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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

OAO No Way Out Thread, Feb/19th/2006

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I'd turn Rey into a whiney face complaining that Randy cheated, and challenges him to a rematch.


Benoit goes to Rey and bitches at him for being a cry-baby, Rey gets defensive. Booker T also puts in his title shot re-match clause that night.


Rey/Orton goes first with it going 10 minutes, until Booker T comes out. They play up that Booker owns Randy that favor. Benoit charges out and during it all, Booker fucks up and costs Randy the match. Rey gets the cheap pin and is now the #1 contender again.


Orton comes out to Booker but Mysterio comes out and screws up and costs Benoit the title. Booker is the new champion.


Meanwhile, Teddy Long is baffled by this and can't figure anything out and makes a decision.


Due to the confusion caused by the recent on-goings...The Undertaker is re-named the #1 contender due to a strong performence and that the US Title will be between Orton/Rey/Booker/Benoit.


That'd clear up the entire mess. Undertaker wins the match, takes a 2 month reign where Orton FINALLY beats Undertaker for the title. Rey finally gets his moment in the sun by pinning Booker T to win the US Title.


That leads to the perfect timing of Batista coming back to chase Orton for his World Title.


No thanks. It's bad enough for the Rumble winner to put his shot on the line, but for the GM to null it completely? And Orton has already beated Undertaker at Summerslam.


The meaning of the rumble winner having a title shot was blown to hell tonight and it's not like a Rumble winner hasn't ended up not getting the title shot @ Mania before anyways.


I mean, If you want to let meaningless stuff like the now worthless rumble stipulation to force us into what will be an atrocious match, fine.

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Guest Dr Stupid

Whatever they do with the title at WM and just after it, I want to see Angle as champ when Batista comes back.

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Against Angle @ Mania? He'd fucking bring it. He always brings it with good people in the ring.


Why bother? Because it'd be a good match that has alot of interest because of tonight's match and people would interested to see if Angle can pin him again, this time with the streak on the line.


That is a HELL of a lot more interesting the Randy Vs Kurt.


MAYBE 250,000 households saw tonight's match. Just because you saw it and loved it doesn't mean it's the best way to go, especially when they would likely duplicate the match (HBK/Angle anyone?). Sacrificing Kurt to Taker's ego would be insanely counterproductive at this point because you know Taker's ready for another 4-6 month vacation after Mania, while Kurt could lose an arm in a match and would still try to make the next taping. I don't believe in sacrificing the best guy you've got for a single night, especially when he was made to look awful for months at a time by Cena, who will also be sacrificed on the same show. The world does not need a HHH/Undertaker headed WWE. Think of the children.

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"People a month or two ago were saying that Cena is starting to get X-Pac heat. So wrong. Cena at least gets a passionate reaction, be it from those who love him or hate him. Orton is truly the guy getting the X-Pac heat. As in no reactions, nobody gives a shit, just wish he'd get released and/or run over by a truck. That my friends is X-Pac heat."


And that, my friends, is in the sig.

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MAYBE 250,000 households saw tonight's match. Just because you saw it and loved it doesn't mean it's the best way to go, especially when they would likely duplicate the match (HBK/Angle anyone?). Sacrificing Kurt to Taker's ego would be insanely counterproductive at this point because you know Taker's ready for another 4-6 month vacation after Mania, while Kurt could lose an arm in a match and would still try to make the next taping. I don't believe in sacrificing the best guy you've got for a single night, especially when he was made to look awful for months at a time by Cena, who will also be sacrificed on the same show. The world does not need a HHH/Undertaker headed WWE. Think of the children.

The one bad thing about having Angle/UT is that it's a repeat of what happened tonight. I like having something that hasn't happened in a while as the main at WM, just not Angle/Orton in a one on one.


Sure, I'd like to see it, but I don't know if it'll bring buys.

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Against Angle @ Mania? He'd fucking bring it. He always brings it with good people in the ring.


Why bother? Because it'd be a good match that has alot of interest because of tonight's match and people would interested to see if Angle can pin him again, this time with the streak on the line.


