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E3 2006: The Thread

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I thought you guys were exaggerating just how bad that conference was. I'm sad to admit that I was wrong. Wow. Just wow.

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Yup--at least there was that MGS4 trailer.


"We have built up a certain brand equity over time since the launch of PlayStation in 1995 and PS2 in 2000 that the first five million are going to buy it, whatever it is, even it didn't have games," (Sony Computer Entertainment Europe CEO David) Reeves told Computer and Video Games in an interview.

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The biggest laugh out of the video was "This game features battles that actually took place in ancient Japan.......so here is the GIANT ENEMY CRAB ".

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Guest Smues
The biggest laugh out of the video was "This game features battles that actually took place in ancient Japan.......so here is the GIANT ENEMY CRAB ".

I don't know if that beats out RIDDDDGGGEEE RACER, but it's certainly close.

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The biggest laugh out of the video was "This game features battles that actually took place in ancient Japan.......so here is the GIANT ENEMY CRAB ".

I don't know if that beats out RIDDDDGGGEEE RACER, but it's certainly close.

I can't figure out why he said it twice. Can anyone tell me why he said it the way he did. From what I saw he said


"ridge Racer" then did the "Riddddddddge RACER!" quote.

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Trying to mimic the irritating RR announcer.


"riiiiiiiiiidge racer!"


"I got it all on camera so you can watch it later, huh? You're the grrrreatest!"


Kaz Hirai, a dork himself, imitating a dork is like dork squared.


And sure, Reggie sound silly saying a lot of what he says (and Peter Moore is frequently a joke but already), but "the essense of the Playstation 3 DNA is real change, and the consumers are ready!"? Hardly as poetic as "lucid dreams."


RR as a demo of PS1 emulation is really underwhelming. First off, the PSP has a better version, and 2ndly it isn't technically challenging. The entire game can be booted up in PS1's internal memory, save the music. A neat little trick about PS1 RR is that you can pop out the game disc, toss in a music cd, and it play the game to your own music.


So really, the PS1 game still has a feature over that one. Maybe Kaz should have done Street Fighter Alpha 3. YOU CAN'T GIVE IT UP! TRIUMPH OR DIE!!!


Most of the big hardware differences Sony is making a big whoop over is like, water splashes prettier, people excrete sweat in real time (along with changing weapons, of course), and when you break crap, it looks different each time because realistic physics are programmed into the stuff!


Wow. Who gives a damn?

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Most of the big hardware differences Sony is making a big whoop over is like, water splashes prettier, people excrete sweat in real time (along with changing weapons, of course), and when you break crap, it looks different each time because realistic physics are programmed into the stuff!


Wow. Who gives a damn?


Graphics over gameplay. That's what's hurt the video game industry in recent years.

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Speaking of Graphics vs. Gameplay, I got my new EGM the other day and in it was an interview with Satoru Iwata about the Wii and the question of the Wii being less powerful than the other two consoles came up.


Iwata: [After talking about the fact that the console is connected to the 'net 24/7] With an innovation like this, we feel that the need to compete with other systems in terms of graphical power becomes less relevant. The kind of sustainable innovation we're used to seeing means that last generation you might have seen 50 characters onscreen, and that now you'd be able to have 500. Sure, that can influence gameplay a little, but that kind of innovation is really just something that requires more hardware power, more manpower---and as you continue to go down that path, the only companies that can really be profitable are big publishers with very strong franchises.


I think about a game like Tetris, which was developed 20 years ago by one Russian scientist. If he were to make it now and pitch it to a publisher, they would probably tell him to go back and add better graphics, more levels, CG-cut scenes, and possibly even a movie license to make it sell more. If someone were to come up with the idea that could be the next Tetris-type phenomenon---a very simple, very fun game---it wouldn't be approved. We want to encourage more people to be more creative, and to open up development to people who don't have the resources to do the type of development these other consoles require. It's these new, different, innovative ideas that will broaden the interactive entertainment experience. Some people look at this and consider it risky, and in some ways it is, but at the same time the potential for success will he huge if we can pull it off.


