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RVD and Sabu arrested for drugs

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From WWE.com:




WWE investigating Rob Van Dam and Sabu charges

By Ed Williams III

July 3, 2006


In the wake of being faced with five violations, including drug possession, by the Ohio State Highway Patrol, WWE.com reports that Rob Van Dam and Sabu arrived at the Wachovia Center in Philadelphia at 1:30 p.m. today and immediately went into a meeting with Vice President of Talent Relations John Laurinaitis.


Following the meeting, Mr. Laurinaitis told WWE.com that Rob Van Dam and Sabu will be eligible to compete tonight on RAW and tomorrow night at ECW on Sci Fi while an ongoing investigation is being conducted by World Wrestling Entertainment. The two men will be appearing in court Thursday morning at Ironton Municipal Court.


According to the Ironton Tribune, Rob Van Dam and Sabu were pulled over on U.S. 52, near Patrick Street in Hanging Rock, Oh. at about 10:15 p.m. Sunday night. The two were apparently driving from their performances at the Big Sandy Superstore Arena earlier in the evening.


According to the Ohio State Police, as reported by the Ironton Tribune, Van Dam was initially stopped for speeding. When troopers approached his vehicle, they smelled marijuana and performed a search. Troopers found RVD in possession of 18 grams of marijuana and five Vicodin, prescription pain pills. Sabu was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia and also had nine pills that were not immediately identifiable, but were known to be controlled substances, according to the OSHP. Both were cited and posted bond at the scene.

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Not like Vince hasn't pushed a lot worse things under the rug.


...cough....Snuka's a murderer....cough


Also doesn't RVD make his residence out of California now, I mean since he has 5 star in Lomita and what not? If so, technically then the weed could be perscribed by his physician under Prop. 215 that was passed 2 years ago.


Edit: Since they have pictures of the tickets, this is starting to smell like a work.

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I all of a sudden have the ability to see into the future in regards to tomorrow's ECW on Sci-Fi show:


"Ladies and gentleman, the winner of this match and NEW WWE and ECW Champion, Edge!"

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Edit: Since they have pictures of the tickets, this is starting to smell like a work.


That's not a work you are smelling...

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Since they have pictures of the tickets, this is starting to smell like a work.

WWE.Com posted Marty Jannetty's mug shot when he was arrested in June 2005 for that domestic issue. They've done this before.


Since WWE are the employers of Van Dam and Sabu, they probably were faxed copies of the 5 tickets this morning.

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From WWE.com:




WWE investigating Rob Van Dam and Sabu charges

By Ed Williams III

July 3, 2006


In the wake of being faced with five violations, including drug possession, by the Ohio State Highway Patrol, WWE.com reports that Rob Van Dam and Sabu arrived at the Wachovia Center in Philadelphia at 1:30 p.m. today and immediately went into a meeting with Vice President of Talent Relations John Laurinaitis.


Following the meeting, Mr. Laurinaitis told WWE.com that Rob Van Dam and Sabu will be eligible to compete tonight on RAW and tomorrow night at ECW on Sci Fi while an ongoing investigation is being conducted by World Wrestling Entertainment. The two men will be appearing in court Thursday morning at Ironton Municipal Court.


According to the Ironton Tribune, Rob Van Dam and Sabu were pulled over on U.S. 52, near Patrick Street in Hanging Rock, Oh. at about 10:15 p.m. Sunday night. The two were apparently driving from their performances at the Big Sandy Superstore Arena earlier in the evening.


According to the Ohio State Police, as reported by the Ironton Tribune, Van Dam was initially stopped for speeding. When troopers approached his vehicle, they smelled marijuana and performed a search. Troopers found RVD in possession of 18 grams of marijuana and five Vicodin, prescription pain pills. Sabu was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia and also had nine pills that were not immediately identifiable, but were known to be controlled substances, according to the OSHP. Both were cited and posted bond at the scene.


