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Guest rawmvp

Projected SummerSlam card

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Guest rawmvp

JBL vs. Batista - World Heavyweight Championship

Cena vs. Jericho - WWE championship

Hulk Hogan vs. HBK - megapowers collide!

Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero - Rubber Match

Carlito vs. RVD - IC Title

Undertaker vs. Muhammad Hassan

Cruiserweight Title Match

Benoit vs. Christian*

Angle/Edge vs. Kane/Matt Hardy*


* The last two are guesses.

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Well, I'm guessing JBL-Batista and Taker-Hassan will both happen at GAB, but I there's always the possibility of rematches. I'd go for something like this...


WWE Title: Batista vs. Undertaker

World Title: Cena vs. Jericho

HHH vs. Kurt Angle

IC Title: Carlito vs. RVD

HBK vs. Hogan

Rey Mysterio vs. Christian


The rest of the matches are almost impossible to tell right now. I'm hoping that Eddie-Rey comes to an end at GAB, because the current stuff they're doing with Rey's kid is rediculous. The match with Christian is just a complete guess. As usual with Summerslam, for only a 3 hour PPV, it's hard to get everyone in there, especially with the diva search probably taking up 10-15 minutes like last year.

Edited by Aero

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I have a sinking feeling that the Cena/Jericho match will happen on Raw the same week as the Great American Bash ppv. I hope I'm wrong.

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HHH/Angle is going to be hard because it's heel v. heel and I don't see them turning either guy anytime soon. They've done this before at 2001 Royal Rumble, but I'm not so sure it'll work this time.


With Hogan and HBK destined to collide at Summerslam now, I think they may end up going with lesser title matches like Cena v. Jericho and Hassan v. Batista as opposed to blowing their load with Cena v. HHH or Taker v. Batista.


RVD may or may not be ready by Summerslam, same with Orton.

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HHH/Angle is going to be hard because it's heel v. heel and I don't see them turning either guy anytime soon. They've done this before at 2001 Royal Rumble, but I'm not so sure it'll work this time.


With Hogan and HBK destined to collide at Summerslam now, I think they may end up going with lesser title matches like Cena v. Jericho and Hassan v. Batista as opposed to blowing their load with Cena v. HHH or Taker v. Batista.


RVD may or may not be ready by Summerslam, same with Orton.

But atm, I don't really see Kurt Angle as a heel. He really does seem more like a "tweener" or something to me, because while still have those heel qualities, he's doing stuff like he did when he debuted such as, insulting HHH, or Flair, which garners a pop. So it could just be Heel HHH, vs...umm, I better then you Kurt Angle..who's not quite a heel.


Or something like that. :ph34r:

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Well, since HHH/Angle wouldn't be the main event, they could do it. It just sucks to see Angle just arrive on Raw and 1) become number 3 heel on the show now that HBK has turned and 2) lose to HHH because there is no way in hell he's losing for a 4th time in a row on PPV.

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1. WWE TITLE: John Cena Vs. Triple H


*** Triple H wins with help from Angle, Michaels, Carlito, and Flair.


2. WORLD TITLE: Batista Vs. John 'Bradshaw' Layfield


*** The re-match after a brutal no-contest at Bash. Perhaps a stip. Batista retains in his hometown.


3. U.S. TITLE: Chris Benoit Vs. Muhammad Hassan


*** Benoit wins via DQ.




*** RVD 5 Star on Flair wins it.




*** Michaels wins after superkicking a chair into Hogan's face.




*** Put Kane & Show over, they work well together.


7. Cruiserweight Title: Juventud Vs. Paul London


*** Juventud wins title.


8. DIVA SEARCH STRIP BEER PONG or some such thing


No Christian, but even as IC Champ he always seems left off of SummerSlam. See 2004...2003...2001...


Jericho situation depends on whether or not he is booked against Cena. In that case, have HHH run in, help HBK win. If Jericho is not in title match, there's nothing for him.

