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NBA Eastern Conference Finals

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I would rather prefer the Larry Brown vs the World in a revenge plot against Manu Ginobili for stealing the gold from him in the Olympics. As you can see that Larry Brown has something to prove to himself and to the Association.....last years NBA Championship was not a fluke.

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I don't think that the Pistons are incapable of scoring 100. I think they just never have to because they hold the other teams down so much.

How many times have the Pistons scored 100 this season in non-overtime games?

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I went to a Tigers game at Comiskey and after somehow walking around the surrounding area, I went "Wow, this part of Chicago is just as big of a shithole asĀ  the shitty parts of Detroit".

You walked around that neighborhood? Your badge is in the mail

My Godmother lives there. And I have walked around over there. It's actually not bad...well, Bridgeport at least.

I think Daley has tried to make Bridgeport safer and cleaner, but the South Side in general isn't a lot to be proud of.

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Guest bigm350

Pistons in 6. I wasn't surprised in the slightest, the way they handled Miami.

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I kind of figured they would give it to Miami. Nobody seems to give the Pistons credit like ever and think they can easily be handled by these flashy offensive teams but I mean this is what happened in the Finals. The Pistons are a very very good basketball team and hopefully the majority will buy it after they win the title or at least give San Antonio a run.

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Guest news_gimmick

I do agree, we are seeing right now why Detroit and San Antonio are the two best teams in the league, they do it all and impose their will on their opponents to control the tempo and play their game. Of course we shouldn't get ahead of ourselves yet as this was only game 1 in both series, but both game 1's were perfect examples of why everyone favors Detroit and San Antonio. And fact is we could be looking at a matchup of the previous two NBA champions in the finals. When is the last time that happened? Boston and LA in the 80's?

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Yea, I see this series as going to Detroit in 6 games as well. Wade can't carry Miami through this series with Shaq below 100% like he did against the Wizards because the Pistons have shut him down all season long. I agree with the TNT crew last night that to win these games Miami is going to have to score 90+ points. I don't see them doing that for 4 games in this series, simple as that.

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So yeah, the Heat tied up the series.

And Wade scored 40 points, so much for the "Wade can't score on Detroit" theory.


Now watch him get held to like 15 in game 3.

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Guest Vitamin X

Kobe had a pretty good Game 2 against the Pistons last year, too...


I'm still predicting Pistons in 6, with the guys winning all their games on their homecourt. Seeing as how the next two are in Detroit, then one in Miami, then back to Detroit, that should work out nicely.

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I think if the Heat take a game in Detroit to even the series, this thing'll go 7.


I wonder how Billups will be in the next few days. He took a nasty bump on his hip and while he played on, I'll bet he feels like shit trying to get out of bed tommorrow. Then again, they don't play again until Sunday, so that rests him (and Shaq) up for a pivotal Sunday showdown.

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They don't play again until SUNDAY? What the fuck is wrong with them? They really really need to do something about that. Why not Saturday? I can understand giving them a day of rest before they fly to Detroit, but 4 days between each game is absurd.

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Guest Vitamin X

Hell of a physical game going on right now, Pistons on top by 2 with 10 minutes left in the game. Chauncey Billups is BLEEDING INTERNALLY~ (WWE-style where blood is coming out of the mouth..)

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You know, Detroit went down 2-1 against Indiana as well...

yeah, 2-1 is hardly insurmountable, specially with game 4 at home.

(for clarification, my 'its as good as over' comment was referring to Game 3, with 2 mins left, not the series as a whole)

But 3-1 going back to Miami, thats as good as insurmountable. Game 4 should be veery interesting.

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I have no idea as to why so many people wrote the Heat off after game 1. The Pistons haven't swept much of anyone in any sort of series the past 2 years.


I maintain that really excellent players can still score on solid defense. Hell the Suns have scored on the Spurs too, it's just they can't stop anything at all.

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Guest Vitamin X

Despite the fact that Indiana went 3-1 against Miami in the regular season, missing a couple of their best players at times and with all the hell they've gone through?


Seriously, the Heat are good, but don't discount Indiana. They would be giving the Heat every bit the hard time that Detroit is giving them.

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Wow that was a stupid move. Not taking the job, but by doing it while in the playoffs with another team. I doubt he going to step down as coach, but I do think he'll have a harder time trying to get his team to listen to him. The hole that the Pistons are in right now against the Heat, just got a lot bigger.

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"I'm telling you, there's no deal in place," Brown said late Monday. "I haven't done one thing. I've never met (Cavs owner) Dan Gilbert. Now all of a sudden, people are implying there's a distraction, that's what bothers me. Why do I have to keep responding to this?"


To be fair, its more than possible he's saying that now to avoid any tampering allegations and all that, but he's also on a radio show in detroit insisting that there is no deals in place.


The whole story just seems really weird... in its timing, right before Detroit's true must-win game... the nature of the story. "Larry Brown told two league sources"... uh WHO exactly??? Did he talk to the janitor and say he was planning on going to CLevelenad? And isn't it strange how Stein immediatly took it as gospel and starts writing articles as if its already done?? The whole thing is bizarre. I'm not saying its false, but the whole thing just feels somehow, weird.

ALl i have to say is, for ESPNs sake, LB better go to the Cavs, because if he DOESN'T, then ESPN should be in trouble (but they won't be).


By the way, releasing LB during the ECF would be the dumbest idea in history considering there is no "official" report, even if it is a hushed secret deal in place. The Pistons play awful under Gar heard. It would literally be forfeiting the ECF.

Edited by metr0man

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The Pistons played some great defense today and pretty effecient offense (for the most part). They get a pretty good win to try, we even got some Darko time! I see LB trying desperately to get rid of the distractions. He even put on a Red Wings jersey to try and keep the peace.

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one observation, Elden Cambpell plays Shaq MUCH better than Ben Wallace, or Rasheed or Dice. Its funny because he's pretty much useless for anything else, but he really bumps up against Shaq and prevents Shaq from "pushing in" too close to the basket, forcing him to either pass out or throw up so-so shots.

Edited by metr0man

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Yeah, I noticed that too. Cambell is, well, "sturdier" than the other Detroit bigs so Shaq has a hard time moving him than others. It's pretty much why Joe Dumars re-claimed Cambell after he traded him away to Utah. I also noticed that Lindsey Hunter is the best defender on Wade. While Rip and Tayshaun try to deny Wade the ball and put a hand in his face each time he shoots, Hunter actually steals the ball from Wade or forces him into hard shots with the shot clock winding down and causes turnovers.

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