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Good 'ol Paul, always putting the family business before himself.


Who needed 4+ ratings anyways as long as HHH is the top heel, right?

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To be fair, I don't think HHH really had the final say here. He may have pushed for Edge to lose to Cena, but the real reason that Cena has the belt right now is that Vince decreed from on high that Cena shall be the face of the future, and as such, Vince will continue to cram Cena down our throats until we accept him.

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And there's no real alternative, if i watch TNA, i have to sit through Jarrett doing the same thing. But at least TNA have the sense to have Jarrett heel so the booing actually makes sense. Even if its for the wrong reasons.

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Edge is really overrated, you guys. Maybe this means he'll revert to those "Oh...GOD! I....AM....SO....MAD! I...should have...the BELT!" promos that were so awful and basically just made him HHH with giant teeth.

He may have moved his lips during those promos, but his teeth stayed clinched. He was soooo MAD!!


Edge was horrible as that type of heel, but he was really good as a cocky jackass. I'd much rather he have the belt than Cena.

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Edge is really overrated, you guys. Maybe this means he'll revert to those "Oh...GOD! I....AM....SO....MAD! I...should have...the BELT!" promos that were so awful and basically just made him HHH with giant teeth.

He may have moved his lips during those promos, but his teeth stayed clinched. He was soooo MAD!!


Edge was horrible as that type of heel, but he was really good as a cocky jackass. I'd much rather he have the belt than Cena.


I never thought I'd say this, but I'd rather the belt be on Triple H than either one of them.

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The thing that pisses me off the most is that according to Internet Reports, HHH & Edge are supposed to be "friends", backstage. Vince & HHH literally conned Edge into coming over to RAW with the false promise of a main event push. That is the most dishonest thing that HHH could ever do to a fellow RAW colleague. I mean, Edge is the same guy that went on Off The Record, and defended HHH, and this is the thanks he gets?



Paul Levesque is a snake.


I agree. How could he do such a heinous thing to a stand up guy like Edge?! I mean, Edge would never stab any of his friends in the back in such a manner. I am dissapointed that HHH would do something that could potentially ruin the life and career of a fellow superstar, let alone friend! Edge, the great savior of RAW, Edge, he would never do such a thing! Parish the thought!

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The thing that pisses me off the most is that according to Internet Reports, HHH & Edge are supposed to be "friends", backstage. Vince & HHH literally conned Edge into coming over to RAW with the false promise of a main event push. That is the most dishonest thing that HHH could ever do to a fellow RAW colleague. I mean, Edge is the same guy that went on Off The Record, and defended HHH, and this is the thanks he gets?



Paul Levesque is a snake.


I agree. How could he do such a heinous thing to a stand up guy like Edge?! I mean, Edge would never stab any of his friends in the back in such a manner. I am dissapointed that HHH would do something that could potentially ruin the life and career of a fellow superstar, let alone friend! Edge, the great savior of RAW, Edge, he would never do such a thing! Parish the thought!


Yes, because what a guy does in his personal life is worse for the business then what Triple H did for the business and himself.


Screwing another guy's gf isn't damaging the company, letting your ego get insecure about something, that regardless of it's success, needed to be aborted, that damages the company just a little more.

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The second Edge started pulling in the ratings and great heat as a heel champion, I knew it was only a matter of time before Triple H began to feel threatened.


If Triple H wants to be the biggest heel on Raw, he should concentrate on getting himself over, not hurting the other heels.



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This isn't the first time Triple H did this. However, unlike the others in the past, he was swifter about it. He let Kane dominate the ratings surge in summer 2003 for a couple of months but ultimately made sure he was knocked back down to the mid-card in a heatless feud with Shane. When he appointed himself back as the focus of the show, ratings dropped yet again, as we all expected.

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Success? Edge bossted the ratings for two or three weeks and it's a success?! Oh me oh my. You know, a guy named Kane used to also do that and I don't see people clamoring for him to have the WWE title. Ratings boosts do not determine if something is successful or not. There has to be a consistency, and with Edge, there is none. His title run was aborted, yes, so we may never get to know if he would have led the WWE into the glory days of 6 and 7 ratings with his live sex shows featuring his Herpes Whore Lita. However, you cannot deny that Edge has been in the main event scene or very close to it for some time and um, last I checked, the WWE is just as lame and shitty as ever. In the grand scheme of things, HHH can bury whichever superstar he wants because if he doesn't, the WWE will bungle whatever momentum they would have gained anyways. When HHH starts the burial of Steve Austin and Rock level stars, I'll hop on your rusting HHHate Bandwagon. However, he is so called "burying" people like Edge who is on shaky footing anyways and up until a few weeks ago receiving the same amount of crowd reaction as Carlito Cool.