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Guest Mosaicv2

This sounds like a decent card at best... but I feel the Cena/Jericho match will steal the show.

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Guest *KNK*


*** RVD 5 Star on Flair wins it.




Too bad Dudleys are on SMACKDOWN and not raw.

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1.  WWE TITLE:  John Cena Vs. Triple H


*** Triple H wins with help from Angle, Michaels, Carlito, and Flair.


Yikes, talk about overbooking. Cena's not THAT good that he needs to be beaten by five guys. Unless there actually is a stable in the works, I can't see HBK or Angle actually cooperating with HHH. Angle's been against HHH & Flair since he came over, and HBK and HHH have their 20 year history or whatever. But, it is WWE, so they might choose to do a nonsensical swerve for the sake of swerving everyone.

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Guest *KNK*

WWE Title Match

John Cena Vs Chris Jericho

-Since the focus of the show will not be on John Cena since its Batista’s homecoming, they will save the Triple H/John Cena program for now because there’s no need to rush it. Especially since Triple H has a ready program with Kurt Angle waiting for him. There’s no question Triple H wants his feud with Cena to get top billing and focus. Working against the Batista homecoming and the mega-powers 2.0 explosion showdown, Triple H/Cena gets bogged down.


So far they have already set this program up; however what concerns me is that there is seven weeks to build this match. It’s scary to note they may panic and rush the match. It’s not a concern that they can’t carry this program for 7 weeks on promo power alone. This build should be decent because these two can create their own hype and it gives Cena that solid decisive victory at the #2 show of the year. Won’t elevate Jericho’s status nor Cena’s but it’s an opportunity to give Cena a good match without the assistance of a stipulation. He has shown he can work in a good straight match. Jericho can carry him.


World Title Match

Batista Vs JBL

-They could rush the inevitable Undertaker/Batista clash but it’s a risk to have Batista’s pop cut in half thanks to the presence of the dead-man. It’s safer to book the hometown boy against a completely reviled heel and allow this to be the concise conclusion to this storyline. It’s safe to say GAB should be a complete brawl and potentially leading to a total no contest. Batista should overcome the entire remaining cabinet and win this blow-off CLEAN.


Shawn Michaels Vs Hulk Hogan

-In what was a surprise to many fans; last night The Heartbreak Kid “shocked the world” by super kicking his friend and “favorite partner ever”, The “Immortal” Hulk Hogan. There was talk earlier this year when Hogan returned for the Backlash program that they would do the “dream” match here but the consensus was that it would be face/face. We all have put away our hope that HBK would ever turn heel but clearly the appeal of a PPV showdown with Hogan, was too much to turn down for Shawn. We haven’t learned the motives just yet but I’m confidant Shawn’s explanation promo will be money. The match as it will likely be atrocious unless Shawn is really drinking the holy water for this one but the heat should be incredible.


Undertaker Vs Muhammad Hassan

-GAB should result in another crazy bloody no-contest leading to another war @ Summer Slam.


Triple H Vs Kurt Angle

-Triple H obviously needs a top level program for SummerSlam and aside from Hogan, Shawn and Cena- Kurt Angle is the best option. Kurt has already planted the seeds for their feud and Triple H certainly has no problem going over Kurt Angle and WWE has the perception that Angle’s heat is bulletproof and he can continuously job out because he can easily be built back up.


Eddy Guerrero Vs Mysterio

2/3 Falls

-This will be ultimate finale. We have no idea where they intend to take this storyline but it’s obvious they are pushing it to Summer Slam.


US Title

Chris Benoit Vs Christian

-I can’t see them jumping the gun and putting Christian and Benoit where they belong (Main Event) and sticking them here. While I wouldn’t put it pass WWE to jump at the possibility of another Best of 7 series with Booker and Benoit; I ultimately see them sticking Christian with Benoit after Benoit takes the title @ GAB from Jordan. They could go any route here, put the title on Christian to give him a semi-lengthy reign where hopefully but doubtfully raise the “prestige” of the title or keep it on Benoit and have easy set-ups for the inevitable mid-card assault that Benoit will be dealt with until they need a quickie main eventer to plug in for a month and then knock back down to Mid-Card.


