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Guest NYankees


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Guest Skironox
5 bucks? Where do you live? Mine was 8!

Heh, Bryan, Texas. Yeah, evening shows are a no no in my book. Having used to work at a theatre myself, I try to contribute as little cash as I can towards their gouging techniques.


There was a good crowd this show. Full house, no talkers, laughing at all the right moments. Only about 5 people dressed like pirates, though.

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And for anyone who dosen't know, Chow Yun Fat is playing the villian in part 3.


I expect him to become my favorite actor again when the third movie comes out.

But Jones is still alive.

I saw this today and it was pretty good. They easily could have cut out the whole island thing with the natives because it did really nothing to the plot. I might like this one better than the first but maybe that is because I've seen the first one so many times, I'm sick of it.

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This board sure is negative about movies.


About the ticket prices. The matinee where I live is like 6.50 or 7 bucks. I thought everything in Oklahoma was supposed to be cheap.

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Guest JumpinJackFlash

I think POTC DMC is the first movie I've seen in the theatre to have an ending that made me jump up, clap like crazy, and yell "FREAKING SWEET!"


Oh, and just wondering, how do you post the spoiler tags?

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I dunno if I was hugely negative but the problems I had with the film are the following:


1. The entire thing was simply too long for what it was. Let's face it, this isn't LOTR with 3 books and a staggering amount of pages. I think directors need to think more along the lines of "What can I cut out here to make it tighter and faster?" rather than "What else can I throw into it?"


2. As I said, Davy Jones and Co. were flat out sickening. I'm not sure what it was but the makeup on Jones and the crew was just cringe inducing. Barnacles growing out of the face, crab legs, it was grotesque to the extreme.


In the end I'll give it the Maltin special: **1/2.

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Guest NYankees
I dunno if I was hugely negative but the problems I had with the film are the following:



2. As I said, Davy Jones and Co. were flat out sickening. I'm not sure what it was but the makeup on Jones and the crew was just cringe inducing. Barnacles growing out of the face, crab legs, it was grotesque to the extreme.



Quit being a pussy, what are you 3 years old?

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The movie had a great musical score too.

And I thought some of the fighting was kind of crazy and out there

especially when they fought on the wheel. or the fact that keira knightly and the two bumbling fools were able to hold off all of davey jones men

But isn't that what a swashbuckling pic is all about? Crazy fights. That's why it's swashbuckling.

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Saw it last night at the theater. Now this theater is the one that used to rule town until a stadium style theater came in and took most of their business. But this one was cheaper so I went... and man was that place packed still. This movie has got everyone paying attention.


EDIT: Ok, apparently I can't make spoiler tags either. How?


Overall: I enjoyed the movie. Was a big fan of the first one, and this one didn't dissapoint me. I await the third one now with impatience.

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I liked it a lot but there just wasn't enough Depp doing anything. He just seemed to be going through the motions, course him going through the motions is better acting than the black hole of suck Orlando Bloom trying to act.


Part 3 is setting up to be a great finale to the series. Least that's where it should end but something tells me they will leave an open ended one like X-Men did as an option to keep things going.


It was easily worth the seven dollars I spent and every showing on Thursday, Friday and Saturday sold out around here. About 22 showings so not too shabby at all and the people leaving the film seemed extremely pleased with it.

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Do box office numbers count the "weekend" as friday/saturday/sunday? If they do, does that mean that POTC's number will go up again tonight before the final number is out tomorrow? Or is that 132 the final number?

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I think it's an estimate for now.


As far as being a pussy due to Davy Jones and his crew, let me clarify. I wasn't scared of them or anything like that, it was more like it just made me feel queasy after watching them for over 2 hours.

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After reading this thread, I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but exactly how important is it to watch the first one before seeing this??


I knew this was a popular franchise, but I was honestly never planning on seeing this till I saw what its making and I don't feel like being left out. Jesus Christ!

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After reading this thread, I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but exactly how important is it to watch the first one before seeing this??


I knew this was a popular franchise, but I was honestly never planning on seeing this till I saw what its making and I don't feel like being left out. Jesus Christ!


This movie is really a case where you need to watch the first one to understand exactly what the hell is going on and to understand the ending.


As for the Davy Jones crew, they were supposed to look disgusting. It was basically sailor purgatory for those who were afraid to be judged.

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Saw this last night and thought it was great although about 20 minutes too long. The ending was awesome and I really liked Davey Jones and his crew.

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That ending had me marking the fuck out. I litterally was yelling out loud.


You have to watch the first one to get the awesomeness of the twist.


The movie did drag (Island scene with the natives I'm looking at you) in parts, but even that had enough fun bits with the bumbling pirates to take off some of the edge. Also Jack's First Mate is gold.

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You probably could literally lift the whole thing with the natives right out and have a really taut and fantastic movie just under 2 hours. Still it was a great movie, I'm looking forward to seeing it again.

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After reading this thread, I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but exactly how important is it to watch the first one before seeing this??


I knew this was a popular franchise, but I was honestly never planning on seeing this till I saw what its making and I don't feel like being left out. Jesus Christ!


The first one is going to be on USA Network on Saturday Night.


And for the people asking about spoiler tags, put [spoilertag] [/spoilertag] around whatever you want to tag (except be sure to put spoiler instead of spoilertag).


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As a big fan of the ride, I was disappointed on the lack of scenes from the ride but the movie was awesome from start to finish anyways. I loved the ending, saw it coming when they showed him arriving. I'm just glad the next one is only a year away and not 3 years.

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As a big fan of the ride, I was disappointed on the lack of scenes from the ride but the movie was awesome from start to finish anyways. I loved the ending, saw it coming when they showed him arriving. I'm just glad the next one is only a year away and not 3 years.


The guy getting dipped in the well in Tortuga? The dog with the keys getting tempted with a bone (first movie)? All that it was missing was the really fat lady chasing a pirate.

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That's just how I pictured Chow Yun Fat looking in this film too, I love it

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Words cannot describe how altogether mediocre this movie was. Slow, convoluted plot that instead of being explained in the first five minutes is dragged out over 2 1/2 hours. Could've had a good half hour to forty mins trimmed from it. Too much CG. Unlikeable characters. Wow. I can't believe this is getting the praise it is.

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