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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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I'm sure Sammy Hagar would approve of McCain using his song.

Don't know. When they had the 2004 tour, they edited the video to include anti-Bush stuff. Now whatever the band is today is suing them to stop. I don't think Sammy has any say over it.


He wrote the lyrics, so he should have a say.

He doesn't have copyright, so it's not up to him. He may have moral rights but I'm not sure that has any say here (moral rights are usually invoked when copyright holders of an a work in the way it's creator feels sullies his/her reputation) and those kinds of rights are heavily limited in the US anyway.

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Seems the McCain people screwed up the bigscreen last night, using a photo of Walter Reed Middle School when they meant to use the hospital. That was why he had a green background at the start of his speech. The hospital would have actually made sense, McCain wanted to reform the hospital when it was revealed what condition vets were in there.


A google image search shows that the hospital is really a very pretty building, but using it as a background is almost questionable since it has columns. And according to what we heard during the DNC, columns are the most socialist of load-bearing support beams or something.

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According to Nielson, McCain's speech last night was the highest rated ever, higher than both Obama's and Palin's, with 38.9 million viewers.


Despite the bitching by all you liberal dudes here, I thought i was a good speech. Better than Palin's which was too negative.

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Palin bitching about the liberal Democrats gives McCain the freedom to bitch about the crooked Republicans and win back some of that "maverick" credibility he's lost in the last few years.



Factcheck.org finally went after her and Rudy, BTW:



Let's see if they ever let her do a press conference or interview with someone besides Fox News.

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Oh baby I hope this is true. One step closer to My Friends Hot Mom you dirty dirty girl.








This is Getting Ugly. New Palin Rumors Fly.

5 09 2008


It’s hopeless. Just when you think you’ll get a few minutes to eat, or work, or have a life, more cars on the train wreck that is the McCain-Palin ticket derail.


The latest story the National Enquirer is working on is that Palin had an affair with Todd’s ex-business partner in an Anchorage Car Wash venture. This was an interesting twist because it was also rumored that Todd Palin had an “Edwards problem”. Maybe he has an Elizabeth Edwards problem. I generally try to resist getting too caught up in the smarminess, unless it becomes impossible. It just did.


Two days ago, Todd’s ex-business partner filed an emergency motion to have his divorce papers sealed. Yesterday the motion was DENIED.




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In an interview on NBC’s Nightly News, McCain included Palin’s involvement with PTA as one of the examples of her “executive experience.”




McCain, you are REALLY selling out your meaning of "ready on day one" with this trash. On the other hand, PolitiFact was bitched out for being big-city, big-spender, elite, me first country last media types; just for asking why:


Frankly, we were made to feel petty for even asking. Michael Goldfarb of the McCain campaign responded to our request for PTA details with this e-mail:


“Of all the smears you could look into against Gov. Palin—that she supported Pat Buchanan (we actually ruled that False ), that she was a member of the Alaska Independence Party, that her baby was really her daughter’s — you all want to investigate her career in the PTA? Don’t waste our time.”

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She also did that same speech earlier this afternoon around either 12 or 1 PM EST somewhere else. I was watching Obama talking in Pennsylvania I think when they cut him off to show that earlier speech.

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This has really been the saddest fucking campaign I could think of... I just turned 21, is this the shit I get to look forward too? More groveling to fucking wrestling fans, more colored candidates dusting their shoulder off like it's fucking open mic night at some comedy club. Old white men who I sort of respected for not following the company line then ended up grabbing their ankles at first chance to appeal to demographics.


It's like this shit was written by some Hollywood hacks... no wonder my family never fucking voted.

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I wouldn't really call a quick few seconds of video "groveling to wrestling fans." I think your family doesn't vote because it's full of conclusion-jumping retards with unattainable expectations like yourself. Holy crap, candidates pander? Fuck this! This isn't the country I signed up for!

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Oh baby I hope this is true. One step closer to My Friends Hot Mom you dirty dirty girl.








This is Getting Ugly. New Palin Rumors Fly.

5 09 2008


It’s hopeless. Just when you think you’ll get a few minutes to eat, or work, or have a life, more cars on the train wreck that is the McCain-Palin ticket derail.