IC Title

Carlito Vs Rob Van Dam

It’s not clear that RVD will be ready to work again by late august but if he is; this is where he ends up. Right back where he started. If RVD isn’t able to work the show; I don’t see CCC defending the title but merely making an appearance.


DIVA Search Segment

-It’s inevitable and unavoidable. I’m going to predict Bikini Bowling.


Edge Vs Kane/Matt Hardy

-If they can hook Matt Hardy for Summer-Slam there’s your program, if not, Im expecting the “final” blow off to the Kane/Edge deal. It’s obvious they are keeping Edge in a warming pattern to wait and see about Matt’s decision. Once they figure out his intentions; they will return to pushing Edge.


Cruiserweight Title Match

Gauntlet Rules Match

Paul London Vs Mexi-Cools

I believe that London puts the title over onto the Mexi-Cools @ GAB and in something out of the old Jersey Triad playbook; they alternate who the “Champion” is. Forcing London to face all three men in a gauntlet match and of course won’t be aware of the order of entry. If they do a solo champion; I believe Super Crazy gets the title since Juvy is the mouthpiece.

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WWE Championship Match:

John Cena vs. Chris Jericho


World Championship Match:

Batista vs. JBL


Hulk Hogan vs. Shawn Michaels


Triple H vs. Kurt Angle


Undertaker vs. Muhammad Hassan


Kane vs. Edge


Intercontinental Championship Match:

Carlito Carribean Cool vs. Rob Van Dam


Rey Misterio vs. Eddie Guerrero


Cruiserweight Championship Match:

Paul London vs. Juventud Guerrera

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I'm expecting this Cena-Y2J business to be settled on the 7/25 RAW in Cleveland, not at SSlam. I think seven weeks of buildup is far, far too long to be expected in the modern era. Not even Rock-Austin in 2001 had that long (only 5 weeks).


That said, I am looking at either HBK or Edge, depending on if Hogan agrees to wrestle HBK at SSlam. Edge is kind of floating around right now until they decide to spend time to kill off his unfinished business with Kane, so after that I would expect him to cash in his title shot on the 7/25 RAW. Unless, of course, they sign Matt Hardy. If HBK-Hogan and Edge-Hardy happen, the only alternative is HHH or Angle, neither of whom have any direction right now.

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I think Cena/Jericho will be a RAW main event, HHH/Cena will be the one headlining Summerslam this year with Trips going over.

Batista/JBL doesn't sound as interesting as Batista/Taker for SSlam, with Taker passing the torch to the Animal.

CCC/RVD are 2 guys that are extremely over with the fans and it will be a shame that one of them is going to have to do the job to get the other guy over, RVD is over enough to be wrestling for the main title (or be the WWE champ) but it seems that he's stuck as a midcarder for life thanks to WWE management and Carlito is too hot of a commodity to do the job too early in his career.

HH/HBK will be this years "dream match".

Angle/Shelton: Mentor against the pupil in the show stealer of the night.

Eddy/Benoit for the #1 contender spot or Benoit/Book/JBL for the US title.

Edge/Matt Hardy in a streetfight match.

Taker/Orton part 2.

London/Rey versus the Mexicools in a handicap match.

Big Show/Y2J/Kane for the WWE title #1 contender spot.

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Here's what I'd like to see:


(WWE title) John Cena vs. Chris Jericho

(World title) Batista vs. Eddie Guerrero

(Battle of the Icons) Hulk Hogan vs. Shawn Michaels

(Regular match) JBL vs. Chris Benoit

(Brutal Gimmick match) Edge vs. Kane (Edge wins decisively)

(Casket match) Undertaker vs. Randy Orton

(IC title) CCC vs. RVD

(US title) Booker T © vs. Muhammad Hassan

(Regular match) Christian vs. Rey Mysterio

(Tag titles) MNM vs. Monthly victims

(CW title) Juventud © vs. Paul London


Sadly, the IC title match and the "legends" match are the only ones likely to really happen, with an outside shot at the WWE title match.

