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Guest MideonMark

WWE begin the releases

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I'm not surprised there ultimately...I have had this conspiracy theory since 2001 running around my head.  When Vince bought WCW, he was going to show once and for all his product was superior to Turner's.  So...he deliberately botched the Invasion and ever since has worked very hard to ruin all WCW gimmicks/angles.  The NWO, Scott Steiner, the non-signing of Sting (let's face it if Vince threw enough money at him and really had wanted Sting the deal would have been done).  Even Goldberg...even though he got a title run it doesn't say much for confidence when Linda McMahon is calling you a "disappointment" before the stockholders.


So he'd waste a bunch of his money to prove that his product was superior to Turner?

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Guest xad

I would like to have seen more of Akio. What little i saw of him on Smackdown, i liked. Pity they released him, i could see him doing really well had he not been released and been used effectively....or used at all.

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Moore cut = Matt's definitely not coming back.


I don't get it. They hadn't had anything to do with eachother in ages...

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The whole 'Spike returning to teaching' thing... I want to see the school with him AND Kane teaching.


"OK Bobby, you might think it's funny to flick ink at me, but I'm very good friends with our headteacher Mr. Jacobs..."


*Kane enters the room and red pyro erupts from the desks in the corners*


"Bobby, it's time for your Big Red Detention!!"

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I don't think Vince deliberately botched all of those angles. It's hard to say that when half of them were supposed to be the BIG new angle that brought in business. The NWO angle was mostly screwy due to WM 18 where the crowd cheered Hogan so much that they had to turn him face. From there no one needed or cared much about the NWO, though it didn't help matters when Flair kept booking the NWO vs. Austin/Bradshaw for about 3 weeks on Raw. Also, it didn't help that Nash was so injury prone that he wasn't effective...during that period of time he had a shoulder operation and then the big leg injury.


As far as Steiner goes, is it REALLY Vince's fault that the guy was also broken down and horrible? I hardly think Vince told Steiner to go out and drop HHH when attempting basic slams and suplexes. The crowd turned on Steiner so much that there was no fixing his push.


Of these things I do agree that Goldberg was horribly botched and misused. It also didn't help matters that Austin was out of the picture in ring wise by that point so they couldn't do the main feud that Goldberg should have been signed for.


Basically I think it's all been a series of dubious decisions that were meant to help business but mostly just ended up backfiring.

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Guest Brian

Well, know that they've released these three and moving Chavo, I guess they're not even going to fake-push the cruiserweight division.

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I've always liked Kidman, but once he appeared to put on 10-15 pounds, and dropped the shorts and wifebeater, he became just another wrestler with nothing to set him apart aside from the SSP. I always hoped he'd return to form, but injuries just killed him anytime he got some momentum, such as the abrupt ending to the otherwise enjoyable London/Kidman feud that should've made something of them both. Too bad, because I think WWE did legitimately like him, giving him a lot of chances to break through.


Heel Spike was great, even after they botched his and the Dudley's characters once he started slapping around D-Von and Bubba. Unfortunately once they were taken off TV and he lost his title -- to Funaki, I think, which is just adding insult to injury -- there went his character. This was basically the only time I liked him outside of ECW.


I think there was a lot of untapped potential in Akio. The movie star and martial artist monk was a great character, and he had unique moves that could've easily gotten him over, if only they would've given him a chance. After the series with London, he should've been in the thick of the title hunt. Unfortunately there was only so far you could take him, given that his character from the very start spoke no English.


I basically care about no one else.


Well, know that they've released these three and moving Chavo, I guess they're not even going to fake-push the cruiserweight division.


Yeah, moving Chavo to Raw and not even getting Tajiri (who I think could be next on the chopping block) back for him, then releasing all these guys... they're not even trying anymore. Although they could easily bring up Punk, Kazarian and Cappotelli (finally) to fill the void.

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WWE has shown no interest in pushing a Cruiserweight division beyond 3 or 4 guys at any time. I think the roster spots of the guys who got canned are pretty much gone for good (which they can afford to do since there's a lack of injuries presently and with Velocity/Heat going away).

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If you go to WWE.com and click on the link about the released superstars, this appears at the top of the page:


WWE has decided not to proceed with any rengotiations with Bubba and D-Von Dudley. We wish both Bubba and D-Von the best in all future endeavors.


I must be psychic or something.

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If you go to WWE.com and click on the link about the released superstars, this appears at the top of the page:


WWE has decided not to proceed with any rengotiations with Bubba and D-Von Dudley. We wish both Bubba and D-Von the best in all future endeavors.


I must be psychic or something.


Woah, that was unexpected - for me, at least.

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If you go to WWE.com and click on the link about the released superstars, this appears at the top of the page:


WWE has decided not to proceed with any rengotiations with Bubba and D-Von Dudley. We wish both Bubba and D-Von the best in all future endeavors.

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Matt can get some more seasoning on the indies or try his luck in Japan and then come back. He's still young and has potential.


But yea, Tomko is so fucked

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Well, I really don't care about Matt Morgan. Everyone says that he had talent in OVW, but we never got to see anything in WWE. The Dudleys, though... that's shocking. I was actually looking forward to their return, too.

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Unfortunately there was only so far you could take him, given that his character from the very start spoke no English.


Who cares about character. Hell Yokozuna got to the point he was staring at the camera giving promos when all he could say was bonzai. Undertaker is from death vally again, being the walking dead and all, when he was a tobacco chewing redneck from texas a while back.


Aiko, or Jimmy is from Atlanta. he can speak english. In fact he sounds like a fucking hick.

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Add Haas and Miss Jackie



Matt Morgan

Charlie Haas

Jackie Gayda

Marty Jannetty

Dawn Marie

Mark Jindrak


Shannon Moore

James Yun (Akio)

David Heath (Gangrel)

Billy Kidman

Spike Dudley

Kevin Fertig

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Wow, what bullshit.


Morgan may not have been that great but he was in big angles at least, so now he is just going to drop off without any explanation?


And the DUDLEYS! WTF? At ONS they were so hot, and Bubba really looked to be in top shape. wtf is going on here?

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I don't understand why they would release the Dudley Boyz, unless they just flat out plan to can the tag division, which I wouldn't really care if they did or not by this point. The Dudley Boyz was the best tag team they had, when you factor in both talent and the "big name" factor.


This one pisses me off the most, but it's not surprising since they let Spike go just a while earlier.


As for some of the others, I don't understand why they would let people go before actually trying to see what they could really do. Most of the ones that have been fired were never truly given a chance to shine, yet they keep people for years and years who they always try to push, yet it never works out for them.

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So much for the Jannetty return.


And IIRC...there is NO Tough Enough people on the WWE roster now.


Guess they had to make room for Brock's possible contract...

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Holy crap, Charlie Haas, Jackie Gayda, Marty Jannetty, and Dawn Marie!????


I'm starting to get very pissed off about all of this.


If they keep this up, it'll be like they released an entire roster. We're already up to 15 people kicked to the curb.

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Wow. Haas should be going to TNA now

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