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Big guys.

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When thinking back on fights that I've been in I realized that I didn't start the majority of them.

Now as I've said in the past I'm a big. guy. 6'4" and 250.

Well I realized I didn't start these fights but I also realized they were all against guys under 5'11" and like half my weight.

What is it with the small dudes? Do they feel they have to prove themselves by taking on a big guy?

I mean usually they'll start with me making some minor infraction or them doing something and me saying something to them and next thing I know I have this guy staring up at me shoving me in the chest.

Do other big guys have this problem?

Sass especially. He must walk around with 5'5" guys hanging off of him trying to take him down.

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Guest Vitamin X

I'd say that's even funnier is watching the absurdly tiny chicks go for the largest guys.


I usually don't fight outside my weight class, but have before. Gave up actual fighting a long, long time ago though (playfighting and your usual drunken concert and bar brawls are definitely still in though). Height (or rather, my lack thereof) stopped mattering to me a loooong, long time ago though.

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I'd say that's even funnier is watching the absurdly tiny chicks go for the largest guys.


I usually don't fight outside my weight class, but have before. Gave up actual fighting a long, long time ago though (playfighting and your usual drunken concert and bar brawls are definitely still in though). Height (or rather, my lack thereof) stopped mattering to me a loooong, long time ago though.

Nah what I'm saying is that if a big guy and me have a problem with one another it usually ends in shouting and nothing more.

But if a little guy has a problem with me then he'll always take a swing.

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Because the little guy has nothing to lose, and doesn't feel insecure about losing to a bigger man. Ready made excuse.


VX; what do you mean by actual fighting? Like you were paid to whoop ass? I also imagine it wouldn't be safe to get into fights in Miami, since I hear stories about gangs and shit, that piss off the wrong person and you're fucked. Of course, I doubt you'd find the type at a Slayer concert or something...

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Maybe the little guys know he is getting his ass kicked in the end, and figures if he swings first and gets a nice slid connection, he may either stand a chance, or will be remembered for at least getting a good shot in.

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Guest CronoT

It's called a Napoleon Complex; that's where someone of small size and/or stature feels they have to make themselves look or appear bigger than everyone else around, or at least people taller than them.




There's a guy I used to work with that has a severe Napoleon Complex. What made it even worse, is that he was my supervisor. The guy's like 5' 2" or shorter, and I'm 6' 3". He'd always try to start shit with me. What a fucking douche bag he was.

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John Madden has a theory (he talked about it in one of his books) that big guys have been told all their lives that they need to "hold back" their aggressions because they could easily squash the guys. Little guys are encouraged to be aggressive because then they will be perceived as having a lot of heart/courage/etc. Makes sense in a way -- I roll my eyes whenever I heard some sports broadcaster/anchor say "*insert name* my be the smalled guy on the field/court, but he's got the BIGGEST HEART..."

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Dama, how many times are you gonna tell us how big you are?



anyway, I've gotten into some scraps with some pretty tough little dudes, don't sell those bastards short (no pun intended)...

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I'm like 5'11, and I've gone after like dudes 6'6 starting shit at one of the parties at my house. I basically don't care about guys being bigger than me because I'm only like 160, but I know I am in good enough condition where I can kick some ass. The funny thing about this incident is the kid was pissed I was dancing with his "girl" who was like 5'2. I would have killed him since he hit like a pussy but luckily three of my huge friends were able to pull me off of him once I took him down.

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My roommate and I have this theory, which doesn't apply to only short people. There are just a lot of people who are insecure and feel they have something to prove. Picking a fight with someone bigger than you could be one thing, but it can go as far as spending all your money to make your car/system look cool, pretentious people using big words all the time to look smart, how people dress, bragging about size of penis, whatever. You get my drift, and we refer to this as "little man syndrome".

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Dama, how many times are you gonna tell us how big you are?



anyway, I've gotten into some scraps with some pretty tough little dudes, don't sell those bastards short (no pun intended)...

