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I got the new GameInformer.


Here's the main stuff in a nutshell.


System Shock 2 folks are making a game called Bioshock. However, I never played SS2 or 1 so I don't care at this point since it's a total puff piece.


Shadow Hearts 3 is coming to US, but I think that's old news.


John Woo's "Stranglehold" puff piece. Chow Yun Fat in an action game. Midway is developing.


Some Valkyrie Profile 2 (PS2) and Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth (PSP revival) info. No official confirmation or denial on US release, but it's an RPG on PSP, so I expect the answer is yes (but since Suikoden 2 isn't coming out on US PSP yet, don't bet the farm on it).


Secret of Mana 4 pics and info. I'm honestly underwhelmed at this point, because I don't expect much. Hopefully I'm proved wrong.


Dirge of Cerberus; GI tries to cover up best they can that the title is already certified crap.


KH2 information that mostly we already know. Vivi makes an appearance, though.


Dead Rising: Capcom is making a survival horror game, loaded with zombies...and it isn't a RE game. *shrug* It also takes place in a mall. So, if you were hoping by some small chance we'd get a Dawn of the Dead game, well here ya go.


Far Cry Instincts Predator : it's an upgrade.


Tetris DS: It's Tetris, it's on DS, it has tons of play modes that you haven't seen before, it's got up ot 4 player wi-fi or 10 player wireless. nuff said.


Lego Star Wars 2: The Original Trilogy - see 1up for pics and info.


Some quick reviews with scores, to spare you GI's writing.


Fight Night Round 3: 9 (for an EA game? Shocked...)

25 to Life: 5.75

Fight Night Streetwise: 4 -- supposedly even if you're semi-blinded by nostalgia, it's crap.

Toca Race Driver 3 : 8.25


Onimusha - Dawn of Dreams : 9. "It's wicked fun." A new controllable camera is added, but mainly it's a super-polished entry in the series.


Tales of Legendia: 7.25

Grandia III: 8.75 (decimal specifics are stupid, yeah).

Shadow Hearts: From the New World: 8.75 --mathematically equal to Grandia III--whoopie!


Drakengard 2: 7.25

DOA4: 9...gee, what a shock.


Full Auto: 7.5--a true disappointment that It didnt' get 7.75.

Odama: 7

Tales of Phantasia: 7.25


Super Princess Peach: 8.75

Exit: 7.25

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The only major console release due out soon is Black.


Anyone played the demo of this yet? It was a timed demo, but what I played was pretty fun. Looks like there's going to be framerate issues on the PS2 version, but hopefully the XBox version will be able to handle it better with so much happening at once. Not completely sold on the demo, but I definitely think it'll be worth a cautious rental to make sure that it's worth the money. Fun.

I actually have the game. It is pretty short, but it is incredibly fun.


I would suggest it. Buy or rent...not sure. But it is a pretty cool game.


I also have Arena Football, which is basically Blitz the League with a wall around the field and no cursing.

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I also have Arena Football, which is basically Blitz the League with a wall around the field and no cursing.



Your gonna have to explain this to me.

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I also have Arena Football, which is basically Blitz the League with a wall around the field and no cursing.



Your gonna have to explain this to me.



The controls are all the same (oh and you can't change the control scheme), it plays the same, only they don't say fuck every three seconds. And of course no "painkillers" or brawls. Take out the "Unleash" system in Blitz and they are basically the same game.

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Boo to Namco porting DR to PSP and not PS2. It's probably a smart business move but it totally sucks for us people who actually want to play DR at home. Portables will always suck for fighters. :(

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Yeah it's very weak. I don't understand why anyone cares much about portable fighters. So what if they're a great port if you're playing in one player with a tiny screen and crappy controls? Who actually links them up for two player?


I'll get it but I'm going to be very disappointed if it never comes out for PS2/3.


Good news is DR arcade US version ships tomorrow.

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Damn it, Okami gets pushed back again, this time to May 31st. I wish I had never heard of the game at this point. The constant delays are just getting infuriating.

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Guest Smues
Damn it, Okami gets pushed back again, this time to May 31st. I wish I had never heard of the game at this point. The constant delays are just getting infuriating.


Damn. I'm starting to wish they never announced video games until they were a month from release, since they always seem to get pushed back a ton.

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Yeah, but you made ridiculously off-base comparisons to DNF.


Original release for LoZ: TP -- Winter 05.


Original release for DNF -- sometime in 1999


One actually exists and hasn't been scrapped and restarted endlessly.


The other doesn't even has any screenshots available.

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Ok yeah, comparing it to Forever is a little harsh.


It's more like Daikatana.


The difference is you know Zelda wont be a let down. Daikatana was just brutal.

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Daikatana had about a 3 year development cycle, and the delay/crappiness has a lot to do with the programmers and Romero spending lots of their time/money on drugs as opposed to making the game.


I doubt that's hearsay either, since for a college project one of my classmates interviewed an ex-Ion Storm programmer. The guy was (at the time anyway) flat broke and getting by selling books online while living with his mother.


OOT had a lengthy gestation period, but was well worth it.


Call me naive or hopelessly optimistic, but I expect Duke Nukem Forever to be out before the end of 2008, or whatever the project has morphed into at this point.


There must be tons of lost/misplaced preorder slips for that game. Thankfully my TP preorder slip is safely tucked away in my GC OOT/MQ casing.

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Got Taito Legends yesterday, and its yet another trip back to my arcade rat days... the controls on games like Elevator Action are not as smooth as they should be, but hell I still got to the 3rd building.

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Will Mega Man Collection for Gameboy Advance ever come out?



Ok I'm just teasing about Zelda but there is a game that seriously is like Duke Forever.

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The more and more I play Black, the more in love with it I become. I do think that the term "gun porn" is perfect for it. There is nothing more satisfying than getting shot at with a RPG and sending a shot back at the guy and blowing up the entire goddamn building. The graphics are beautiful and while some of the gun mechanics make no sense, the amount of all out gun battles are incredibly fun.

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The more and more I play Black, the more in love with it I become. I do think that the term "gun porn" is perfect for it. There is nothing more satisfying than getting shot at with a RPG and sending a shot back at the guy and blowing up the entire goddamn building. The graphics are beautiful and while some of the gun mechanics make no sense, the amount of all out gun battles are incredibly fun.


Are you playing the demo of Black?

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No...I...um...borrowed the game from the internet.


Don't you people look at me with disappointment. I have no job and owe the government 1300 bucks. I earned the chance to play the game two weeks in advanced.

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Really off topic but I figured this was the place to ask this. Anyone know where I can find a copy of the latest EWR roster update? I'm assuming updates are still made for that. If anyone has any info, drop me a PM, please.

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A pic taken from a magazine apparently of the Bomberman set to come out on XBOX 360.






Looks like Samus and Hellboy had a baby.

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After playing Fight Night Round 3 on the XBox 360 and seeing how much of a downgrade the PS2 version is, I'm almost regretting eBaying mine. Almost.

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After playing Fight Night Round 3 on the XBox 360 and seeing how much of a downgrade the PS2 version is, I'm almost regretting eBaying mine. Almost.


Yeah between FNR3 and the stuff coming out in March (The Outfit, Elder Scrolls, Ghost Recon, Blazing Angels) I'm starting to feel a bit more secure over spending money I didn't really have to spare for the 360.

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