You all can piss and moan about HHH and come up with your witty slogans all you wish, but it is Vince McMahon and the WWE creative who really need to shoulder the blame. Vince lays out things the way HE wants them and changes things he does not want. It's his company and his way or the highway. And the creative team, they are lacking in everything needed for the creation of creative and interesting storylines. But who knows, maybe they're not, maybe they are playing to the whims of McMahon. Maybe McMahon is so hung up on HHH and Cena that Hunter sees no point in telling him to back off. Why? HHH is still making millions if the company is suffering or not. They are not going to go out of business anytime soon, so why should HHH risk his spot telling Vince to do something he may disagree with? Why fall out of favor with the boss? And that's who it all comes back to, the boss, Vince McMahon.

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Guest hasbeen
Those gimmicks are fucking horrible, The Boogeyman is alright and is pretty entertaining, but thats fucking it. No Fidel Castro type fucking gimmick.


These writers are problay not even wrestling fans, it fucking disgusts me.



What did you think of the boogeyman gimmick when you first heard about it?

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You all can piss and moan about HHH and come up with your witty slogans all you wish, but it is Vince McMahon and the WWE creative who really need to shoulder the blame.


HHH is part of the WWE creative team.


BTW, you're portraying HHH as just another employee. Pardon me while I pause to laugh at that. HHH is a McMahon now, hell, he's the father of Vince's next grandchild. Don't act as if he has to pull Vince's arm to get him to push HHH at the expense of anyone else, and also don't act as if he couldn't persuade Vince to push someone else as the top heel, 'for the good of the business'.

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Success? Edge bossted the ratings for two or three weeks and it's a success?! Oh me oh my. You know, a guy named Kane used to also do that and I don't see people clamoring for him to have the WWE title. Ratings boosts do not determine if something is successful or not. There has to be a consistency, and with Edge, there is none. His title run was aborted, yes, so we may never get to know if he would have led the WWE into the glory days of 6 and 7 ratings with his live sex shows featuring his Herpes Whore Lita. However, you cannot deny that Edge has been in the main event scene or very close to it for some time and um, last I checked, the WWE is just as lame and shitty as ever. In the grand scheme of things, HHH can bury whichever superstar he wants because if he doesn't, the WWE will bungle whatever momentum they would have gained anyways. When HHH starts the burial of Steve Austin and Rock level stars, I'll hop on your rusting HHHate Bandwagon. However, he is so called "burying" people like Edge who is on shaky footing anyways and up until a few weeks ago receiving the same amount of crowd reaction as Carlito Cool.


You all can piss and moan about HHH and come up with your witty slogans all you wish, but it is Vince McMahon and the WWE creative who really need to shoulder the blame. Vince lays out things the way HE wants them and changes things he does not want. It's his company and his way or the highway. And the creative team, they are lacking in everything needed for the creation of creative and interesting storylines. But who knows, maybe they're not, maybe they are playing to the whims of McMahon. Maybe McMahon is so hung up on HHH and Cena that Hunter sees no point in telling him to back off. Why? HHH is still making millions if the company is suffering or not. They are not going to go out of business anytime soon, so why should HHH risk his spot telling Vince to do something he may disagree with? Why fall out of favor with the boss? And that's who it all comes back to, the boss, Vince McMahon.



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I got one responce to that rant: "Point to anyone in the WWE that are "Steve Austin or Rock" level stars"


Once you get back to me on that one we'll talk further

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No one will ever be allowed to get to "Steve Austin" or "Rock" like levels as long as HHH is in charge. John Cena is currently the closest guy they got to that level despite him still being far from it.

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I got one responce to that rant: "Point to anyone in the WWE that are "Steve Austin or Rock" level stars"


Once you get back to me on that one we'll talk further


Um, there are none, that's the point I was making. How is HHH being as detrimental to the company, the cancer you all claim he is when no one he is holding down is worth a damn? HHH himself isn't even worth anything. He suffers in the same manner as the rest of the roster, bad booking and bad storylines, fortunately he has been on top so long it does not effect him as much. And you people continue to ignore my main point, no matter how much HHH holds down this "up and coming star" or this "OMG~! DID YOU HEAR THOSE POPS AND SEE THAT MINOR RISE IN RATINGS LEAVE THE TITLE ON HIM FOREVER~!!!!!!" smark favorite, it does not matter anyways as eventually their momentum would be cut off by the WWE management.


Smackdown stars are far away from HHH's usual level of high influence and the show is an absolute mess of stop-start pushes and abandoned storylines. Raise your hand if you think Mark Henry will be relevant in six months, no matter how much he improves? Do you think MNM will have any lasting impact on the show? What about current Rumble winner Mysterio? Even WWE's boy Orton isn't immune. Look at the debacle that was the Orton/UT feud. Orton's heat has evaporated into nothing because of that, and the WWE is totally behind this guy!