Well if i hadn't have put it I know someone would've asked "how big are you?" So that just saves trouble.


KK Rage I used to have this friend that had like an inferiority complex. Anything you said you could do he had to be able to do better or he felt inferior. He always walked around telling everyone how great he was. He was only like 5'9" and his best accomplishment was that he could bench 250. Well one day this guy was talking about his ACT and it went like this.


"Yeah I took the ACT the other day. Got a 30. I'm going to try to do better."


*little guys blood is boiling listening to this story*




"I was just telling everyone....."


"Shut up!"


"Dude I wasn't brag...."


"You think you're so great? Can you bench 250? I DIDN'T THINK SO! I CAN!"


And then he literally leaned over the table and flexed in this dudes direction.

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I'm like 5'11, and I've gone after like dudes 6'6 starting shit at one of the parties at my house. I basically don't care about guys being bigger than me because I'm only like 160, but I know I am in good enough condition where I can kick some ass.

I just use rabbit punches. Or a good shot to the kidney, it works on a guy any size. And it makes me giggle to see them writhe in pain.

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Random thoughts on this thread, in order of how they occurred to me as I read down the page:


Short guys have fight in them. I swear. Like half the wrestling team at my school a few years ago were all short guys that were just wired as fuck and could beat the shit out of people in a split-second. Fun to watch!


Shut up, CronoT. Nobody here likes you.


Shut up, John Madden. Nobody anywhere likes you.


Damaramu is to being big as Popick is to being an economist.


I love people who would argue with me in high school and their big knockout punch was "yeah well shut up I can bench more than you." PWNED. I'll be the first to admit I have no upper body strength because I've been in a vicious cycle of my exercise always consisting of jogging and running so that my leg muscles were strong but my arm muscles went neglected and I could never work on that in fear of being told "hah d00d why even try I can bench more than you" so I'd just go run laps some more. Oh well.


If this thread was "big gays," it'd be in the WWE folder.


Indiana. What a place.

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Guest Vitamin X

He sure did have enough of it to spread around.


VX; what do you mean by actual fighting? Like you were paid to whoop ass? I also imagine it wouldn't be safe to get into fights in Miami, since I hear stories about gangs and shit, that piss off the wrong person and you're fucked. Of course, I doubt you'd find the type at a Slayer concert or something...


What I meant by actual fighting was a heated discussion or fucked up situation leading to an asskicking. I've only been here for about a year, and six months at the beginning of 2003 (along with the first 5 years of my life but that doesn't really count), but I avoided a fight with a guy who I yelled at from my car ("In America, we drive on the RIGHT side of the road!") and stepped out of his car looking for a fight. I looked at him, sidestepped around him, and walked home as he just stood there dumbfounded. Just doesn't make sense to try to resolve an issue with an asskicking, as all it leads to is just more resentment and bullshit. So I just say fuck it, although in junior high, high school, and for a bit after I was quite furious.


The gang problem was much worse in LA than Miami.. There's just a ridiculous amount of "ghetto" wannabes here, that's all. Never had problems with them in either place, though.

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Yeah, I've never really gotten a fight over a heated discussion since juniour high, but I'm pretty non-confrontational and I can keep my ego in check to avoid such a mishap.


These days, the only times I would fight are if I'm actually in trouble and have to defend myself, or if I'm in a situation where I know I can shake the guy's hand after, i.e. with friends, sparring partners, etc.

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Guest Vitamin X

Watching too much wrestling when I was younger would never allow me to actually shake someone's hand after a fight. KICK WHAM STUNNER!

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Guest Vitamin X

That was by far the geekiest thing I've posted in a long, long time.

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I'm 6'4 300 lbs, 250 lean body weight. I'm big as hell, but I don't look intimidating (at least in my eyes.)