That is a HELL of a lot more interesting the Randy Vs Kurt.


MAYBE 250,000 households saw tonight's match. Just because you saw it and loved it doesn't mean it's the best way to go, especially when they would likely duplicate the match (HBK/Angle anyone?). Sacrificing Kurt to Taker's ego would be insanely counterproductive at this point because you know Taker's ready for another 4-6 month vacation after Mania, while Kurt could lose an arm in a match and would still try to make the next taping. I don't believe in sacrificing the best guy you've got for a single night, especially when he was made to look awful for months at a time by Cena, who will also be sacrificed on the same show. The world does not need a HHH/Undertaker headed WWE. Think of the children.


Unlike Shawn/Angle, Undertaker and Angle would actually build off tonight's match.


Putting Randy Orton, unover as he is as your champion is also counterproductive. Sticking Mysterio in there, who has come off as a total loser for losing tonight's match isn't doing any favors.

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Any thoughts on a possible SNME card yet, at least with the SD side?


If they do in fact go with a possible 4 way w/ Angle v. Orton v. Rey v. Taker at Mania (which I honestly think is the best idea at this point to kind of give that title match something unique for Mania, I could certainly see them mixing up those four on that show in two seperate singles matches- best idea probably being to just have rematches from this ppv tonight. Taker/Angle would be non-title so Taker could go over and Rey over Orton to give him back some credibility leading into Mania.

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Guest Dr Stupid
Sorry Dr. Stupid, but Randall will be champ when David gets back.



Well, if he was, then I would expect Batista to win first try, showing Orton as the transitional champ he can only be. Orton '06 reign will be same as Orton '04

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Whatever they do with the title at WM and just after it, I want to see Angle as champ when Batista comes back.

Angle vs. Batista = $$$

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees

Shit, at this point they need to just scrape all the "plans" they had and just put Angle/Taker III (we will ignore everything prior to the SD match) as the main event. The show is heading to bust-land, just admit and do a bunch of quickie set up and go for the work-rate crowd.


The WWE doesn't need Taker as a champion,

But they need RANDY ORTON?


Taker as champ necessitates either a long run, or a short reign with a fluke title loss. Neither is good. Orton could drop the title the following SD and no one would complain. He's a transitional champ, while they'd more than likely try to stretch this last Taker run out or just do the title swap to preserve his meaningless streak and then have him drop it back to Kurt or to Orton, which makes me say "why bother?" doing that match at all. We just saw it with Cena/Edge/Cena and I can't see Taker bringing the workrate this soon after his annual effort to show he's still got something.

Orton is so heatless now that putting him anywhere near the belt is only going to hurt it. And he's become so bad in the ring and on the mic that rewarding him would send the wrong message.

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Well, one thing we can all be happy about is that WWE has finally given Angle the serious ME push he deserves. He is booked like the #1 badass in the company now. When was the last time UT jobbed clean? Summer Slam 98? 1998? Angle is being booked as a strong, smart, face...


He's finally living up to the 3 I's.

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Guest Bammey

Yeah I'd nominate Angle/Taker an early MOTY candidate.


Mysterio and Orton was also pretty well but Orton's goofy selling really hinders him.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
Well, one thing we can all be happy about is that WWE has finally given Angle the serious ME push he deserves. He is booked like the #1 badass in the company now. When was the last time UT jobbed clean? Summer Slam 98? 1998? Angle is being booked as a strong, smart, face...


He's finally living up to the 3 I's.

This was cleaner than the Summerslam match. Austin hit Taker in the balls before the Stunner there.

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I'd rather have Rey in a filler match early on than in the title match. That way when he stupidly points to Eddy in the sky about 37 times, I won't have to watch it. And I want Randall to have a year-long title run... in which he slowly gains back the praise of all you fickle fans.

Fortunately for us, your hormones are not on the WWE booking committee.

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I haven't fully read this thread, so if it was posted already, meh. Apparently, there was a preshow note floating around from Alvarez.


