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Atticus Chaos

RVD and Sabu arrested for drugs

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As someone stated earlier, I'm not sure wether to laugh or be upset. But if Vince does nothing about this then it would be very hipocritical.


And just when ECW was getting intresting...oh wait it wasnt. Probably a good time to kill it now.

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Sabu's fate, I couldn't tell ya, but RVD's gimmick is about getting high on weed, so how much damage control really needs to be done if it is found that hey guys, he SMOKES WEED, he is just staying kayfabe for all the fans~! :)


I would be suprised if anything happens to them other then some "behind-closed doors" lecturing and maybe some fines. I think a little story like this that happened out in the middle of nowhere could go away fast. Not like Vince hasn't pushed a lot worse things under the rug.

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When I first saw this story I thought "I can't believe this shit." Here's the thing about the WWE wellness policy. It is mostly there for the steroid stuff and the hard drugs.


Do I think Vince will fire RVD or Sabu? Nah. The timing of this is really, really horrible considering these guys accounted for about 90% of the decent stuff on ECW last week, not to mention RVD having TWO world title belts.


If anything they could actually use this incident to get RVD some bad boy heat. It's not like everyone didn't know about him being a pothead....he did an interview with High Times magazine. Even last year Heyman at ONS said "I've been out smoking a joint with Van Dam." And this year Foley even ragged on RVD and others in ECW smoking weed in the ONS build.

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Apparently Punk wouldn't even take painkillers when he broke his freaking head/ear so ...


He won't be a vicodin ridden wrestler like all the rest, but then again, how long can he last without it???

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I can imagine Edge coming on Raw tonight noting what happened to RVD (since they have a scheduled title match on Tuesday). RVD comes out, hams it up, wonders aloud to the crowd what's wrong w/ loosening up after a tough night. Then, he'll ask Edge if he's ever partaken in the 4:20. Edge will say no. RVD will then goad him into taking a hit which will cause Edge to get woosy and offbalance. RVD attacks giving himself the "all important momentum" going into Tuesday night . . . when he loses both belts.


And yes, I'm joking.

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Apparently Punk wouldn't even take painkillers when he broke his freaking head/ear so ...


He won't be a vicodin ridden wrestler like all the rest, but then again, how long can he last without it???


He didn't take painkillers with his fractured skull, a busted eardrum was nothing for him. Some people are capable of enduring pain. Punk's been banged up for 7 years now, his body is conditioned to absorb pain.


I thought RVD once said that he doesn't use painkillers either because he was flexible enough to endure pain. Guess not.

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i give sabu about 5 more hours before getting the boot. sucks, though. he's one of my favorites. its not like this is something he should be ashamed of, though. everyone takes those pills. and grass is grass. we shouldnt debate that here, anyway.

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but RVD's gimmick is about getting high on weed


Yeah, in the old ECW, not in "ECW".

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I don't think anyone knows yet whether the painkillers were prescribed or not.


In all honesty Edge mentioning this on Raw might be a way of cutting off any controversy before it starts. He did mention the Flair road rage incident and then no one really cared or worried about that afterwards.


Hell, Vince will probably rant at RVD and Sabu behind the scenes and then they'll do some tongue in cheek TV bits. Stuff like RVD emerging from smoke filled rooms or silly bits like "Hey I've been preparing for my match tonight by reading a bunch of comics, munching on cheetos, and watching marathons of Scooby Doo."

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Guest wildpegasus

Apparently Punk wouldn't even take painkillers when he broke his freaking head/ear so ...


He won't be a vicodin ridden wrestler like all the rest, but then again, how long can he last without it???


He didn't take painkillers with his fractured skull, a busted eardrum was nothing for him. Some people are capable of enduring pain. Punk's been banged up for 7 years now, his body is conditioned to absorb pain.


I thought RVD once said that he doesn't use painkillers either because he was flexible enough to endure pain. Guess not.


Some people are capable of enduring pain but it's never, ever something to be underestimated. There is a breaking point for everyone. What happens when you can't sleep. literally can not stay still or move, can not concentrate on anything and hate every second of your life and "want" (or pretty much have no choice) to die? What if you have no relief for months or years on end?

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Let's keep in mind (the pills aside) this bust was for something that at least 1/3 of the adult population in this country does, and truthfully is not as bad for as drinking a 6 pack a night...

Does the WWE policy even involve marijuana? Probably, but it shouldn't (Just my "hippy-like" opinion. LOL!)


I hate RVD, and don't really have an opinion on Sabu, but don't make it out as these 2 are the anti-christs or anything because they got busted for weed...


Now if these PILLS are oxycontin's or things as such and were NOT prescribed to them, then I would scrutinize more. I know many people that got hooked on these things, and started turning to herion and stuff because "it's cheaper and has the same effects". Now they are junkies, or even dead. I am totally against these pain pill drugs and would like to see them totally eliminated from society if possible. And they would deserve just punishment for that, and should be fired.