It is a VERY interesting interview and after reading it all (it's in the June EGM and probably will be on EGM's page at 1up.com soon), I'm even more inclined to go with a Wii.

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I don't know how reliable this news is, since it comes from Games Radar, but pretty interesting none-the-less. It says that Sony has been telling retailers that there will be NO pre-owned PS3 software available, as it will be ILLEGAL to sell a game you have purchased, because according to Sony, you've only bought a license to play the game and don't actually own it.


Is Sony trying to kill their brand here, or what?



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If that turns out to be true (and pertains to sales on Amazon and eBay and the like as well), then I'm probably never buying one. I rarely hang onto games for more than a couple months.

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That rumor is old as fuck (It's been around since Janurary), The Sony Zombies of Gaming-Age have debunked the rumor as fake. However, this one never seems to die, and that makes me wonder if it is real or not. I hope to god it's not.

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That rumor is old as fuck (It's been around since Janurary), The Sony Zombies of Gaming-Age have debunked the rumor as fake. However, this one never seems to die, and that makes me wonder if it is real or not. I hope to god it's not.


Well, if you read it, it's a different rumor. The aim is the same, though. If Sony does it--fuck them, I'm not buying the system.

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You can only sell things through Amazon and eBay that you own. This story insinuates that you'd only own a license to play the game and that the game itself still belongs to Sony. Because of that, you would not be allowed to sell the game, since you don't own it.


And I'm guessing Sony would penalize game stores that break the rules by not allowing them to sell Sony products anymore. Not that they'd sell a whole lot of PS3s should this come true, anyway...

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Yeah, I mean, if this does turn out to be true, their game sales are going to plummet. People aren't going to take risks buying games because they can't recoup their losses anymore.

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Bah the system will get hacked 6 months after release.



This man speaks the truth.


I just found out about hacks for The 360 a couple of days ago.

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Bah the system will get hacked 6 months after release.



This man speaks the truth.


I just found out about hacks for The 360 a couple of days ago.


Neither of you read the article. It *isn't* that "PS3 games will only play on the first system it is used on" thing that's like half a year old. It's a BS "Sony will sell only the license, retain ownership of the game disc" BS that is completely unenforceable and stupid.

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Speaking of Graphics vs. Gameplay, I got my new EGM the other day and in it was an interview with Satoru Iwata about the Wii and the question of the Wii being less powerful than the other two consoles came up.


Iwata: [After talking about the fact that the console is connected to the 'net 24/7] With an innovation like this, we feel that the need to compete with other systems in terms of graphical power becomes less relevant. The kind of sustainable innovation we're used to seeing means that last generation you might have seen 50 characters onscreen, and that now you'd be able to have 500. Sure, that can influence gameplay a little, but that kind of innovation is really just something that requires more hardware power, more manpower---and as you continue to go down that path, the only companies that can really be profitable are big publishers with very strong franchises.


I think about a game like Tetris, which was developed 20 years ago by one Russian scientist. If he were to make it now and pitch it to a publisher, they would probably tell him to go back and add better graphics, more levels, CG-cut scenes, and possibly even a movie license to make it sell more. If someone were to come up with the idea that could be the next Tetris-type phenomenon---a very simple, very fun game---it wouldn't be approved. We want to encourage more people to be more creative, and to open up development to people who don't have the resources to do the type of development these other consoles require. It's these new, different, innovative ideas that will broaden the interactive entertainment experience. Some people look at this and consider it risky, and in some ways it is, but at the same time the potential for success will he huge if we can pull it off.


It is a VERY interesting interview and after reading it all (it's in the June EGM and probably will be on EGM's page at 1up.com soon), I'm even more inclined to go with a Wii.


Wow. He managed to use the word "innovation" only four times. I'm shocked.


On that second paragraph..isn't Live Arcade -already- doing that?

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