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I posted this in the RAW Thread last night:


  post Jul 4 2005, 09:18 PM


HBK and Hogan are like the new MegaPowers..or something.


Maybe they'll breakup when Shawn surprises everyone and steals Brooke away from Hogan..


Theres your explanation. Shawn really wants to bang Brooke.


I must have had a brief flash of ESP last night.

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Here's what I'd like to see:


(WWE title) John Cena vs. Chris Jericho

(World title) Batista vs. Eddie Guerrero

(Battle of the Icons) Hulk Hogan vs. Shawn Michaels

(Regular match) JBL vs. Chris Benoit

(Brutal Gimmick match) Edge vs. Kane (Edge wins decisively)

(Casket match) Undertaker vs. Randy Orton

(IC title) CCC vs. RVD

(US title) Booker T © vs. Muhammad Hassan

(Regular match) Christian vs. Rey Mysterio

(Tag titles) MNM vs. Monthly victims

(CW title) Juventud © vs. Paul London


Sadly, the IC title match and the "legends" match are the only ones likely to really happen, with an outside shot at the WWE title match.

Damn...that's an 11 match card. I think that'd be pretty, I dunno 'stiff'? for cards nowadays.

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True, that'd have to be a 4-hour special to work. Don't know who you leave off that list though. Probably means we'll see some gimmick 4-6 man title matches.

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They could possibly make the WWE Title a 6 way watch with Cena, Jericho, HHH, Angle, Edge, and Kane. That keeps HHH in the main event, but allows Cena to maintain the belt and HH not to lose the match.

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OK, I'll make what's actually a likely card for Summerslam:


World Title: Batista © vs. Muhammad Hassan

Summerslam's in Washington DC, and Hassan's got a #1 contenders match at GAB. Putting two and two together, I think this is where the WWE's going with the main event at Summerslam.


Hulk Hogan vs. Shawn Michaels

This is the match they're apparently trying to sell the PPV with and I almost guarantee that it will go on after the WWE title match. As long as it ends with HBK destroying HHH Sr., I'll be happy.


WWE Title: John Cena © vs. Chris Jericho

I think they recognize that both Y2J and Cena have their strengths on the mic and that's why this match is getting such a long buildup. Basically, HHH and Angle aren't ready, so Jericho's keeping Cena busy while they reintroduce him to the Raw audience.


Last Man Standing: Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero

It looks like this storyline is going to keep going for a while. Maybe Eddie tries to get Rey to lay down at GAB, and then when he refuses, Eddie reveals his "secret" the following Thursday. At any rate, I'm pretty sure that Summerslam will see one last stipulation match between the two of them.


Randy Orton vs. Undertaker

This should be Orton taking a cheap win over Taker leading into his natural rematch with Batista at No Mercy.


Inferno match: Edge vs. Kane

You just know that this feud is going to keep going into a goofy stipulation match. Hopefully they manage to do something a little different this time, and they actually light Edge's tights on fire or something. An ideal finish would see Matt give a Twist of Fate to both men before taking a match to Edge's crotch, teasing a hug with Lita, and then giving her a Twist of Fate as well.


JBL vs. Chris Benoit

Both men need to be on the card considering how heavily they've been pushed over the past year and a half, but if this match is for the US Title, then someone needs to get fired.


#1 Contender's match: Triple H vs. Kurt Angle

Two more men who can't be left off the card here, and who are likely to be challenging Cena down the road. As long as they have (on-screen) heat anyway, they might as well just fight explicitly for the title shot.


