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Atticus Chaos

RVD and Sabu arrested for drugs

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They will use this to push RVD even more. If they are willing to use Flair's road rage for a story, why wouldn't they go along with what they always have...

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Very very oops.


*smacks forehead*


Give Punk the belt! This is the gimmick! He tipped the cops off!!!


Not taking it that far, but having Punk go back to his ROH straight-edge character and ripping on RVD would be a great way to get him over as a mega-heel.

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I can't decide if I should be pissed about this, or just laugh about it.


It wouldn't shock me to see RVD get punished the most for this, since Vince has been really high on Sabu since he showed up in WWE/ECW.


Or hell, we might not see WWE do anything to either one of them other than maybe fines or something cheap like that. That wouldn't shock me either.

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I can't decide if I should be pissed about this, or just laugh about it.


It wouldn't shock me to see RVD get punished the most for this, since Vince has been really high on Sabu since he showed up in WWE/ECW.


Good one.

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Would it be considered hypocritical for not suspending/firing them when they took Masters and Matthews off the road for drug usage?


I personally don't see a problem with marijuana in itself, but smoking and driving? Not so cool.

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There have been plenty of reports going over how Vince is a mark for Sabu's work since he came into WWE/ECW, and how he now wishes that he had signed him 10 years ago.

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Whatever happened to "Tell Sabu to go fuck Sabu"?

Sabu took the ball and ran with it like no-one else in recent memory.


That's what happened.

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Nothing should be done to either of them. RVD and Sabu have earned the right to smoke a bowl and then drive if they want. Because they're fucking hardcore. Hell, if I had been on the road I would've hid behind a bush on the side of the road and chanted ECW while they were being put in cuffs. Then I would have gotten right up in that fat cops face and screamed they're hardcore, they're hardcore, they're hardcore.

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You think this really bothers Vince? It doesn't, the only thing that will annoy him is that he'll finally have to prove the drug policy isn't a farce or decide that RVD/Sabu are above it.


RVD is pushed a guy who likes to get high, so how is getting charged with possession going to hurt RVD's image? You do realize Vince has had former workers charged with rape, murder and various other stuff and he usually just brushed it under the rug.

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I don't think it'll hurt RVD's image at all. At the most that happens the fans will actually like him more, and the least is that no one will care one way or the other.


I agree that it will have a lot to do with how much press this all receives. I doubt Vince really cares all that much, if at all, but it could hurt him in terms of the drug policy. No matter what, he's in a bad situation because of this right now, if even only a little. That's what he'll be the most pissed about, not because of what they were actually doing.

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RVD is pushed a guy who likes to get high, so how is getting charged with possession going to hurt RVD's image? You do realize Vince has had former workers charged with rape, murder and various other stuff and he usually just brushed it under the rug.


It's not like Steve "Wifebeatin'" Austin wasn't pushed or even marginally penalized for his actions.

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It'll boost ratings if smarks think they're gonna hot-shot the belt off RVD (and if they're smart, they'll heavily foreshadow it tonight). The benefits (ratings/credibility with your stoner fanbase) outweigh the negatives (a small town news story that no mainstream media will pick up on).

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RVD is pushed a guy who likes to get high, so how is getting charged with possession going to hurt RVD's image? You do realize Vince has had former workers charged with rape, murder and various other stuff and he usually just brushed it under the rug.


It's not like Steve "Wifebeatin'" Austin wasn't pushed or even marginally penalized for his actions.


JR: You never can tell what the ol Texas Rattlesnake is going to do.

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RVD is pushed a guy who likes to get high, so how is getting charged with possession going to hurt RVD's image? You do realize Vince has had former workers charged with rape, murder and various other stuff and he usually just brushed it under the rug.


It's not like Steve "Wifebeatin'" Austin wasn't pushed or even marginally penalized for his actions.


Actually, Austin was already out of the company when the first incident happened. It's not like they needed to "punish" someone who wasn't even there.


By the time he came back, the whole situation was forgotten.

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I'm still not sure how reliable this story is. The page in the link credited WWE.com, but when I went there to double-check the story, it was nowhere to be found. I looked through the front page, the news archive, and then searched by "arrest" and found nothing everytime. Also, the actual story was really poorly written, and you'd think that a legitimate newspaper would do a better job with it.


Just because PWInsider copied and pasted it doesn't mean that it's actually correct. I'm saying there's about a 75% chance that it's bullshit at this point.

