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I just realised every modern MK game I own (from about DA up) has been bought out of the hype generated here, mainly from Anya.


Not that it's a bad thing, I love both Deception and Deadly Alliance, just thought I'd express how powerless I am over my funds when it comes to gaming.


Thanks team.

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Eternal Champions was a good game.


It had awesome character designs, too.



The "fatalities" in each stage were great too. My favorite was probably gangsters shooting you down in Larcin's stage or being burned at the stake in Xavier's stage. Character-wise, Trident was my man everytime.


Hell, just talking about it makes me want to go plug my Genesis back :)

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Guest NYankees

Eternal Champions was a good game.


It had awesome character designs, too.



The "fatalities" in each stage were great too. My favorite was probably gangsters shooting you down in Larcin's stage or being burned at the stake in Xavier's stage. Character-wise, Trident was my man everytime.


Hell, just talking about it makes me want to go plug my Genesis back :)



I rented that game from a local rental place and none of my friends could figure out how to do the finishing moves. We did mark out if and when one would happen.


On a side note, has anybody played the new Final Fantasy 7 game? How is it?

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The only way I could get the fininishing moves to happen was to play 2 player mode by myself, take the other guy's health down next to nothing, and then position him so that a light jab or something would send him into the correct spot. The only one I couldn't get was the caveman dude's, for whatever reason.

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Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Darkside has the craziest fatalities.



*checks online*


Whoa, I had no idea that existed.

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Yeah, it's for Sega CD. It's a decent sequel. Pretty much the same but there's like twice as much content as the first one.

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You know, I decided to catalogue how many RPGs I played, beaten, and add up their time (on average) to see how much time I've used on them.


Apparently it equivilates to 2.5 years of my life. That's a lot of time used on them...

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Since March 1st I've played more than 4,000 two player matches of Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection.



More MK Armageddon endings are up on Youtube. Kitana, Mileena, Raiden and a few others. They're all terrible. They are like 20 seconds long and nothing interesting happens.

It seems like the whole story is everyone trying to race to get to the top of this pyramid to fight Blaze and the winner gets whatever they want. So all the endings are "what if" scenarios that will probably be ignored in the next game. Supposedly this game was supposed to end the current series but it sure doesn't seem like it. There's no finality in any of these endings.

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He's been hyping how the next will be a new era with hardly anything returning but he said the same thing about MK4 and then MKDA so who knows.

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Just when you thought Guilty Gear XX Slash was new...

Guilty Gear XX Accent Core.

Jesus, they've Maddenized fighting games.

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How certain are you that these 'leaked' endings are legit? While it certainly reeks of typical MK half-assed laziness, is it at all possible they might at least give us some freakin' artwork displaying what happens to each character?


It's wishful thinking, isn't it?

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They're definitely legit. It's not like these endings are leaked footage from a 4 month old beta. The game ships in like 6 weeks.


It's not even the lack of art that is the worst problem. The actual content of the endings sucks too. Even full CGI cutscenes wouldn't make these endings interesting. They're all just short, generic "what if" scenarios that don't move the overall story forward at all.


It's strange they didn't do it like MKDA and MKD where for the most part each ending just covered their characters own little subplot and many were all connected so that after watching all of them you could piece together the full story. If this is the last game of this "era" they should have done it that way. We all know characters like Mileena and Meat are not going to actually win and take over so giving them generic endings like that is just filler and a waste of time. Unless everything is in Konquest or something the story seems very weak and underdeveloped. MKDA and MKD had more to it and they weren't supposed to be the big finale. It would be stupid if everyone has a generic "they won and got their wish" ending and we had to wait till next gen to see what really happened. That looks to be the case though.



I can't believe there's no character specific fatalities. That is just a whole new level of laziness for them. That's like the staple of MK. It's the one thing it does better than anyone else. Now there's just the lame custom fatality system which isn't anywhere near as cool as they tried to hype it up to be. It's basically just a brutality. A canned chain of minor finishing moves that everyone shares. Incredible let down. They're trying to make it seem interesting but it's obvious the whole thing is just a way to have a generic fatality instead of doing character specific ones for over 60 characters. They could have AT LEAST had one per character besides this thing. I think this over anything else will get the most fan backlash. People went nuts when MKDA only had one per character. Once you see everything there is to see with this custom fatality thing, which should be like 30 minutes, everyone is going to hate it.



Edit: Saw Sub-Zero, Shang Tsung and Chameleon's endings. Also bad. Chameleon's is a joke! It's like that BS from the UMK3/MKT era where it's a paragraph that says nothing at all. His ending literally can be summerized in two sentences. "Chameleon is mysterious. He showed up and beat everyone". That's it! That's his whole story!


This stuff is so generic and vague I'm actually wondering if John Vogel is not writing anymore or if he's been specifically told to make the story short and pointless.

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It's funny that on MKO's forums, there are plenty of folks in utter denial there.


"No way the final will have text + katas. NO WAY is Midway that lazy."


However, you're saying even for text+katas that the endings are still nonsensical anyway, which is pretty sad.

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Taking away character-specific fatalities is the most idiotic thing they've every done. This is the payoff for going into complete and total overkill with character selection, we get more characters yet many of them are recycled and none of them have an individual finisher. Fuck that, who the hell wants to play as half of the recent characters anyway?


Massive disappointment.