Also, as of right now, the plan for the main event at WrestleMania has been changed to Kurt Angle vs. Rey Misterio vs. Randy Orton in a three-way.

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To reiterate an earlier post, I'll still wonder how well the audience will recieve Rey after NWO, as the creative team apparently believes that after such a dramatic failure last night, that him going to the WM main event will somehow make him more of an underdog, and provide an inspriational build-up for the PPV.

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Here's how I would salvage WrestleMania,


Fatal Four Way Elimination Match for the World Heavyweight Championship

Randy Orton vs Rey Mysterio vs Undertaker vs Kurt Angle


WWE Championship

John Cena vs Triple H


United States Championship

Chris Benoit vs Finlay


Retirement Match

Shawn Michaels vs Edge

(Have Edge become Vince's boy. Michaels wants time off, here's a way to do it.)


#1 Contendership Match

Lashley vs JBL III

(Have JBL rant about how he deserves a title shot for ending Booby's undefeated streak. Long agrees but only if he can beat Lashley again, so he makes JBL/Lashley 3 with the winner getting a title shot on a future episode of SmackDown.)


Shelton Benjamin vs Rob Van Dam

(Shelton should be IC Champion here and challenge Van Dam to match. RVD agrees but only if it's nontitle because he's above the IC title. McMahon makes it title match with the stip that the winner can trade in the IC title for a World title show. Van Dam agrees and takes it at ONS 2.


Booker T vs The Boogeyman


Tag Team Championship

Big Show and Kane vs Ric Flair and Arn Anderson

(Pure fantasy booking here, but it could happen)


MNM and Greg Helms vs Hardy, Tatanka, London

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
They just can't keep Randy away, can they?

How could you ignore that heat? How could you keep charisma and matches like that out of the main event?


Another sidenote is that after Angle won the belt, many of us were claimoring for Angle/Taker to main event Mania while others screamed that Taker could never have a good match again because his matches with Orton and Hassan and Heidenreich sucked. I think this match may have pointed out who brought those matches down to that level. (Hint: it wasn't the Undertaker)

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
Shelton Benjamin vs Rob Van Dam

(Shelton should be IC Champion here and challenge Van Dam to match. RVD agrees but only if it's nontitle because he's above the IC title. McMahon makes it title match with the stip that the winner can trade in the IC title for a World title show. Van Dam agrees and takes it at ONS 2.


Why, exactly, are we burying the intercontinental title immediately after Shelton wins it?

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the main event for SD is Angle/Taker/Henry/Orton for the title :(


Oh..I'm not sure if it was mentioned, but Orton had the flu or something the past couple of weeks and still hasn't got over it.

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the main event for SD is Angle/Taker/Henry/Orton for the title :(


Oh..I'm not sure if it was mentioned, but Orton had the flu or something the past couple of weeks and still hasn't got over it.


Ya know, the flu is a very bad thing. It could spread and get the entire locker room sick as well. I mean, It could wipe out the entire smackdown side.


Randy Orton needs to step up and take a well deserved six week break to heal from the flu.

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Well he hasn't wrestled in a couple of weeks because of him being sick. I don't expect him to do much Tuesday. I do however want to see if I can get him to sign a bottle of Nyquil :P

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Taker vs. Angle, 2/3 falls is DEMANDED. I imagine they will get a rematch 2 weeks from now, or something, given that we have 6 weeks leading up to WM, and Henry will get involved then. I am not against Henry/Taker given their last Smackdown match, though it wouldn't be as good as Taker/Angle. I dunno how Taker and Angle could top what they did tonight... but then again, they were able to top their Smackdown match.

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the main event for SD is Angle/Taker/Henry/Orton for the title :(


Oh..I'm not sure if it was mentioned, but Orton had the flu or something the past couple of weeks and still hasn't got over it.


Ya know, the flu is a very bad thing. It could spread and get the entire locker room sick as well. I mean, It could wipe out the entire smackdown side.


Randy Orton needs to step up and take a well deserved six week break to heal from the flu.

Naw- Johnny Ace knew all about it, no problem.

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