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And Barron - even if they took control of TNA. I dont care. I want those two to build a number 2 promotion.


But neither have enough money to do it, so it would never happen.


Yea, Angle's horrible delivery of that line and the fact that he's so uncool, made it really awesome.


Orlando Jordan's hair was the highlight of the night for me.

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I don't know if this has been brought up yet and I don't exactly feel like searching through 20 pages. There is a lot of people talking on the internet (that were there live and watched on ppv) that said JBL immediately went right after Meanie and stiffed the shit out of him, opening up his staples. Watching this live, I didn't notice anything as there was so much action going on. Anyone there live or watching notice this at all? I wonder what the beef is all about.


There's a history of bad blood between Meanie and Bradshaw that goes back to Meanie's last WWF run in 1999-2000.


I don't remember exactly what happened - anyone know details?

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5. Also, WWE and ECW should have brawled in the ring, then tazz's music and everyone on both sides break up and step out of the ring except angle and TAz chokes out angle in the center of the ring (out on the floor was kind of weak for such little time considering how huge TAZ was to ECW)


I thought the final brawl was really weak and they really should've focused on Tazz v. Angle more.


Awesome v. Tanaka was MOTN for me. We were all laughing how Tanaka wasn't selling anything and was taking such a shitkicking. Greatness.

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Guest BrokenWings

I didn't catch anything, but I noticed Meanie was busted up really fast.


I don't think JBL's a brave enough man, though.

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I love the HHH cover up thing from Heyman's promo.

Ummm...are we reading the same thing? :huh:


Those results don't seem bastardized at all...in fact, they just pretty much tell what happen. Seems like a play by play without being obscene, which should be expected...but I don't see how you say its 'bastardized' when it doesn't really censor anything, by saying what heyman said almost word for word about HHH...and about Edge, etc..

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One thing I loved even more about Awesome v. Tanaka was that Mike Awesome had never impressed me, ever. I thought except for one match v. Kanyon in WCW he was overrated as hell, and his WWE tenure was beyond terrible.


But holy shit, he let it all out tonight. Someone was looking for a job.

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I love the HHH cover up thing from Heyman's promo.

Ummm...are we reading the same thing? :huh:


Those results don't seem bastardized at all...in fact, they just pretty much tell what happen.


Finally, Heyman told JBL that the only reason he was WWE Champion for close to one year was because Triple H didn’t want to compete on SmackDown!


Read that again.

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Guest BrokenWings
I love the HHH cover up thing from Heyman's promo.

Ummm...are we reading the same thing? :huh:


Those results don't seem bastardized at all...in fact, they just pretty much tell what happen. Seems like a play by play without being obscene, which should be expected...but I don't see how you say its 'bastardized' when it doesn't really censor anything, by saying what heyman said almost word for word about HHH...and about Edge, etc..


Aside from calling Benoit/Guerrero a "wrestling clinic" and "giving it their all", right?

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I felt so spoiled watching this; it's like being fed a steak that makes what you've been eating for the last few years taste like cat food...


It was interesting watching it in the theater next to two guys who had never heard of ECW before (they kept asking me who all the guys coming out were and if they were any good, and thought Axl was Dusty Rhodes), though they were definitely converted by the end of the show.


I hope watching RAW tomorrow doesn't taste like cat food.

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I love the HHH cover up thing from Heyman's promo.

Ummm...are we reading the same thing? :huh:


Those results don't seem bastardized at all...in fact, they just pretty much tell what happen. Seems like a play by play without being obscene, which should be expected...but I don't see how you say its 'bastardized' when it doesn't really censor anything, by saying what heyman said almost word for word about HHH...and about Edge, etc..


It's just funny how they say "Because HHH doesn't want to compete on Smackdown."


As if HHH could beat JBL in a match. The results sound written for a Junior High kid watching wrestling.


I'll give em props for the Matt Freakin Hardy thing, however.

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Just watching the replay here and it appears JBL and Meanie were fighting for real during that brawl or else they are two of the more realistic workers ever. Meanie ended up a fucking mess and Bradshaw seemed noticably fired up outside the ring in the aftermath.

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We've got to make a list of everything crazy Joey Styles said.


Something to the extent of "This is ECW! Where wrestlers come to wrestle! Not like Monday Nights with all those bodybuilders!"


The crowd where I was loved his quick one-liner about leaving a fake number, leaving through the back door, to a taxi cab for a one night stand.


Paraphrased . . . "There goes the Raw and Smackdown guys in their red and blue shirts, they look like a softball team."

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Did LOTC mention the 3 old ladies in our theatre tonight? Had to be all over 70. Fucked up. I don't think many people there that night were ECW fans, maybe about 50% (not nearly as many people as RR05 or SSer04) were fans, but in the end, I think most -if not all- were fans.


Awesome/Tanaka was definitely the talk afterwards.

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We've got to make a list of everything crazy Joey Styles said.


Something to the extent of "This is ECW! Where wrestlers come to wrestle! Not like Monday Nights with all those bodybuilders!"


The crowd where I was loved his quick one-liner about leaving a fake number, leaving through the back door, to a taxi cab for a one night stand.


Paraphrased . . . "There goes the Raw and Smackdown guys in their red and blue shirts, they look like a softball team."


"The must of hurt more than having to be known as Simon Dean on National TV."

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What amazed me the most was that Awesome/Tanaka could have easily went through the motions and had a ***1/2 star match that was enjoyable to watch, but it seemed like they BOTH stepped their game up for the show tonight. Kudos guys.


