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I would gladly eat that roast beef sandwich any day of the week.


I will say something, though, if you had said she wasn't that great looking when she first appeared, I'd be right with you, because they "WWE-ized" her early on. But the last couple months she's looked more like "Alexis Laree", so I'm in love with her again.


Can't agree with you on Melina, either, I think her face is fine. It's not a gorgeous face, but it's fine.


Can't agree about JBL's promos, either. He's probably the best heel in the company.

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Best heel in the company is either Booker T or Edge. JBL is a b or c level heel. He's working a damn southern territory gimmick in 2006, only it's reversed where HE is the redneck instead of the crowd. Great. I'd rather watch FOXNEWS. Hey John, Kayfabe is dead....it's called X-PAC HEAT. I'm changing the channel now. Hey, the O'RLY Factor is on!

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

Nah, J.B.L. is just such a fucking asshole. I love him. Edge is usually right about what he says, and then tells us he has sex with Lita. A lot. That's not really a badass heel, that's a cool guy, being cool.

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Guest wildpegasus

I'd like to some people try to explain their 'opinions'.


DDP was Rock-like (during his heyday, not the heel title runs) in that he had the crowd in the palm of his hand, and the Diamond Cutter truly got over as a Stunner-like finisher that could come out of nowhere and people never (or rarely) kicked out of. He could sell like a champ (although I have to admit, he had those taped ribs for like 2 years and they weren't a target NEAR as often in matches as they should've been) and cut a half-decent promo. His feuds with Raven and Benoit were fantastic. One of the best spots I've ever witnessed, and still love today, was his Diamond Cutter on Kidman, who was sitting on his shoulders--slipped out from underneath, jumped up, grabbed his neck, Kidman went perfectly flat and BAM. It was just friggin awesome. Randy Orton's RKO can kiss my ass.


I agree with everything you said about DDP here.


DDP is the most underrated wrestler on the net. That's including everything as a package - wrestling, interviews, charisma etc..


Were you being sarcastic this time? :huh:


Nope. :)


I'm a fan of the diamond cutter, the charactor, his wrestling spots, his wrestling story and his work ethic. Just watched Benoit vs DDP from Superbrawl the other day and it was great. I'm also a big fan of several of his matches. The aforementioned Benoit match, a match they had on Thunder, DDP vs Raven in the cage, several tag matches with and against Benoit, DDP vs Bagwell from the very early 90s, the DDP vs Johnny B. Badd series and I was marking out my mind when DDP beat Alex Wright on the Clash of the Champions because I knew it meant confirmation he was getting pushed. I liked seeing a guy move up the ladder especially in WCW where it was near impossible to do so.

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I'd like to some people try to explain their 'opinions'.


Alright, here's my effort-


The "Musical Chairs" segment from two years ago was a hilarious, whimsical, brilliant segment and among the most memorable comedy bits from Raw. Here's why-


*The crowd was molten hot for this. Seriously, there hasn't been this sort of a crowd reaction to any free TV segment since the Evolution breakup.

*Tajiri not understanding the rules is acceptable, as is Coach's cockiness. They also had a feud going on at this point so it made even more sense. The Coach's selling of the green mist (which was pretty much dead on) was awesome.

*Jerry Lawler's pursuit of Stacy Keibler was great and in the end it is still evident that he's a huge pervert, which is what they're aiming for.

*Ric Flair doing the strut towards Stacy's ass was hilarious and the further dancing that folllowed was absolutely priceless. Then the push. Oh God, when he pushed her over and sat there like nothing had happened, that was absolutely perfect television. Notice he gets HUGE heat for that. Stacy broke character by laughing but who cares; it's great to see that once in a while.

*Flair's freaking out was superb. His elimination was great-- it was the bad guy getting his comeuppance.

*The crowd was solidly behind Jericho. The reaction to his involvement here cannot be understated. Outsmarting Tomko (they had just been feuding at the time as well) and then pulverizing him with the chair before confidently sitting down was great and got him even more support for his title match later in the night. Amazingly I think it was also the blowoff to the feud but it didn't disappoint.


