one year before shooting people at his Minnesota high school, today refused to wring hands over a "tragedy," instead pointing out that such events are to be expected when thinking people are crammed into an unthinking, irrational modern society. According to the LNSG, the school shooting itself is not our failure; society is our failure, and the school shooting is a symptom.


"We knew [Weise] briefly through 34 posts he made on the forum," said LNSGP forum administrator Atem. "He expressed himself well and was clearly highly intelligent and contemplative, especially for one so young." Weise participated in the forum in part because, unlike "white nationalist" or "white power" movements, the LNSG embraces all races as part of its vision of world nationalism. His statements on the site reflected a frustration with the populist politics and materialistic arrogance of modern society.


Weise most clearly expressed his philosophy in the following statement of frustration with the raceless, cultureless void of liberal industrial society: "The Natives you've known to be sympathetic to the cause are probably ones who've experienced firsthand what kind of problems cultural and race mixing can cause. As a result of cultural dominance and interracial mixing there are barely any full blooded Natives left. Where I live less than 1% of all the people on the Reservation can speak their own language, and among the youth wanting to be black has run rampant. Under a National Socialist government, things for us would improve vastly... That is, if we haven't already become too soft from the way this materialistic life-style has made us, and that is why I am pro-Nazi. It's hard though, being a Native American National Socialist; people are so misinformed, ignorant, and closed-minded it makes your life a living hell."


National Socialism is a philosophy that, unlike the beliefs of modern society which are founded in material technology and abstract moral ideas about what should be, is based in the realism of nature. Each tribe must separate itself genetically from all others in order to survive, as otherwise it is assimilated; further, National Socialism recognizes that the individual comes second to the collective, comprising both human society and the natural environment that supports it. As a result, National Socialists are willing to engage in eugenics, racial separation and removal of elements hostile to a healthy society.


Modern society, in contrast, is based around the belief that the individual alone is supreme - a belief system that finds no opposition among the masses, who often fear their own inadequacies. Such societies turn toward liberal democracy, and thus permit public image manipulation to determine their course, while behind the scenes an oligarchy of the international wealthy manipulate politics and social trends for their own profit. The result is widespread environmental destruction, loss of ethnic-cultural heritage, a dysgenic program of rewarding the most subservient, and dominion by mass tastes that contradicts any thought of doing what is right for the whole.


Modernity is insane. The constraints of modern societies like the United States prevent the individual from publically acclaiming National Socialism or any other non-modernist solution without fear of losing jobs, friends and potential mates through social alienation. For this reason, the thinking individual is forced into a desperate position of seeing the downfall of our civilization at hand, but is prevented from speaking up unless that individual is willing to sacrifice his or her life for an impoverished, isolated existence, jail time, or suicide.


The school shooting in Red Lake, Minnesota will surprise no one who is familiar with this condition. Modernity is the root cause, and there are many symptoms of its effects, including school and workplace shootings, racial conflict, and ecoterrorism. The LNSG encourages all who are emotionally affected by today's events to embark on a course of changing modern society instead of blaming Jeff Weise or others who have brought this problem to your attention.


About the LNSG


The LNSG recognizes that modern, liberal democratic industrial society is the cause of its own enduring and pervasive problems. We believe in a resurrection of traditional values, including naturalism and nationalism, in order to end domination by material motivation and the "empowerment" of the individual. Our party operates at this time as a think tank for environmentalist and nationalist ideals, and can be found online at www.nazi.org.


About Nationalism


Nationalism is the belief that for diversity to exist, each ethnic-cultural grouping of human beings must isolate itself to prevent assimilation by the mass of cultureless proletariat produced by industrial society. It encourages a return to pre-industrial revolution traditional values, including a demotion of the individual to status as a method of achieving goals, and not a goal in itself.















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Then again, no special report has interupted THE SIMPSONS re-run so no white kids must have been shot.

The fucking Simpsons are on? What city? I'm stuck watching goddamn Mad TV.

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Then again, no special report has interupted THE SIMPSONS re-run so no white kids must have been shot.

The fucking Simpsons are on? What city? I'm stuck watching goddamn Mad TV.


Fox 5 out of Philly. Get about three episodes of The Simpsons.

Not once during that time was there any sign of interuption.


Hell, I didn't even hear about this shooting on the nightly news.

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Guest BobBacklundRules
Red Lake is located on the southern end of Red Lake


Well, Red Lake is one of a number of communities on the Red Lake Indian Reservation on a lake called Red Lake.


According to the Star Tribune, Jeff Weise killed his grandfather and his grandfather's girlfriend, and then drove to the school in his grandfather's squad car.


Some students said that Weise was "into the goth scene" and was teased a lot. He was obsessed with skeletons and death, and he had said that shooting up a school would be fun.


So far ten are dead, including Weise, his grandfather and his grandfather's girlfriend, a male security guard at the school, a female teacher, and five students. A number of students are hospitalized and a few are still in critical condition.

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Guest Vitamin X
Red Lake is located on the southern end of Red Lake


Well, Red Lake is one of a number of communities on the Red Lake Indian Reservation on a lake called Red Lake.

No... way! I don't believe it one bit! I would have NEVER thought in my wildest of imaginations there could be a community called Red Lake right by the lake of the same name!



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Would you rather it be a mass stabbing, or a car bomb?

I don't know about you, but *I'D* personally would like to see a mass stabbing ratehr than a mass shooting. Have some balls, you fuckin dysfunctional juveniles.

Chris Rock

"Any n*gga can shoot somebody, but it takes a man to stick him with one of these, genuine Navy Seal Combit Knifes."


"Knives for guns! No innocent bystanders!"


Yeah, that was insensitive. So sue me

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Well if youre dumb enough to have a country where you have a right to carry arms, these things are going to happen

Ah, shut up you Michael Moore wannabe


Anyways, my thoughts and condolances go out to those affected by this shooting

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Would you rather it be a mass stabbing, or a car bomb?

I don't know about you, but *I'D* personally would like to see a mass stabbing ratehr than a mass shooting. Have some balls, you fuckin dysfunctional juveniles.

Just because your people are proficient in knives doesn't mean the rest of us are

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This kid identified with the Libertarian National Socialist Green party. Their web site is nazi.org.

Man, why is it always nazis with these schmucks?

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This kid identified with the Libertarian National Socialist Green party. Their web site is nazi.org.

Man, why is it always nazis with these schmucks?


Cause the Muslims, Buddahists and Black Panthers teach peace and love?

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such events are to be expected when thinking people are crammed into an unthinking, irrational modern society.


Not justification for what he did, but it's a valid enough point. Possibly the only time I'll ever agree with the "Libertarian National Socialist Green party" or whatever the fuck neo-nazis feel like calling themselves these days...


EDIT* after reading the rest of that, that group isn't neo-nazi at all. Puzzling as to why they'd choose "nazi.org" as a domain name....

Edited by Precious Roy

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Well, I think this might be the one time where Marilyn Manson and the makers of the Grand Theft Auto series don't have to defend themselves in interviews. That's a relief that it was clearly caused by one individual's worldview, not by drugs/guns/Manson/heavy metal/Doom like supposedly every other school shooting.

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How can there be a Libertarian/Socialist anything?...

That's what I was gonna ask.

I was too busy being perplexed by the whole "world nationalism" thing.

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Chris Rock

"Any n*gga can shoot somebody, but it takes a man to stick him with one of these, genuine Navy Seal Combit Knifes."


"Knives for guns! No innocent bystanders!"


Yeah, that was insensitive. So sue me

It wasn't insensitive, you censored nigger.

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