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OAO Raw Thread for 1/30/06

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Quit throwing around the hyperbole. This wasn't "the worst RAW in a long time." You probably said that last week. There was actually some pretty good wrestling on this week's show. Nothing earth shattering, but most RAWs after PPVs tend to be this way.


The ending was obvious if you paid attention. I don't know why the announcers acted all confused...Lita accidentally hit Edge, so Cena got DQed. Not that much of a brain scratcher.

I really hope accidentally. I do.

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Shitty Raw tonight


The good


The return of RVD.

Chris Masters confrontation with Carlito. Suprisingly decent stuff.

Shelton didn't job



The bad


The Edge vs. Cena finish. What the fuck???

The Spirit Squad. I'll admit, I was in the minority last week, and didn't hate it. I've officially changed my mind.

Shawn vs. Vince. I don't fucking care

Micky James-Lesbian stalker. See Shawn vs. Vince

Chavo Guerrero jr. tanking. Sadly, I saw this happening.

RVD vs. Snitsky

Shelton's mama

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So you take a title match that was going reasonably well that could have made both guys look at least decent and you proceed to FUCK IT UP THE ASS!


God damn this company and the lazy finishes they book to matches. There was no reason for the interference and no reason to end a TITLE REMATCH with a dusty finish DQ. That was something out of bad booking in Extreme Warfare.


Well still, some good:

Goldust- Seems like a mix of funny Dust and creepy Dust, could work very well

Mickie James- She is doing the psycho bit extremely well, mucho credit

Trish-Mickie-Ashley segment- It played off the psycho bit real well, pity it's the best angle on RAW.


Everything else was bad. The World title match was going very well for me until they fucking destroyed it. The tag titles match imploded and they need to figure out WHO is winning the tag titles cause right now they don't have a tag division at all. Splitting Murdock and Cade looks stupider every damn day. The RVD beats up Carlito interview didn't make much sense since I don't recall seeing RVD beat up Carlito on RAW but I might have missed it. HHH-Chavo was going average at best but Chavo is now dead weight thanks to shitty booking.

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I don't get that finish at all, it was just too weird. Honestly, at this point I think a lot of the crowd has just given up on booing Cena and just not giving a shit. At least that's what I'd think from tonight. In other words he's getting closer and closer to X-Pac type heat.


It's like the stages of coping: First comes rejecting something entirely, then you come to terms with it, then you are apathetic and ready to move on.


Man, could this RVD/Carlito feud be more blatantly filler? I'm betting that Carlito enlists Masters to help him beat RVD, but Masters "screws it up" (as in turns on Carlito, sort of) and costs him that match as a receipt for tossing him from the Rumble and the E.C.

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I wonder where they'll go with this, or if they'll completely ignore it.


Itd be the perfect way to introduce the "Lita used Edge and now hes a loser and shes done with him" angle..



So she'll be like Sunny back when she would be with the tag champs, and when they lost the titles she would turn on them and join the new champs? :D

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The RVD beats up Carlito interview didn't make much sense since I don't recall seeing RVD beat up Carlito on RAW but I might have missed it.



It was on Unlimited, and I don't think it was shown on RAW at all. I thought it was stupid how they instantly went to RVD and talked about it, but most fans wouldn't have any idea what is going on.

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I'm starting to think they should just make the World Title match into a three way dance. But the problem you'll have is the crowd will hate EVERYONE in the match. Plus the "who will Lita choose" bull would overshadow the story. God, they have just painted themselves into a corner.


They had a decent face in Cena but two months of gay jokes every ten seconds and boring promos filled with catchphrases (which suck) have left him a heel. Edge is a heel because he's with Lita, otherwise no one seems to care about his existance. HHH is feuding with Rey or Eddie, I have no idea anymore what is going on there.


Who is the next over face? HBK, busy with Vince.

RVD? Stuck in a dead end feud with Carlito

Kane and Big Show? Big Show has been punked out by HHH like five times in one month and Kane has always been his bitch.


RAW is shelled, it's absolutely shelled.

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The RVD beats up Carlito interview didn't make much sense since I don't recall seeing RVD beat up Carlito on RAW but I might have missed it.



It was on Unlimited, and I don't think it was shown on RAW at all. I thought it was stupid how they instantly went to RVD and talked about it, but most fans wouldn't have any idea what is going on.


I figured as much. That was really stupid. They could have at least showed a fucking HIGHLIGHT like they always do on RAW when something important happens on Unlimited. Does anyone think RAW was really without direction tonight? I mean, it seemed like everyone was just lost about what they were doing, where they were going or what the hell was going to happen. I don't think I've seen anything like this, RAW really looked bad tonight even from a production standpoint.

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Wow, sounds really shitty. Think I'll miss out tonight. Thanks for the review!

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They should turn Carlito and Masters into a psuedo-comedy face duo. It could work. Carlito is like Flair - he's supposed to be a cheat but the crowd still likes him.


Masters would just be his dopy sidekick/enforcer. Carlito brains, Masters brawn. Can you dig that brother?


The sad thing is I think I'm actually serious.



I predict next week Lita will say she hit Edge on purpose to get him the win, but Edge will be pissed because the title doesn't change on DQ. He will ask for another shot at Cena but Vince will say no and hence Edge will be slotted into a horrible WM match against Foley or whoever.


At least Edge didn't look like a jobber here.


Edit: If you TIVOd it watch the Carlito/Masters promo and maybe the match. The rest was garbage.

