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Why is Cena.....

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I just don't get it, why is Jericho considered "cheap"? Is this like an actual "slang" word or it's just Cena trying too hard to come out with a new catchphrase and failing at it?

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Guest bigm350

I think its just Cena trying too hard to be cool and funny. Whatever the case, that "cheap" line is awful.

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All it really implies is that, instead of being a man and challenging Cena face-to-face, he's been relying on sneak attacks and two-faced speech/ actions lately.


It's a terrible line but it's not really that complicated.

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I just realized its been a while since we had a Cena-bashing thread.


If that means people have been storing up their Cena hated for a while, so this should get good....

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Guest JMA

If Cena really wanted to insult Jericho, he could bring up the fact that the nickname "Y2J" is horribly outdated.

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Guest jumpingbombangel
If Cena really wanted to insult Jericho, he could bring up the fact that the nickname "Y2J" is horribly outdated.


I think both gentlemen being stuck in the 1980s cultural timewarp they're in makes the whole outdated thing a bit of a moot point.


But you're right. Y2J is so "Willenium."

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The more I think about it, the more that line confuses me.


He seemed to be going in the direction that Jericho used to be the Undisputed Champ, used to be one of the top Main Eventers in the company, and now he does a talk show so he can be on TV. Is that cheap though?


Man, that line blows.

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While it's not saying much, Cena could've done worse.


At least he hasn't called Jericho "Y-2-Gay" yet.


I'd makr out if he called him "Y2Jerk".



'Cause, you know...

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I'd mark out if one of them said "you Wicked McSuck," considering it's a phrase me and my friends use (adding "Wicked Mc" before a word) all the time.


Yeah, Laz. Bringing the fucking content!

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While it's not saying much, Cena could've done worse.


At least he hasn't called Jericho "Y-2-Gay" yet.

You know a few Ass Cream comments would be the perfect follow up.


I think we have a rough outline for Cena's promo for next week. All he needs is this:




On the titan tron and Jericho to respond with some goofy facial expressions.

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I think we have a rough outline for Cena's promo for next week. All he needs is this:




On the titan tron and Jericho to respond with some goofy facial expressions.


When the hell did this occur? And why?

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Guest *KNK*

I can't believe of all the things to complain about; this is one of them.


How hard is this to understand?




It's not complex in any shape or form.


Cheap, it's an insult just like Asshole or "Scum".


It means Jericho is low and resorts to anything it takes to get attention but not by anything of substance.

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I can't believe of all the things to complain about; this is one of them.


How hard is this to understand?




It's not complex in any shape or form.


Cheap, it's an insult just like Asshole or "Scum".


It means Jericho is low and resorts to anything it takes to get attention but not by anything of substance.


But it's so stupid, I think that people want to think there is a deeper meaning. I'm a smart guy and I didn't know what the hell he was talking about.


And at the risk of starting a war with many on this board, I have to say.... how in the hell is this guy over and why is he WWE champion?! I've reserved comment for a while because the guy was on Smackdown and I rarely catch the show, but now I have seem him a few times on Raw and literally can't stand a thing he does.


The guy is absolutely terrible in the ring. And not terrible in that he relies too heavily on spots to pop the crowd,, or has a weak looking finisher. He just literally looks like he has no idea what he's doing in there. There is no fluidity to his movement, the matches have no reliance on psychology and he blows spots all the time.


His look is beyond awful. He doesn't look street or thug... he looks like the wiggers you see at the mall who have no idea how ridiculous they look. I don't think anything he does is edgey. In fact it's a ridiculous gimmick and its the sort of thing that makes me embarrassed when I show a non-fan.


Furthermore, he's way overrated on the mic. Although I think he can talk, nothing he says makes me want to pay to see him and none of it gets over the feud or the guy he's working with. He relies too much on the gay bashing and street talk.


Now if you think I'm wrong, enlighten me.

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I can't believe of all the things to complain about; this is one of them.


How hard is this to understand?




It's not complex in any shape or form.


Cheap, it's an insult just like Asshole or "Scum".


It means Jericho is low and resorts to anything it takes to get attention but not by anything of substance.


But it's so stupid, I think that people want to think there is a deeper meaning. I'm a smart guy and I didn't know what the hell he was talking about.


And at the risk of starting a war with many on this board, I have to say.... how in the hell is this guy over and why is he WWE champion?! I've reserved comment for a while because the guy was on Smackdown and I rarely catch the show, but now I have seem him a few times on Raw and literally can't stand a thing he does.


The guy is absolutely terrible in the ring. And not terrible in that he relies too heavily on spots to pop the crowd,, or has a weak looking finisher. He just literally looks like he has no idea what he's doing in there. There is no fluidity to his movement, the matches have no reliance on psychology and he blows spots all the time.


His look is beyond awful. He doesn't look street or thug... he looks like the wiggers you see at the mall who have no idea how ridiculous they look. I don't think anything he does is edgey. In fact it's a ridiculous gimmick and its the sort of thing that makes me embarrassed when I show a non-fan.


Furthermore, he's way overrated on the mic. Although I think he can talk, nothing he says makes me want to pay to see him and none of it gets over the feud or the guy he's working with. He relies too much on the gay bashing and street talk.


Now if you think I'm wrong, enlighten me.



As far as in ring work, you are spot on. With the exception of the weapons filled brawl from Judgment Day, which masked the bad wrestling, Cena is terrible in the ring. He can be carried and has had watchable matches with Taker, Angle, and Benoit. However, that being said the rest of his work since he entered in WWE has sucked. He won't improve in the ring because he knows he doesn't have to.


As far as his mic work and charisma, I can't front and say I don't see it. I'm not one for the whole "I'm real and from the streets" bit, but he does connect with the fans. As over as he is with the fans, he deserves a run with the title, but his in ring work is not that of what a champion should be. Cena isn't even better than Batista right now in ring and that says a lot because Batista is what I'd call barely watchable. Cena is pretty much unwatchable in the ring.

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Cena is such an anomily because his match against Benoit showed that he could get it done more importantly that he "got it" when it came to telling a good story through ringwork, mannerisms and selling. And, while I know that it's Benoit, I think that it was all Cena in that match when it came to making himself look god.

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Well the hilarious thing about Cena looking like a suburban wigger that isn't from the street is that, well, that's true. I mean the guy is from a suburb of Boston, isn't he? I'm not sure where W. Newbury is but it hardly sounds like the guy is from Compton or East St. Louis. MA is associated with bluebloods, Irish drunks, and paranoid Red Sox fans. It's not exactly a place to be from if you want thug street cred.

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Cena is such an anomily because his match against Benoit showed that he could get it done more importantly that he "got it" when it came to telling a good story through ringwork, mannerisms and selling. And, while I know that it's Benoit, I think that it was all Cena in that match when it came to making himself look god.



Problem is he hasn't shown anything remotely good after that perfomance. I guess the sun shines, even on a dog's ass.

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That match against Taker was decent. He had a decent year vs. Eddie, Taker, Angle, and Benoit, but it's been straight downhill since. I don't know why. He's gotten worse instead of better.


However he's the most over wrestler on the roster, so take that as reason 1, as to why he's holding the belt.

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I definitely agree with you. Cena needs to stay on top for a bit as well. There are enough workers on Raw to make Cena look decent in ring. It's just that when Cena is asked to be "the man" in a match, it doesn't end well. Again, he is over enough to justify a title reign, you just wish he'd start to show more improvement in the ring.

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