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Anyone know when Culdcept is coming out for the 360? I remember hearing that was happening but I lost track of it.


Online Culdcept will be the best thing ever.



Well, it doesn't even come out in Japan until November, and with all that card text to translate, my guess? Probably around June or so next year.


And I'll be getting it day 1, no matter when it is.

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God I love Kotaku.


Also, I wonder how many times Jack Thompson has been found in contempt of court.

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Well, this is interesting.


So. In the latest CGW podcast, they received retail boxed copies of BF 2142.


When you open the box, a big slip of paper falls out first, preceeding any discs or manuals. The slip of paper says, essentially, that 2142 includes monitoring software which runs while your computer is online, and records "anonymous" information like your IP address, surfing habits (probably via cookie scans), and other "computing habits" in order to report this information back to ad companies and ad servers, which generates in-game ads.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
Chris Lewis from Microsoft Home & Entertainment said that the company has already began working on the Xbox 3, the 3rd generation Xbox console.

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Why do you feel the need to quote things that aren't forum quotes? Stupid people like me get confused.


Anyway, that's not surprising - I assumed they already started looking into the system in 2005. It will probably come out in 2009 since Microsoft seems to be on a 4 year cycle (though there is only one piece of evidence supporting that right now).

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

I'm quoting a website...it looks better to my eyes...but more importantly: I dunno.


But yeah, as soon as possible for the "Xbox 3", 4/5 years, wanting to get the jump on Sony (again) and the PS4.

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I'm pretty deep into Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time right now. The camera can be annoying at points, but the gameplay is absolutely flawless. What I can't stand is that fucking annoying female character that follows you around and is only good for fitting through cracks and offering minor help in battles in her bow (while allowing herself to be gangbanged by monsters in the process). I like how even your character starts getting annoyed by her as the game goes along. Even the princess in Ico shut the fuck up most of the time.

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What took you so long? I could have told you it was awesome years ago!


(while allowing herself to be gangbanged by monsters in the process).


*is kind of glad Japan didn't care for SoT*


A few times she'll accidentally shoot you with the bow. That really sucks.


However, you'll miss her if you play WW.

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So I'm guessing BF2142 does NOT cost less than your average retail PC game?


Because, fuck, if I'm going to be allowing people to install spyware on my computer and monitor my surfing habits and constantly put new commercials onto my content, I would practically demand that shit be FREE...


In other news, Fucka Buncha EA....

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Rental stores around me kind of suck. I usually get "new releases" like a month later at best. Plus, they seem to have problems keeping inventory up to date. Tomb Raider Legend is not a new release!!

No one is going to pay $29.99 for a pre-played Snake Eater!


Well, I intended to rent Legend of Spyro, or God Hand, or Valkyrie Profile 2. Well, none of the above were present and I didn't want to bother with MK Armageddon--so I rented Avatar: The Last Airbender. It's based on that Nick show that is pretty much the only original one that doesn't suck. No, not the one with the sponge guy potheads giggle at. The one you see with all the action figures these days that has the little bald dude with a blue arrow on his head.


I already beat it. It's pretty much an action RPG, but with a somewhat confusing inventory system and somewhat spotty hit detection. It's kind of funny how the bird's eye perspective doesn't do a good job of hiding the graphical shortcuts (stairs are flat textures!). However, it had some decent presentation and you got to beat the hell out of lots of things. Average game at best, but the kiddies probably will really like it.

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So I finally decided to try playing SuperStar mode in Madden with a QB from NCAA. He turns out to be the next Michael Vick. You know: 96 speed, 98 agility, 98 acceleration, 76 awareness, 80ish accuracy, and 99 throw power.


Anyways, I go to the draft thinking "well shit, watch the Texans or Green Bay, or some team that doesn't need me draft me."


...so you can imagine my surprise when the Washington Redskins drafted me. About the only thing I was happy about with that was the fact that I could easily beat out Brunell for the starting job. And I did.