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Of those guys mentioned, RVD is the easiest to move around on the card. Let's face it, this Carlito thing is basically just filler anyway. At most it'll last till the Sat. Night's Main Event where we'll see more Masters cost Carlito the match or whatever. Let's face it, they showed a key moment offscreen on the website...not like this feud is THAT heated. If anything I'm more interested in this Carlito/Masters storyline since that's getting more TV time.


Honestly, after Edge is done jobbing in the main event scene, he'll be back on the undercard. Probably in a feud with RVD (and jobbing there too).

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After tonight, I get the feeling that Rey is coming to RAW. The show needs a face, they seem hell bent on Orton vs Angle for Smackdown and to have Rey lose the title shot would be complete insanity. Rey should just move over to RAW and slide him into the main event.


The Rey vs HHH feud is already built and waiting anyway. Hell, have Rey win the RAW title (yeah I know, hot shotting the belt is stupid but at least then HHH in the title match makes SENSE) at the Saturday Main Event and just have Rey vs Hunter at Mania. It MAKES SENSE, something that is quickly becoming a rarity.


Edge and Cena can continue their bullshit with a gimmick match at Mania with the winner getting a title shot or a rub and tug from Lita, it no longer matters. Something.

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Wow, this makes me glad that I accidently set me DVD-Ram to wrong channel. At least I can watch TNA tonight.

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This was far from the worst RAW ever... it was decent bordering on good. Edge started with a solid little promo and Shawn/Vince was okay if not anything new. They just wanted to reinforce Shane's involvement for the larger RAW audience.


RVD didn't get a squash like I thought when I saw Snitsky in the ring and he's moving into the predicted Carlito feud. Who knows how that'll turn out, but I've reserve judgement until it starts.


Trips didn't show ass for Chavo like I thought he might, but whatever, he's in the WM ME and he's going to be getting strong booking... it was not the way I'd have gone about it, but makes sense I guess. I would've given Chavo the win then have HHH in a rematch beat his ass with a chair or sledge taking a DQ. Then he can go over next show and pedigree him to hell if they must give him back his win.


Show/Kane vs. Carlito/Masters was a solid tag match. Perfectly acceptable wrestling. Plus the prematch promo was fun.


Shelton is getting his push and it's good that he's getting more time in the midcard cause they've been giving too many people the Main Event hardsell. Plus he never got a decent IC title feud, sans taking the belt off Orton. I'd have preferred the T.O. gimmick I've heard around the boards, but that can easily evolve from this, since premodonna is a logical leap from mama's boy.


And I loved the fact that they progressed Trish/Mickey the way they did. I think Trish turning isn't all that impossible now, if a crowd chants "We Love Psycho's" if I heard correctly... EDIT: could've been "Mickey's Psycho" though, not sure. Either way it's not impossible for the swerve to go down.


And I think the Main Event finish was a way to not give up on Edge. It was reported by someone that Meltzer said Vince had a talk with him the night of the PPV and this may be the start of it. He does have a legit reason for claiming another rematch now (DQ win over Cena), even if it's "bullshit" cause Lita hit him trying to hit Cena or even if they planned it. He's opportunistic. That coupled with the announcers acting the way they did makes me think something is up.

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Why of all people would you have RVD face Snitsky in his first match back? A shitty big man like Snitsky vs. an obviously rusty RVD. I think it almost would have been a good idea to have Rob work some Dec. house shows and get back in the groove before his TV return. I doubt anyone will remember that crappy Snitsky match 2 days from now, but it didn't help Van Dam by any means.


As far as Rey goes, it's sheer insanity to take him off SD. As hideously depleted as that roster is and then they lose their most popular wrestler? Why not send HHH over to SD, since that roster needs a heel big time? Edge can then hold down that top heel spot on Raw without The Game's conniving.

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Guest PejaVu

Why do you people bitch about everything on RAW and then watch it every week? You say the WWE and their writers are idiots, yet you waste your time watching and discussing something you appearantly think is horrible. Wouldn't kinda, sorta, just a tad wee bit make you yourself either an idiot or a hypocrite? Possibly both.


Also the Triple H hate around here is rediculous and annoying. It's almost like this place is for nothing but bitter "smarks" who constantly need to reassure themselves and each other how "evil" Triple H is by blaming everything wrong in the WWE on Hunter. It's really pretty damn pathetic, yet I actually get a bit of a kick out of it for some odd reason.


NEWS FLASH #1: If you don't like something on TV, DONT WATCH IT!

I don't like "Will & Grace". So do I watch it then go to a Will & Grace message board and bitch about how bad it is? No. I just don't watch it.


NEWS FLASH #2: The WWE isn't entirely about "wrestling" matches. It never has been. It never will be. If you're watching the WWE expecting to see a 45-minute technical masterpiece, well then you're a dumbass who's wasting their time. The WWE is about Sports Entertainment! Character-driven storylines are as much a part of the show as the scripted in-ring competition. Thats the way it is, the way its been, and the way it always will be. We all know that. That's what makes the biggest proft.

If you don't like that, then don't watch.

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So what you are saying is that you have to like EVERY SINGLE THING that the WWE does, and if you don't, you shouldn't voice your opinion. That line of thinking is "rediculous"


Edit: People don't have a problem with them not having 45 minute matches. What they do have a problem with is illogical storylines from failed Hollywood script writers who couldn't get a job writing for "real" TV shows and the majority of whom are not wrestling fans.

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If you dont like the dialogue of 'smarks'...why did you come to thesmartmarks.com? To tell us all about your brilliant theory that 4'7 is closer to 7'4 than 6'10 or whatever? Do you happen to know a Dave that works in the field of Journalism?

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Guest cacheton
There is a pretty big HHH chant on Unlimited right now.


I guess HHH doesn't know how to work heel.

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