Or to translate, we will job their asses out before telling them to hit the unemployment line.

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How much is 18 grams of marijuana? Ten bag, half nick, what?



A dime is 1 gram, I believe. So thus, they had more than an O on them.




IIRC, 18 grams is about 3/4 of an ounce, maybe a little less. I think 1 ounce is about 25 grams.

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RVD: "hey come on Vince, you make Vito where a tu-tu at the airport, I mean hey, I was just trying to stay kayfabe for all the fans"

Vince: "I see your point, your title reign shall continue"

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According to Online Conversion....


18 gram = 0.634 931 315 ounce


So 2/3 of an O.

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Odds are, nothing will happen to RVD and Sabu. If anything they'll just be fined and they'll pay it off. I can remember correctly, when WWE started enforcing the drug test, I believe if anyone got caught with weed in their system, WWE wouldn't have done anything. I can't remember where I read that, but I think it was posted somewhere on these boards...I think.


As far as the painkillers go....Vicodin? Thats nothing compared to a lot of stronger pills that are out there. I'm sure if Sabu had stronger pills, something worse would have happen.


Besides, it well known RVD smokes pot, who didn't know that?

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Da Meltz on WWE's reaction


It's a huge day today, and the arrest of Sabu and Rob Van Dam made things a lot more complicated. WWE is having closed door meetings probably at this moment to decide how to handle the situation. At this writing, no decisions have come out of the meetings. Obviously very touchy because suspending them both means risking the entire ECW concept and will leave people with a bad feeling that attend the house shows. But they can't afford to not take action either, and ultimately, I'm sure they will. WWE has decided to allow Sabu & Van Dam to wrestle tonight and tomorrow so they don't have to greatly rewrite television. WWE said they were conducting an investigation.

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If it's not roids, I wouldn't do anything harsh at this point. Maybe take away their pay for a week or something to look good in the media...then later down the line after ECW gets it's legs, kick them out for a month or have them go to rehab. The only thing the media will kill Vince on is steroids.


Of course ECW fans are net smarks who will know what happened and chant random crap about it during shows.

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so they don't have to greatly rewrite television. WWE said they were conducting an investigation.

Redo the DX skit from last week but this time have HHH as RVD and HBK pointing to the sky every 5 seconds as Sabu. In reality HHH is the whole fucking show...

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I don't think the media cares enough one way or another to make a big deal out of it unless it's steroids.


Shit, just about everyone in the NBA is stoned right now, at least half of the NFL is.

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so they don't have to greatly rewrite television. WWE said they were conducting an investigation.

Redo the DX skit from last week but this time have HHH as RVD and HBK pointing to the sky every 5 seconds as Sabu.



Except that would break the tradition of not acknowledging ECW on WWE TV sanz Jim Ross and Lawler. Hell I bet Triple H would think it is an insult to do a skit about RVD/Sabu.

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I still say nothing major happens, at least not until the "ECW" brand gets some legs and can avoid having to have RVD in the Main Event every week and Sabu opening the show every week.

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Anyone think WWE's reaction will just be a fine and they'll be done with it?

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I think the real issue here is that RVD was possibly driving while high. That's as bad as drunk driving.



As for potential punishments: They should be put on WWE's lamest show, full of zombies, fat strippers and vampires, a show which rapes the name of the old ECW, a show with little crowd reaction...Oh.




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Guest wildpegasus

Interetingly, Vince doesn't like the marijuana smoking to begin with so it'll be interesting to see if that influences his decision at all.


Was RVD driving while taking marijuana or did they just find it in the vehicle?

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Guest wildpegasus
I don't think the media cares enough one way or another to make a big deal out of it unless it's steroids.


Shit, just about everyone in the NBA is stoned right now, at least half of the NFL is.


Seriously? Because that would make the pot industry even bigger than its friend the ciggarette industry. That's sad if it is true but I don't think it's that high a percentage.

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