It was just cute, harmless stuff. Everything came together for this bit.

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Guest Felonies!
Nah, J.B.L. is just such a fucking asshole. I love him. Edge is usually right about what he says, and then tells us he has sex with Lita. A lot. That's not really a badass heel, that's a cool guy, being cool.

But he's a bad guy that does what he says he's going to do, and even when he doesn't get it done it doesn't affect his overness all that much. It shows he's a great heel.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
But he's a bad guy that does what he says he's going to do, and even when he doesn't get it done it doesn't affect his overness all that much. It shows he's a great heel.

What does he do that's bad? Sex with Lita? That's just disgusting not bad.

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I'd like to some people try to explain their 'opinions'.


Alright, here's my effort-


The "Musical Chairs" segment from two years ago was a hilarious, whimsical, brilliant segment and among the most memorable comedy bits from Raw. Here's why-


*The crowd was molten hot for this. Seriously, there hasn't been this sort of a crowd reaction to any free TV segment since the Evolution breakup.

*Tajiri not understanding the rules is acceptable, as is Coach's cockiness. They also had a feud going on at this point so it made even more sense. The Coach's selling of the green mist (which was pretty much dead on) was awesome.

*Jerry Lawler's pursuit of Stacy Keibler was great and in the end it is still evident that he's a huge pervert, which is what they're aiming for.

*Ric Flair doing the strut towards Stacy's ass was hilarious and the further dancing that folllowed was absolutely priceless. Then the push. Oh God, when he pushed her over and sat there like nothing had happened, that was absolutely perfect television. Notice he gets HUGE heat for that. Stacy broke character by laughing but who cares; it's great to see that once in a while.

*Flair's freaking out was superb. His elimination was great-- it was the bad guy getting his comeuppance.

*The crowd was solidly behind Jericho. The reaction to his involvement here cannot be understated. Outsmarting Tomko (they had just been feuding at the time as well) and then pulverizing him with the chair before confidently sitting down was great and got him even more support for his title match later in the night. Amazingly I think it was also the blowoff to the feud but it didn't disappoint.


It was just cute, harmless stuff. Everything came together for this bit.

Oh yeah, man, that really was a great segment. Everything can't be serious all the time, or you get Randy Orton promos that are just "I am Randy Orton" over and over.

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Nope. :)


I'm a fan of the diamond cutter, the charactor, his wrestling spots, his wrestling story and his work ethic. Just watched Benoit vs DDP from Superbrawl the other day and it was great. I'm also a big fan of several of his matches. The aforementioned Benoit match, a match they had on Thunder, DDP vs Raven in the cage, several tag matches with and against Benoit, DDP vs Bagwell from the very early 90s, the DDP vs Johnny B. Badd series and I was marking out my mind when DDP beat Alex Wright on the Clash of the Champions because I knew it meant confirmation he was getting pushed. I liked seeing a guy move up the ladder especially in WCW where it was near impossible to do so.


Very well then :cheers:

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Guest Felonies!
But he's a bad guy that does what he says he's going to do, and even when he doesn't get it done it doesn't affect his overness all that much. It shows he's a great heel.

What does he do that's bad? Sex with Lita? That's just disgusting not bad.

He's always talking shit about fans and good guys. That's what makes him bad. It's sort of how wrestling works.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
He's always talking shit about fans and good guys. That's what makes him bad. It's sort of how wrestling works.

He talks shit about fans...like every heel. He talks shit about good guys, and most of it is true, which buries his opponent. Not as bad as Triple H, though.

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Guest Felonies!

It's only a "burial" to you because it's someone actually being put over instead of the 50/50 crap.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
It's only a "burial" to you because it's someone actually being put over instead of the 50/50 crap.

Yup...one main eventer should bury the other on the mic, instead of being at the same level. Especially the faces, lets make them look stupid in the fan's eyes. Sure.

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I'd like to some people try to explain their 'opinions'.