The latest story the National Enquirer is working on is that Palin had an affair with Todd’s ex-business partner in an Anchorage Car Wash venture. This was an interesting twist because it was also rumored that Todd Palin had an “Edwards problem”. Maybe he has an Elizabeth Edwards problem. I generally try to resist getting too caught up in the smarminess, unless it becomes impossible. It just did.


Two days ago, Todd’s ex-business partner filed an emergency motion to have his divorce papers sealed. Yesterday the motion was DENIED.





I think we can all agree that any further focus on rumors and scandal in this campaign will ultimately backfire. Its far less slimey and far more relevant to focus on her far-right social agenda, ignorance of foreign policy, and deception about her record as governor (although any such attempts to expose these things will be dubbed by the campaign as "sexist," which I hope most people are smart enough to see through).

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People usually scoff at the notion of the kneejerk "that's racist!" reaction, so I expect this to get a similar treatment. The debates can't come soon enough. All the conventions did was piss me off.

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I think we can all agree that any further focus on rumors and scandal in this campaign will ultimately backfire.

Especially since SmokingGun apparently shot down the affair rumor as bullshit. I about 80% hate what I've heard about Palin, but any of her enemies are just doing her favors if they fall for and spread any untruthful dirty personal stories about her. When they're disproven, it just makes it look like the poor hot mommy is being picked on.

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This has really been the saddest fucking campaign I could think of... I just turned 21, is this the shit I get to look forward too? More groveling to fucking wrestling fans, more colored candidates dusting their shoulder off like it's fucking open mic night at some comedy club. Old white men who I sort of respected for not following the company line then ended up grabbing their ankles at first chance to appeal to demographics.


It's like this shit was written by some Hollywood hacks... no wonder my family never fucking voted.


What? You never watched The West Wing?


Anyway, this election has extra goofyness going on because it's the first time in almost 90 years since both sides don't have anyone who has ever been a Prez/VP running. Usually, the incumbent is a bit more quiet, a bit less touring, a bit more "I'll campaign but you know I have to do REAL shit."




That guy got a lot of TV time on PBS. I like the guys pointing at him but nobody wants to go over there and get in his face about it.

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GOP rep. Lynn Westmoreland calls Obama "uppity"


Georgia Republican Rep. Lynn Westmoreland used the racially-tinged term "uppity" to describe Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama Thursday.


Westmoreland was discussing vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin's speech with reporters outside the House chamber and was asked to compare her with Michelle Obama.


"Just from what little I’ve seen of her and Mr. Obama, Sen. Obama, they're a member of an elitist-class individual that thinks that they're uppity," Westmoreland said.


Asked to clarify that he used the word “uppity,” Westmoreland said, “Uppity, yeah.”

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"Just from what little I’ve seen of her and Mr. Obama, Sen. Obama, they're a member of an elitist-class individual that thinks that they're uppity," Westmoreland said.


What is he even trying to say with that? That sentence is a grammatical nightmare.

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That the Republicans prefer to have their elitist, high-class individuals more in the variety of white.

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Palin's gender doesn't appear to be having any effect on poll numbers.


Half of all those polled view Palin favorably and 37 percent hold negative opinions. Men are somewhat more apt to view her favorably, but that is mainly because women are far more likely to be Democrats.



My opinion of her has changed since last Wednesday.


Arguments that she isn't experienced enough probably won't gain any traction unless she proves herself a total doofus at press conferences and the VP debate. As it was noted when the case was being made for if Obama had enough experience, we've had good presidents that hadn't a lot of experience that did well in the office, and presidents with vast experience that did horribly. I can excuse Obama's inexperience because I believe he has a good mind of politics and policy. Palin, despite early indications otherwise, appears to be a lot more politically astute than I initially gave her credit for.


Let's look at the two pieces of evidence she's incompetent:


1. She said she wanted to mnow what a VP does every day. I think what she meant was that she wanted to know what her responsibilities as VP in a Republican administration would be. VPs can be as active as Cheney, or as irrelevant to their administrations as most have been in the past. Inher answer to the VP question, she said she was used to being active, which seems to indicate she's perfectly aware that the VP's strict constitutional duties are limited.


