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Best squash/one-sided matches

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The 'squashed' opponent doesn't necessarily need to lose, but it needs to be really one-sided for the majority of the match. Corny miracle combacks probably don't count, unless the preceeding work was phenomenal.



Fujinami v Maeda 6/12/86


Maeda kicks the ever loving shit out of Fujinami, and stretches him like crazy. The finish is actually sort of blown, as Maeda spin kicks Fujinami in the corner, and busts him over hardway worse than anything I've ever seen. (not involving weapons) They have to improvise a draw knock-out finish that's a tad unbelievable. Still, Maeda puts on a clinic, and Fujinami just takes an enormous ass-beating. It's one of the best, most intense matches I've ever seen.



Undertaker v Shawn Michaels, HitC


Definitely Taker's best match. Shawn gets some offense in, but it's more slowing Undertaker down, as it's clear he's in fear for his life. Shawn gets bounced off the cage like a pinball, takes tons of abuseon his back, and by the end of this match, is a mess. Shawn really sells his desperation, and just takes some sick bumps. And it's a good match!



Malenko/Benoit v Taz/Sabu


The favorites come out with some neat offense early, but Malenko and Benoit quickly devastate Taz. injuring him and taking him out of the match (though he has to be carried back to the locker room, because he's a tough little bastard) Sabu comes back with his trademark suicidal offense, but it's clear that once Malenko and Benoit get their hands on him, it's over. They do, and it is. A really fun match, though not nearly the equal of the above two.



Spike Dudley v Mike Awesome. Guilty as Charged.


This isn't a good match, but it deserves mention, just because I watched it on PPV, and was seriously fearing for Spike's health. It's a total squash. Awesome throws him, HARD, outside through tables at least three times, and of course fucking plants him in the ring many others. It's not a great match by any stretch of the imagination, but goddamn, I felt very emotionally invested in it.

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Sting vs. Nikita Koloff at Clash 15. Sting gets his ass kicked the whole match. The one bit of offence Sting gets in, a tombstone piledriver, gets no-sold. Stings gets a roll-up for the win when Koloff misses the Russian Sickle. In my eyes, that match made Koloff look like a complete badass and somebody Sting should watch out for.

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Not sure if it fits your criteria exactly, but there was that match in '01 where Mike Bell fucked up a hip toss, so Saturn threw him out of the ring and he landed right on his head. Ouch.

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If you want more Sting/Vader goodness check out the 24/7 right now for Starrcade 92, which has the finals of the King of Cable tourney. Or you can check out basically ANY WCW show from roughly 1992-95, haha.

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The Ultimate Warrior Vs. The Honky Tonk Man


The Ultimate Warrior Vs. HHH



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Some of the best squashes or one-sided matches these days come from Samoa Joe in TNA. He kills his opponent, and I can't get enough of it. I love watching him wrestle, period.

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Bret/1-2-3 Kid. I know, it was close and Kid got some near-falls, but come on. It's the WWF Champion against the 1-2-3 Kid. IMO, part of what hurt Bret's credibility of being a great champion was a match like this, which gave you an "Oooh, hey good match!" feeling but not a "Wow, Bret's just such a dominant champion." feeling.


Did I like it being as long and competitive as it was? YES.


What should it have been? A 4-minute Bret squash.


I consider it a big extended squash because there was no chance in hell Kid was walking out with the title, under any circumstances.

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Guest jm29195

Goldberg vs Raven from the Nitro after GAB 98- heck any of Goldberg's 98 matches, the crowd was so into him and the destruction jobs he did at the time it was something else, especially when WCW's main event scene had been so stale for ears with no new people getting into the top of the card, you knew this was gonna change with Goldberg- even his match with Hogan could essentially be considered a high powered squash.....

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I remember a squash match (I actually have it on tape) from a episode of Superstars. It was Beverly Brothers vs two jobbers. One of them was called Pete Cristie (sp?). In any case the Beverlo Brothers totally killes Pete. A really nasty looking neck bump to end the match. That about the most memorable thing the Beverly Brothers did to me. The only other match I remember with them was when the Steiners got to beat them at the Royal Rumble 1993.

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It's not classics by any means, but Brock just killing, if I remember off the top of my head correctly, Spanky, London and Shannon Moore, all within a month of each other, was fun, just because of how great the bumping and how huge Brock looked. Not the best way for London to debut though, admittingly...

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Dudleys vs. NAO at No Way Out 2000. The Dudleys were fresh, NAO weren't. Fun to see them get their asses beat and lose the belts.


Anytime The Giant would squash like 3 jobbers at a time in WCW was fun to watch.

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Ooooh...if you're going to bring up Brock Lesnar squashes...how about that match where he destroyed Zach Gowan (the one legged wrestler), and then F5s him into the ring post, right in front of his mom? There was so much blood, they actually switched to a sort of black and white feed at the end...

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Toshiaki Kawada vs. Kendo Kashin from this year's G1. This was basically Kashin getting destroyed the whole match, and every now and then attempting a quick rollup. Kashin got more offense in against Kawada's second (Taichi Ishikari). whom he kept going to the outside and kicking around. But Kashin actually ended up winning after he fell back while Kawada had him in a stretch plum, managing to get a pinning combination. Pretty nifty match.

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Ooooh...if you're going to bring up Brock Lesnar squashes...how about that match where he destroyed Zach Gowan (the one legged wrestler), and then F5s him into the ring post, right in front of his mom? There was so much blood, they actually switched to a sort of black and white feed at the end...


Yes I remember that as being very brutal and bloody. And it was entertaining. Zach was totally destroyed. Im not sure that it was actually a match or not though.

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Vader vs. Tom Zenk at GAB 89. All he got in was a dropkick that barely even knocked Vader back half a step.


The Faces of Fear vs. High Voltage, Nitro in I think 1995.

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Ooooh...if you're going to bring up Brock Lesnar squashes...how about that match where he destroyed Zach Gowan (the one legged wrestler), and then F5s him into the ring post, right in front of his mom? There was so much blood, they actually switched to a sort of black and white feed at the end...


Yes I remember that as being very brutal and bloody. And it was entertaining. Zach was totally destroyed. Im not sure that it was actually a match or not though.

It was a scheduled match, but IIRC Brock just attacked him and threw himn outside where he beat him up in front of his mom. I have this on tape, but havent watched it in 2 years. Now Ill probably go and find it an dtake a look at it.

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"Malenko/Benoit v Taz/Sabu"


-Love this match! Finally somebody else mentions it.



"Speaking of Sting, I recall one PPV match where Vader basically destroyed him the entire time, and I believe won the World Title from him."


Vader actually spends the entire first half match bumping and stooging for Sting and is in serious trouble down the stretch. Their other matches follow a similar pattern.


My picks:


Kawada vs. Akiyama 7/93.

-Kawada stretches and punts the rookie around until he casually puts him away with a one step Lariat.


Midnight Express vs. Road Warriors. Crockett Cup 86

-The Express keep running into dead ends and powerslams until they get themselves d.q.ed and head for the hills.


Hogan vs. Race SNME 88

-Both men doing what they do best. Hogan kicks ass and the ancient Race bumps like a madman.

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