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24: Season 5

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I will believe it when I see it. Fuck that article....



Ripper - In denial since 7:59:57... :58 ... :59....

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Okay. This season is getting good again(In my oppinion anyway). At first I was thinking I just didn't care, but now I'm interested again. Raines better hide her ass because Jack is coming back there and we all know an emotionally fueled Jack does nothign better than wreck house.


I'm not too concerned with Palmer's brother running away. I mean sure, it's pretty cool, but how the fuck did those guys in the van get past the military detail? Plus, it's not like we don't know what will happen. Palmer's brother will call Jack. Jack will kick a bunch of ass. Done deal. Or he'll just meet Mike in the woods and have a chat, then get killed off I'm assuming. But will Palmer's assasination really go anywhere else??? What is there left to say about it?

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Guest Fook

Audrey's a traitor!


I knew as soon as they brought Wayne Palmer back that there'd be an attempt on his life. The only thing was this occurred after the roadblock, so there's someone in the government who's with the terrorists.


The German agent is going to be back in some capacity. We haven't heard the last of him.


And there's still Henderson to deal with.

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The VP is dirty. I'm calling it now.


Awesome filler tonight, setting up Jack v. Audrey. My guess, it's not Audrey, it's

Secretary Heller

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a good point as brought up elsewhere, if they used a fake Jack to frame him in that video, how about a fake Audrey as well?


That fake Jack thing is what makes me think that Henderson is behind the entire thing as a way to get back at Jack and the rest of the government for what happened to him. Henderson would be the type to frame Jack for the whole thing.

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Guest Fook
What did the German chick say about Audrey? I missed that part somehow.


She said that Audrey was the one who supplied her with the schematics she sold to Bierko.

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Guest Fook

I was thinking, you know what the German agent should do as revenge for Jack screwing him out of the wetlist? He should call up the Chinese government and be all like "Hey, guess who's alive..."

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Heh, when Jack had the German chick I was thinking to myself "Is Jack Bauer gonna have to choke a bitch?" and then look what he does to Audrey in the preview for next week.


Jack should have shot the German chick in the leg, THAT'LL get her talking.

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I agree with the spoiler posted above - as to who sold the information.


As for Wayne Palmer, could it be more obvious who is behind that attack? The preview for next week actually showed who is responsible but it was pretty obvious to begin with.

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"Think about what you would do if you were in my situation"


"The question you should be asking yourself is: what would you do if you were in mine"




The German with the Chinese makes sense. Though if he knew about the situation with the Chinese, he should have recognized Bauer. However, if he is out for vengeance, it should be easy to find Jacks enemies.


Audrey supplying the schematics will probably turn out something like she was framed, but Jack did enough to lose her, which makes Jacks day even worse.

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Didn't watch the preview, so this may be common knowledge, but I'm guessing the German op sells Bauer out to the Chinese.


And I'm also guessing that Audrey is dirty, though they'll try to pull a Nina and fake us out as long as they can.

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When Henderson was being interrogated by Bauer, He said you don't wanna test me jack, You're gonna open doors you wish you didn't open (or something like that that). So he probably knows about Audrey being evil or at least being framed for evil.


And I'm really interested in this Wayne Palmer stuff. I saw his name at beginning of the Episode (DB!) so I was all ready to hear what he had to say to Aaron, only to find out I'm still gonna have to wait


And why did tony get screwed? He only got a one second goodbye. I am very disappointed in the 24 writers!

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what would be interesting is if the reason that Audrey sold everyone out was that she was bitter about the government "betraying" Jack at the end of S4.


I was disappointed that there was no fallout from Tony's death and Henderson was (temporarily) forgotten. However the stuff with german agent Desmond (!) was good. I'd like to see more of him.

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I was thinking, you know what the German agent should do as revenge for Jack screwing him out of the wetlist? He should call up the Chinese government and be all like "Hey, guess who's alive..."

Long time reader, first time poster ... how globally known is it that the Chinese were after Jack & he had to fake his death? I was thinking the same thing, that Jack is one phone call away from being in deep trouble with the Chinese gov't, but since this is the first season that I've watched, I didn't know how accurate that thought was.


Would a German Agent know what went on with Jack & the Chinese last season?

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Guest Fook

Well they could have him report back to the German government that an American agent named Jack Bauer blew his cover, then those in Germany can inform him of Jack's supposed death and his trouble with the Chinese.


I too didn't like how they completely glossed over Tony's death and Henderson's escape.

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All the German agent has to do is mention Jack Bauer's name and I'm sure that someone has heard of him. One person finds out that Jack's alive and screwed the Germans over and the Chinese are only a phone call away.

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The only reason that I don't think Audrey is dirty is because she for all purposes should be dead right now. No way was she expected to survive the CTU hit.


Unless she just didn't know who she was selling the blueprints to, and was just screwing people. I still say its her daddy.

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I could buy Audrey being a bad guy(girl). At the end of last season she lost her husband who she wanted to get back together with and her boyfriend who indirectly killed her husband. Not to mention she was kidnapped and going to be killed live on the internet and her brother was tortured as well as her husband all by Jack. I could easily buy her just snapping and starting to look out for herself. Just because she sold building schematics to that woman doesn't mean she is a terrorist, it just makes her dirty.


Of course it is most likely that this is all a misunderstanding and she will be absolved, but I really like the idea of bad girl Audrey.

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I only caught the first hour of Season 5 and this past episode last night, and I don't know what's the story with Audrey (having only watched Season 1 prior to Season 5), but I can buy her as a bad girl. As Collette Stenger said, everyone has their price.

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