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OAO Post Mania 22 Raw Thread

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So where is this all going? I mean the continuing Cena title reign.


If I had to guess? Triple Threat match at Backlash, HHH pins Edge for the title. Cena gets protected, HHH gets his belt and Edge enjoys his place in the "someday when you learn to talk" bin with RVD.

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Yes, I watched the show. I obviously saw something you didn't.


Cena may have been ignorant, but HHH was almost teasing a face turn when they were both rocking Edge. How is Edge HHH's bitch ? I'm missing that. Yes, HHH finished Cena with one move, which happend to be his finisher, you know, the Pedigree. The same move he's used for years to pin many people. HHH simply outsmarted all involved, that's his gimmick.

HHH was teasing a face turn b/c he wants to be the heel that everyone likes, not the heel that he should be.


HHH only got involved with the match when Edge accidentally speared him, then he got all mad and started beating the piss out of Edge. Then he made Cena look like an asshole, and Edge was left in the middle of the ring, bewildered and beaten. This is in addition to all of the psychology of HHH patronizing Edge throughout the match, making him do all the work.


HHH outsmarted his opponents? Please. He made Cena look like an asshole- there's no outsmarting involved there, he just took advantage of Cena's idiocy. He got the "cerebral assassin" nickname when he started scheming and planning, not when he took advantage of a guy acting like an asshole.


Let's be clear about something- I'm not a HHH hater. I think he's good at what he does when he wants to be, and I gotta respect him for putting himself into such a high position of power. I just wish that people would be more willing to try and protect the company rather than their own ego.

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Wassup with all of the 90's gimmicks coming back


Burchill = Jean Pierre Lafite


MAsters = The Narcissist


Jamal = The Headshrinkers


Boogeyman = A mix of Papashango and another asshole

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I agree with RRR with the samoan thing, and stereotyping in general.


Jamal could have just been himself......a bad ass street thug with an attitudel......instead he's a headshrinker

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Guest NYankees

He would have been a 2006 version of the 1995 version of Fatu. Remember Rikishi when he was a badass off the streets of San Fran.

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I agree with Chaosrage. Since Cena retained at WM and jobbed tonight they might as well just have him beat Edge in that 3 way I'm assuming they will do at Backlash. Then can you imagine the insane, nuclear heel heat Cena will have if he goes against RVD at that ECW PPV?


I'm assuming HHH might take some time off in the summer around the time Steph pops. If so, it makes no sense to put the title on him. They can blow off this Cena/HHH crap at Vengeance in a HIAC match (non title of course, since they flat out 100% have to have RVD win the title at ONS).

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He would have been a 2006 version of the 1995 version of Fatu. Remember Rikishi when he was a badass off the streets of San Fran.

I only recall a guy with a stupid winter hat on "trying to make a difference."

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I just have one question about tonight's RAW...


Was that Lou Bega in the ring with Ric Flair tonight?

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He would have been a 2006 version of the 1995 version of Fatu. Remember Rikishi when he was a badass off the streets of San Fran.

I only recall a guy with a stupid winter hat on "trying to make a difference."


Make a difference Fatu was awesome. His problem was Mr. T was still doing it and doing it so much cooler than he ever could.

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Guest JustPassinBy

I thought Raw sucked.


--Spirit Squad winning was horrible bc basically I have no reaction to them. When they showed him going crazy in the back, I was like "you guys are so stupid, lame,gay....."

--Trish Mickie was hot 2 weeks ago but now its just getting boring. Keep with the edgy stuff. Throwing those two in with eye candy in a tag match is boring.


Vince and Shawn needs to end. Also very boring.



Good of Raw:

Cena saying "half these people want to see me get my ass kicked"...

HHH pedigree'ing Cena.


All in a all a very boring Raw.


Nothing edgy.

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Anyone else think that this new Armando guy was awesome, playing a Cuban Ric Flair type? I thought he was great, but when he brought out Jamal, it was a total let down. Are they seriously going to do a Ric Flair vs Umaga (what a stupid name) feud?

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Wassup with all of the 90's gimmicks coming back


Burchill = Jean Pierre Lafite


MAsters = The Narcissist


Jamal = The Headshrinkers


Boogeyman = A mix of Papashango and another asshole


I guess since WWE's having Chavo "retire" from wrestling, they'll do a racial stereotype on him by showing him working at Taco Bell as his new job, considering that WWE made Jamal into a Headshrinker.