As far as Benoit/Eddy, I think it was more dissapointing then bad, it wasn't a "bad" match, but due to their history, past accomplishments, and the fact that everyone else was wrestling "ECW" style, it was dissapointing, but then again it has been about 10 years since they worked ECW, they are older, more muscular, and have not been training for the higher intensity matches lately, so I can't blame them, same with Rey M. I mean after working WWE style for so long now, and getting much more muscular, how could one even expect him to be the Rey Jr. of 1995/1996?


Great PPV.

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This PPV made all the sweat I gave out messing with TV hookups to ensure I could record the show worth it!

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I don't see how we can just go back to having "normal" WWE shows after this.


I'm trying to wonder how they are going to even have people care about RAW tommorow.


Here's the preview:




RAW Preview for June 13, 2005


People are still buzzing about last week’s shocking RAW. WWE Champion John Cena moved to Monday nights as the first-overall pick in the Draft Lottery, and the likes of Tommy Dreamer, the Dudleys and The Sandman took the fight to Bischoff’s anti-ECW crusaders as the show went off the air.


Although it still hasn’t fully sunk in that “The Champ is here,” it’s already time to brace for RAW’s second selection. Which SmackDown! Superstar will be next, and what will the ripple effect be throughout WWE?


On Thursday, RAW lost "The Crippler" Chris Benoit to SmackDown! via the Draft Lottery. How will RAW’s newest acquisition fill that void? Tune in Monday to find out.


In addition to the second SmackDown!-to-RAW Draft Lottery selection, the main event will feature RAW’s newest champion — John Cena — in a tag-team match alongside Y2J against Christian & Tyson Tomko.


And none other than Stone Cold Steve Austin will be administering some Texas Rattlesnake-style justice in Stone Cold Court. He’ll be presiding over disgruntled Superstars Muhammad Hassan and Daivari.


Don’t miss what is sure to be another unforgettable RAW, as the eventful roster shakeup continues.


This preview does not bode well.

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Aw fuck.


Seriously, I love Benoit and am sorta neutral to Eddie right now since his heel turn (but for the most part love his work), but FUCK, their match sucked because they fucking suck together. The sooner people can come to terms with this (and JESUS there has been numerous matches that have proved this) the sooner the WWE can stop putting them together for no fucking reason like they did tonight. Watch their matches and then ask yourself "what is the point of this" and you will realize there is no point.


Roadkill would have been crazy-over had they actually used him better, me thinks.

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I think if Eddy/Benoit, and Rey/Nicho each had 5 more minutes at least, they might have been significantly better. Giving each under 10 minutes is like a slap in the face to what would be a typical ECW show. Eddy/Benoit realistically should have been 20-25 minutes to be honest, and at that rate they still would have went off ppv at only about 45 minutes after the hour. I just hate it when any ppv ends with about a half hour airtime still left. I would think the company would hate that too, as they are paying the ppv company for that airtime.

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After a show like that, what can one do except start making comp DVD's of ECW shows.

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Benoit/Eddie had lots of time at Vengeance 2003 and they bit it. Time wasn't the issue, the issue was there was no story to the match. If there is no story, then they cannot really give any heat to the match. And those two together think they can just do some moves and think it's enough - it's not. They would have benefited from someone taking them aside and laying out a better structure to their match, rather than the shit they did. It's their own fault they had the opening sequence and immediately acted like they wrestled for 30 minutes after only 5. They should be smarter than that, but they're not. I think it's because we -as fans- don't hold them accountable. They should have been BOO'ED IMO by the fans after that match, but because they are Benoit and Guerrero, they got a polite applause.


Rey/Nicho just sucked. Any more time would have just prolonged the pain. If they worked the house show circuit for a few months, then I wouldn't mind seeing what they could do together. But as it was, they were on two different pages and couldn't get anything going.

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Rey/Nicho just sucked. Any more time would have just prolonged the pain. If they worked the house show circuit for a few months, then I wouldn't mind seeing what they could do together. But as it was, they were on two different pages and couldn't get anything going.


I did love how Joey Styles was basically admitting it sucked. I admired the honesty

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Aside from calling Benoit/Guerrero a "wrestling clinic" and "giving it their all", right?

Well..I was mostly referring to the description of the Heyman shoots. But anyways, I doubt on wwe.com they would put something to the effect of Eddie/Benoit having 'a very uninspired match, that seemed to be overshadowed by the crowds reaction to the RAW superstars'. So, what else would be expected for them to put, other then something praising the match?


And I guess it's just me, but I just didn't see a huge difference between


"Because HHH doesn't want to compete on Smackdown"


"Because HHH doesn't feel like competing on Tuesday nights"


And yes, I do see a difference. But like I said, doesn't seem to be a big difference...or at least one that would make it seem like WWE is covering up something.

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Guest dreamer420

All I can say is wow after watching that par per view. The emotion shown by Joey Styles, Paul Heyman, Tommy Dreamer, etc made this show something truly special, and I'm not afraid to admit I got a little bit teary eyed when Heyman came to the ring. The crowd couldn't have been any more jakked for the show, possibly the loudest crowd I have ever heard. Joey Styles did a great job and it was great to hear he didn't hold anything back. This was the great wrestling show I have ever seen, and I don't think anyone can argue that it was a very special show.

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I don't understand how people say that if we had shows like this every now and then, it would get stale. ECW was around for years, and had shows with action like this all the time, and the fans stuck with them and just ate it up all the way. I know I couldn't tire of shows like this.

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