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TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

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I don't think Walton's foul was any worse then the Brendan Haywood foul on LeBron the other night. To me it looked like he was just late getting there, and did it out of desperation. It was a flagrant, sure, but I don't think there was any real intent to "send a message" or anything like that. If I had to make the call, I don't think he should be suspended.


The play with Kwame Brown was just a cheap shot, though. I think he should definitely get a suspension, but don't think he will, either.



Its the second arm that makes the difference. He made a play on the ball and then took his off hand and grabbed him by his neck and pulled. Thats a flagrant two.


And honestly, I felt Brendans was flagrant worthy.

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I don't see how the Suns can turn this around unless D'Antoni actually starts doing some coaching. Phil has drawn up a perfect gameplan to stop the Suns so far, and D'Antoni really has no answers for it. All we continue to hear is, "We just need to get back to playing Suns basketball".


Well, when your opponent is stopping you from playing "Suns basketball", that may be the time to draw up a new gameplan to counteract that. The Suns just have no answer for the Lakers physicality and "runnin' and gunnin'" isn't going to do it.



I somewhat agree here. The problem is they aren't getting blown out which is what it takes for alot of coaches to change their game plan. Otherwise it is seen as the players didn't execute.


They want to bang? Then give them some Pat Burke and Brian Grant. When they sit a big, bring in a James Jones or another speedster. And for the love of god create cross matchups. The Lakers aren't going to run the ball. Their gameplan is to slow it down. So if Marion is being guarded by Lamar Odem, put Boris Diaw on Odem on the defensive end. If Kwame is guarding Tim Thomas, then put him on...someone. Cross matchups favor a team that runs the break and that is how the suns can exploit the Lakers unwillingness to play a uptempo game. And honestly, PLAY KOBE ONE ON ONE. Everyone keeps talking about the NEW gameplan the Lakers are playing, the suns are doubling when he touches the ball and allowing the other players to beat them. Stay at home. Let Kobe shoot his 40 shots.

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I don't buy into all this "protect the players from DANGEROUS fouls" bullshit. It seems like any remotely hard foul is grounds for a suspension now. Like James Posey's foul on Hinrich the other night, that would have been just a run-of-the-mill personal foul 10 years ago, but now all the talking heads on the "create controversy so we have something to talk about shows" like PTI are acting like its a travesty, and should result in a serious suspension. Give me a break.


There's a difference between a person that's legitimately trying to injure someone and a player just throwing an elbow because he gets frustrated. Kwame Brown's elbow either deserved a technical or a personal, but nothing more. That's the kind of shit that people like Isiah Thomas and Karl Malone would do 15 times a game (maliciously, not out of frustration), and no one would even bat an eyelash.

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Guest Kobe24KGold

Tim Thomas will not play in Game 4 because of a sprained MCL. He could blame his teammate for that one.

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I agree with you somewhat, iggy, I just think that after the suspensions of Artest and Posey, letting Kwame go unpunished for what he did would show some real inconsistency.

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I agree with you somewhat, iggy, I just think that after the suspensions of Artest and Posey, letting Kwame go unpunished for what he did would show some real inconsistency.



Beat me to it.

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Whoa now. Posey should be suspended. He lined up with the guy with the entire purpose to take him out. That is beyond the limits. I didn't agree with Artest, and honestly, I would call Kwame's that bad, but to be consistant, they should have the same consequences.

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Guest Kobe24KGold

the techs seemed a bit much, but i dont know what was said. however, the foul call that precipated those techs was a very clear foul on replay, which i found funny that play caused the techs..



They weren't arguing the foul. They were saying Bell shouldn't have stripped the ball from him while he was on continuation. basically they were saying he should have hear the whistle, stopped and watched Kobe score. BAD call.



But good win for the Lakers. I still can't muster a slight bit of worry about this series though. I still have no doubt the suns will win. The Lakers changed the gameplan I pretty much figured they would have and it makes a good matchup instead of blow out wins for the Suns.


Kwame Browns status for sunday should be interesting....as should Luke Walton's as his passing has been critical to the Lakers in the first 3 games. He SHOULD be suspended, but I get this funny feeling he won't.


Tim Thomas's Status is going to be big too, although not in the way alot of people will think. Brian Grant will have to play more minutes and simply matches up well with Kwame, and is a physical guy on the boards.


The Suns just need to create some cross matchups, single cover bryant and play like they played in the regular season.



Yet you say nothing about Rajah Bell being suspended for THAT elbow he threw at Kwame.


At least try to be impartial.

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He didn't throw a elbow as they pointed out when they watched the replay. He shoved him when Kwame was holding his arm to stop him from getting on the fast break. Jesus dude, the replayed it twice with both announcers saying it wasn't a elbow.