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Anyone else think that this new Armando guy was awesome, playing a Cuban Ric Flair type? I thought he was great, but when he brought out Jamal, it was a total let down. Are they seriously going to do a Ric Flair vs Umaga (what a stupid name) feud?


No. He was awful, as well.

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He would have been a 2006 version of the 1995 version of Fatu. Remember Rikishi when he was a badass off the streets of San Fran.


You mean "I was the one who ran over Stone Cold" heel Rikishi aligning with Triple H and then Haku? That was probably the only singles incarnation of him that I could tolerate.

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Wassup with all of the 90's gimmicks coming back


Burchill = Jean Pierre Lafite


MAsters = The Narcissist


Jamal = The Headshrinkers


Boogeyman = A mix of Papashango and another asshole


I guess since WWE's having Chavo "retire" from wrestling, they'll do a racial stereotype on him by showing him working at Taco Bell as his new job, considering that WWE made Jamal into a Headshrinker.


Nah, he'll go back to Kerwin White just to piss us off.

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Damn, I can't believe I didn't notice that the samoan guy was Jamal. I guess I was used to seeing the guy in his hip-hop attire and dreads from the 3 Minute Warning Days. So, does someone want to explain to me what WWE saw in pushing him with THIS gimmick, over reuniting 3MW?


Whoever said Roberto Antonio Guadalupe Gonzales Estrada (or whatever his name was) looked like Lou Bega, I was thinking the exact same thing. I had been watching the show with my girlfriend, and when the guy came out I asked since when did Lou Bega sign with WWE?

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Edge isn't going to win the title at Backlash. If anything he seems like the blatant guy they'll put in a 3 way to job out in order not to job the guys they want to protect. I actually think Cena will retain at that show by beating Edge, thus they can keep a HHH/Cena feud going with the obligatory HIAC match at Vengeance.


I'm telling you, at ONS II they have to give Van Dam the title. It makes no sense not to, since if he jobs there it'd kill his career, it'd kill ECW as a brand name for future DVDs and PPVs. And yes, I know WWE has always cut RVD's legs out, but this is the one time where it'd actually hurt them business wise to do it.

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What about Edge wins the WWE Title at Backlash, HHH turns Face afterwards and feuds with Edge while Cena goes away from the main event.

I highly doubt HHH would be as over as a face without Cena around to leech heat off of.

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I watched the first few minutes of Raw while 24 did the "previously on 24" intro part ... man, people are sooooo exaggerating the hatred that Cena gets. It seems that he gets about a 50/50 response, which is admittedly not a good thing for the guy that they're pushing as the #1 face ... but it's really not the universal hatred that some people here say each week. And it seems that the people that are booing the loudest or starting the Cena Sucks chants are the kind of people that are doing it more in a 'look at me, I'm cool for doing this' rather than any real hatred for Cena. They'd be booing WHOMEVER was in that role, it seems.


And having not seen the "Vince & Shane vs. HBK & God" segment, let me use this time to say how fucking offensive it is. If HBK is half as religous as he claims, he should have stepped up and said, "you know, Vince, this isn't really a cool idea at all."

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Chavo could have something up his sleeve, then once he follows through with it he can say "HE LIEEEEEEEEEED" about quitting.

That would be a major mark out moment for me.


I was worried they were going to pull a "All Eddie's fault!" angle, but thankfully they didn't go that way. Really, I don't know where they are going with this. Maybe Chavo will come back as a ref.


His profile has been removed from WWE.com

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Can I ask you, what the heck was the point of last night’s main event? They KNOW Cena’s now a heel, what kind of main event garbage is that? Putting in all heels? Just turn freaking Cena heel for crying out loud! I don’t know where they are going with HHH’s character, but he is a FACE! The simple fact that Cena did his little juke and jive in front of HHH makes him look like a cocky heel, if anything. HHH did the smart thing, hit him with his finisher, and the fans collectively said, “I would have done the same thing too.”


I refuse to admit that this Estrada guy or repackaged Jamal ever graced my TV. Just be glad that’s not Samoa Joe.

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Then can you imagine the insane, nuclear heel heat Cena will have if he goes against RVD at that ECW PPV?


What's the point of doing that match at an ECW nostalgia PPV. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they should wait a whole year to have him cash the contract in, but I do think the match is gonna feel out of place on the card.

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