First real game was against the Vikings. I did pretty bad there, hitting only half of my passes, 2 INTs, and getting sacked a lot. I didn't do bad throwing for yardage (260ish), and I did manage to get 3 TDs. 31-28 was the score.


But my second game against the Cowboys was just wild. As in I f'n owned them. I don't know what it was, but I couldn't miss a pass. Nearly every pass connected and I was only sacked twice. Managed to rack up a nifty 100ish yards on the ground with 2 TDs, and 513 yards in the air with 7 TDs. We also managed to break the most total yards with 755. Considering how badly my first game had gone, didn't think I'd shell out the Cowboys like I did. Sadly the defense couldn't keep the shutout, but we won 70-14.

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...I take it you tested this to see which ones would draft you? *shudders* Dear God I was just kidding about Houston and Green Bay.


Best one to get drafted by is the Redskins. All I've needed to do is sit back and let my guys do what they need to do and its like racking up spare change. And this is 3 of my 10 o-liners out.


...although, Dear God, can Portis suck anymore ass at the goaline? The guy does not score at the goaline at all. I just get into the endzone and audible out of the goaline rushes now and either call my own number on a passing play or use the TE. Its just not worth it using him, because he NEVER gets in. ...ok, he did once but that's cause I did a freaking cut block for him myself to do it.


I'm half tempted to go through and do a half back or some type of defensive player now just to try that out. Might try 5'11 middle linebacker. That would be entertainment. :)

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I rented Splinter Cell Double Agent today and here are my first impressions.


Training Mode....sucks. Basically your in a scenrio and your suppose to finish the mission, which is ok but if your trying to learn the controls while your doing the training missions, the game vaguely lets you know what does what. It was kind of a pain in the ass.


Single Player: I only played a few minutes and I've come to find out that's its a bit of a challange. I stopped playing single player because I really wasn't sure where I was suppose to go or figure out what I was suppose to do.


Multi player: There are 2 forms of multi-player mode. There a co-op vs AI mode (which is pretty fun) and there's spys vs mercs.


I only did the co-op vs AI and I'm enjoying that. Basically your 3 spys trying to hack data files from computers while the mercs are trying to find you. The levels are pretty damn huge and they've actually made it where you don't need to be right next to a computer to hack it....let me try to explain it. You can be a certain distance away from a computer to hack it but the further away from the computer terminal, the slower you hack it. It's basically like a cell phone kind of thing. You get close enough to when you get a single. When you get a single you get 1 bar, you download slowly if you get closer you can download faster. There are 3 bars all together.


One downfall from multi-player is that its hard to invite your friends into a co-op vs AI game. I haven't figured out how to do it yet and it actually maybe pretty easy to do it but I don't like the fact that I have to figure it out.

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Picked up an old used copy of SD: Here Comes the Pain. Good lord, I had forgotten how fun and free flowing it was, especially in comparison to SD vs. Raw and 2006. So damned strange to play a match where if you lose it doesn't feel cheap and reversals and counters feel natural rather than an artifial comeback made to make every wrestler seem equal.


Goldberg still fucking rocks too.

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I don't particularly care for Double Agent. It's by the same team that did Pandora Tommorow, so it's back to that same trial-and-error bullshit.


Makes me glad that Ubisoft Montreal (SC, and Chaos Theory) is doing the next game.

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...I take it you tested this to see which ones would draft you? *shudders* Dear God I was just kidding about Houston and Green Bay.


Best one to get drafted by is the Redskins. All I've needed to do is sit back and let my guys do what they need to do and its like racking up spare change. And this is 3 of my 10 o-liners out.


...although, Dear God, can Portis suck anymore ass at the goaline? The guy does not score at the goaline at all. I just get into the endzone and audible out of the goaline rushes now and either call my own number on a passing play or use the TE. Its just not worth it using him, because he NEVER gets in. ...ok, he did once but that's cause I did a freaking cut block for him myself to do it.