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Guest Kobe24KGold
He didn't throw a elbow as they pointed out when they watched the replay.


Neither did Kwame, who was just trying to free up his arm.


As for being "consistent," based on the precedent set by Artest's elbow to Ginobli, keep in mind that the NBA office took into account Artest's recidivism as a reason for the suspension.


Kwame is not a repeat offender like Artest.

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Guest Vitamin X

its somewhat shocking to watch this game and see kobe have so much trust in the rest of the team. where the hell did that come from? he was kicking out and around so many times.


I think that's gotta come from Phil Jackson. Honestly, I think he's the only one that could have made this Lakers squad "work". Even if another coach knew what needed to be done, I can't imagine that he'd get Kobe to buy in the same way.


The thing with Kobe having to carry the scoring load for the team earlier this season isn't because of Kobe's perceived ego or anything, it's because he's the only one on the team outside of Luke Walton and Devean George (two IMMENSELY talented players, of course(that's sarcasm by the way)) who know Phil's offense and coaching style.. So of course Kobe HAD to throw up so many shots instead of trusting in his teammates because noone else had been playing up to their potential. As the season started to wind down, even Kwame fucking Brown (who KOT909 and I had been hating on all season, admittedly) has all of a sudden turned into a solid defensive player and someone who L.A. could depend on to crash the boards. So, Kobe doesn't have to take as many shots, he can pass it around and still contribute when he needs to down the stretch. Kobe may have a lot of confidence in himself, and is definitely cocky on the court, but it all boils down to the guy just loving to compete and win, which is what makes him (in my opinion, though I know I'm not alone in this) the best player in the league. He's definitely grown up over the past couple years, and last year's awful season was a fantastic learning experience for him.


Phil definitely helped that process, but I'm not so sure it was solely him that helped that process. I defended L.A.'s bad play last year due to a few things: Brian Grant sucking and not being the inside presence they need (which is why I'm baffled as to why Ripper thinks Grant can all of a sudden be the Suns' savior in this series), injuries, a midseason coaching change to a really bad coach, and way too many forwards/swingmen and not enough true guards or inside guys. They fixed all of those things this year, and having Phil back was just icing on the cake. It concerns me that he's only around for two more seasons after this, as by then Kobe and the team will really be in their prime and need a great coach to take them further.

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I don't know what this Kobe24 or Ripper are talking about with Kwame's elbow. I saw the Raja exchange, but I'm not talking about that elbow. I'm talking about the Kwame elbow that floored Diaw and then Kwame stood over and mean mugged him. That should be grounds for a suspension since he intentionally threw a shot that had nothing to do with going after a loose ball.

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Guest Kobe24KGold
I don't know what this Kobe24 or Ripper are talking about with Kwame's elbow. I saw the Raja exchange, but I'm not talking about that elbow. I'm talking about the Kwame elbow that floored Diaw and then Kwame stood over and mean mugged him. That should be grounds for a suspension since he intentionally threw a shot that had nothing to do with going after a loose ball.



Yeah, I'm talking about that same elbow that preceded Kwame standing over Diaw. The replay clearly showed no malevolence toward Diaw. He was just trying to untangle his arm.

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The replay clearly showed no malevolence toward Diaw. He was just trying to untangle his arm.

The replay clearly showed Diaw reaching out for the loose ball, only to be elbowed to the floor by Kwame. His arms weren't even tangled, not even a little bit. To steal a quote from you,


At least try to be impartial.

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Guest Kobe24KGold

The replay clearly showed no malevolence toward Diaw. He was just trying to untangle his arm.

The replay clearly showed Diaw reaching out for the loose ball, only to be elbowed to the floor by Kwame. His arms weren't even tangled, not even a little bit. To steal a quote from you,


At least try to be impartial.





Kwame's elbow and Diaw's head never made any contact. And their arms WERE tangled. Plus, there wasn't enough force there for a 6'8" athletic basketball player to immediately end up on his ass. This isn't pro-wrestling. Jesus.

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Guest Kobe24KGold



I see you're a Pacers fan. I'm rooting for them to defeat NJ, too...and I think they will.

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We have to get Game 4. I think whoever wins that game will win the series. We were up 2-1 against the Pistons, too, so I won't predict victory just yet.

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I was out last night, but props to LeBron for hitting a game winner, even if he took 17 steps to do it. I can't get mad at him, just like I couldn't get mad at Kobe for sodomizing Nash in game 2 with the dunk even though it was a charge.


The Kings shouldn't be up 2-1 because one fluke play went each team's way. 2-1 Spurs looks about right considering you guys lost the 1st game in a huge blowout.