It's all HHH did this, and HHH uses his pull to get that, but in the grand scheme of things none of that matters. It will only matter when someone, say RVD, has a beautifully booked 8 month world title reign and HHH comes out and squashes him in a one minute match, then I'll join your crusade. But right now, the way the WWE works, the champion could probably lose by interference from Mama Benjamin, or some other wacky, comedic way. It's quite possible and that's more of a threat to the survival of the company than HHH, at this time anyways.

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I got one responce to that rant: "Point to anyone in the WWE that are "Steve Austin or Rock" level stars"


Once you get back to me on that one we'll talk further


Um, there are none, that's the point I was making. How is HHH being as detrimental to the company, the cancer you all claim he is when no one he is holding down is worth a damn? HHH himself isn't even worth anything. He suffers in the same manner as the rest of the roster, bad booking and bad storylines, fortunately he has been on top so long it does not effect him as much. And you people continue to ignore my main point, no matter how much HHH holds down this "up and coming star" or this "OMG~! DID YOU HEAR THOSE POPS AND SEE THAT MINOR RISE IN RATINGS LEAVE THE TITLE ON HIM FOREVER~!!!!!!" smark favorite, it does not matter anyways as eventually their momentum would be cut off by the WWE management.


Smackdown stars are far away from HHH's usual level of high influence and the show is an absolute mess of stop-start pushes and abandoned storylines. Raise your hand if you think Mark Henry will be relevant in six months, no matter how much he improves? Do you think MNM will have any lasting impact on the show? What about current Rumble winner Mysterio? Even WWE's boy Orton isn't immune. Look at the debacle that was the Orton/UT feud. Orton's heat has evaporated into nothing because of that, and the WWE is totally behind this guy!


It's all HHH did this, and HHH uses his pull to get that, but in the grand scheme of things none of that matters. It will only matter when someone, say RVD, has a beautifully booked 8 month world title reign and HHH comes out and squashes him in a one minute match, then I'll join your crusade. But right now, the way the WWE works, the champion could probably lose by interference from Mama Benjamin, or some other wacky, comedic way. It's quite possible and that's more of a threat to the survival of the company than HHH, at this time anyways.

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You see Smackdown has the Undertaker which is the equivilant of RAW's HHH...


Whatever... I'm sick of these backstage politics. When and if HHH and UT retire, there will be some other wrestler trying to pull the strings of the company. This has happened in most wrestling organization forever. This is what happens when you have a fixed sport.

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Anyway, I guess the sad thing is that, we will never see Edge's full potential as main event draw. Maybe the wrestlers and Edge will look at these aborted pushes and leave for ROH or TNA.


The problem with having one main company is that some wrestlers have jobs for life (HHH, Flair, UT, HBK) and of course in HHH case, he wants the belt. UT may come at a close second but he has been less sucessful at it. If wrestlers (main eventers and upper carders) aren't leaving the company, it creates a log jam up there. People like Jericho, Benoit, and Edge have an outside chance of winning the belt due to a lack of push and length of their reigns and their threat level. HHH is always a threat to the belt.


Let's say YOU win the WWE Title and YOU have defended it for 6 months. There is only one place to go and that is down. When WCW and WWF were in business, is used to be, one company's midcarder is anothers main eventer. It was also the opposite in some situations.

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I like angry Edge. It worked a lot better for him as a heel rather than a face.

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I liked the Edge who would prance around on the stage acting like people gave a rat's ass about him in Toronto for SummerSlam 2004. That was hilarious seeing him act like he was this big main event star people cared about, yet got his ass booed. I think John Cena kind of has that vibe going right now.

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What we really need at WM is a 4 way match between HHH, Taker, JBL, and Hogan just to see who the king of politics really is in the WWE. I mean, can you imagine them going over the match beforehand?


Taker: I'm not jobbing...




Hogan: Brother, there is no way in hell that I'm...


JBL: I don't care about winning but I won't be the won't who'll get pinned!


Taker: I'm not feeling that...


HHH: JBL, you can't even work WWE Style!


Hogan: I'm going over brother!


Taker: Nope, I'm not feeling that.


My god.

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What we really need at WM is a 4 way match between HHH, Taker, JBL, and Hogan just to see who the king of politics really is in the WWE. I mean, can you imagine them going over the match beforehand?


Taker: I'm not jobbing...




Hogan: Brother, there is no way in hell that I'm...


JBL: I don't care about winning but I won't be the won't who'll get pinned!


Taker: I'm not feeling that...


HHH: JBL, you can't even work WWE Style!


Hogan: I'm going over brother!


Taker: Nope, I'm not feeling that.


My god.


Sadly this idea makes me happy and from a management standpoint draw huge.

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