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Giuseppe Zangara

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Guest Vitamin X

That looks like Arrested Development- which episode was that?

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Guest Richard McBeef

"The Burger King Tendercrisp Chicken Comedy Half Hour," I believe.

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I've realized that I don't really care for rain itself, but I love overcast skies. It probably means I'm emo or some shit, but right now it's very dark outside and I'm all about it. Thunderstorms are bad-ass, too.

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Lindsay Lohan was on the Ellen show playing that "How Trivial Was Your Elementary Education as Compared to Your Real Adult Life" game, and I swear to God, they asked her a question and her response was, "I need a drink."

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That House Av hypnotized me into watching it for like ten minutes the first time I saw it.

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So I'm walking out of work today into the parking lot and there's a bunch of 14 year old slutbag myspace teenagers hanging around some SUV. I had a Mountain Dew in my hand, and one of them runs over screaming "I NEED THAT DRINK". Before I even knew what the fuck was going on, she swiped it from me and ran back to her group of friends. I didn't want to start any shit with some lame 14 year olds, so I just walked to car. When I got into the car, I saw the drink flying through the air and hit a jeep somewhere in the parking lot. I don't know why I'm so pissed about it, but I am.


Oh well, beer is better than Mountain Dew right now.

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Guest Vitamin X
So I'm walking out of work today into the parking lot and there's a bunch of 14 year old slutbag myspace teenagers hanging around some SUV. I had a Mountain Dew in my hand, and one of them runs over screaming "I NEED THAT DRINK". Before I even knew what the fuck was going on, she swiped it from me and ran back to her group of friends. I didn't want to start any shit with some lame 14 year olds, so I just walked to car. When I got into the car, I saw the drink flying through the air and hit a jeep somewhere in the parking lot. I don't know why I'm so pissed about it, but I am.


Maybe because you got punked out by a 14 year old girl?


If I had a soda in my hand, I don't see how anyone could just run over and swipe a drink from me like that. You must have really poor reflexes or something. I would have probably yanked my arm away and end up elbowing them in the face in one motion if they were too close.

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I was talking to a co-worker who was also leaving and really didn't pay attention to it. Ah well.


I don't know why the fuck they would throw it across the parking lot though when there are some cops around the parking lot area.


Sadly, I know most of those kids. I used to work at a skating rink/bowling alley combo, and I saw most of them every weekend. Same annoying fucks with stupid teenage drama and trying to hide behind the arcade games to hanky panky.

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So I'm hitting on my waitress at the bar tonight, because I noticed she was wearing a shirt that said, "Pretty Girls Make Graves". So she comes back to the table, after I've formed a situational relationship with her, and I say, "So, like the Smiths, or like the talentless, generic ripoff?" And she blinks a few times, then says, "Well, I just got back from the Alkalaline Trio show, and I got the shirt there. But no one knows it's a Smith's song." Then she gives me the thumbs up. I take a piss, I come back, she's sitting at the table. I talk to her a bit, my friends tell me that just because a girl pretended to know what I was talking about didn't mean I should like, I tell them if they pretended to know what I was talking about, I'd like them, she overcharges me twenty dollars. The moral of the story is that all girls are prostitutes.

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Guest George's Box

Bummer. Cute girls that like the Smiths have been few and far between in my experience.


So I've noticed that they've been running a lot of spots about how cops are CRACKING DOWN on seatbelt violations. This is good news, because this means that every crime more important than neglecting to strap yourself to a chair has apparently been dealt with, and now the police can really hone in on seatbelts, and nobody will ever die in a car accident ever again.

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Guest Smues
So I've noticed that they've been running a lot of spots about how cops are CRACKING DOWN on seatbelt violations. This is good news, because this means that every crime more important than neglecting to strap yourself to a chair has apparently been dealt with, and now the police can really hone in on seatbelts, and nobody will ever die in a car accident ever again.


I'm fine with the seatbelt crack down, it's not like they're gonna stop investigating homocides to ticket people who aren't wearing their seatbelts. But anyway what's great about the campaign is the Alaska version of the ad, with this one cop who is just terrible at reading lines.


She's just staring at the camera and monotoning "Wear-ing your seatbelt costs you Na-Thing! Not wear-ing-your-seat-belt could cost you everything."


The delivery is just really, really bad.

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Guest George's Box

Why should it be against the law to not wear a seatbelt? Is there any good reason?

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Why should it be against the law to not wear a seatbelt? Is there any good reason?


If it's a law you can be fined. Fines equal money.


Basically that's why you get pulled over around here for, to fill the coffers of the small town guv'ment. I got pulled over leaving a friends apartment (which is next door to a frat house) for failing to signal... at 1 am. I wasn't drunk, so the cop just let me go with a warning, I went and got some late night drive through and drove home along the same street and passed three cops pulling people over in the same area.


I guess it's common practice for the police to pull people over on Frat row for minor things hoping they get a DUI bust.


Money Money Money Money Money.

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Guest George's Box

I'm of the opinion that it should take driving like an absolute dumbshit to warrant being pulled over. Driving 75 is usually just keeping with the flow of traffic, and you're a bigger danger going 65, so let it go. Actively searching for people driving otherwise well enough without seatbelts on is questionable. I wear a seatbelt when I'm driving, but generally not as a passenger. Worry not, guys.

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I can't vouch for every state, but here, you can only get fined for not wearing a seatbelt if you were pulled over something unrelated (ie speeding or broken tail light). Anyway, specifically searching for drivers w/o seat belts seems not only a waste of time, but also slightly risky.

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Guest George's Box

Well, that's what it's always been, I think, but these new messages seem to indicate otherwise, which is bullshit, and like you said, risky.

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Cute girls who like The Smiths ain't gonna like them as good as me.


I met a girl in a bar who liked 'You Better You Bet' by the Who. I should have taken things further.

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