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These sick motherfuckers

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Guest Coffey
Yea, but it was a dumb angle in the first place.


I agree but not because I think it was disrespectful. I think it was a dumb angle because it goes against everything that Hassan has been saying in the past few weeks. He talks about being discriminated against and how people view him as a terrorist and what not...then he does this. So, obviously, they were right, so to speak. It's a stereotype and a bad one at that.


I just think it's poor in the context of continuity.


Also Bob, it's not like you don't know where we're coming from. I've seen you have to defend SNL after some shit like this went down. People get all up in arms over skits.

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Also Bob, it's not like you don't know where we're coming from. I've seen you have to defend SNL after some shit like this went down. People get all up in arms over skits.


Just out of curiousity, what have I defended? SNL hasn't really done anything in bad taste in quite some time. And if SNL did a skit making light of terrorism the very same week there was an attack, and no one edited it out, yea that'd be stupid.


I agree but not because I think it was disrespectful. I think it was a dumb angle because it goes against everything that Hassan has been saying in the past few weeks. He talks about being discriminated against and how people view him as a terrorist and what not...then he does this. So, obviously, they were right, so to speak. It's a stereotype and a bad one at that.


I completely agree with that

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Shouldn't Rey's son be a little upset at the mere appearance of "Uncle" Eddy? Just my 2 cents.

Well, you could always figure that Rey forbids his son from watching wrestling, to save his son from seeing his father getting beaten up on a weekly basis. And especially now, he wants to keep his son from seeing "Uncle" Eddie acting like he is, and possibly telling the "secret".



Problem is they've shown Rey's son at live events like 2-3 times already. Also, Rey hasn't lost any of their matches, so why would he protect his son from seeing him getting beaten? Again, it's us filling in the gaps and that is a sign of bad planning and writing along with a lack of quality control.

Live events could be a special occasion, where Rey let's Dominic see him perform live. It'd be rare occasions, so Rey hopes nothing goes horribly wrong. And I said "beaten up", not "beaten" (as in "losing matches").


As for Dominic's friends - maybe the don't watch wrestling? Maybe Rey told Dominic not to believe anything they say about Rey and his job as a wrestler.


And I don't believe Rey wouldn't tell him about his heritage and show him some luchadore matches, even if they aren't WWE stuff.

That would be stuff Rey could pick & choose. He could show Dominic matches where Rey's not taking a lot of abuse, or just clips of matches where Rey is on offense.

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I agree but not because I think it was disrespectful. I think it was a dumb angle because it goes against everything that Hassan has been saying in the past few weeks. He talks about being discriminated against and how people view him as a terrorist and what not...then he does this. So, obviously, they were right, so to speak. It's a stereotype and a bad one at that.


I also agree with this. The whole thing was just the cheapest way possible to put more heel heat on the guy.

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I'm assuming you are talking about my Rey/Eddy post on the bottom of page 4.



If these were taped before the feud, then it should be made abundantly clear it was before the feud. I shouldn't have to guess or make up conclusions so it fits "their" interpretations. It's a quality control issue and there should be people on the writing team who are supposed to find these gaping plot holes. We are reaching Taker/Kane level plotholes here.


hell I don't know, bro...


when are we all going to learn that figuring out the WWE is like trying to decipher hyrogliphics (for those who don't know them)?

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I agree but not because I think it was disrespectful. I think it was a dumb angle because it goes against everything that Hassan has been saying in the past few weeks. He talks about being discriminated against and how people view him as a terrorist and what not...then he does this. So, obviously, they were right, so to speak. It's a stereotype and a bad one at that


Maybe he turn to "the dark side of the force" out of frutration, because no one trust him, because people continue to hate him even if he's right ...If the storyline is well-written and Hassan cab sold it in his interview next week, it can work


And who knows, in several months he can understand that it was a bad thing to join the evil and turn face :huh:

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Guest jumpingbombangel
when are we all going to learn that figuring out the WWE is like trying to decipher hyrogliphics (for those who don't know them)?


Yep...hieroglyphics written by a severely retarded Egyptian child with one arm and chisel.

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Guest jm29195

If you're looking at it purely from an entertainment perspective then why not have Regal destroy Hussan next week?

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I think the best course of action is to just wait until next week and see what Hassan says, because right now all we can do is speculate and assume they were terrorists and say how the WWE is stupid for doing stupid things. Maybe there's an explanation or an apology or something coming next week.


Also, like I said in the Smackdown thread, Eddy shouldn't win the blowoff. His whole heel persona is based off of being unable to beat Rey (thus why he turned). It's based off wanting to hurt Rey and his family in anyway possible (thus holding this secret over Rey to blackmail him). If he beats Rey, then what? If he beats Rey in the final blowoff, why would Eddy still be a heel?

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Meltzer's thoughts on the show, many of which have been echoed througout this thread and will surely be taken to task by his detractors...