I'm half tempted to go through and do a half back or some type of defensive player now just to try that out. Might try 5'11 middle linebacker. That would be entertainment. :)


Yep. I demand to be in the right situation, so I save my file right before the draft and keep reloading when a shit team picks me. Call me Eli Manning if you want.


I'm currently doing a HB in NCAA, with the intent of moving him to Madden when he goes pro.

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Actually, I got lucky and got drafted by Redskins on try 1.


My HB I made got drafted by the Pats first, but I didn't want to be on a team that drafted a featured back (Maroney) already, so I re-did it and ended up on the Jets.


And so far, I'm hating it. While I got only 17 attempts for 178 yards and 2 TDs in my first game, that doesn't tell the whole story. My guy scored his two TDs from 59 and 66 yards respectively. So as it stands without those two rushes my totals would've been 15 attempts for 53 yards.


I ain't impressed with the Jets to say the least. Especially since week one was against the freaking Titans. :(


Oh and I found the easiest formula for NCAA for me. First season take some really cheesy easy course and barely make it thorugh since I know nothing about NCAA and hopefully keep my GPA at 2.0. Then switch over to Chemistry because I can ace it easily since it actually has very simple Chemistry questions and ride out the rest of the way.


^_^ So much fun.

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For me, I just pick Team Nicknames for the first year, then I'd get to 4.0 GPA by studying at least once a week and spending one bye week getting tutored twice in addition to studying. Then I pick the same major for the next two years, and I can just simulate through it without losing the GPA or getting academically ineligible. The only thing that's taking long for me is the position drills, since I demand of my player to have 99 in every revelant attribute to the position.

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Dude, I had 99 in every relevant attribute by the end of year three for HB.


And I'll be returning my SECOND (used, because I'm cheap) PS2 to the store I just bought it from. Its one of the old versions, you know, but this is ridiculous. I'm going back for a third only because I have no choice.


Although, I'm gonna demand that I get to trade in my PS2 for a used slim one because its not right I get two of these machines that bust.

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I think I'm gonna return it anyways. Although it turned back on and works, I'm still concerned enough that I'll be dealing it in and getting meself a slim. MLB: The Show will be traded in so I can afford a slim.


...so that's like 10 that have busted on me over the years. Normally I would think that this is either a) abuse to the systems or b) just shitty luck, but I think c) really shitty systems is the winner.


And I guess I'll shut up about the Jets. I'm getting a good 180 yards per game because all we do is throw and spread out the defense, then I get a hand off to run the ball into open field. I've got a 8.2 per yard carry rating, because of it. Sadly we've barely won both of our games, so I'm definitely kind of worried here. Even more so because Pennington fucking over throws every passing play. I had to make a spectacular one yard catch (literially one handed), because he over threw me coming out of the backfield.


Hey Samurai, is it worth it to re-sign with the same team you are on, or should I try FA after year two? I'm tempted to try FA, but frankly I'm gonna be the man with the Jets since CuMa retires immediately after the season (every time in Dynasty at least). Any benefits to sticking around?

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Well it depends on a few things:


a. Do you like it in New York?

b. Remember, if you walk, it's not guaranteed that the teams offering you a new deal would be teams you want to be on.

c. There is a benefit in sticking around. You continue your positive reputation, whereas if you walk, you kind of stunt that.


With all that said, I've never stuck with the same team for more than 1 contract period. With my new HB that I just created, I plan to though, but I know exactly where I want to be, so I already have a level of expectation from my HB's production in the system I want to be in, so I will likely be a career guy with that one team.

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If anyone is interested, Resident Evil 4 for PS2 is apparently about to go (or already has gone) Greatest Hits, and sites all over are dropping prices to 19.99 .


Its on my to-play list but alas this happens right before FF12, so it'll have to wait a little while, but I love how all the good games are coming down. Shadow of the Colossus also recently went GH.

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