2. Her response to not having thought about Iraq a lot. Sure, she could really have not given it thought, or (more likely) she could have been giving a non-committal answer to dodge the question and not sound critical of anyone's position.


The Democrats aren't going to win if they keep underestimating her. The media already let its guard down and let her make fools of them with the news about her daughter. Fortunately, I'm happy to see Obama handled the daughter issue correctly, and Biden has indicated he is taking her very seriously.


Alaska may be a small pond, but she's a big fish in that small pond. I beleive she's quite capable politically, even if I have many other problems with her.

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What they need to hit her on is the fact that she won't grant anyone an interview and is hiding out in Alaska. Go after her on that! Call her out and say that we've got a VP nominee who we know nothing about and who refuses to answer any questions about herself. They can really box her in and force her to start going on TV where she'll probably make a gaffe and say something stupid an also will be forced to talk about her crazy abortion views and her other extreme positions.

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The Democrats aren't going to win if they keep underestimating her. The media already let its guard down and let her make fools of them with the news about her daughter. Fortunately, I'm happy to see Obama handled the daughter issue correctly, and Biden has indicated he is taking her very seriously.


Alaska may be a small pond, but she's a big fish in that small pond. I beleive she's quite capable politically, even if I have many other problems with her.

She has two months, and in that time she has plenty of opportunity to say something stupid that she's going to have to clarify or apologize for in that time. I'm also convinced that the more they let her talk (and McCain was content to hang as dressing and look like a VP while she spoke about the economy today) the sooner she'll stop being entertaining and start being annoying.


If you go after her, you only serve to increase her relevance.


Any and all of those things will be refuted with "Well you're just sexist!"

Hillary tried that as a teflon outfit. It worked for about a week and a half until the media started rolling their eyes and not letting it bother them.


Also, I'd wager Obama kind of knows a thing or two about running against a female candidate by now.

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"If you go after her you increase her relevance."


I wouldn't go after her on this, I'd go after McCain for such an awful pick as symbolic of his judgment. I actually believe that the answers to questions that Jerk cited were honest, and it's not underestimating her to say that she knows bupkis as far as anything outside of Alaska goes. What a farce of an ideological cardboard cutout of a "hockey mom," or whatever bullshit demographic the talking heads have come up with for this election season. Write your own damn speeches, answer some fucking questions on issues, and stop making your Presidential candidate look like a categorical retard for picking you as his running mate. He's got some problems with his age in people's minds, don't make him look like an old coot by getting caught with your skirt up by basic informational media treatment for the American public. "Drill baby drill!" does not an educated executive make, and don't get me started on that revolting chant. If elected, you have a damn good chance of being promoted so try to act like you understand foreign policy or the global economy outside of the value of crude.


Even the even-minded people I thought dwelled here are buying all the rationalizations, all the bloviating on the part of "liberal media" talking heads recruited from the ranks of Republican campaigns and think tanks that stand in defiance of basic rights for our own citizens and cling (yes, cling!, that awful awful word) to the America of the 19-fucking-50s.

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What a farce of an ideological cardboard cutout of a "hockey mom," or whatever bullshit demographic the talking heads have come up with for this election season.

Video about new demographic groups.






Republican vice presidential running mate Sarah Palin is offering her first televised interview to ABC News in the coming week in Alaska.


Palin, the surprise pick of Republican presidential nominee John McCain, has been giving campaign speeches alongside the Arizona senator since the GOP convention but has not sat down for an interview about her views.



Maybe they'll ask her about the plane she didn't really sell on eBay.

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Guest Smues

How does Murkowski's jet have anything to do with this election? He bought it with state money, it pissed everybody off to the point he couldn't even win his primary, Sarah sold it. That was that.

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Because it shows she's a MAVERICK who wants to CUT GOVERNMENT WASTE. Just like she said 'THANKS, BUT NO THANKS' TO THE BRIDGE TO NOWHERE.




(Did I forget anything?)

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