It's nice to see that every now and then, when you forget how sleazy to the core the WWE is, last night they remove all doubt. Bluntly, the WWE, as a business, would be up shit creek right now if it wasn't for Europe, and to thumb their nose as the company's single hottest market simply because they live in a bubble in Connecticut where there is nothing but wrestling and the real world doesn't exist, just amazes me. The fact the company realized they couldn't air the Undertaker-Hassan angle in England shows they at least thought that much, but still, they put it on their web site anyway, needlessly, just to prove how insensitive they are.


It was bad enough airing it in the U.S., because it only seems to show wrestling fans around the world either how callous the company is, or the company's judgement that its fans would only care if something of the sort happened in the U.S. The fact the angle got no heat in Sacramento on Monday when it was taped showed a misjudgment, but Smackdown last night was 90 minutes of a 120 minute show filled with misjudgments.


Those happen all the time and that's part of creativity. You try things you think will work and sometimes you're not in tune with your audience and they don't. I can understand that when you have a dud heel character that you groomed to work with top people, and on a show with little heel depth, it leads to desperation. Sometimes desperation doesn't work. That was fine for Monday.


But both WWE and UPN showed an incredible lack of class for airing the segment in wake of the events of earlier that day in London. The fact they put the crawl there in the first place indicated they both realized it and really didn't care. Do you realize that when WCW was losing $60 million, they never came close to being this sleazy. Dumber, sure. But never this sleazy. And this company is still making a nice profit, so there is no financial desperation here, just a complete lack of class.


And what's the upside? Nobody is buying a PPV to see Muhammad Hassan no matter what the angle. If you can't draw money against Hulk Hogan in his first match in almost two years, you can't draw money. Yeah, you can be a mid-card cheap heat character. Personally, I think Daivari is great, and Hassan is a great talker and obviously needs work as a wrestler. But what they expected out of the angle, drawing money originally with Austin and Hogan, didn't work in one case and was dropped in the other case. But that's neither here nor there.


Trying to exploit deaths for a wrestling angle drew incredible heat and was a financial flop in 1991. Ratings were so bad on an NBC special trying to exploit the Gulf War that NBC dropped WWE programming, a gigantic blow. They had to move Wrestlemania that year because of a lack of ticket sales. It wasn't because NBC had any qualms about taste, but simply the economic laws of the jungle. When you do a controversial angle, it is a success if you turn on more people than you turn off. In this case, you had something that turned on almost nobody, made many feel like taking a shower, and brought needless pain to many on a day that they really didn't need that out of their mindless entertainment.


And even if that isn't the case, it only goes to confirm the negative general public perception of wrestling, and unfortunately, the unfair portrayal of its audience believing they like stuff like this, as the lowest common denominator. WWE should remember that next time a tennis match that does a 1.3 rating in prime time can charge more for advertising, or when the NHL comes back and sponsors who wouldn't touch WWE with a ten foot pole will sign up for a sport that has horrible ratings and is coming off not even playing for a year due to labor relations problems, and they cry how unfair life is and that the big decision makers just don't "get it." The problem is, they do "get it." The ones who don't really need to be looking in the mirror.

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"People" weren't pissed or offended about this angle until Thursday, which just goes to show that "people" are hypocritical, self-gratifying idiots.

Unless you like, read the spoiler thread which contained a great deal of discontent from the first the angle was reported. The rest of your post is crap, so I'm ignoring it.

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Some of us have the self-control to, you know, not read exactly what is going to happen on a show we watch.


I like that the post about how everyone's whining and overreacting is completely over the top and brings to mind someone just full of impotent rage.

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As far as I can remember, religion has NEVER been mentioned by Hassan (note: I have not watched RAW in over a year so I can't speak for that with absolute assurance). He's an Arab American not a Muslim (again, I think).


FYI, Hassan assumes a praying position similar if not identical to that of Muslims before his matches, and sometimes after. In addition, he IS portrayed as an Arab American. He could also be a Muslim. Being American does not preclude you from being Muslim, as your post would suggest.

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Guest Fook_Theta

Being Arab doesn't mean he's muslim, although it has been heavily implied.


Although if we wanted to get technical and WWE creative were actual geniuses, we could infer that since Daivari is speaking Farsi an Ayran and persian language, he could be a Zoroastrian.

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I know being of Arab descent doesn't automatically make you Muslim. Crimson Platypus seemed to be suggesting that because he's an Arab American he can't be a Muslim. It's a little different.


As for Daivari, I liked how vs Jericho he was screaming in Farsi all match except for one rear chinlock where he was yelling 'HOLD ON! HOLD ON!' and then went back to yelling in Farsi again.

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I cant believe people are actually defending the wwe here. This whole thing is fucking retarded and wrong on so many levels.


1) Hassan has so far proven himself to be a flop. Why keep pushing him? Why alienate even more of your audience for a failed idea?


2)This basic idea didnt work at all in 1991. Wrestlemania 7 was a disaster...changing buildings, low buyrate, etc. They couldve done Warrior-Hogan 2 but instead went with a ridiculous and insensitive angle that made far less money.