Ripper, what happened to the Suns in 5 games, EASY? You guys are lucky to not be trailing 3-0 at this point. Who knew that Phil Jackson would earn a fucking paycheck for once and that D'Antoni would end up looking like a Rucker League coach when his uptempo offense gets shut down? Again, Lakers in 6.

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Except the reason they're winning is not the reason you expected, or anyone for that matter. Kobe is actually passing the ball. The Suns need to adjust to this, and just let him take most of the shots, to get everyone else on the Lakers out of the game.


Also, Marion has been shit in the playoffs. Every year its the same shit. Last year against the Spurs he didn't exist, and this year he's messing up again. I heard he wants some publicity in Phoenix because Nash and Amare get all the credit, well, they've produced in the playoffs when it counts, and he hasn't. Hes gotta turn this around. If the Suns win, they'll be right back on the drivers seat, but i'm really surprised at how this turned out. As most of you who said the Lakers would win the series, because you guys expected Kobe to drop like 50 a game.

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Well the Suns better get their shit together. I'm going to freak out if the Lakers go to the second round.


Oh and Lebron travelled. I didn't know you were allowed to make a hop step, walk around the defender, and then jump.

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Game 2's loss for the Kings wasn't a fluke, they played horrible defense on the 3 (FOUR GUYS were in or near the paint when the 3 point shot went down......... when they were up by 3, ridiculous). Bad decision making in the clutch is the mark of an inferior team.

Same with Chicago in games 1 and 2. In both cases, I think the underdog really NEEDS to win one of those first 2 on the road to have a chance at the series (the way the lakers did), and Sac/Chi both blew it.

(though nothing would make me happier than seeing Miami lose in the 1st round, i highly doubt it)

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As most of you who said the Lakers would win the series, because you guys expected Kobe to drop like 50 a game.

Not me. Against certain teams, he has to play certain ways. Against most other teams in the playoffs, he would have to score to keep the team in the game. It's that simple. Phoenix's interior defense is so horrid that he knows he must keep getting the ball in the paint.


And no, Kwame and Luke Walton shouldn't be suspended. Haslem and Artest shouldn't have been either, but that's beside the point. Artest only was because he's a repeat offender. Kwame really didn't have the intent to hurt Diaw, because we know that he could have. The standing over Diaw was worth the technical that he received.

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Phoenix's interior defense is so horrid that he knows he must keep getting the ball in the paint.

i believe by "he," you mean phil jackson, since he drew up the plan for the game and started screaming "TAKE IT INSIDE!!!" when they started moving the ball around the perimeter sometime in the 4th quarter.

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Both. If Kobe wanted to just shoot, he would. He shouldn't, but when Phoenix stops doubling him, he will.


Phil Jackson is probably the best coach in the history of basketball, he also knows that the Suns have no interior presence. With Tim Thomas possibly being out for Game 4, the Suns are fucked in that regard.

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No, Kobe started doing his Kobe thing and the suns got right back in the game because of it. If you hit a long shot on the suns, the perimeter players can get out and they run a kinda fast break on the inbounds. Pound it inside, it slows them down. Phil basically told Kobe to stop it and go inside. He is doing a great coaching job here.


And lets cut the crap. The people saying the Lakers had a chance were saying because Kobe was going to drop like 50 a game and keep the Lakers in it. Don't start trying to turn it around and say "Yeah, I knew Kobe would take a backseat and let his teammates do their thing." Same way I expected Kobe to drop like 50 a game and get the Lakers swept. New game plan trashed my prediction, but seriously...lets not pretend this is why ANYONE thought the Lakers would be doing so well in this series.

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I didn't think Kobe was going to score 50 or 40 a game and I thought he would defer some, but I didn't think he would defer to this extent. I'd be lying if I told you I did.


If you hit a long shot on the suns, the perimeter players can get out and they run a kinda fast break on the inbounds.

That's why I'm glad that Cook hasn't seen a ton of playing time. Even when they miss, the Suns are getting the long rebounds due to their speed and running down the court.


If the Lakers continue to pound the ball inside, they're going to win the series. There's nothing that the Suns can do on the interior without Amare. With him in the lineup, there's a completely different outlook. It's as simple as that. The Lakers are an extremely young team, so I'm more focused on how their play will affect them in the future as opposed to in the present time.

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Who cares why the Lakers are sonning the Suns, let's just revel in the fact that the MVP and his squad have looked helpless throughout much of the first 3 games and Tim Thomas had to shoot his wad just to get them that one victory. If LA wins tomorrow, this series is over in 5.

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Guest Kobe24KGold

Check out this hilarious pic from Game 2. Who knew Kobe was into guys :D



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