Intercontinental Title: Carlito Caribbean Cool © vs. Rob Van Dam

This will be the curtain jerker, but hopefully it at least leads to a productive "fighting champion" type reign for RVD that results in a lot of fresh interesting matches on Raw.

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iggymcfly I can see that card though I suspect they would make the JBL-Benoit match for the U.S. title after Chris beats Jordan for the belt and Bradshaw get's pissed.


JBL: How dare someone like you hold that title. You're not even from the US, blah blah blah


Throwing in Christian and Booker for a fatal four-way just to give the latter two something to do wouldn't surprise me either.

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JBL: How dare someone like you hold that title. You're not even from the US, blah blah blah


Just to let you know, I suggested the exact same thing 2 days ago and KingPK told me it was right up there with Jericho spilling coffee on Kane in the "really stupid justifications for feuds" category.

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JBL: How dare someone like you hold that title. You're not even from the US, blah blah blah


Just to let you know, I suggested the exact same thing 2 days ago and KingPK told me it was right up there with Jericho spilling coffee on Kane in the "really stupid justifications for feuds" category.


Even if it is (which I don't agree with), its not really out of character for JBL. This is the same guy who won the "Great American" award after showing a video of himself preventing Mexicans from crossing the border so him saying how Canadians are taking American titles when they have no right to have them is not really a stretch.


Plus he can say that Benoit was part of that ECW garbage, hence why he shouldn't even deserve a shot at a WWE belt. It really just boils down to asshole heel thinks champion face doesn't deserve title which is a given formula for feuds in wrestling.

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JBL vs. Batista - World Heavyweight Championship

Cena vs. Jericho - WWE championship

Hulk Hogan vs. HBK - megapowers collide!

Rey Mysterio vs. Eddie Guerrero - Rubber Match

Carlito vs. RVD - IC Title

Undertaker vs. Muhammad Hassan

Cruiserweight Title Match

Benoit vs. Christian*

Angle/Edge vs. Kane/Matt Hardy*


* The last two are guesses.

will rvd be back by then?

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World Heavyweight Championship

Batista vs Muhammand Hassan


WWE Championship

John Cena vs Edge

Guest Ref: Chris Jericho


Randy Orton vs The Undertaker


Shawn Michaels vs Hulk Hogan


2/3 Falls

Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio


Non-title Revenge Match

Rob Van Dam vs Carlito Cool


United States Championship

Chris Benoit vs JBL


Kurt Angle vs Shelton Benjamin


Handicap Match for the Tag Team Championship

Christain vs MNM


Big Show or Kane vs Ric Flair or Kane


Cruiserweight Championship

Paul London vs Super Crazy

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World Title

Batista vs Hassan


WWE Title

John Cena vs Chris Jericho


HBK vs Hogan


U.S. Title

Chris Benoit vs JBL vs Christian


#1 contender match

Triple H vs Kurt Angle


Orton vs Undertaker


2/3 Falls

Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio


IC Title

Carlito vs RVD


Edge vs Shelton Benjamin


Heat- Cruiserweight Title Paul London vs The Juice

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This was a topic I started back in early March . . .


Above is a link. In that link, I stated that I felt it was entirely possible that Hussan would face Batista for the World title at SummerSlam. And, in that thread, I was berated by a few people for this having no bearing, and that I couldn't provide a storyline to go along with it. I was told that Batista has to have this strong patriotic persona for Hussan to play off of, and that Hussan would never be able to be in a main event because he blew an irish whip.


Now, with minimal storyline (provided only by the draft and his same "I'm being held down" character that's been in place since the start), there's at least a logical chance that Batista/Hussan could happen at SS. Now, the somewhat-likely scenario is that Hussan will get his ass handed to him by UT at the Bash, and we'll get a "one-time-only" face vs. face Batista/UT match at SS. But, it's also entirely possible that we'll get the Batista/Hussan match that I predicted back before Batista even won the title. I know I'll get flamed and told I'm an idiot for even bringing it up, but hell, I just had to look back at that post with a little smile.

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