Of course you also have to realize that these guys put their bodies on the line night in and night out (especially Sabu over his career, my god) and may "need" pain pills to get through the day. But ultimately nobody "needs" pain pills unless they have a prescription. Too many people become abusers of them, and it's too easy to become an "abuser" rather than a "user" if you know what a mean.


But if it turns out that they are busted for just the weed, and that they have a legitimate reason for the pills, neither should be fired or demoted in my opinion.


Not that I really care one way or the other, but just because 1/3 of the american population does it, doesn't make it any less illegal.


Weed is illegal and so is having prescription drugs w/out a presciption, Alcohol is not. Now obviously if you mix drinking and driving that's a whole nother story....

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Is it really that big of deal? My buddy got caught with a half ounce of pot and all he had to do was stomp it out. Didn't get a ticket or nothing.


I doubt the pain pills were for RVD, but more for Sabu, because after years of the punishment he took, he problay needs them so he can wrestle.


Everyone knew RVD was a pothead before this.

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The fact that the WWE HAS openly pushed RVD as a pothead brings up an interesting thought - how the fuck has he not failed a drug test yet? You would think with the new "Wellness Program", you would think they would have got him a while ago. If he is punished, it will be just for getting busted with the stuff, not for smoking it.

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This may the be best or worst thing to happen to ECW on Sci Fi depending on if they capitalize on it and if so in which way, positive or negative.

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The fact that the WWE HAS openly pushed RVD as a pothead brings up an interesting thought - how the fuck has he not failed a drug test yet? You would think with the new "Wellness Program", you would think they would have got him a while ago. If he is punished, it will be just for getting busted with the stuff, not for smoking it.


I would expect a quiet disciplinary action, something a verbal reprimand, warning, fine or work without pay for a period of time.

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It's hilarious to think how stupid they are though. Van Dam FINALLY gets his big break after all these years and totally blows it, while Sabu has his last big chance at making money, and Vince seems to be digging him, and then he goes and fucks it up.

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It's hilarious to think how stupid they are though. Van Dam FINALLY gets his big break after all these years and totally blows it, while Sabu has his last big chance at making money, and Vince seems to be digging him, and then he goes and fucks it up.


I agree with this 100%...stupidity knows no bounds.

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I wouldn't say they "blew" it, since it's likely this has been going on for the entire duration of RVD's and Sabu's tenure at WWE...

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It's hilarious to think how stupid they are though. Van Dam FINALLY gets his big break after all these years and totally blows it, while Sabu has his last big chance at making money, and Vince seems to be digging him, and then he goes and fucks it up.

I agree. One thing that we haven't touched on is that. I don't care if it was "bound" to happen. RVD should've known that something like this would kill the ME push he's getting now. He learned to play politics and call HHH the best wrestler out there, he should've calmed down on the drugs.


RVD and Sabu deserve what ever they get. They should've known better.

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Guest J0bber

If it was someone like Triple H who did this, the Internet geeks would be informing media giants faster than you can blink. Remember, back in June 2004 when another incident that should have been isolated with JBL was made into a national story because of the people on the Internet spreading word about it? I hope this story gets as much attention as the JBL story did, but it probably won't because most computer smart wrestling fans think RVD and Sabu are some sort of gods of the ring when in truth they aren't. RVD and Sabu's is much more serious in my opinion as they were found with drugs, and JBL was just trying to draw heel heat.

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It just made the Associated Press wire.


The quiet strategy is out.


Police: Pro wrestlers caught with drugs in southern Ohio

Associated Press

HANGING ROCK, Ohio - Two professional wrestlers were caught in possession of drugs when their car was stopped for speeding, authorities said.


Robert Szatowski, known in the wrestling world as "Rob Van Dam," and Terry Brunk, known as "Sabu," were stopped at 10:15 p.m. Sunday because the car was traveling faster than the 55 mph speed limit, said Sgt. Chris Smith of the State Highway Patrol. An officer smelled marijuana and searched the vehicle, Smith said.


Authorities said Szatowski, the driver, had 18 grams of marijuana and five tablets of the prescription painkiller Vicodin and Brunk was carrying a pipe and had nine pills. Smith said he didn't know what type of drug the pills were, but that they were controlled substances.


He said he believes the wrestlers were driving to Columbus following an appearance in Huntington, W.Va. They were stopped on U.S. Route 52.


The men were cited and posted bond. They are scheduled to appear Thursday morning in Ironton Municipal Court and will likely face fines, Smith said.


Both men appear on Extreme Championship Wrestling, a part of the World Wrestling Entertainment league. Szatowski is the reigning champion of both the ECW and the WWE.


Hanging Rock is in southern Ohio on the Kentucky border.

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Call me old-fashioned, but I don't have such a relaxed attitude towards weed like most people seem to. Just because it is commonly used, that doesn't make it automatically acceptable. Knowing WWE though, RVD and Sabu will probably get off lightly.

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