Alright, here's my effort-


The "Musical Chairs" segment from two years ago was a hilarious, whimsical, brilliant segment and among the most memorable comedy bits from Raw. Here's why-


*The crowd was molten hot for this. Seriously, there hasn't been this sort of a crowd reaction to any free TV segment since the Evolution breakup.

*Tajiri not understanding the rules is acceptable, as is Coach's cockiness. They also had a feud going on at this point so it made even more sense. The Coach's selling of the green mist (which was pretty much dead on) was awesome.

*Jerry Lawler's pursuit of Stacy Keibler was great and in the end it is still evident that he's a huge pervert, which is what they're aiming for.

*Ric Flair doing the strut towards Stacy's ass was hilarious and the further dancing that folllowed was absolutely priceless. Then the push. Oh God, when he pushed her over and sat there like nothing had happened, that was absolutely perfect television. Notice he gets HUGE heat for that. Stacy broke character by laughing but who cares; it's great to see that once in a while.

*Flair's freaking out was superb. His elimination was great-- it was the bad guy getting his comeuppance.

*The crowd was solidly behind Jericho. The reaction to his involvement here cannot be understated. Outsmarting Tomko (they had just been feuding at the time as well) and then pulverizing him with the chair before confidently sitting down was great and got him even more support for his title match later in the night. Amazingly I think it was also the blowoff to the feud but it didn't disappoint.


It was just cute, harmless stuff. Everything came together for this bit.

Oh yeah, man, that really was a great segment. Everything can't be serious all the time, or you get Randy Orton promos that are just "I am Randy Orton" over and over.


Hey... I enjoy my "I am Randy Orton... I am the Legend Killer... therefor... I am Randy Orton..." promos. He makes them work just for the fact that he looks like such a douchebag.


That musical chair segment was great... I can actually remember how much heat Flair got for pushing Stacy out of her chair...

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The fact that I can actually remember that musical chairs segment, practically verbatim, validates it as a great moment of WWE TV in my mind. It sounds silly, but I pretty much agree that it was more inspired and well performed than almost anything on RAW since then. And starting the show with it just showed amazing balls. If only the Spirit Squad run show could have gone so well.

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Good call on some quality nostalgia. I bet you this is the first time I've thought about it since it happened.


EDIT: After watching it on youtube, I recalled referring to his Jets shirt. Cheers, though.

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I don't think i ever saw that segment before, fun stuff, and pulled off better than just about anything i've seen from the WWE since, certainly as far as the WWE's attempts at comedy go.

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- Brent Albright.....poor man's Chris Benoit clone. He's basically copied Chris Benoit's moveset.....minus the highspots....yet he has none of the intangibles that made Benoit great. When Chris Benoit was Brent Albright's age he was probably the most intense wrestler on the planet, a virtual clone of the Dynamite Kid. Brent Albright is a bastardized post neck fusion Benoit. He's like some untalented guy doing a interpretive dance recital that in his mind is brilliant, but the audience recognizes as a pale knockoff of some guy who's actually good at dancing. He belongs with fake Kane and the fake Outsiders.

Knoble plays a better Benoit, although I'm basing that on not seeing any of Albright's OVW stuff, while seeing a ton of Knoble's stuff (WCW, HWA, indy's, WWE).

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The musical chairs segment was indeed awesome.


And I'm aware this isn't the place for it, but can someone tell me what the FUCK is up with all these Civil War banners? What's going on?

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Well, it confused the hell out of this part of the board alright...

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Guest scottb75

Here are some I have.


- John Cena should've retained the title against RVD.


- RVD is OK but nothing special.


- Hulk Hogan should face The Undertaker at Wrestlemania and end his streak.


- Hulk Hogan was right to drop the WWF Belt to Yokozuna instead of Bret Hart.


- Paul Heyman is annoying and should never appear on TV again.


- Vince McMahon should've brought back WCW instead of ECW.

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- Vince McMahon should've brought back WCW instead of ECW.