3)To anybody that has functioning eyes and a few brain cells could easily tell that what happened on SD was MEANT to invoke terrorism. All Ive seen are pics are clips and its still OBVIOUS. I will not argue because people without common sense cant discuss a damn thing.


4) The wwe knew it was wrong to do. They edited it in England (as if only Europeans would care abot the London tragedy) and ran a disclaimer in the US. If you know its insensitive why air it and use it anyway?


So they knew it was wrong, and they must know that it wont draw a damn penny...but they keep doing it anyway. It will only continue to hurt wwe business both in America and Europe. Why do they do it?...


Because wwe is nothing but a handful of handicapped monkeys stuck in a closet shitting out ideas and gleefully shoving them under the door for VKM to pick up when he walks by. Fuck him, fuck his monkeys, and fuck their bullshit.

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And even if that isn't the case, it only goes to confirm the negative general public perception of wrestling, and unfortunately, the unfair portrayal of its audience believing they like stuff like this, as the lowest common denominator. WWE should remember that next time a tennis match that does a 1.3 rating in prime time can charge more for advertising, or when the NHL comes back and sponsors who wouldn't touch WWE with a ten foot pole will sign up for a sport that has horrible ratings and is coming off not even playing for a year due to labor relations problems, and they cry how unfair life is and that the big decision makers just don't "get it." The problem is, they do "get it." The ones who don't really need to be looking in the mirror.


Great and completely accurate post by Meltzer, but is it really an "unfair portrayal" at all, considering how many are defending this crap, who actually think (or claim to think) WWE wasn't trying to draw a parallel to terrorists here for heat, or whose one and only complaint is that its cheap heat and aren't bothered by the actual content. clearly the majority of the audience doesn't seem to mind. I'm guessing the ratings wont move either way.

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Patrice O’Neal (a former WWF writer and comedian) was on O&A this morning and he brought up last night's incident, and then he mentioned a story about how he was on a flight with Tiger Ali Singh and Vince, and Singh begged Vince to stop making fun of his turban and Vince told him to shut up and put the turban on (something like that anyway..)


The segment will be on again in about an hour or so if you want to hear it.

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As far as I can remember, religion has NEVER been mentioned by Hassan (note: I have not watched RAW in over a year so I can't speak for that with absolute assurance). He's an Arab American not a Muslim (again, I think).


FYI, Hassan assumes a praying position similar if not identical to that of Muslims before his matches, and sometimes after. In addition, he IS portrayed as an Arab American. He could also be a Muslim. Being American does not preclude you from being Muslim, as your post would suggest.


I'll make this easier for you. How many people named "Muhammad" AREN'T Muslim?

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Guest Ransome
Just because they're known for not being PC in the past, doesn't make it okay when they do it again.


What they did WAS distasteful, and what happened in London made it even moreso.


This is a point I made on page 1, and I'm amazed that many people here seemingly don't understand it. People keep suggesting that since racist angles can be found throughout wrestling's history WWE is somehow exempt from criticism when rehashing them. There's no reason why the past should stop us from putting forth that these kinds of storylines have no place in an *ideal* wrestling company.

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Guest Jim Ross

um.. Arent us poor brits going to see this numerous times in future recaps and PPV buildups?

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1) Hassan has so far proven himself to be a flop. Why keep pushing him? Why alienate even more of your audience for a failed idea?

Just look at Orton and JBL, two of the biggest failures in WWE history but they are still being pushed down our throats until we like it. It's not the first time they do this and it won't be the last.

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1) Hassan has so far proven himself to be a flop. Why keep pushing him? Why alienate even more of your audience for a failed idea?

Just look at Orton and JBL, two of the biggest failures in WWE history but they are still being pushed down our throats until we like it. It's not the first time they do this and it won't be the last.

I don't think JBL has been a total failure. Randy orton though, is a different story.

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I think that some people are too easily offended in this day in age. If anything is slightly controversial then people are all up in arms.


I have yet to see the segment since Smackdown doesn't air until tonight. However, masked wrestlers have always attacked wrestlers. remember when Beefcake attakced Hogan? He had a mask.


the only reason people are up in arms is that there is the conection that since Hassan is muslim then they automatically think of terrorists.


If you would have watched 30 days last week some of you may learn something.

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JBL was a disaster at first but I'll give him credit, his character greatly developed over the past year. He's a lot more credible then he was before. And his in-ring stuff got better. But his bomb of a match at Mania with Cena hurt him. But they made up for it at Judgment Day, even though it was kinda late for it.


Orton, on the other hand...yeah.

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Guest xad

It made me cringe when i watched that segmant on Smackdown. They do not have to go to these extremes, its just silly and disturbing the things they are doing. Vince has lost it...more so than usual; i think he's just doing it for publicity, even if it is bad publicity.

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I think that some people are too easily offended in this day in age.  If anything is slightly controversial then people are all up in arms.


I have yet to see the segment since Smackdown doesn't air until tonight.  However, masked wrestlers have always attacked wrestlers.  remember when Beefcake attakced Hogan?  He had a mask.


Talk to me AFTER you see the segment.

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