Last fight I was in: this guy socked my friend, he went down, I slammed the guy against the wall while I helped my friend up. 'Hey, you ok?' while the guy kept hitting me. And then... oww oww. I look over and the guy's biting the shit out of my arm. Took a decent chunk out of it too, still have a big-ass scar.

Funniest part: I'm so incredulous I look at the guy and we make eye contact. me: completely dumbfounded, Him: gnawing at my forearm. Me: outraged ' are you fucking biting me?' Fucker keeps gnawing. While maintaining eye contact.

I throw him as far as I can, which is about four feet. He lands on a table, spilling a bunch of drinks. I blush and apologize, and renew the patrons' drinks. 'Let's go'. The best part? i went into the same bar a year later and the bartender remembered and bought me a drink, instead of being pissed, he said it was his fault for getting the guy too dunk. Good ol' faux chinese resataurant bars.


Moral of the story: apparently even pissed off, I don't hit people. In a frat wrestling contest I did powerbomb the shit out of someone once. He proceeded to own my ass once he caught his wind. Good times.


Hmm, this just brought to mind one time I got the shit beaten out of me by five frat guys during a vandalism run. I am totally unable to throw a punch, but I can sure as hell take them, and flick you off in the face. (they had an inflatable kiddy pool. we were trying to steal it. I knew it was fucking stupid. I didn't know how stupid until literally 60 guys poured out of the bar RIGHT ACROSS THE STREET.)


^Highlight of that night:the friend I was trying to preotect gets pushed by some big motherfucker to the edge of a porch. He proceeds to say 'fuck it' and gives the pusher a Owen Hart/Shamrock belly to belly slam off the porch. Approximately. Man that's one of the only nights I felt I had balls. We proceeded to get wasted, all beat-the-fuck-up. We were fucking proud.


Good times.

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Perhaps, by getting very belligerent and angry, these little guys think that they can convince the bigger guys that they know something about fighting - I mean, why else would a 5'4" guy call out a 6'2" guy unless he KNEW he could kick his ass?


And if not, maybe it's a bluff, with the little guy hoping that the big guy knows all of what I just said.


I don't suppose it's a very good idea, but I'm just sayin'.

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Oh, and when I played football, it was always the short guys who would flex and preen in front of the mirrors.

I didn't because I never had abs. *tear*


P.S. You know what the greatest thing in the world is? Goldberg traps. Fairly useless muscle, but it's a fuckload more intimidating than big biceps. Very few can develop the *Goldberg traps*. Shame that doing shrugs in a weight room makes you look fucking silly.

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I'm 6'4 300 lbs, 250 lean body weight. I'm big as hell, but I don't look intimidating (at least in my eyes.)

Yeah I don't look intimidating at all. I mean I'm always smiling. Everyone knows I'm the jolly big guy.

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Guest Vitamin X
Oh, and when I played football, it was always the short guys who would flex and preen in front of the mirrors.

I didn't because I never had abs. *tear*

Heh, that's funny I always see the big guys at the gym doing that. I'm not a big guy obviously, but I've dealt with it and have no problem. I just work out to look good and know that I'm not going to be some bulked up monster, and even worse are the guys around my height or shorter who really buff themselves out, since it looks like they're obviously trying to make up for their lack of height. I say that also because I tried to do the same in high school, until I just didn't care about how tall I was anymore. Maturity~!

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I only look intimidating when I'm shopping for dress shirts.


By the time I ask at the third store if they have collars in 19, that vein on my forehead is bulging.

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As a short guy, I rarely pick fights with anyone. Not worth the legal hassle if they find out about me.


I have had larger people actually try to threaten and intimidate me using their presumed size as an advantage. Lots of guys that think because they can beat up other drunks at closing time they are tough people rather than just guys that fight when drunk.


Last incident I had was more me basically picking up and slamming a guy spinebuster style to the floor, winding him, then when his mate swung for me I ducked, got a sloppy osotogari throw on him and then ran. Fuck taking a beating from two bigger guys.

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