Too bad WCW = TNA right now if WCW was going to come back it should of happened during the Invasion angle back in 2001. I don't know if having King Booker as the champion would be a better choice than having RVD as the focal point of the show. Who would be on the new WCW all I can think of are Booker T, Rey Mysterio Jr., Benoit, Flair, Jean-Paul Levesque, Big Show, Regal, Hak, Chavo, Duggan with JR and Dusty Rhodes as the announcers. I don't think this would be any better than the new ECW or the current shows.

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- Paul Heyman is annoying and should never appear on TV again.


- Vince McMahon should've brought back WCW instead of ECW.



1. Heyman is great, IMO. He's an excellent orator and a good performer.


2. I would have loved that too, but it was always unlikely since WCW has been portrayed as a crap promotion by the majority of people within the industry since its demise.

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This may be unpopular, but Shane McMahon is a phenomenal performer. He is the number one non wrestling entity I enjoy seeing in a match. Shane McMahon vs. Shawn Michaels was not a phenomenal match; however, Shane McMahon vs. Kurt Angle at KOTR was an awesome match. Shane McMahon vs. Steve Blackman at Summerslam was another phenomenal match, and that fall that Shane took was unbelievable. However, my favorite Shane McMahon match was against Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania X-8. Shane McMahon performing the Van Terminator was something I was not expecting. He has not performed it that well ever since. I didn’t like the storyline with Linda, Stephanie, and Trish; however, the action was more than what I was expecting. If the main even wasn’t Rock vs. Austin, that would have been the MOTN. (That is sad, I know)


Sable when she was with Marc Mero was ugly and I do not know why people had a fixation with her


Chyna should have never gotten a Playboy photo shoot


The Rock first heel turn was the best heel turn. They should have kept the Nation of Domination and allowed it to last a little bit longer.


Chyna did not fit in with D-Generation X


Vince McMahon had a great gimmick with the Corporation. He has taken it way too far.


Stephanie McMahon was better being the innocent daughter of Vince instead of the power hungry bitch


Chris Jericho has phenomenal mic skills; however, Chris Jericho wasn’t given the opportunity to shine. Giving Chris Jericho the Undisputed Title was strange. He deserved to win the championship but that wasn’t the type of match to win it in. (Beating Rock and Austin in the same night)


Rikishi was not entertaining. The dancing at the end of the matches bored me.


Shawn Michaels in the “rebirth of D-X” is not entertaining. Shawn Michaels being a man of God makes D-X look really bad and destroys the purpose of D-X.


The European Championship failed to make any sense


The Haore Championship matches when it was under “24/7” rules was quite entertaining. Crash Holly (RIP) was the best Hardcore Champion ever. (Fighting at the children’s play place was classic.)


Goldust had the greatest gimmick ever when he was with Marlena (Before the Brian Pillman won her as his slave for 30 days)


Melina does have the worst face ever for her body.


The McMahon-Helmsley era was some of the worst television ever until the Katie Vick airing


Stephanie McMahon should have never been the Woman’s Champion.


Vince McMahon should have held the title until the next Pay Per View instead of dropping it after one week.


Vince McMahon is at times comedic (I am hiring all you fans right now. You are all employees of the WWE. Now “You’re Fired”) Classic


Hulk Hogan was a horrible entertainer.


Reverend D-Von was the worst gimmick ever


Vince McMahon’s theme is one of the best themes ever and the only one I like singing along to


Todd Pettingill was an awesome announcer


Bret Hart anti-America gimmick was the worst gimmick ever


The Hart family re-uniting should have happened after the Owen-Bret Wrestlemania


D-lo Brown had potential


I was a mark for the Jeff Jarrett Country Singer (With My Baby Tonight)


2nd Generation of D-X sucked even more than the first one did


The Corporation was an awesome gimmick (Not the Corporate Ministry) The Stooges coming out to Hogan’s theme was entertaining


Evolution was a creative stable


JBL being world champion for nine months was the lowest point for Smackdown


Teddy Long as General Manager is unnecessary


I marked for the Tim White suicide attempts. (I watched every episode faithfully)

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However, my favorite Shane McMahon match was against Vince McMahon at Wrestlemania X-8.


That match was at Wrestlemania X-7.

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