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I think the next MK game should be a prequel. I mean, the MK tournament is supposed to have been around for hundreds of years, right?


On another MK note, Shinnok is a fucking terrible boss. Quan Chi should have been the last guy in MK4. At least he looked the part. Shinnok looked like a fuckin' tool. Even though neither of them were very impressive. And Goro wasn't even in the arcade version, was he? Lame.

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On another MK note, Shinnok is a fucking terrible boss. Quan Chi should have been the last guy in MK4. At least he looked the part. Shinnok looked like a fuckin' tool. Even though neither of them were very impressive. And Goro wasn't even in the arcade version, was he? Lame.



Almost everyone hates him. I actually like him though. Well more like his potential. They did a good job building him up. The entire MK Mythologies game is like a setup for him as the new villain.


They just did a horrible job actually having him be boss in MK4. He has no moves! Where did that mimic power come from? There's nothing in MKM or the MK4 story showing him using the power to mimic others. It just came out of no where. In MKM and the MK4 story scenes he has all kinds of cool power. He can shoot green energy, he can levitate, he can use forcefields. He even turns into a giant monster at the end of MKM. Then you see him fight in the game and he has none of that, just a weak Shang Tsung ripoff. You just know the truth is that they ran out of time designing MK4 and slapped the mimic power on him because they had nothing else. It's so poorly done the CPU version never even does it. When you fight him as the final boss he has no special moves at all. They should have given him his own moves from the endings and MKM and maybe even had him turn into that creature at the end after beating him normally.


I have no idea why Quan Chi wasn't subboss. He is Shinnok's right hand man. It's also strange that you can play as Shinnok from the start. Shinnok wasn't added to the tower as the boss until the last minute when the game was shipped nationally. That makes me wonder if the original idea was for normal Shinnok to be playable like he is and a special Shinnok as boss and they just couldn't do it.



In MKA Shinnok should have a huge role in the story. He should be one of the most powerful and influencial characters and comparable to Raiden, Shao Kahn and Onaga but I doubt he will be. Midway and fans have been basically ignoring him since he sucked in MK4. His amulet is still important but he is gone.


I hate the amulet btw. That is the ultimate deus ex machina in MK. In every game they retcon it into doing something different. It's powers seem to be "doing whatever the writers need for the current story". It's also annoying how so many people think Shinnok is powerless without it which was never the case. That was a misconception that's become so widespread I wouldn't be surprised if it's brought up in MKA and randomly became part of the real story. He doesn't need the amulet to fight or have powers. All the stuff he did in MK4 was without it. I hope they get rid of the amulet for good in MKA. I never want to see it again.




And yeah Goro wasn't in the arcade. Neither was Noob(in the final version). There is just no subboss in arcade.

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I'm reading reports now that the 'stand back and watch' fatalities of old are apart of the Kreate-A-Fatality mode of the game.


I've really had enough, of all the freakin' hype and whining over at all the major MK sites. I think I might just steer clear for a while, wait till its' released and check up on all the reviews.

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Actually, the Phantom is turning into a labtop instead, so its not dead.


And DNF will be done when it's done.


I bought Star Fox Command for DS. And yes, I like it.


There's been a lot of confusion about just what it is and what it plays like (mostly due to Nintendo's sketchy information and deceptive gameplay videos that were released).


Is it really not a rail shooter?

-Yup. It's all combat.


Is it really completely controlled with the stylus with no dpad input?

-Yes, it is. You guide your ship and plot the courses of your units using the stylus, and even in the battle scenes you use it for all movement. You shoot using any button--so lefties and righties could use whatever choice of configs they want. I've found the L button to be...well, basically my only choice for firing. However, you will need to get yourself in the proper position so you can a. hold the ds b. hold the stylus and c. have a servicable fire button at your fingertips.


Is there really strategy elements?

-Yes. Each mission--at least so far--involves you usually keeping the Great Fox safe. You have x number of turns to destroy enemies and collect their cores. This can be rather annoying at first, because until you get the controls down pat nabbing the cores can be frustrating, but you get some leeway with collecting them.


Are the controls bad / "ick, stylus controls."

- I'm not convinced that the stylus is a proper replacement either--and keeping straight if you need to go left or right to head to one of the enemies on the map can be tricky, because you have to have your eyes darting up and down from the screen, when most of the time you can simply glance to plan the direction to head into.


Did it need stylus controls?

- For a rail shooter? Hell no. We know d-pad controls are fine, and nothing save for the bomb-dropping (which lets you actually drag a bomb from the bottom screen and "drop" it in an area with your preferred targets) really seems different from the old games.


- However, if they *had* to go this direction for the game, it was the right decision, since the stylus controls are essential for controlling your units and plotting their courses effectively, plus it's better to do all stylus or all dpad rather than changing between them all the time.


Are the cutscenes that bad?

- I'm sure a few here and there are, but I've skipped over them up to this point, and it doesn't seem like they contain much essential gameplay-related information.


Just what are the missions?

- Basically mini-strat games. You move your "units" (which, when charging head-on into an enemy, results in the meat of the game, the combat scenes), try to destroy the enemy, and clear everything. However, just blowing enemies away aren't all you have to do. And yes, it sucks to have obliterated a ton of enemies in record time, only to lose because a dot that was hiding in some fog came close to a semi-circle.

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