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I'm still not sure how reliable this story is. The page in the link credited WWE.com, but when I went there to double-check the story, it was nowhere to be found. I looked through the front page, the news archive, and then searched by "arrest" and found nothing everytime. Also, the actual story was really poorly written, and you'd think that a legitimate newspaper would do a better job with it.


The WWE.com credit was probably for the pictures of RVD & Sabu, not the news story itself.

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From PWInsider:



by Buck Woodward @ 2:08:00 PM on 7/3/2006


With the news that WWE & ECW Champion Rob Van Dam and Sabu were arrested yesterday evening and found to be in possession of controlled substances, there has been a lot of questions regarding how this relates to WWE's Substance Abuse And Drug Testing Policy, which was introduced on February 27th of this year.


WWE's general policy states that:


"The non-medical use and associated abuse of prescription medications and performance enhancing drugs, as well as the use, possession and/or distribution of illegal drugs, by WWE Talent are unacceptable and prohibited by this policy, as is the use of masking agents or diuretics taken to conceal or obscure the use of prohibited drugs."


Obviously, marijuana would fall into the "illegal drugs" category and is a violation of the policy. WWE does not include marijuana in their "random testing" unless there is "reasonable cause" to do so. However, it is included on their list of prohibited drugs under the following listing:


"Illegal drugs. The possession, use, and/or distribution of any drug made illegal to possess, use and/or distribute by the laws of the United States of America and/or any of its fifty states is prohibited by this Policy."


As for Vicodin, which Van Dam reportedly had in his possession, that would fall under the category of "prescription drugs" and WWE's policy has a section regarding the non-medical use of such drugs, stating:


"For purposes of this Policy, the phrase “non-medical use” shall mean use of a drug by a WWE Talent for other than a legitimate medical purpose pursuant to a valid prescription from a licensed and treating physician. Prescriptions obtained over the internet and/or from suppliers of prescription drugs from the internet shall not be considered to have been given for a legitimate medical purpose."


So, if Van Dam does not have a legitimate prescription from a physician for the Vicodin, he would be violating the policy.


While most of WWE's policy outlines the steps involved in testing for drugs, and the consequences of a positive test, item 13 of their policy is very clear on the punishment for violating the law:




Any Talent who is arrested, convicted or who admits to a violation of law relating to use, possession, purchase, sale or distribution of prohibited drugs will be in material breach of contract and subject to immediate dismissal."


It will be very interesting to see how WWE publicly handles this incident in light of the above information.

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Guest burth179
I'm still not sure how reliable this story is. The page in the link credited WWE.com, but when I went there to double-check the story, it was nowhere to be found. I looked through the front page, the news archive, and then searched by "arrest" and found nothing everytime. Also, the actual story was really poorly written, and you'd think that a legitimate newspaper would do a better job with it.


Just because PWInsider copied and pasted it doesn't mean that it's actually correct. I'm saying there's about a 75% chance that it's bullshit at this point.



I went to www.irontontribune.com and it is on that page. This is a local newspaper in Ironton, OH. It's legit, as they have little league baseball scores and all kinds of goofy local newspaper crap on the website.


I doubt a local newspaper would create this entire site and devote it to bullshit news.


Also, about the other post before that, if RVD and Sabu are to be punished there will be no public mention of it by WWE (in my opinion). They'll just be written off somehow until the suspension is over. Or if they are fired, they'll lose a "loser leaves town" match, or possibly be squahsed by the Undertaker, Mark Henry, or Great Khali.. (semi-kidding about the squashing, but you never know now do you!)

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Guest nokia

Wonder if Rvd held up a sign to the cops that said:


"Rvd 4:20 means I just SMOKED your ass"....

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Yeah, I guess it's legit. Damn, that sucks. RVD and Sabu are pretty much the only really marketable stars that ECW has at this point. If they have to be taken off the road at some point, the whole promotion's screwed. Hopefully, Vince has good enough lawyers to make sure they can continue travelling throughout the process. If it's just weed and vicodin, they'll probably still be OK, but anything harder than that and ECW's basically dead.

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Yeah, I guess it's legit. Damn, that sucks. RVD and Sabu are pretty much the only really marketable stars that ECW has at this point.




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They'll be fined and maybe issue public apologies, but other than that you can't do anything to them without screwing up 2/3 of your company's storylines.

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